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Topic: Stormy Daniels
msharmony's photo
Tue 05/22/18 10:55 AM

I like to know why isnt Stormy the idiot porn star not indicted for extortion?

probably because it seems like more of a 'settlement' as long as noone can prove threats or force were used to obtain it....

also extortion would be hard to prove since she had already EXPOSED the affair in 2006. Trumps camp apparently came to her when he decided to run so she wouldnt EXPOSE it again ...

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 11:28 AM

Because, they want to her! (DOH)frustrated

If I offer you $1000 to get off this site and go back to school, should you be indicted for extortion?
I say if you offer me $1,000.00 to get off this site, you either have more money than brains or you're a stormy fan.

send the $1,000.00 to this site


You still dodged the question.

If you take the money, should you be indicted for extortion?

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/22/18 11:35 AM

Because, they want to her! (DOH)frustrated

If I offer you $1000 to get off this site and go back to school, should you be indicted for extortion?
I say if you offer me $1,000.00 to get off this site, you either have more money than brains or you're a stormy fan.

send the $1,000.00 to this site


You still dodged the question.

If you take the money, should you be indicted for extortion?

just an FYI:

the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

if there has been no force or threat, there is no extortion

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 12:12 PM

You still dodged the question.

If you take the money, should you be indicted for extortion?
I didn't dodge the question, you presented a supposition while trying to be a smart azz, how else am I going to respond to questions like that Viper?

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 12:54 PM

You still dodged the question.

If you take the money, should you be indicted for extortion?
I didn't dodge the question, you presented a supposition while trying to be a smart azz, how else am I going to respond to questions like that Viper?

With a "yes" or a "no".

She was approached by Donny, who was seeking to buy her off. At no point did she ever advertise her silence for sale.

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 12:57 PM
and you this how, because the honorable Stormy Daniels says so?

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 12:59 PM
No, I know this because Mikey Cohen said so.

And he would know..shades

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 01:22 PM

With a "yes" or a "no".

She was approached by Donny, who was seeking to buy her off. At no point did she ever advertise her silence for sale.

one would assume that if there was financial transaction that silence would be logically no?

I don't know the details of their relationship or one night stand nor do I care.

What Trump did in his private life is his business, he didn't do it as commander in chief and it appears it has not violated any campaign laws

and he has to answer to his wife for the discretion not the American People

And as for your question of "If I offer you a $1,000 to get off this site and something get an education" should I be charged with extortion?

and the two answers you provide is yes and no?

and my answer is...............

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/22/18 01:39 PM
who cares about stormy, I do wonder how we 'rank' lying

so some lies are worse than others, like lying about affairs under oath or just lying about affairs under pressure, arent both still lying though? do they both deserve the same stigma for lying about it or not?

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 01:42 PM
you guys obviously care about this porn star, she is a nobody

you guys are bringing it up because you hate Trump, Lord knows if it was Bill Clinton or Teddy Kennedy with Stormy you would have found ways of hushing it up.

Trump cant fart the wrong way and you guys want to crucify the guy.

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 02:30 PM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 05/22/18 02:32 PM

who cares about stormy, I do wonder how we 'rank' lying

so some lies are worse than others, like lying about affairs under oath or just lying about affairs under pressure, arent both still lying though? do they both deserve the same stigma for lying about it or not?

It's not just the lying, character matters. Integrity counts for something, at least those that haven't drank the Kool-Aid.

I changed someone's mind last week about voting for Donnie. They admitted that they voted for him the first time, but after considering the question I asked, they conceded they probably wouldn't vote for him again.

I asked him (and in front of his daughter): "with everything that you know about Donald Trump, would you trust him to pick up your 17-year-old daughter from cheerleading practice?"

He responded with a hearty "HELL NO!", As his kid was cracking up laughing. I said he should remember that when he steps into the voting booth.pitchfork

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 02:42 PM
laughing my azz off, if honesty and integrity were the key, Sanders would have been voted in , as he was the most honest of all the candidates

yet the voters voted for a dirtbag over a scumbag, by passing a libertarian, green party, independants and constitutional party and whoever else ran


no photo
Tue 05/22/18 03:44 PM
Since the founding of this country, no third party or independent candidate has ever won a presidential election.

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 04:13 PM

Since the founding of this country, no third party or independent candidate has ever won a presidential election.


George Washington, wasn’t affiliated with any party

John Adams represented the Federalist Party the only president.

William Henry Harrison, john Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore represented the Whig Party.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams represented the Democratic Republican party.

Andrew Jackson is the first Democrat President

Abe Lincoln the first Republican president and it’s been those two parties ever since.

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 05:35 PM

Lpdon's photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:44 PM

Do all politicians tell the truth really!

I don't condone outside affairs but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

Let them do a check on all in office now and see how many had an affair in their past or even going on now.

Before any man is POTUS it is his personal business, Relationships Before.

60 minutes will be Stormy's. Side! Big risk she said !

Not that interesting talk . IMO Host is helping her explain things.

Frankly, I don't think this really matters. We don't know what kind of agreements President Trump and his wife have inside the bedroom. There are many married couples that are open sexually to various scenarios.

The only time it become a problem is if President Trump lies under oath about it, and that is the only problem I had with the whole Clinton mess was committing perjury, a crime.

It's not surprising that a President has affair's. Its been happening for hundreds of years and it got more open when Roosevelt and Kennedy were blatant about it including Kennedy's skinny dipping and 3 somes with Fiddle and Faddle in the White House pool.

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:04 PM
A leading minister was caught in a compromising situation during the war, Winston Churchill was told of this, and informed it was to be in the press, the said incident occurred outside on one of the coldest nights of the year, below zero, Winston was reported as saying, it makes you proud to be British.

Should the playboy mansion build a wall?

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:35 PM

who cares about stormy, I do wonder how we 'rank' lying

so some lies are worse than others, like lying about affairs under oath or just lying about affairs under pressure, arent both still lying though? do they both deserve the same stigma for lying about it or not?

lying is ok as long as it's in favour of those who want to believe it!

And to bring up problem children, those who turn into shooters and bad parenting, what sort of role model is this behaviour setting?

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:39 PM
Goodbye Norma Jean

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 07:50 AM

Frankly, I don't think this really matters. We don't know what kind of agreements President Trump and his wife have inside the bedroom. There are many married couples that are open sexually to various scenarios.

The only time it become a problem is if President Trump lies under oath about it, and that is the only problem I had with the whole Clinton mess was committing perjury, a crime.

It's not surprising that a President has affair's. Its been happening for hundreds of years and it got more open when Roosevelt and Kennedy were blatant about it including Kennedy's skinny dipping and 3 somes with Fiddle and Faddle in the White House pool.

this +1 :thumbsup:

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