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Topic: The Wall
Robxbox73's photo
Sun 01/28/18 09:06 PM
You sound like a biased and whiney democrat. Why can't you face the fact that the corruption of the DNC, has left the party..ruined.

Try this...unless your a bot..
My country is America...
I pleadge allegiance to the flag..
Of the United States of America...
And to the Republic, for which it stands..
One Nation, under GOD indivisable with Liberty and justice for all.
You see...a real American can understand to keep Illegal imigration down we need the wall.
Leftist can only argue like puppy dogs chasing their tales, because in 2020, Demoncrats have no representitive....Oh, wait what ABOUT Bernie Sanders??? Oh right...the DNC screwed him too...Thank YOU Debbie Wasserman Shultz..

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/28/18 09:13 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 01/28/18 09:15 PM
You see...a real American can understand to keep Illegal imigration down we need the wall.

I do not know if there was any question of 'needing' a wall, but rather a question about the POTUS claim on who would PAY for the wall.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/29/18 04:56 AM

You see...a real American can understand to keep Illegal imigration down we need the wall.

I do not know if there was any question of 'needing' a wall, but rather a question about the POTUS claim on who would PAY for the wall.

he's already raised tariffs on Mexican imports, and did something about American products being made there...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/29/18 04:58 AM

Please we are talking about the Wall not who is running for President. Read the topic and contribute logically.
why is the wall a problem for you?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/29/18 05:10 AM
We should build one at the Canadian border as well, the socialist Canadians are sneaky...

no photo
Mon 01/29/18 06:16 AM
Dumb libs think that illegals are going to be their new voter base. What
libs can't or don't understand is that illegals coming here are voting
with their feet. They are escaping from corruption, crime, no jobs, the
very things that liberal policies promote and fester. Do you really think
illegals once here will vote for that? I don't think so.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 01/29/18 06:57 AM
If ya gunna build a wall, do it right.

Make it
1 mile wide
1,000 feet deep
15 stories high

Put a no-man's land death zone on the border side and a highway on the nation side.
Build communities for the work force

Make it a 200 year mega project

Inside the wall could be
schools and universities
prisons and rehabs
Factories and warehouses
Greenhouses with produce packaging
The front end could be community supporting facilities and establishements.
The only breaks are huge check point gates with INS and security stations.
There could be high spped mag-lev trains in the center that provides cheap coast to coast travel.
Lets put an array of solar panels on top to assist with power.

Lets drive sensor spikes an additional 200 feet into the ground.
Automated sentry machine guns covering no-mans land

Then at the border, lets erect a chain link fence so they can think about trying.
Lets do it at the Canadian border too.

no photo
Mon 01/29/18 07:34 AM
People are getting hung up on " the wall"

The problem of a wide open boarder which we have, is the overall issue. For too many years it has been a entry point for illegals. Border police and surveillance is clearly not enough as seen with the amount of Illegals from Mexico in our country.... clearly.

And now it is finally being addressed

So if not a wall.. then what?

And if not now, then when?

We can't just stuck our heads in the sand anymore

I for one are happy it is being addressed in earnest.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/29/18 08:24 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 01/29/18 08:28 AM

You see...a real American can understand to keep Illegal imigration down we need the wall.

I do not know if there was any question of 'needing' a wall, but rather a question about the POTUS claim on who would PAY for the wall.

he's already raised tariffs on Mexican imports, and did something about American products being made there...

From Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2017/01/27/memo-to-trump-20-mexican-import-tariff-means-americans-pay-for-the-wall/#af8e2a55a08a

So, at the moment, Mexican widgets (the all purpose word economists use to mean "something but we don't want to confuse people by saying steel, or cars, or oil" - although it also has a technical meaning of a prize or a toy in a packet of potato chips or crisps) cost $100. We add 20% in import duty and now they cost $120. OK, so, now American consumers must pay $120 for their widgets. See, it's the Americans paying the import tariff.

Sure, sales of Mexican widgets in the U.S. will fall and this will hurt profits and incomes in Mexico. But of course no money is raised in import tariffs from the reduction in imports, is it? The cash that is paid in tariffs, whatever that amount is going to be (hey, it might even be zero, the price rise being enough to entirely stop imports), is going to be paid by American consumers.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 01/29/18 08:43 AM
Edited by soufiehere on Mon 01/29/18 08:44 AM

no photo
Mon 01/29/18 09:02 AM

If ya gunna build a wall, do it right.

Make it
1 mile wide
1,000 feet deep
15 stories high

Put a no-man's land death zone on the border side and a highway on the nation side.
Build communities for the work force

Make it a 200 year mega project

Inside the wall could be
schools and universities
prisons and rehabs
Factories and warehouses
Greenhouses with produce packaging
The front end could be community supporting facilities and establishements.
The only breaks are huge check point gates with INS and security stations.
There could be high spped mag-lev trains in the center that provides cheap coast to coast travel.
Lets put an array of solar panels on top to assist with power.

Lets drive sensor spikes an additional 200 feet into the ground.
Automated sentry machine guns covering no-mans land

Then at the border, lets erect a chain link fence so they can think about trying.
Lets do it at the Canadian border too.

Sensor spikes? How bout a mine field?whoa

no photo
Mon 01/29/18 09:06 AM

If ya gunna build a wall, do it right.

Make it
1 mile wide
1,000 feet deep
15 stories high

Put a no-man's land death zone on the border side and a highway on the nation side.
Build communities for the work force

Make it a 200 year mega project

Inside the wall could be
schools and universities
prisons and rehabs
Factories and warehouses
Greenhouses with produce packaging
The front end could be community supporting facilities and establishements.
The only breaks are huge check point gates with INS and security stations.
There could be high spped mag-lev trains in the center that provides cheap coast to coast travel.
Lets put an array of solar panels on top to assist with power.

Lets drive sensor spikes an additional 200 feet into the ground.
Automated sentry machine guns covering no-mans land

Then at the border, lets erect a chain link fence so they can think about trying.
Lets do it at the Canadian border too.

Sensor spikes? How bout a mine field?whoa

no need to hurt them. How about a mine field of those blue bags of dye. The ones the bank use when they get robbed. That stuff never comes off.

Maybe not... they could say its a new tattoo fade.

no photo
Mon 01/29/18 09:48 AM
Oh gawd plz do... We're sick & tired of your riff raff coming up here.

What is it with you people, They all look like Moe surprised

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/29/18 09:52 AM

Oh gawd plz do... We're sick & tired of your riff raff coming up here.

What is it with you people, They all look like Moe surprised
damn good looking crowd... But you can keep your Justin Bieber's, we don't need them

no photo
Mon 01/29/18 04:31 PM

Oh gawd plz do... We're sick & tired of your riff raff coming up here.

What is it with you people, They all look like Moe surprised

Just throw the Molson beer over the wall.. o.k.

We can make some big bucks on this.........

no photo
Tue 01/30/18 02:58 PM
The nectar of Canadian gods, Molson, we need to feed a pipeline under the wall... With Trumps blessing of course $$$ smokin

Robxbox73's photo
Tue 01/30/18 03:25 PM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Tue 01/30/18 03:26 PM
Well the first version of the wall was built her in ElPaso in 2010 even with obama oposing it...Our border incursions have droped 90%...


Later we can build a Canadian wall to keep those socialist cuk holsters in the great WHITE NORTH.

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