Topic: . A better civilization | |
How would you make a better civilization than the one we have today..?
How would you deal with greed , crime. Environmental needs agricultural needs. Health and Wellness.. so on and so fourth.. There has to be a better way of doing things then the current way.... |
I would like to think that everyone would continue to do tomorrow what they're doing today.. if they knew.. that everything they need would be provided for them
Within reason though.. no one getting anything.. better than the next... a very standardized way of living.. but a very uplifting beautiful way of living.. The Best of the Best through ART and technology and science.... a society that wants only the best for their brothers and sisters always.. .. Now I'm not talking communism that does not work... I'm talking about your life requirements being taken care of.. in exchange for you looking after your brothers and sisters on this planet... so to speak... you don't do what you do for yourself you do it for the betterment of your brothers and sisters... If a job needs to be done it gets done for the betterment of everyone.... resources get managed properly... no need for 800 different styles of houses some so overwhelmingly large that you could probably build 4 houses from that one.... A resourceful Society.. would have dwellings suitable for one or two occupants.. based on square footage needs Then the next dwelling suitable for a family.. of.5. two parents three children.. .. now!! of course some people have more than three children... but if a dwelling is large enough to fit 5 people comfortably you can easily squeeze an extra two or three in there..Lol.. or perhaps think about birth control... point is make it work... Now when the children leave ..they start off in dwelling one.. then the parents downsize back to dwelling one.. basically recycling the dwellings over and over .. the difference in this scenario .. there would be people to maintain the dwellings.. keep them in Tip-Top shape. Cutting down on the need to continually make new buildings.. because the people maintaining the dwellings are contributing .. and for contributing they receive a dwelling as well... see where I'm going ....everyone contributes to the betterment of each other ..there for everyone gets looked after........ no need for wasted square footage... just because some people feel they need to have a ginormous house to live in.. that's wasteful.. a productive Society does not allow wastefulness.. and would not tolerate anyone that is wasteful.. or anyone that feels they need more than their brothers and sisters.. how to deal with those that do.. think and feel they need more than everyone else... now again I'm not talking just giving everyone the minimum.. I'm talking give everyone The Best of the Best.. that Science and Technology can.. offer... I'm talking about dwellings with beautiful finishes well thought-out... furniture and appliances.. that are comfortable beautiful and efficient... I'm talking uplifting environments.. that are sustainable... again it's having the mindset that everyone wants the best for their brothers and sisters... and those people that don't.. Death.. yes unfortunately or maybe recondition there thought process..Lol.. . The idea is to have a society.. that does not due for monetary reasons.. but the sole purpose of doing.. is for the betterment of themselves and each other..... and in that is truly the road to having a enlightened Society.. that can go beyond its own Stars.. How do we get there to this better Society.. we come together .. we all at the same time just simply stop serving greed..... we unite come together... The numbers are on our side.. will simply stop doing.. to make others rich.. and we start doing for each other... and yes some people are going to need to be reconditioned on how they think of things or how they think of only themselves... those same people have no problems keeping you in servitude for greed... give that some thought.. |
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Mon 11/27/17 10:27 AM
Think about a society.. without sickness..
Without poverty.... Science and Technology can cure most anything.. the problem is.. Greed.. in a true Society my Society..Lol.. .. we don't keep our people suffering with sickness just to make a profit... how long have they been searching for a cure for cancer.. how many of billions of dollars.. have been poured into that one hateful disease.. we all know there's a cure.. on a shelf somewhere... but then the few people benefiting from huge profits.. would no longer have more than the rest of you.. they don't want that to we all know it's true.. But yet.. it goes on day after day... .. a society based on the betterment of each other.. would have cured this already and shared it freely.. because once again everyone working on it would have their life needs.. meet... their their transportation.. clothing entertainment.. all would be provided for them... they just have to get up tomorrow and do what they did yesterday.. but instead of doing it for monetary reasons you're doing it for the betterment of each other.. |
. A society based on the betterment of each other.. encourages personal growth..
Making education free.. and freely accessible... think of a society that offers free education at a higher level.. think of how many people that are held back just because they could not secure the financing.. to gain the knowledge that would help Society.... think of how many people would benefit from a little extra.. schooling.. maybe take a course.. on physics. Or Pottery.. painting.... things that would make their life truly richer therefore making the life's.. of everyone around them richer as well... look at the advances you would have in science.. if you just didn't hold back those people that could make the difference just because they can't afford it... again the teachers teaching would still be teaching.. because their life needs would be met... contribute and you are looked after.. |
A Society based on the betterment of each other... would allow their brothers and sisters.. to find a way to contribute...
We all want to feel useful we all want to contribute in some way.... yes of course someone has to take the garbage to the dump.. someone has to clean the roads and maintain them... someone has to turn the valve and switch the switch on... well those people doing it now.. are doing it why..??... To make money to support their lifestyle..Ok.. keep doing what you're doing.. and your lifestyle gets provided for you.... but a much better uplifting lifestyle.. .. and if you don't wish to do what you're doing today tomorrow.. society allows you the opportunity to find what it is you truly would like to do... go back and get re-educated if that's what's required... Society will still provide for you while you're on that Journey... because somebody else out there probably wants to turn the valve and flip the switch.. could be there dream job.. .. and for those jobs that nobody really wants to do guess what Science and Technology would be free . To find an alternative... because there would not be a monetary cost placed on Discovery.... now of course resources have to be managed just can't use stuff up willy-nilly... some jobs just have to be done because they need to be done... for the betterment of your brothers and sisters . But you will be provided for . And appreciated for doing that job |
Now of course I'm talking on a global scale
. Everyone gets provided for every single person on this planet... no matter creed or religion.. Now.. if resources are being shared globally... really no pesky need for war... .. because we all know most conflicts are over power and money or resources.. .. but in a society that is working for the betterment of each other truly.... no need for conflict... |
Interesting topic ~ Kudos
I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy and this has been explored in those genres fairly well. I could cite any number of examples but, I'll give my personal views instead. Sad to say, it would need to start with some serious housecleaning. Basically, wipe civilization and the people off the planet. Now, before you start calling me a monster, consider if we ever advance far enough to settle a new planet from a colony ship where the original generation has long past and the settlers are embryo raised at the location by programmed health bots that is basically what happens. You now have a pristine world and a pristine population. The first thing that would be changed is the concept of ownership. Without ownership, greed has no roots. It doesn't take hold and there is no power struggles. A sense of Unity would be instituted. Not just unity of each other but unity with nature. There would be no marriages or families. The entire community would raise the children and people would mate as they wish. Since all will respect each other as persons, there would be no forced rapes or abuse. The power struggle will have been eradicated. As generations live and die the population will grow. Local resources will be used up. The populace could roam as a unit or split and form groups. This scenario seems alien because we have problems visualizing a world without greed and power struggles. That's why it wouldn't work on this planet with this population. Only by never experiencing ownership can greed be eradicated. Only by never experiencing power struggles can manipulation be eradicated. There is a potential for stagnation in this utopian scenario. Without greed or power there will be a decrease in the propensity for innovation. Some of the greatest works of art are also greed/power motivated. However, one influences the other. Stores have clerks that protect against theft. With no greed, there is no need to invent locks, no need for security measures and no person would be individually responsible. Community stores would be open to all. No accounting, no inventory, no pressure put to bear to maintain. You might say, that wouldn't work, you would run out of things and not have them when you need them. I don't believe that is true. The unity of the community would prevent it. Without greed, no person would need to hog anything. A lack of something would trigger a community effort to gather more, for everyone. With no power base, there would be no need for religions. Everyone would always be free to believe what they want and there would be no struggle to make someone believe as you do. But... No matter what methods are in place that work or don't work, it can't happen on this planet, at this time, with these people. We are already conditioned to greed and power. Our entire civilization is set up based on greed and power. It is nearly impossible to imagine a civilization that exists in total harmony. This is what gets me about people's ideas of aliens. We assign our fundamental greed and power to aliens. We think it is a natural state of being in the Universe because it is all we have ever experienced, all we ever known. What we tend to forget is that on this very planet right now, there are creatures that exist without the baseline greed and power struggles we experience. This fact tells me it is not a fundamental fact of life but merely a creation of the human experience. An alien species might have motivations more in common with the natural animals of this planet than with humans. I'm not saying to return to savages. I'm saying, create a new motivation of unity. A wolf will demonstrate power and greed as a natural (savage) motivation. We tamed that natural savagery out of the wolf and other animals by domestication. Those animals were not able to tame themselves, Humans have that capacity for self-domestication. It would be something we do ... On Purpose. |
Think about the logistics needed to move resources globally to ensure your brothers and sisters are looked after
.. now think of the pride you would take in helping to accomplish that... knowing that you are providing for your brothers and sisters... what a beautiful thought . Because guess what they're providing for you as well..... at the end of the day you need a society that. Is only concerned with the betterment of each other.. the uplifting of each other's lives... how do you achieve that you get rid of greed you get rid of monetary value... how to achieve that everyone wakes up tomorrow and does what they did today... but with the thought that we want to make our brothers and sisters life's.. better not harder..... do any of us want to make our brothers and sisters life's harder our children's lives Of course not.... so why wouldn't you want your brothers and sisters on this planet to have better lives.. and have them want you to have a better life...yup.. it's possible people... just ban together.... enough is enough.. change does not happen unless you make it happen... and if you don't this cycle of keeping each other down will continue.. but we all know we are being brainwashed to think that.... the people that pull the strings want to keep you just trying to survive.... well they grow fat off of you.. doesn't that make you upset |
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Mon 11/27/17 11:06 AM
I have an old website that I used to write my ideas at and I had an idea on electricity you might find interesting. Its just basically where I jotted down a few ideas.
MUL: Mean Usage Limit; Fixing Poverty Effects In this day and age we depend upon electricity for nearly everything we do.
Often we never even realize that we are using it until it is taken away. Society dictates that the average family unit must have electrical service in their homes. You children can even be removed from the home for failure to maintain a safe/suitable environment. Electrical utility supply companies that provide your home with electrical service are well established and often operate around the clock. Most homes already have electrical service installed and that service is usually controlled by your account standing and a meter at the home. Each community/area of service supplied with service has its mean usage of electricity. Grouped into two or three categories like Residential, Commercial and probably Electric Company usage. Of the categories available, this idea is for the Residential Service category which applies to personal living service that is shown to you as your monthly service bill. Service costs fluctuate with the seasons. The electric company tracks your usage monthly and determines estimates based on your usage patterns. Budget billing and deposits are often based upon a residents prior usage statistics. As a whole, These estimates can be used by the company to determine periods of high demand. Community/Service Area brownouts are often induced if demand exceeds estimates. Free Electrical Service Electricity has become a lifeblood service that is vital to everyone's needs. It is known by many entities as a requirement for household. The mean usage of each household often exceeds the household's mean income. Many factors control a household's usage including waste, aged buildings and inefficient appliances. It would be calculable by current electrical utility companies to establish the average community residential usage estimates for a given region. For some, it would be higher than normal but for others, Those living in older buildings, that average would be much lower. Establishing an average usage for communities and service regions could help people determine household costs when choosing to move. For those that are stuck within an area where housing is not state of the art, a baseline can be established for budgeting reasons. Using these averages, the electric utility could retrofit meters to existing systems to cut-off/Charge for service when the average usage limit is reached. Establishing a free buffer usage so all Americans can have electrical service. People that live in energy efficient homes, mind their electrical usage and control it can actually have electricity for free. The meter could be fitted with usage display, estimated usage at current use and cut-off estimates. This would allow the consumer (You & I) to estimate our usage for the month and determine when our usage needs to be curbed. This would also stop the service interruptions that result from exceedingly high bills. How It Could Work Existing Service The Electric Company retrofits the new meters to the homes. You are given instructions and estimates of your home's usage that includes the free buffer and costs of estimated usage based on the prior year. Each monthly billing period starts on the first of each month at 00:00 (midnight) Everyone would have electrical service at the beginning of each month and it continues to be free until the household usage reaches the established usage cut-off. At that point, Households that are in arrears for the prior billing period are cut-off until the balance is paid. Those households not in arrears continue to have electrical service as normal but are now being charged for their usage. Bills are sent out after the 1st of the month showing the KWH that is free and the KWH of usage beyond the buffer. The consumer has until the current month's usage reaches the cut-off to pay the bill. The cut-off meter is controlled remotely by the utility company thru the accounts payable program. Money received into the account is immediately recorded and the cut-off re-enabled electronically by the program. This would allow a kiosk system of payment for making payment after hours and online. The technology already exists for all of this to be possible. New Service Any 'New' service, be it a new home or new household moving into an existing home gets the Free Buffer for the established area. The first bill reflects the actual usage on the new service and shows the Free Buffer and the Overrun. Results of this System Implementing this system will have many results. Most of the results will be positive and traceable but some will be positive changes in lifestyle, attitudes and responsibility. A few that come to mind are: *Every household will have electricity at least during the Free Buffer every month if they pay their bills. *Household electrical service costs will diminish significantly from our current costs. *People will become aware of waste and make changes to their lifestyles to keep their bills low. *Appliance manufacturers will develop more energy efficient products to meet new demands. *Children will learn how to manage their energy footprint. *There will be less stress in the family unit over money issues *The system's success will lead to new utility models for Gas and Water. *The Elderly and Single Households will have more money for other living expenses. *No bill will get so high it is beyond a reasonable amount. All of this is actually doable right now. The Utility Companies are making money hand over fist and gain profit constantly. Utilities are community services that are in place for the benefit of the people. A shift in society thinking will be required that changes the goal of making money to providing a service. There doesn't need to be an offset for loss or an increase of rates to make this happen. At most there will be a decrease in profit margin. A community service like common utilities should not be making profit anyway. No taxes should be levied against the residential service consumers either and the utility company should only pay taxes on commercial accounts. Here is my site, its a forum with One Member...Me Feel free to join if you want but it doesn't really have an active discussions. Merely a place where I jot down my thoughts. |
Interesting topic ~ Kudos I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy and this has been explored in those genres fairly well. I could cite any number of examples but, I'll give my personal views instead. Sad to say, it would need to start with some serious housecleaning. Basically, wipe civilization and the people off the planet. Now, before you start calling me a monster, consider if we ever advance far enough to settle a new planet from a colony ship where the original generation has long past and the settlers are embryo raised at the location by programmed health bots that is basically what happens. You now have a pristine world and a pristine population. The first thing that would be changed is the concept of ownership. Without ownership, greed has no roots. It doesn't take hold and there is no power struggles. A sense of Unity would be instituted. Not just unity of each other but unity with nature. There would be no marriages or families. The entire community would raise the children and people would mate as they wish. Since all will respect each other as persons, there would be no forced rapes or abuse. The power struggle will have been eradicated. As generations live and die the population will grow. Local resources will be used up. The populace could roam as a unit or split and form groups. This scenario seems alien because we have problems visualizing a world without greed and power struggles. That's why it wouldn't work on this planet with this population. Only by never experiencing ownership can greed be eradicated. Only by never experiencing power struggles can manipulation be eradicated. There is a potential for stagnation in this utopian scenario. Without greed or power there will be a decrease in the propensity for innovation. Some of the greatest works of art are also greed/power motivated. However, one influences the other. Stores have clerks that protect against theft. With no greed, there is no need to invent locks, no need for security measures and no person would be individually responsible. Community stores would be open to all. No accounting, no inventory, no pressure put to bear to maintain. You might say, that wouldn't work, you would run out of things and not have them when you need them. I don't believe that is true. The unity of the community would prevent it. Without greed, no person would need to hog anything. A lack of something would trigger a community effort to gather more, for everyone. With no power base, there would be no need for religions. Everyone would always be free to believe what they want and there would be no struggle to make someone believe as you do. But... No matter what methods are in place that work or don't work, it can't happen on this planet, at this time, with these people. We are already conditioned to greed and power. Our entire civilization is set up based on greed and power. It is nearly impossible to imagine a civilization that exists in total harmony. This is what gets me about people's ideas of aliens. We assign our fundamental greed and power to aliens. We think it is a natural state of being in the Universe because it is all we have ever experienced, all we ever known. What we tend to forget is that on this very planet right now, there are creatures that exist without the baseline greed and power struggles we experience. This fact tells me it is not a fundamental fact of life but merely a creation of the human experience. An alien species might have motivations more in common with the natural animals of this planet than with humans. I'm not saying to return to savages. I'm saying, create a new motivation of unity. A wolf will demonstrate power and greed as a natural (savage) motivation. We tamed that natural savagery out of the wolf and other animals by domestication. Those animals were not able to tame themselves, Humans have that capacity for self-domestication. It would be something we do ... On Purpose. |
One of the biggest issues facing our society is greed... they've convinced all of you that you need some type of monetary.. Exchange... but do you?... if everyone just got up tomorrow and did what they did yesterday... but instead of getting a paycheck.. everything is provided for you..
Again within reason.. you receive x amount groceries.. x amount of fuel.. x amount of clothing.. and so on and so forth... . And every citizen gets 2 months out of the year to travel the globe freely.. which helps open up borders and understanding between cultures... |
Another that may or may not apply to your OP...
Biannual Community Cleanup Fair Twice a year the community hosts a fair for residents to participate in community-wide cleanup.
Held at an abandoned or little-used parking lot. Residents may bring their trash, yard wastes and unwanteds for free removal. Local roadsides and abandoned lots are cleaned. Eyesores are removed, abandoned derbis is collected and the streets are washed. Fields are trimmed and woods are thinned (Fire prevention) A community meeting is held at the close of the fair to discuss community appearance matters that need attention. Like Painting of bridges, removal of old abandoned buildings and issues relating to the community appearance karma. The local police and fire department assist in the activities. Funding drives are held. Local churches and social groups sponsor activities and booths to promote knowledge and community pride. The local waste removal company offers hauling services at a reduced price and provide dumpsters, trash cans and big roll off containers free of charge. Local businesses contribute to the funding and receieves a tax break on the money contributed. A flea Market type area is set up at no cost for people to sell their unwanteds. No charge for booths or spots. Only used items allowed - no professional seller booths permitted. The biannual dates will need to be flexible for weather purposes. Flyers and announcements will need to be in the community in advance and it will have to be well organized. The fire department could host a community bonfire that evening with local bands playing. There could be rides and games for the kids. Job fairs for community businesses seeking employees. Reality companies might use this opportunity to sponsor open house for properties for sale or rent. There could be a trash weigh-in where cleaning teams compete for cash prizes or trophies. There could be car wash races, Before and after photo galleries, Best of announcements and other competitions all resulting in community pride, cleanliness and social interest. Local schools could teach the importance of community and give children the opportunity to express their concerns and ideas for their communities. |
People are locked into a slow spiral of doom that dictates our daily lives so much that we have lost focus of
the things that make us happy. There are few things in our worlds that don't cost money. It seems that everything has a cost anymore. We have lost our ability to have values that don't have a dollar sign attached. Granted, There are gadgets and products that cost money to make but those costs are not what we pay. We pay for profit. We charge for profit. Our very lives revolve around making money or spending money. We gather up things to have and to hold then put them aside and they gather dust while we buy new things to take their place. We consume mass quantities of products that are not necessary to our well-being. Things that are good for us sometimes even cost us more money. Many people work because they need money. There are fewer and fewer people working because they love what they do. Nobody works because it is the right thing to do. A 'good' job is one that is financially rewarded not one that is vital to us. It is sad that the only time people can come together and work as a society is when a disaster strikes. Money thinking and profit drive must be eliminated for us to mature as a people. Society in its present form is doomed to collapse under its wealth driven premise. The change must come from us as individuals. We must move from profit driven motives to society driven motives. Value systems need to be rethought and reworked that reward people for doing the right thing. |
Edited by
Mon 11/27/17 11:26 AM
Yes yes basic services.. would be provided of course.. but think of a society where the houses are smart. The lights shut off on and on whenever someone's in the room..
Light pollution is kept to a minimum allowing citizens to see the universe from their backyard... this way it helps to keep people in touch with what's really important and remind them how small they really are... we all know what it feels like to go out camping and when you look up into the night sky and see the whole universe how good that makes you feel.. Imagine being able to see that from your backyard while living in the city .. all waste management needs are taken care of large or small of course free of charge.. there is no longer a need to pay for anything..... all societies issues could be addressed and solved.. no more monetary value put on anything.... but again no waste is tolerated... ever... |
Yes yes basic services.. would be provided of course.. but think of a society where the houses are smart. The lights shut off on and on whenever someone's in the room.. Light pollution is kept to a minimum allowing citizens to see the universe from their backyard... this way it helps to keep people in touch with what's really important and remind them how small they really are... we all know what it feels like to go out camping and when you look up into the night sky and see the whole universe how good that makes you feel.. Imagine being able to see that from your backyard while living in the city .. all waste management needs are taken care of large or small of course free of charge.. there is no longer a need to pay for anything..... all societies issues could be addressed and solved.. no more monetary value put on anything.... but again no waste is tolerated... ever... What really gets me, is that we have the technology to provide for the people on this planet. Greed is now limiting our society. Technology is no longer a unique concept. Manufacturing costs are getting cheaper, processes are getting more efficient but costs continue to rise from supply and demand. Basically, no matter what it actually costs to make something, they know that if it is popular, they can charge more money, make more profit so they can gather more wealth to sit on as a power influence. If production costs increase 1% they increase the retail by 25% and justify it by saying it costs more to make. What many fail to see is that it is a self-perpetuating cycle. Production costs go up because people need more money to live and demand higher wages so to pay the higher wages more money gets charged. |
Edited by
Mon 11/27/17 12:57 PM
Yes it's a never-ending cycle that they sell everyone.. look what a house cost 20 years ago.. $350,000 house was a big house a lot of house... today that same house $800.000..
Am I getting more house..nope.. am I getting more Landscaping.nope.. .. what I am getting is deeper in debt.. And that's right where they want to keep you.. in debt and in servitude to them.. .. you can't really blame the developer are the real estate Speculator... their brainwashed like everyone else .. buy more make more achieve more.. outrun your brother and sister... don't worry about taking from them... they can just work harder to afford it.... after all don't you deserve more than they do.. aren't you better than them..... and don't worry if they cant afford it.. will make sure they can get a loan from the bank... because after all they're there to help you... They're there to help everyone achieve their goal in life... be a good little consumer.. We are at Planet of nothing but consumers.. We get up work make money to buy things... to pay for our basic life requirements.. they raise the basic life requirement we have to work more.. to keep consuming.. production goes up good for them the powers-that-be.. this way we spend last time on ourselves.. less time thinking for ourselves.. because we're too busy working.. which is good because God forbid ..they wouldn't want you having a second to think about what you're doing |
To bad they cut Tessla off, free wireless electricity would be nice... But the government wouldn't stand for that crazy talk...
Of course get rid of greed profit.. a society based on . Goods for money..
That civilization would make great leaps in science and technology. How many people out there have great ideas but they just can't afford to buy the raw materials to even test their ideas out.. ... again resources need to be managed and not wasted.. but those that have to drive and sound Theory... should be allowed to explore to test to develop.. who knows somebody could discover how to make an actual hoverboard.. or a new type of engine.. so much creativity being held down... all for the Mighty Dollar |
Will there be fairies and magic in this new utopia .. ![]() And skin tight Lycra like Logan wore ![]() Will we need to wear shiny metal colanders to protect our brains from all the positive energy Will it be like heaven on earth ![]() ![]() Might be easier to take a colony of "perfect " genetically modified people to another planet .. and start again ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well, what you are describing really is essentially communism, in terms of the ideals. Everyone working for the sake of each other,rather than just for themselves, as in capitalism. And the logistics involved with seeing to everyone and balancing efforts intelligently are identical.
The reason why that kind of communist/socialist state has yet to have succeeded, in my opinion, isn't because the logic of utilizing resources that was was a bad idea. The reason all of the ones we've seen have failed, is because the power structure of the state was not designed to put knowledgeable competent people in charge of appropriate decision making. In what became the USSR in particular, the characteristics used to select people for positions of power were based around blind dedication to naive attacks on the old regime, rather than on genuine ability to do the job they were assigned. It was identical,ironically, to the biggest problem we have in our own politically driven government: people are too often chosen to fill jobs in US administrations, based on their party loyalty, and "political dues paid" to whoever wins the actual elections. The reason why the US occasionally ends up with good people in charge, has less to do with the political way jobs are assigned, than to the fact that most people (save the ones like Trump) only come to be in a position to GET those jobs,after they've had enough political AND practical experience in other offices, to come to the attention of the voters. As to the overall "assignment" here: The number one lesson that I have gleaned from a life time studying human systems of self-organization, is that shortcuts are always a disaster. What I mean by "shortcuts," is any attempt to get masses of humans to behave as though they are collectively WISE, or CARING, or in any other way IDEAL, that relies on force of government. In my view, every form of oppression we have seen, at it's base, was driven by it's originators and leaders trying to take a quick road to SOMETHING. One classic example that we are seeing yet again in the US, is the ancient idea that the ideal of national unity can be achieved by FORCING everyone to perform "patriotic" rituals of various kinds. Most Empires were built directly to try to take a short-cut to thoroughly coordinated, low cost free trade. Genocide is an attempt to take a short cut to cultural unity. State sponsorship or support for your "favorite" religion is an attempt to take a short road to emotional unity, by forcing everyone to pretend to believe, with the assumption that once everyone is doing the prayers and obeying the rule sets, that they will come to love the religion personally. Having sorted through thousands of years of such shortcuts, I have concluded that none of them work. It seems to be in the nature of earth critters, that gaining power rapidly ALWAYS results in that power being used to pursue the short-sighted often childish goals that inspire the individuals who end up in charge. The one thing I haven't seen tried anywhere, is to build a society with universal comprehensive education of all citizens, at it's core. It's education, genuine education, not indoctrination, that results in individuals gaining the insight that has to be there, before they can even TRY to live up to any positive ideals. So write me up a Constitution that requires that every person be taught how things work, including how businesses do and don't work, how manufacturing does and doesn't work, how TEACHING does and doesn't work, and so on. Then have the patience to see how things turnout as a result. |