Topic: . A better civilization | |
Well, what you are describing really is essentially communism, in terms of the ideals. Everyone working for the sake of each other,rather than just for themselves, as in capitalism. And the logistics involved with seeing to everyone and balancing efforts intelligently are identical. The reason why that kind of communist/socialist state has yet to have succeeded, in my opinion, isn't because the logic of utilizing resources that was was a bad idea. The reason all of the ones we've seen have failed, is because the power structure of the state was not designed to put knowledgeable competent people in charge of appropriate decision making. In what became the USSR in particular, the characteristics used to select people for positions of power were based around blind dedication to naive attacks on the old regime, rather than on genuine ability to do the job they were assigned. It was identical,ironically, to the biggest problem we have in our own politically driven government: people are too often chosen to fill jobs in US administrations, based on their party loyalty, and "political dues paid" to whoever wins the actual elections. The reason why the US occasionally ends up with good people in charge, has less to do with the political way jobs are assigned, than to the fact that most people (save the ones like Trump) only come to be in a position to GET those jobs,after they've had enough political AND practical experience in other offices, to come to the attention of the voters. As to the overall "assignment" here: The number one lesson that I have gleaned from a life time studying human systems of self-organization, is that shortcuts are always a disaster. What I mean by "shortcuts," is any attempt to get masses of humans to behave as though they are collectively WISE, or CARING, or in any other way IDEAL, that relies on force of government. In my view, every form of oppression we have seen, at it's base, was driven by it's originators and leaders trying to take a quick road to SOMETHING. One classic example that we are seeing yet again in the US, is the ancient idea that the ideal of national unity can be achieved by FORCING everyone to perform "patriotic" rituals of various kinds. Most Empires were built directly to try to take a short-cut to thoroughly coordinated, low cost free trade. Genocide is an attempt to take a short cut to cultural unity. State sponsorship or support for your "favorite" religion is an attempt to take a short road to emotional unity, by forcing everyone to pretend to believe, with the assumption that once everyone is doing the prayers and obeying the rule sets, that they will come to love the religion personally. Having sorted through thousands of years of such shortcuts, I have concluded that none of them work. It seems to be in the nature of earth critters, that gaining power rapidly ALWAYS results in that power being used to pursue the short-sighted often childish goals that inspire the individuals who end up in charge. The one thing I haven't seen tried anywhere, is to build a society with universal comprehensive education of all citizens, at it's core. It's education, genuine education, not indoctrination, that results in individuals gaining the insight that has to be there, before they can even TRY to live up to any positive ideals. So write me up a Constitution that requires that every person be taught how things work, including how businesses do and don't work, how manufacturing does and doesn't work, how TEACHING does and doesn't work, and so on. Then have the patience to see how things turnout as a result. |
Major decisions would be put to a vote thanks to the use of the internet... local governments would govern themselves....
.. again in this Utopia fantasy.. no one gets anything more than the other person.. . Really no need for power struggles... ... if you get too big for your britches.. Power hungry... so to speak.. as an example.. You either repent.. and ask for forgiveness from your brothers and sisters... and if they do not forgive you you are put to death.. clean quiet resolution.. send a message to everyone.. work together.. for the betterment of each other...... if not get off the |
Major decisions would be put to a vote thanks to the use of the internet... local governments would govern themselves.... .. again in this Utopia fantasy.. no one gets anything more than the other person.. . Really no need for power struggles... ... if you get too big for your britches.. Power hungry... so to speak.. as an example.. You either repent.. and ask for forgiveness from your brothers and sisters... and if they do not forgive you you are put to death.. clean quiet resolution.. send a message to everyone.. work together.. for the betterment of each other...... if not get off the I would like to smoke weed all day and do nothing... The person next to me hates weed and laziness... So much for both our Utopias... |
Now how do deal with Law and Order
Well.. stealing would be gone Because if you need anything you just walk into the store or and pick up what you need.. again bearing in mind no waist.. only take what you need.. That's what the cash register people are there for..Lol.. their job is to make sure.. There isn't.. any hoarding.. so let's give everybody a debit card.. it keeps track of their usage.. a tally of what they've acquired so to speak .. inventory control... Again break the laws punishment is Swift.. and deadly.....Yes sounds harsh... you cannot allow greed Self Indulgence.. to ever take hold again.. after a few Generations.. it would just become.. instilled into people.. do for the betterment of your brothers and sisters.. Murder crimes of passion... Well a lot of that.. some of it originates out of greed.... so crimes of greed such as murder for greed would disappear.. Crimes of passion..well . I would like to think in a society that only wants the best for their brothers and sisters.. in that Society .. if you broke up with someone you would wish them happiness.. and I hope they find the person they should be with..... But yes there would still be need for Law and Order.... violent crimes..hmmm... Well I don't have all the answers..Lol.. but I'm sure it's such a society... people would get the help they need.... |
Major decisions would be put to a vote thanks to the use of the internet... local governments would govern themselves.... .. again in this Utopia fantasy.. no one gets anything more than the other person.. . Really no need for power struggles... ... if you get too big for your britches.. Power hungry... so to speak.. as an example.. You either repent.. and ask for forgiveness from your brothers and sisters... and if they do not forgive you you are put to death.. clean quiet resolution.. send a message to everyone.. work together.. for the betterment of each other...... if not get off the I would like to smoke weed all day and do nothing... The person next to me hates weed and laziness... So much for both our Utopias... |
.. the pot smoker and the person that does not like pot.. coexist today...
Nothing would really change.... I believe in this Society this fictional Society.. social issues would not really be a problem.. there would be a better understanding on why people do what they do... |
I suppose one would have to become part of the collective ..the Borg or a colony of leaf cutter ants,yea like that type of unity could ever exist when some are lucky enough to find their own arse in order to wipe it...and in my opinion no Blondey I would not let you rule because the next thing you know you would get the men thinking about tear away panties or some chit and that would be the end of that... ![]() |
Seems everything I read on this topic has something to do with greed and/or power.
All I'm saying is that if the human equation can surpass innate greed and power desire, things would be very different. This is why I believe the change could not happen to this present world culture. We are preset to greed and power from centuries of them being motivating factors of societies. The pristine culture might have unity and resourcefulness as a motivating factor. As those centuries pass, the contrast of difference would result in a completely different culture. So different it would be alien to our thought patterns. Without that preconditioning of inherited society even baseline desires would be different. "Change all the monkeys at the same time". What most people see is political changes in personnel but fail to see the preconditioning established by past participants. The same goes for individual mindsets. Murder, rape, stealing, etc; are concepts that are perpetuated by the family and society. A pristine group could even attempt such a change, if it were isolated from the preconditioned concepts. The Amazonian tribes, Outback aborigines, Inuit tribes were close to unity preconditioning until foreigners broke the concepts. Huts did not have locks on the doors, some didn't even have doors. One group freely gathered food for the society, another group processed and prepared that food. These small cultures still had power and greed but they had a greater degree of unity until foreigners came in and changed them. The pristine culture may not have a need for advanced technology. Just think about the reason why we have the things we have. A lot of those things are not required for life. They make life easier and more comfortable but they are not required as a life support function. I'm not saying a culture without greed and power cannot have technology, I'm saying that culture may take a unity path to technology. Which could look very different to the technology we see around us. Practical based instead of comfort based. If they were to examine our culture it might look very alien to them. They might think we are insane for our culture. Star Trek's Ferengi had a culture based on profit and the shows featuring them revealed an alien culture that seemed like insanity (I don't agree with the writer's concept of the Ferengi because it lacked exampling of realistic differences, "shallow writing"). I use them as an example because the concept was presented (even if it was lazy writing)for consideration. I'm not sure (I'm not Japanese) but I have seen it presented that Japan has a unified educational culture. Greed and power are still driving factors but personal discipline is highly valued. There is not many people that can grasp the concept of unity without greed or power. The concepts are too deeply rooted in our culture. |
Major decisions would be put to a vote thanks to the use of the internet... local governments would govern themselves.... .. again in this Utopia fantasy.. no one gets anything more than the other person.. . Really no need for power struggles... ... if you get too big for your britches.. Power hungry... so to speak.. as an example.. You either repent.. and ask for forgiveness from your brothers and sisters... and if they do not forgive you you are put to death.. clean quiet resolution.. send a message to everyone.. work together.. for the betterment of each other...... if not get off the I would like to smoke weed all day and do nothing... The person next to me hates weed and laziness... So much for both our Utopias... |
Major decisions would be put to a vote thanks to the use of the internet... local governments would govern themselves.... .. again in this Utopia fantasy.. no one gets anything more than the other person.. . Really no need for power struggles... ... if you get too big for your britches.. Power hungry... so to speak.. as an example.. You either repent.. and ask for forgiveness from your brothers and sisters... and if they do not forgive you you are put to death.. clean quiet resolution.. send a message to everyone.. work together.. for the betterment of each other...... if not get off the I would like to smoke weed all day and do nothing... The person next to me hates weed and laziness... So much for both our Utopias... Change your ways..... are pack a bag and get off the planet...Lol.. |
Yes sometimes you have to sacrifice the few... for the betterment of the many..
It would be a harsh reality... but you could not let such propaganda.. such selfish thinking.. flourish... yes yes this Society encourages each person to be individual.. To think deeper thoughts.. to spread your wings and fly so to speak... have freedom of speech... by all means....but always.. Keep your brothers and sisters in mind . Because what's best for them is best for you... so just get |
Edited by
Tue 11/28/17 11:51 AM
Seems everything I read on this topic has something to do with greed and/or power. All I'm saying is that if the human equation can surpass innate greed and power desire, things would be very different. This is why I believe the change could not happen to this present world culture. We are preset to greed and power from centuries of them being motivating factors of societies. The pristine culture might have unity and resourcefulness as a motivating factor. As those centuries pass, the contrast of difference would result in a completely different culture. So different it would be alien to our thought patterns. Without that preconditioning of inherited society even baseline desires would be different. "Change all the monkeys at the same time". What most people see is political changes in personnel but fail to see the preconditioning established by past participants. The same goes for individual mindsets. Murder, rape, stealing, etc; are concepts that are perpetuated by the family and society. A pristine group could even attempt such a change, if it were isolated from the preconditioned concepts. The Amazonian tribes, Outback aborigines, Inuit tribes were close to unity preconditioning until foreigners broke the concepts. Huts did not have locks on the doors, some didn't even have doors. One group freely gathered food for the society, another group processed and prepared that food. These small cultures still had power and greed but they had a greater degree of unity until foreigners came in and changed them. The pristine culture may not have a need for advanced technology. Just think about the reason why we have the things we have. A lot of those things are not required for life. They make life easier and more comfortable but they are not required as a life support function. I'm not saying a culture without greed and power cannot have technology, I'm saying that culture may take a unity path to technology. Which could look very different to the technology we see around us. Practical based instead of comfort based. If they were to examine our culture it might look very alien to them. They might think we are insane for our culture. Star Trek's Ferengi had a culture based on profit and the shows featuring them revealed an alien culture that seemed like insanity (I don't agree with the writer's concept of the Ferengi because it lacked exampling of realistic differences, "shallow writing"). I use them as an example because the concept was presented (even if it was lazy writing)for consideration. I'm not sure (I'm not Japanese) but I have seen it presented that Japan has a unified educational culture. Greed and power are still driving factors but personal discipline is highly valued. There is not many people that can grasp the concept of unity without greed or power. The concepts are too deeply rooted in our culture. If no action is taken things stay the same.. . It's the desire the hope of something better.. then what is in front of you today.. Step forward.. yes there will be many painful steps.. stumbling and falling down.. But your brothers and sisters will be there side by side forging this new Society based.. on the desire to uplift each other's life's.. to do better to be better.. for each other.. so so we may never go back.. To keeping our heads down and not caring about our brothers and sisters... and only thinking of ourselves.. and how we can better Only Our own Lives... because look around you!..what has that gotten any of us.. Look at the state or world is in.. Do you really want your children and children's grandchildren.. climbing over each other just to get to the top...?.. . Wouldn't it be better if they help each other get there together..? |
One thing I have learned from science fiction is that there can never be a perfect utopia or perfect dystopia in our human culture.
There will always be a contrast that breaks the condition. In the movie Serenity, it explored the concept of an induced utopia that resulted in stagnation and death. The people just laid down and died. In the TV Show: Stargate Atlantis, the regulars came across a functional utopia set and maintained by an advanced alien. Perhaps the closest depiction of a utopian example I have ever seen. There were however, dystopian ramifications implied to make the show "believable" for human consideration. I mean, the producers needed the fans to identify with it so they could make money off it. Utopian principles are not hard to imagine but they are very hard to accept. Because we don't think along those lines. Doubt, rejection, ridicule, shame, blame and more negative inclinations, all affect human ability to embrace those unified concepts. Its a standard of our lives. Fight or flight responses baseline in fear of the unknown. We don't understand the nature of the Universe we exist within. Fight or flight is the baseline, natural way we deal with the unknown. Lightning strikes a tree and sets it afire. Caveman Bob sees this and goes to investigate. He touches the fire and it burns him. He runs away screaming. Then one day, Caveman Bob overcomes that fear. He picks up a burning branch and doesn't get burned. He carefully carries it back to his cave and figures out that he can catch other things on fire with it. He burns is cave mate and Caveman Jim runs away screaming. Caveman Bob figures out he can use this fire as a way to get other cavemen away from things he wants all to himself. Power and Greed is discovered. Caveman John sees this and wants Caveman Bob's fire. Competition is invented from power and greed. Susan is financially stable. Susan gives to charities because she wants to help others that are less fortunate than her. She gets enjoyment from helping others. This is an act of greed on Susan's part. She is greedy for the enjoyment she gets when she helps others. We don't associate her actions with greed but greed is the motivator. In a perfect unity, there are no acts of charity. There are no assessments of worthiness. In a pristine unity, there isn't even an idea of the concept to make those determinations because the mind doesn't function with those parameters. |
but a change must come.
We don't live in a static Universe. Society is ever-changing. We are a trial and error species. This is because we don't understand ourselves or the world we live in as much as we think. We are locked in baseline concepts and merely seek different ways to cope. There are many, many good things in our lives and new things are constantly evolving. Granted, we are currently stagnated in some concepts but we are making progress towards unity in others. Right now, the monsters have control of the playing field. We are slowly discovering this and a change is taking place to remove the monsters from the power zone. It is a slow change, but you can see it now because of the shift to global communication and the ability to function with a rational mindset. The Society Delusion is changing to different delusional mindsets. So far, the monsters have been able to keep up with this change in rationality. But, they are fighting a losing battle. People are getting smarter. The ruse that worked to keep the populace under their control in the past doesn't work well anymore. The fact that people are aware of and watching for the monster's injustices is proof they are losing control. It is also proof that their new ruses are not working as intended. You look at nearly any social media site and you can read/see that people are getting fed up. Societal change happens gradually at first and snowballs as it gains acceptance. Either the monsters will devise a method to restore their power or society will snowball into a revolution. The ball is rolling right now. It is gaining size and momentum. The changes are happening but they are not yet fully formed and in the spotlight. |
There could be a society with a value survey to find out what people essentially value, and in what priority (eg. Education, natural resources, the honor code of a society, freedoms, having an environment that is conducive to people benefitting themselves and others, and the benefit of the plants, animals, and noncitizens, etc.). Then have a process of governance and civil works that anyone can plug in to, like research, design, review, delegation, and execution. Each survey would be weighted equally. If people care about other people they can put that in the survey. People may have distinct individual values that can be taken care of, but the common values would also be taken care of in the collective works. Plans would be evaluated based on how much they would achieve the survey-determined values.
Now the society would ideally be small so that things don't get too complicated, and so people can come and go as they like so that it ends up as a group of like-minded or resourcefully different citizens that are compatible. After the society forms it could inhabit a deserted town, renovate the abandoned historic buildings, farm the surrounding countryside, and work with the natural areas in accordance with the values. People could go there to get dates. Could be made of folks from mingle. |
Edited by
Thu 03/08/18 09:17 AM
Because disputes would periodically come up, there would need to be someone to make the final judgement as a ruler. I think Blondey would be the best at that.
It is impossible for men to make a better civilization because they have too many flaws. Men are human and humans have acts of the flesh.
It is impossible for men to make a better civilization because they have too many flaws. Men are human and humans have acts of the flesh. Yep! And what are women? |
This is all just speculation, not even a proposition and goes without saying that it’s nothing compared to heaven.
Toody has powerful emotional whiplash. So strong; she could set the tude for the town. We would be invincible. |
Village based agrarian societies existed for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, then a couple of hundred years ago or so, instead of having small local skirmishes, the bankers and industrialists invented industrial wars which were very profitable to them, causing massive and irreversible environmental damage.
From at least the Nepoleanic wars onwards, bankers supporting industrialists have manipulated societies, and governments, to maintain their profitability and control with no regard for the planet's natural environments, or the stable enduring traditional agrarian societies which cared for the natural environments that they depended on. After the wars ended, the weapons industries were converted to make consumer products, continuing to cause massive and irreversible environmental damage. Advertising created a market for these previously un-needed products. Now chemicals, plastics, and landfill waste dumps full of consumer products are destroying nature, killing off the biodiversity we, and the other animals on this planet need to stay healthy and alive. We didn't need most of this pollution creating junk 100 years ago. Now the world economy is reliant on people having dead end jobs, to get money, to buy stuff they don't really need, to keep the economies going, to maintain / create new dead end jobs, causing more problems. It is madness, and a race to catastrophy; all so you can have the latest television, game, or mobile phone etc. A person growing their own food to survive on their own land will look after their land and soil and water. A corporation does whatever it can get away with to maintain profitability, with no regard or concern for the resources they use or the mess they leave behind, unless it impacts on its bottom line. We can individually make a stand and not purchase pollution creating products. Use natural fibres which don't create micro plastics, instead of synthetics, as much as possible. Use string, bags instead of plastic bags. Use any technology until it is rendered unuseable, then recycle it, instead of getting the latest version just because you can. Get a job not for just the money, but also its moral values and environmental impact. Understand the difference between growth sustainability, profit sustainability, and environmental sustainability. Your hobbies, pass times, and recreation can make a difference. Anything with motors, engines, fuels, batteries, and disposable components is damaging your world, so try downgrading to less polluting and less expensive fun; lose the drag racer or speed boat, and try cycling or hiking; build toys from wood again instead of plastic; if it needs batteries, leave it on the shelf; pots and pans work well, forget the bread maker, rice boiler, and all those other kitchen gadgets which go to landfill after the warranty expires. Basically - Don't buy garbage. A network of complementary village systems will be more people and nature friendly than tower blocks and massive factories. People will know eachother, keeping crime to a minimum. People will have to live where their garbage is produced and dealt with - no more trucking it interstate, or dumping at sea. Don't be blackmailed by governments and corporations going on about jobs and job losses; they don't care about you or your jobs, only the revenue they create. There is no top down leadership because they are all addicted to greed and control, we have to save ourselves and the planet from the bottom up, and drag those bankers and industrialists kicking and screaming, back to planet death reality. If you ![]() ![]() ![]() |