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Topic: can you describe God without sounding delusional
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Mon 12/03/07 03:56 PM

(So how did I do? Do I need medicating?) laugh laugh

more like you need detoxing

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 12/03/07 03:58 PM
yes robin since the ice pack isnt forth coming...laugh

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 03:58 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Which substances, shall I start with?

I dont drink alcohol, I dont do drugs, I dont eat meat, I dont have sex, what shall I detox from???

Give me a hint, please?

laugh laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:00 PM
Call me weird, I am starting to like the judgemental stuff that flows out of one's narrow mind...

Reminds me, I need to find my waders...

Now where did I leave them...was it in an evolution thread?


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:00 PM

since noone has never made a claim of seeing God or meeting God that wasn't deem as being certifiable then isn't it logical that God is just a happenstance of fantasy or delusion, this fact can be further proved when a believer attempt to describe God

so can anyone describe God without the description sounding like that of delusion or the person making the description sounding irrational

if you can not describe God without sounding delusional and yet insist on worshipping something unseen and incomprehensible that you can't even describe ... sounds delusional to me

first, define delusional.
second. we cannot describe God as we can desrcibe a person or a thing. To describe a person we need to see it, so we can describe it physically and perceive him/her through his/her actions. On the other hand God is an spiritual being who we just can feel. And the way each one uses to describe God is according to his/her personal experience.
I personally describe God as my Heavenly daddy.


no photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:02 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Which substances, shall I start with?

I dont drink alcohol, I dont do drugs, I dont eat meat, I dont have sex, what shall I detox from???

sugar products ....

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:02 PM
OK, here you go,…

She has long flowing black hair.

A big green eye.

She’s thin and wears a red bikini that exposes her tail.

She carries a trident in her left hand.

She surfs when she isn’t posting on the Internet.

She doesn’t play delusional guessing games.

And any mortal man that stuggests that she needs detoxing will suffer all of eternity in Playdough hell. laugh

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:02 PM

Call me weird, I am starting to like the judgemental stuff that flows out of one's narrow mind...

Reminds me, I need to find my waders...

Now where did I leave them...was it in an evolution thread?


You can borrow mine, I off to bed, so you are save for a couple of hourslaugh laugh :wink:

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:03 PM
Thankyou, Lovely...flowerforyou

I shall hose them off when I am done..:wink:

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:04 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Which substances, shall I start with?

I dont drink alcohol, I dont do drugs, I dont eat meat, I dont have sex, what shall I detox from???

sugar products ....


Onto it....

hahahahaha.... where's the playdough???

devil devil devil

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:04 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Which substances, shall I start with?

I dont drink alcohol, I dont do drugs, I dont eat meat, I dont have sex, what shall I detox from???

sugar products ....

Well my first suggestion would be to eat a lil red meat....then follow that with some sex......and see if that changes your narrow mindedness.......and the cranky that is you. I understand that you chase myths for a living but you need to get a grip....

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:04 PM
"Don't give me any of that intelligent life crap, just give me something I can blow up."

-Lt. Doolittle of Dark Star

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:08 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Which substances, shall I start with?

I dont drink alcohol, I dont do drugs, I dont eat meat, I dont have sex, what shall I detox from???

sugar products ....

Well my first suggestion would be to eat a lil red meat....then follow that with some sex......and see if that changes your narrow mindedness.......and the cranky that is you. I understand that you chase myths for a living but you need to get a grip....

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Feral flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:08 PM

first, define delusional.
second. we cannot describe God as we can desrcibe a person or a thing. To describe a person we need to see it, so we can describe it physically and perceive him/her through his/her actions. On the other hand God is an spiritual being who we just can feel. And the way each one uses to describe God is according to his/her personal experience.
I personally describe God as my Heavenly daddy.


if you just said that you can't describe God then how come you just contradict yourself by describing God as a spiritual being that you can feel ..explain how you would know that God is a spiritual being if you never seen God ..and that feeling you think is God may in fact be gas

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:13 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Which substances, shall I start with?

I dont drink alcohol, I dont do drugs, I dont eat meat, I dont have sex, what shall I detox from???

sugar products ....

Well my first suggestion would be to eat a lil red meat....then follow that with some sex......and see if that changes your narrow mindedness.......and the cranky that is you. I understand that you chase myths for a living but you need to get a grip....

wow feralcatlady ..why you calling Jess narrowminded ..this thread was about her detoxing off sugar products or whatever..

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:16 PM

first, define delusional.
second. we cannot describe God as we can desrcibe a person or a thing. To describe a person we need to see it, so we can describe it physically and perceive him/her through his/her actions. On the other hand God is an spiritual being who we just can feel. And the way each one uses to describe God is according to his/her personal experience.
I personally describe God as my Heavenly daddy.


if you just said that you can't describe God then how come you just contradict yourself by describing God as a spiritual being that you can feel ..explain how you would know that God is a spiritual being if you never seen God ..and that feeling you think is God may in fact be gas

You my friend just answered your own question.
He is spiritual being for the fact that I can't see Him (or Her as some people like to refer to God).
How do you know that air exist if you can't see it, yet you know it's there. If not you would be dead or you would be some other class of being which does not need air to survive. Same happens with my Heavenly Dad. I can't see Him, but without Him I would die.


no photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:21 PM

You my friend just answered your own question.
He is spiritual being for the fact that I can't see Him (or Her as some people like to refer to God).

no i asked you to explain since you can't see God then how do you know he is there ...please don't say you had a feeling because that may be a tapeworm

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:24 PM

You my friend just answered your own question.
He is spiritual being for the fact that I can't see Him (or Her as some people like to refer to God).

no i asked you to explain since you can't see God then how do you know he is there ...please don't say you had a feeling because that may be a tapeworm

Sir please read the entire post. It's already explained.
Please refer to the section of my post in which I made the analogy with the air.

Totage's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:25 PM
You don't that is why faith is so important, you can't see God, but you can feel God in your heart. But, how can you tell if it is really God or not? By faith

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:25 PM
*** Hands Miguel, Andrea's hip waders***

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