Topic: Maxine Waters
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Mon 06/25/18 01:02 PM
A question best answered by contemplating a mirror.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 01:20 PM

if we are going to compare: This is what Trump has said

rump responded to a question about allegations that the protester had been "roughed up." The protester, Trump said, had been "so obnoxious and so loud ... maybe he should have been roughed up. Maybe he should have been roughed up. Because it was totally disgusting what he was doing."

Miss harmony, saying maybe somebody should be rough up vs telling people to rough that up is not the same thing

If I said maybe I should have shot that thug that punched that old lady in the face and she lost her vision vs "people find that thug and put several bullets in him"

which do you think would stand up in court if I was arrested?

The guards are very gentle with him. He’s walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing. I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you,"

same answer as above

"Get him out," Trump said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."

In the good old days this doesn't happen because they used to treat them very, very rough. And when they protested once, they would not do it again so easily. But today they walk in and they put their hand up and they put the wrong finger in the air at everybody. And they get away with murder, because we’ve become weak."

try not to hurt him is not the same as hurt him please or please beat his azz.

"Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long (to remove the protesters) is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore, right? And they're being politically correct the way they take them out. So it takes a little bit longer. And honestly, protesters they realize it -- they realize there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences. There are none anymore."

okay, and where does it say in the aforementioned quote to hurt someone ? I dont see it.

and this is what Maxine said:

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents," Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.

You dont see this as a problem? what right does she have to tell me people where not to eat, shop, get gas and tell them they are not welcome

Does she not realized that is what happened to black people in the south 60 years ago, it was wrong then and its wrong now

now nitpicking over calling for harassment or joking or encouraging violence can begin

both cross the line.

no, what Trump said didn't cross the line he did tell people do it, and if you cant see the difference well I cant help you

sounds like alot of excuses, the line Maxine crosssed encouragedg people to 'push back' which is not an explicit request for violence, but was was no better than the line of telling people to 'hit back' or talking about how people SHOULD be violent.

Im sorry you see a difference.

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 01:26 PM
facts are facts Miss Harmony

please dispute them

did trump tell people to do whatever you accused him of.

yes or no?

Rock's photo
Mon 06/25/18 01:38 PM
I saw the title...
And, frankly, was disappointed that
this isn't an obituary thread.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 02:06 PM

facts are facts Miss Harmony

please dispute them

did trump tell people to do whatever you accused him of.

yes or no?

are you nitpicking, yes or no?

"The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of."

"Get him out," he then said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."

but I guess thats STILL not as bad as 'If you see them push back"


msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 02:06 PM

facts are facts Miss Harmony

please dispute them

did trump tell people to do whatever you accused him of.

yes or no?

are you nitpicking, yes or no?

"The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of."

"Get him out," he then said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."

but I guess thats STILL not as bad as 'If you see them push back"


no photo
Mon 06/25/18 02:16 PM

are you nitpicking, yes or no?

"The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of."

"Get him out," he then said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."

but I guess thats STILL not as bad as 'If you see them push back"


nit picking how about basic comprehension of modern day english

how is "The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of " means the same as a command of " go hit the audience"

How is "Get him out," he then said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it." the same as
"go ahead and hurt him and if you do I will defend in court"

basic common sense

If I said on the forums " I'd like to hit comrade Yuschevich Viperovski , does that mean

"attention all forum people any one that hits comrade Yuschevich Viperovski you will get a reward" .

do you see the difference?

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 02:26 PM

are you nitpicking, yes or no?

"The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of."

"Get him out," he then said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."

but I guess thats STILL not as bad as 'If you see them push back"


nit picking how about basic comprehension of modern day english

how is "The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of " means the same as a command of " go hit the audience"

How is "Get him out," he then said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it." the same as
"go ahead and hurt him and if you do I will defend in court"

basic common sense

If I said on the forums " I'd like to hit comrade Yuschevich Viperovski , does that mean

"attention all forum people any one that hits comrade Yuschevich Viperovski you will get a reward" .

do you see the difference?

come on .... get serious.

The POTUS assured people at his rallies i f they HIT others and he would pay the expense.

he said we need more of people 'hitting back'

its not better or worse than saying people need to go out and 'push back'

its silly to even argue that either one is better or worse than the other..

Easttowest72's photo
Mon 06/25/18 02:28 PM
At least waters didn't tell them to burn down the white house after stealing the toilet paper. :joy:

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 02:45 PM

come on .... get serious.

The POTUS assured people at his rallies i f they HIT others and he would pay the expense.

he said we need more of people 'hitting back'

its not better or worse than saying people need to go out and 'push back'

its silly to even argue that either one is better or worse than the other..

yeah, people defending themselves from azzholes wanting to hit them, HIT BACK, nothing wrong with that.

I guess I read hit back vs hitting them or provoking them.

If someone is in my face at a rally sometimes you need to be physical , because bullies dont respond to verbal communication particularly when it comes to free speech.

I tell my niece all the time if a bully verbally abuses you , turn the other cheek but when they get physical then you hit back, if they are in your face and they dont respond to verbal communication you give them a smack or a kick in the nuts.

Bullies dont respond to verbal communication.

Ive read Trump's remarks and I know what he actually said, and I agree .

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 03:35 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 06/25/18 03:36 PM

come on .... get serious.

The POTUS assured people at his rallies i f they HIT others and he would pay the expense.

he said we need more of people 'hitting back'

its not better or worse than saying people need to go out and 'push back'

its silly to even argue that either one is better or worse than the other..

yeah, people defending themselves from azzholes wanting to hit them, HIT BACK, nothing wrong with that.

I guess I read hit back vs hitting them or provoking them.

If someone is in my face at a rally sometimes you need to be physical , because bullies dont respond to verbal communication particularly when it comes to free speech.

I tell my niece all the time if a bully verbally abuses you , turn the other cheek but when they get physical then you hit back, if they are in your face and they dont respond to verbal communication you give them a smack or a kick in the nuts.

Bullies dont respond to verbal communication.

Ive read Trump's remarks and I know what he actually said, and I agree .


no. He was encouraging violence for 'protesting'. HE was advocating for violence to quiet protestors.

so whats so different about 'pushing back' verbally against people who are protesting with their mouths on their public podium?

so its okay if someone may have committed violence earlier to shoot them dead

but its not okay if someone is spouting verbal offenses to later be verbally offensive to them?

its okay to advocate for roughing up loud and offensive people, but not okay to advocate for public verbal harassment of offensive policy makers?

nice double standards going on ...

if it was wrong for him to be encouraging violence upon others , its wrong for her to encourage harrasment of others ..

anything else is a double standard

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 03:47 PM


no. He was encouraging violence for 'protesting'. HE was advocating for violence to quiet protestors.

peaceful protestors at a Trump rally? surely you jest

so whats so different about 'pushing back' verbally against people who are protesting with their mouths on their public podium?

Leftist dont respond to verbal communication, they are always in your face preventing or attempting to silence a person speech they dont like

so its okay if someone may have committed violence earlier to shoot them dead

If they committed a felony with a gun and you are not sure if they will use it against you when confronted.

but its not okay if someone is spouting verbal offenses to later be verbally offensive to them?

tit for tat, but it also depends on the circumstances and venue

at a political rally you're there to support a candidate not shut down their free speech.

if someone is there for a venue that you dont like, you have to right to protest but not shut it down.

its okay to advocate for roughing up loud and offensive people, but not okay to advocate for public verbal harassment of offensive policy makers?

nice double standards going on ...
if you dont allow my right to free speech , I say so.

if it was wrong for him to be encouraging violence upon others , its wrong for her to encourage harrasment of others ..

anything else is a double standard

except there was no direct command ,if you cant see the difference well I dont know if you're playing games.

I dont think you're stupid.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 04:45 PM
Im not. Its silly to make all these excuses for the things Trump said that promoted or supported violence as an answer to anything non violent. PERIOD.

Im not silly enough to excuse anyone supporting the harassment of others, OR anyone promoting or supporting the use of VIOLENCE against non violence. Period.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/25/18 04:49 PM
Meh. It is all political theater. yawn

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 04:49 PM
that is your opinion and I dont share that opinion.

There are things Trump has said that I dont agree with, some of the stuff you've posted isn't one of them.

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 04:51 PM
Harmony gave herself away when she posted something from occupy democrats.

Viper, just another silly post from.... wherever.

Go there at your own risk.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 04:51 PM

Harmony gave herself away when she posted something from occupy democrats.

Viper, just another silly post from.... wherever.

Go there at your own risk.

does where it was from mean he didnt say it?


Easttowest72's photo
Mon 06/25/18 05:15 PM
I don't think most people will take a chance on ruining their business. If people harass others in public they can be arrested. I think it only made waters look bad. Like Trump said, low iq.

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 05:26 PM

Harmony gave herself away when she posted something from occupy democrats.

Viper, just another silly post from.... wherever.

Go there at your own risk.

You Trumpanzees are a real hoot..

I already said I would serve them...

Ala fight Club. Their food would be ... special. pitchfork

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/25/18 06:06 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 06/25/18 06:09 PM

She is winning republicans votes. I'm glad democrats are showing their true colors right before the election.

as much as Trump wins 'democrats votes' by showing his 'true colors'

people have their biases and find the candidate to reinforce them, rarely are they changing their mind about who they will or wont support.

in case you forgot why Trump won in the first place, it's because of the Democrats lies, not caring about the people, and the kind of foolishness m. Waters is showing can rag on Trump all you want, but it doesn't change the fact your party got him elected...