Topic: Women do not really Want MR Right
Dragoness's photo
Sat 12/01/07 06:58 PM
Every woman is different so they cannot be lumped into one catagory. Plus, there are women who have issues that cause them to be attracted to jerks. They suffer in this situation, it is actually a sad thing.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:02 PM
My Mrs. Right would probably drive me nuts because she'd be "right" all the time.

all I could retort *snivelingly* "Yeeeeesssss Deeeaaaar MmHmmm, You're right Dear."

:wink: it's bound to happen though

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:04 PM
Women can't have mr right because my girlfriend already has him

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:08 PM
Women want a man who is sensitive, considerate, with a fine sense of style, and an eager ear

but most of those guys already have boyfriends

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:09 PM
Jist...I think it's on purpose, more women for them

That shouldn't be an issue.. I tend to only occupy one at a time.

this stinks, I want mr. right, but I would say that I am the kind of girl that always screws up and ends up with mr jerk or mr addicted to drugs... My idea of mr right is intellegent, techno-geeky, has a job, etc...some of my girlfriends laugh at my "type" of guy, but to each their own, right?

Well here's a twist for ya.

"mr jerk or mr addicted to drugs..." That would be a fair assesment of me at a relatively distant part of my life.

"intellegent, techno-geeky, has a job, etc..." is a fair description of me now.

The funny thing is.. none of us are single dimensional.

No matter what philosophical base you happen to subscribe to... Much of the posts in here are discussing in black and white what black and white can't possibly describe.

Human nature does not work that way.

So unless we are discussing (Excuse the blasphemous example, for those religious types that accidentally found themselves reading this) Jesus's and Mary's dating issues, because they keep ending up with One of Satan's minions... or any other of an infinite number of Good Vs. Evil examples, we can see in our world, myth or legends... We all have the capacity for both good and evil, and I see people interchange them all the time, me included.

mry's photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:10 PM
I want Mr. Rollinthehay! laugh

kytrailrider's photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:11 PM
mr right for sombody. hope im found to be mr right not just mr right now

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:15 PM
glasses I'm "Mr. Right On" when I'm feelin funky freshglasses

thunderbear1967's photo
Sat 12/01/07 10:50 PM
To clear this up i hope, we are programed yes we men and women to just seek out the pretty people we see it every where on tv billboards magazines we are tempted with looks, we have forgotten about whats inside each one of us when people meet it is about the physical and not what is in the heart or mind only later do you find out and by then the relationship is over because you were simply not compatiable. If we spent more time chosing our mate like we do chosing cloths or cars then we most likely would not be discusing this as well we would not be on jsh. Again my opinion

kimbermay's photo
Sat 12/01/07 11:52 PM

Well here's a twist for ya.

"mr jerk or mr addicted to drugs..." That would be a fair assesment of me at a relatively distant part of my life.

"intellegent, techno-geeky, has a job, etc..." is a fair description of me now.

The funny thing is.. none of us are single dimensional.
We all have the capacity for both good and evil, and I see people interchange them all the time, me included.

That is sooo true! I look back on all that has gone on in my life and I had some tough times was a real bad girl in my early 20's and then again had some real good is both the good and the bad that has made me the person I am today.

which I hope is rather well balanced and flirting with neutrality rather then good or evil bigsmile

TheiaLynn's photo
Sun 12/02/07 12:07 AM
Only problem i see here is Mr wrong acting lik eMr right till he gets what he wants then becoming a idiot and hurting feelings of others. Is chivalry dead or just mortaly wounded?

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 12/02/07 12:09 AM
Your insight is only surpassed by your beauty...
Here...let me get that door for you.happy

TheiaLynn's photo
Sun 12/02/07 12:10 AM
ty for the compliment and sure you may open the door for me anytime hun.

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:17 AM
Edited by Jistme on Sun 12/02/07 08:18 AM

Only problem i see here is Mr wrong acting lik eMr right till he gets what he wants then becoming a idiot and hurting feelings of others. Is chivalry dead or just mortaly wounded?

That is one way to look at it.

Another way is.
Either you consider yourself above human nature and really don't have a bad side, never made mistakes at someone elses expense, completely selfless, wholesome and perfect in every way, or I am subhuman along with everyone else that has made mistakes and changed their behavior accordingly, in their lifetime...

If either of those is of luck with that outlook.

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:23 AM

I'm not looking for Mr. Right, I am hoping for Mr. Right For Me

Geez, look at that, being even MORE picky! Not only would Mr Right not do, she wants Mr. Right For Me!! :tongue:

I should just give up now! these women are way out of my league! flowerforyou laugh


Sun 12/02/07 08:27 AM
Hello all. Here's my take on the subject. All of us women have different opinions of 'MR. RIGHT". My "MR. RIGHT". may be different than yours. We are all looking for different types of men. Personally, there isn't just one "MR. RIGHT". out there. It's to each his/her own. I'm just looking for a nice, decent, respectable man. Someone who is on the same page as I am. Not looking for a GQ model or "MR. PERFECT". No such man exists. Just keeping it real and putting in my 2 cents worth. flowerforyou

Gustava's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:35 AM
There is no such thing as Mr./Ms. Right. To believe in perfection is not fair to you or your potential mate(s) and only serves to set you up for failure and disillusionment.

The great Will Shakespeare says, "...Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud;/Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,/
And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud...."

blankpage's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:42 AM
WE all make bad choices and it's live and learn. Sometimes you fall for people for all the wrong reasons. Some women do like the bad boys.
Personally, I do want a nice guy. Im not into abusive jerks or selfish guys.
You will find someone for you if you look around. I believe that there is someone for everyone.

Christine_a_bean's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:49 AM
What is with all of the mr. right, mr. perfect, miss right etc? they do not exsist so stop dreaming and come back to reality. if thats what you want you will never find it. you are expecting someone to be above human. EVERYONE has flaws. thats what makes us different, but it also makes us beautiful. appreciate the little things, know when someone isn't treating you right, and just have fun.

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:53 AM
I think he might just mean,,,HIS FIT, like FEELS like the ONE..

But I have lived to be happy and have fun in life, but.
To be hurt and hurt again,,,,is to REALLY WANT,,,
THE BEST ""CLICK"" you can have with another..

And the older we get the more WE FEEL we need THAT!:heart: