Topic: Really?
Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 06/24/18 11:25 AM

Nothing new here. There are establishments that use that platform to spread the personal views of the owners.

There is a luncheonette in Ca. Owned by Muslim extremists that refused to serve cops... then some folks went there and protested.. who did the Muslims extremists call... yep.. the cops.

Don't like them.. till you need them..hypocrites


no photo
Sun 06/24/18 11:32 AM
Somebody already said that..

no photo
Sun 06/24/18 11:57 AM

No. I do not support anyone refusing service to others for who they are or what they have done or if they like or support them.

so what should be done, should congress legislate all business serve people? should the attorney general go after the owner of the Red Hen for discriminating against someone practicing their first amendment rights?

It is discrimination right?

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/24/18 12:12 PM

No. I do not support anyone refusing service to others for who they are or what they have done or if they like or support them.

so what should be done, should congress legislate all business serve people? should the attorney general go after the owner of the Red Hen for discriminating against someone practicing their first amendment rights?

It is discrimination right?

all business receiving any public funds should have open door for the public, that should be legislated if not already.

completely private businesses should still have the discretion coming from being private.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 06/24/18 12:18 PM

If I own a business I get to say who I serve (do business with).
Its one of the perks of owning your own business.
If I don't want to see to you, provide my services to you, it doesn't matter why.
Go elsewhere because you can't get it from me.

Just because I sell widgets doesn't mean I have to sell widgets right now.
It doesn't mean I have to sell you widgets ever.
I'll sell my widgets to the people I want to sell my widgets to.
I don't care if you go away angry, just go away.

Granted, its not good business practices and you end up losing money (and customers) but if your beliefs are that strong, you may think the loss is acceptable.

In my small hometown I have seen signs in store windows that say
"No Hippies"
This is during the Vietnam Conflict.
The store owners chose not to serve people that did not support our police involvement.
A political stance that set their business model.

I remember hotels (we had an odd amount of hotels in town) that would only allow blacks to rent the top floor rooms. This is before central air conditioning.

Were these practices wrong? Perhaps, but it happened.

When I was in the service (stationed by Virginia Beach) there were bars that only served people in uniform and those with a uniformed escort.
There were also bars that wouldn't serve anyone in any uniform.

The private businesses do not fall under the same policies as the USPS.
The Post Office must deliver all mail no matter the individual preferences of the branch.
Private business is personal.

There are many franchises that have policies set by the franchise owner that allows them freedom of business.
Granted, you might lose your franchise license if you violate the corporation policies but you always have a choice.

Plus, it all works both ways.
If you choose not to buy widgets from a business based on that business's views or stance.
I know people right now that will not hire Mexicans for anything.
The will not use or buy any product from a Mexican owned store.
Its their choice.

Actually in some cities like Washington DC restaurants cant refuse service because of political affiliations....

no photo
Sun 06/24/18 01:04 PM

all business receiving any public funds should have open door for the public, that should be legislated if not already.

completely private businesses should still have the discretion coming from being private.

enough of the double bubble bumper talk, you didn't answer my question

Should the attorney general go after the owner of the Red Hen for discriminating against Mrs.Huckabee-Sanders and her family?

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/24/18 01:27 PM

all business receiving any public funds should have open door for the public, that should be legislated if not already.

completely private businesses should still have the discretion coming from being private.

enough of the double bubble bumper talk, you didn't answer my question

Should the attorney general go after the owner of the Red Hen for discriminating against Mrs.Huckabee-Sanders and her family?

If they feel they have a case, they should.

no photo
Sun 06/24/18 01:32 PM
Good lord frustrated

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 06/24/18 01:43 PM

Somebody already said that..

It's a Quote!whoa

Hezz5150's photo
Thu 06/28/18 10:35 AM

That certainly isn't anything new.
For as long as I can remember people have been shunned by their communities for their views and their actions.

Just because a business exists doesn't mean they must serve you, sell to you.

oh how true, and that is beauty of free markets , the market determines if you made the right decision.

Personally I think the restaurant has a right to refuse service to Mrs.Huckabee if it violates their policy.

Just like Mrs.Huckabee the classy lady that she is didn't make a stink about it.

Now if people avoid that restaurant because of the owner decision so be it, she could have made a stink and said the restaurant was discriminating against her beliefs as its her 1 st amendment right

So Democrats what is the difference between discriminating against a political party vs discriminating against a person for religious beliefs like not baking a cake for same sex wedding nuptials?

Please explain .

explanation; feelings/emotions are the priority at all times.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 06/28/18 10:43 AM
I think it backfired on the owner of the restaurant and she is being harrased now. On Facebook I've seen that the co owner is a registered sex offender. I'm not sure if that's true but it's getting her attention.

no photo
Thu 06/28/18 11:10 AM
I dont believe its true , its just people making up stuff about the woman.

I say let the free markets determine if Mrs.Wilkinson made the right move, if her business traffic goes down and she ends up closing shop, then she cannot blame Trump or the republicans for that, she has her self to blame.

I believe everyone is entitled to free speech and their opinions but when you involved your lively hood you are taking a chance

to that I say good luck chuck.

I know the next time I Visit D.C, I will not eat there.

no photo
Thu 06/28/18 04:35 PM

No. I do not support anyone refusing service to others for who they are or what they have done or if they like or support them.

so what should be done, should congress legislate all business serve people? should the attorney general go after the owner of the Red Hen for discriminating against someone practicing their first amendment rights?

It is discrimination right?


"freedom of speech" has NEVER equated to consequence free speech.

You have the right to call your boss a jerk to his face, that's your freedom in the United States.

He also has the "freedom" to fire you and show you the door.

Working for a dictator, does not fall into a protected class of people as defined by discrimination laws in the United States.

Which causes me to wonder, now that the Cow has Secret Service protection, will they have the legal authority to prevent someone from refusing to serve her?

no photo
Thu 06/28/18 04:53 PM
Edited by diserli_gears on Thu 06/28/18 05:34 PM

"freedom of speech" has NEVER equated to consequence free speech.

funny thing is all intelligent people knows this..... next

You have the right to call your boss a jerk to his face, that's your freedom in the United States.

you also have the right to call a police officer names too, and to tell the person working at the I.R.S they are fascists, but there are consequences

Working for a dictator, does not fall into a protected class of people as defined by discrimination laws in the United States.

Which causes me to wonder, now that the Cow has Secret Service protection, will they have the legal authority to prevent someone from refusing to serve her?

since there are no dictators in America your point is moot

BlakeIAM's photo
Thu 06/28/18 05:11 PM
Edited by BlakeIAM on Thu 06/28/18 05:12 PM

No. I do not support anyone refusing service to others for who they are or what they have done or if they like or support them.

so what should be done, should congress legislate all business serve people? should the attorney general go after the owner of the Red Hen for discriminating against someone practicing their first amendment rights?

It is discrimination right?


"freedom of speech" has NEVER equated to consequence free speech.

You have the right to call your boss a jerk to his face, that's your freedom in the United States.

He also has the "freedom" to fire you and show you the door.

Working for a dictator, does not fall into a protected class of people as defined by discrimination laws in the United States.

Which causes me to wonder, now that the Cow has Secret Service protection, will they have the legal authority to prevent someone from refusing to serve her?

You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart .
Why do you say hateful things so often?
Why do you get very extreme over small matters?

And , how in the world could you or anyone compare President Donald J. Trump to a dictator?

That is just obnoxious and unfounded.

no photo
Thu 06/28/18 05:34 PM
Him running his own cute little version of Korematsu might give some a clue..

no photo
Thu 06/28/18 07:36 PM

You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart .
Why do you say hateful things so often?
Why do you get very extreme over small matters?

And , how in the world could you or anyone compare President Donald J. Trump to a dictator?

That is just obnoxious and unfounded.

I think its hilarious that he thinks Trump is a dictator, meanwhile a democrat socialist beat out a sitting democrat ,but lets see how she does in November if her fairy tail ending comes to an end in the land of the dictator.

no photo
Thu 06/28/18 07:38 PM

You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart .
Why do you say hateful things so often?
Why do you get very extreme over small matters?

And , how in the world could you or anyone compare President Donald J. Trump to a dictator?

That is just obnoxious and unfounded.

I think its hilarious that he thinks Trump is a dictator, meanwhile a democrat socialist beat out a sitting democrat ,but lets see how she does in November if her fairy tail ending comes to an end in the land of the dictator.

"He just declared himself President For Life, perhaps I should try that." – – Donald J Trump speaking on the indefinite presidency of China.

Dictator much?

no photo
Thu 06/28/18 07:46 PM

"He just declared himself President For Life, perhaps I should try that." – – Donald J Trump speaking on the indefinite presidency of China.

Dictator much?

perhaps the constitution wouldn't allow it, even though Obama wanted that title too.

Perhaps Congress wouldn't allow it,oh wait they follow the constitution
Imagine that?


msharmony's photo
Thu 06/28/18 11:47 PM

"He just declared himself President For Life, perhaps I should try that." – – Donald J Trump speaking on the indefinite presidency of China.

Dictator much?

perhaps the constitution wouldn't allow it, even though Obama wanted that title too.

Perhaps Congress wouldn't allow it,oh wait they follow the constitution
Imagine that?


once again, when did Obama say or imply he wanted the title of President for life?