Topic: . A better civilization | |
Village based agrarian societies existed for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, then a couple of hundred years ago or so, instead of having small local skirmishes, the bankers and industrialists invented industrial wars which were very profitable to them, causing massive and irreversible environmental damage. From at least the Nepoleanic wars onwards, bankers supporting industrialists have manipulated societies, and governments, to maintain their profitability and control with no regard for the planet's natural environments, or the stable enduring traditional agrarian societies which cared for the natural environments that they depended on. After the wars ended, the weapons industries were converted to make consumer products, continuing to cause massive and irreversible environmental damage. Advertising created a market for these previously un-needed products. Now chemicals, plastics, and landfill waste dumps full of consumer products are destroying nature, killing off the biodiversity we, and the other animals on this planet need to stay healthy and alive. We didn't need most of this pollution creating junk 100 years ago. Now the world economy is reliant on people having dead end jobs, to get money, to buy stuff they don't really need, to keep the economies going, to maintain / create new dead end jobs, causing more problems. It is madness, and a race to catastrophy; all so you can have the latest television, game, or mobile phone etc. A person growing their own food to survive on their own land will look after their land and soil and water. A corporation does whatever it can get away with to maintain profitability, with no regard or concern for the resources they use or the mess they leave behind, unless it impacts on its bottom line. We can individually make a stand and not purchase pollution creating products. Use natural fibres which don't create micro plastics, instead of synthetics, as much as possible. Use string, bags instead of plastic bags. Use any technology until it is rendered unuseable, then recycle it, instead of getting the latest version just because you can. Get a job not for just the money, but also its moral values and environmental impact. Understand the difference between growth sustainability, profit sustainability, and environmental sustainability. Your hobbies, pass times, and recreation can make a difference. Anything with motors, engines, fuels, batteries, and disposable components is damaging your world, so try downgrading to less polluting and less expensive fun; lose the drag racer or speed boat, and try cycling or hiking; build toys from wood again instead of plastic; if it needs batteries, leave it on the shelf; pots and pans work well, forget the bread maker, rice boiler, and all those other kitchen gadgets which go to landfill after the warranty expires. Basically - Don't buy garbage. A network of complementary village systems will be more people and nature friendly than tower blocks and massive factories. People will know eachother, keeping crime to a minimum. People will have to live where their garbage is produced and dealt with - no more trucking it interstate, or dumping at sea. Don't be blackmailed by governments and corporations going on about jobs and job losses; they don't care about you or your jobs, only the revenue they create. There is no top down leadership because they are all addicted to greed and control, we have to save ourselves and the planet from the bottom up, and drag those bankers and industrialists kicking and screaming, back to planet death reality. If you ![]() ![]() ![]() I like this ![]() |
Don't just hole up in the house, dig holes in the garden and lawns, plant fruit trees and food crops, make useful handicrafts from natural materials, network with neighbours to fill gaps in the local supply of goods and services.
Instead of going to the mall, go to the local producer's cooperative. Consumers have the power of the $$$, to deny profit to the unworthy, and send it to the needy, your local community. ![]() |
Don't just hole up in the house, dig holes in the garden and lawns, plant fruit trees and food crops, make useful handicrafts from natural materials, network with neighbours to fill gaps in the local supply of goods and services. Instead of going to the mall, go to the local producer's cooperative. Consumers have the power of the $$$, to deny profit to the unworthy, and send it to the needy, your local community. ![]() I like your thinking, but stuff grows lousy anymore here and I'm not just saying that to be negative. They don't want us to be self sustainable. If you know what I mean. ![]() |
Wow!! I must have been smoking some really good weed when I made this topic LOL
Edited by
Mon 04/09/18 11:59 AM
Wow!! I must have been smoking some really good weed when I made this topic LOL see you know your on the right path... of growing your own ![]() I really wish it did work that way ... as all have said ... we all would be healthier and the environment to ... certainly not going to happen in my life time ... an as they brain wash the youth not sure they will understand ... how to go about making this earth and help people to survive ... and I am with you ... we could have all of the good things ... but has been out of our hands for so many life times ... It makes me ... angry and sad ... that I know more then I ever did now when I was young and just fighting for our troops to come home ... and equality and some much more now that has evolve ... before all of the greed an capitalism ... that this life has come to ... but if ever one could compromise except people for who they are ... and not denied them the basics ... for one clean water ... and so much more ... but have been said we are like mice squeaking in a avalanche ... but squeak we must... |
I'm TOTALY of the same opinion.
I'm TOTALY of the same opinion.
Wow!! I must have been smoking some really good weed when I made this topic LOL I totally agree with that! The "utopia" you describe is utterly unachievable. It is not greed nor government that is the problem(both are created by humans) rather it is because we are not robots who all need just the same EverReady battery to live. From the dawn of civilization before there was money or governments people traded or bartered for their existence. Maybe someone good at hunting would trade food for a chair or bed etc. But if you did not contribute or fend for yourself you died, there were no hand outs. In your dream world, what do you do with those that don't want to do anything except drink or do drugs? Those that don't want to contribute to the "community"? Because we are humans and not robots we have different dreams, expectations and interests of what we want for ourselves and family. One may be completely satisfied with an "allowance" of say one steak a week, where another may want more protein in their kids diet. This is not greed, just different preferences. As much as this dream state seems like a Utopia, it would invariably be a nightmare to most because your limits of thought, dreams and independence would be squashed. |
I like the way you think. Yes, normalized Greed has turned my country, USA, into a psychotic mess.
Sure, we can start to do this type of thing any time, from small beginnings. And every dollar you save from not buying instant garbage, you can put towards something more useful, or more long term, or having fun yourself.
To the nay sayers who suggest I'm on wacky tabbacy for dreaming of a sustainable earth biodiversity, your great grandparents would probably shake their heads at you for your acquiescence, and at the poisonous world we have all created. I'm no angel, I still use bad stuff like fuels, plastics, paints, electronics and lead, but I re-use and cut back, and plan to stop doing/using some things once current projects are finished, and materials used up. I can't really substitute steel bearings, modern adhesives are better than old ones, and a wooden bike would be too heavy to ride far, and modern medicine can do good things, and some of my garbage is not compostable or recyclable, so so I still 'need' to use modern technologies and systems, especially in the suburbs, but cut back where I can. Think Local, co-op, farmer's market, garage sale, etc. for what can be useful first, then use the supermarket and department store for the minimum. ![]() |
Haha haha good luck guys. Mankind is basically selfish and self centered and there will always be people who think they know what's best for everyone else, most of whom are narcissistic #%&** that take refuge in the fact that what they think is true and right. Other than that, great ideas! Good luck with getting the people in power to agree. Sorry I laughed but, well.............we will destroy ourselves before we care about each other. A man can dream though, a man can dream.
I suppose one would have to become part of the collective ..the Borg or a colony of leaf cutter ants,yea like that type of unity could ever exist when some are lucky enough to find their own arse in order to wipe it...and in my opinion no Blondey I would not let you rule because the next thing you know you would get the men thinking about tear away panties or some chit and that would be the end of that... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
No.1 you won't have any use for those bars of silver you have stashed away .. perhaps I can find a use for them
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Well if everyone has already given up on a better civilization in a practical sense, and it's all too hard,
![]() ![]() Isn't it funny that two world wars and many small wars were fought for 'freedom', and yet we are not really free to shape our culture to create a better world. ![]() |