Topic: Existentialism - care to take a stab
wouldee's photo
Thu 11/29/07 11:40 PM
Edited by wouldee on Thu 11/29/07 11:45 PM

Deep water is usually very clean and clear, but currents and light refresh it.

Like recycling newness and vitality.

I sympathize with the struggle of sub-cultural identity and gender equity .( the face of underprivelege in society ).

I grieve over the needs of the modern family as well.

Many times consensus , for harmonious equity within a society ,

demands an untenable compromise of values.

The consequences of any paradigm shift display stress on the balance of equity as a whole.

As much as my interest and passions can bear, I surmise for myself that the individual is the preference to be empowered by the whole.

A less is more philosophy regarding society itself.

Far too idealistc and quite an unrealistic model for society as a whole to consciously bear accountability and responsibility for collectively.

The elusive nature of human desires and ambitions embraced by all individuals cohesively with spontaneous cognizance is best quantified in my mind as a "mathematical impossibility".

This is the contemplation of a christian carpenter parent of mediocre pedigree living in dignity and in opposition to conservation and self preservation.

My credentials are flawlessly impaired.

The steps from elsewhere led here.

How fitting that I find familiarity with subcultural needs and desires.

The philosophies of astute minds with disciplined credibility wrestle with the tensions of living well.

The simple and the compromised wrestle with the tensions of living well.

All wrestle with the tensions of living well.

Perhaps in the end, living well is all there is.

Perhaps we live all to well and cannot comprehend not living well in America.

Class struggle engenders strife and rebellion.

Comfort engenders complacency.

The individual must never lose autonomy.

My thoughts , in general , may seem oversimplified.

respectfully , wouldee

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 11:49 AM
This can"t be the end of this post!!!

Some of the questions raised by Sarte and others, are at the very core of where 'thinking' stands today.

This quintessential accessing switch to 'saying' and 'shaping' our own essence, beyond plain existing. As Sarte put it: 'Existence always preceeding one essence, and one's essence, always requiring to be 'created' through each individual's willingness to risk 'not knowing'.

This inner fight between 'being attached' to what we know, or 'available' to the phenomenon of 'nothingness', or 'being in time', as Heidegger also coined it, is powerfully expressed thoughout the different 'religious' and 'current events' threads.

You've got the 'hesitant-on-the-fence' posters, the 'dogmatic-know-the-truth' posters, and the 'available-nothing-is-sure-not-even-that-probably' poters.

Forget it!!!

No possible consensus on whom belongs where. And that is not the point.

The point being, that these Existentialism and postmodernism currents are very much the water in which we, human fishes, swim.

This thead, and the cousin Nietzche thread, are very much an opportunity to explore our 'realities' without a net, so to speak.

By the way here is a thought on Sarte.

While he squarely contributed in defining and distinguishing powerful granularity in consciousness, he, IMO, betrayed is own vision and mission of 'being free of the known', by being more attached to 'being known' in the end.

Camus and Kristnamurti insisted in deconstructing their own myth, as they explored and shared powerful distinctions in the domain of 'being free from the known'.

In reading Camus and Krisnamurti, is very much being reminded of that: 'freeing the 'self' in you from the known', including the known your reading now!!!

In theirs, and IMO, it very well might be the only channel 'spirit' plays on, and where the universe is just that which it is, without any of our limiting and irrelevant human meaning.


The struggle, perceived as a threat by many, and the 'being available to somethong undefined (unknown)'is powerfully present and expressed by se two current of thinking are clearly eIt is the struggle expressed by tehin the very forums we post in

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 11:55 AM

... ignore the last separate paragraph at the bottom of the page!!!

I forgot to 'erase' it.


wouldee's photo
Sat 12/01/07 12:20 PM

I'm with you. 100%.

Philosophy is a magnificent stage for man to play on.

Existential thought is profoundly argumentative and that is a good thing. It stretches awareness of ones' surroundings.

It is an art and a science filled with creativity and expression.

The beauty is in the flaws discovered. Finding flaws is a loving embrace of all thought. Fascinating! Intriguing!
Deliberate! Attentive! Constructive!

Existentialism and Post Modernism reflect the thoughtfulness
of critical thinking and well intentioned discipline.

There is too much to share and contemplate to let it fade from our attention !!!!!!!

Redy!!!flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 12/01/07 12:51 PM
To me, philosophy is a quite interesting intellectual pursuit. We can attempt to construct basic ‘truths’ that seem to be apparent and try to move forward from there. Of course, ultimately we will also know that the basic ‘truths’ that we start will may very well be illusion. So it can never be more than a guessing game. It’s like pulling one’s self up by our boot straps. It’s basically an impossible goal.

Creating a God is really to do nothing more than to imagine something ‘other’ than ourselves which we can use to pull ourselves up with. However, this is to do nothing more than to create a make-belief foundation that simply isn’t questions. In short, creating a God within philosophy is to basically toss in the towel and admit defeat.

I think a lot of people do this, especially if they are into philosophy for the purpose of giving meaning to their lives. I have never viewed philosophy in this way. I don’t need to understand the true nature of my existence in order to give my life meaning. I’m quite happy with just being what I am. Knowledge of my true nature may very well ruin the mystery of life. Knowing all the answers leaves nothing to question.

Philosophy should always remain an interesting intellectual pursuit and never become a desperate attempt to give meaning to one’s life.

Rather than trying to figure out what is true, I’ve decided to take the opposite approach of trying to figure out what isn’t likely to be true. Based on this approach I can quickly rule out certain religious pictures of a God. Some of these ideas simply make no sense at all.

For example, imagine an all-powerful God that creates angels in a ‘perfect’ heaven. These angels have wings and can fly, so I’m guessing that there must be air in heaven, otherwise, why bother with wings?

As the story goes some of the angles were happy in this ‘perfect’ heaven. We already have a contradiction here because this ‘perfect’ heaven obviously wasn’t ‘perfect’ from everyone’s point of view. So the ‘perfect’ heaven becomes a place of imperfection and some of these angels fall from ‘grace’ whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean.

Ok fine, let’s pretend for a minute that this scenario is actually true. How do humans fit into this picture?

Well, it seems that this God who has already had one experiment go wrong decides now to create a physical world and mortal man (humans). Well, already we have a God who is moving backwards. He started out with a perfect heaven and winged flying angels and now he’s going to try a second experiment with mortal men who can’t fly. So he creates a universe with billions upon billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars and potentially billions of planets. All that just to create a place for his human pets. Either this God has so much power he just doesn’t know what to do with it all, or he just enjoys being extravagant.

So, ok, now God has created this second experiment which is a much lesser one than the first experiment, but it too goes awry. So much so that he has to dump water on the planet and drown out all but a few handful of humans and kill every animal on the planet as well, save for one pair of each species.

Well, doesn’t this sound a bit strange????

With his huge universe of billions upon billions of stars and planets he could have just taken the few good people and transported them to a new planet, leaving the bad people deserted on earth to their own fate. Whoever wrote this story simply wasn’t aware of the planets God has in his stockroom. laugh

The picture just doesn’t fly. Whoever made this story up must have really been desperate to give meaning to their lives. It’s just an offshoot of mankind’s desperate need to give meaning to a world that he doesn’t understand. Many people just accept this crazy story without really thinking about the implications. Such a “God” would really have to be pretty lame to behave in the manner that this story depicts.

From my point of view it’s purely a philosophical notion of man. We call it a ‘religion’ but in truth it’s just another philosophy and anyone who realizes that it’s philosophy would surely reject it in a heartbeat.

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:18 PM

To me, philosophy is a quite interesting intellectual pursuit. We can attempt to construct basic ‘truths’ that seem to be apparent and try to move forward from there. Of course, ultimately we will also know that the basic ‘truths’ that we start will may very well be illusion. So it can never be more I than a guessing game. It’s like pulling one’s self up by our boot straps. It’s basically an impossible goal.

Creating a God is really to do nothing more than to imagine something ‘other’ than ourselves which we can use to pull ourselves up with. However, this is to do nothing more than to create a make-belief foundation that simply isn’t questions. In short, creating a God within philosophy is to basically toss in the towel and admit defeat.

I think a lot of people do this, especially if they are into philosophy for the purpose of giving meaning to their lives. I have never viewed philosophy in this way. I don’t need to understand the true nature of my existence in order to give my life meaning. I’m quite happy with just being what I am. Knowledge of my true nature may very well ruin the mystery of life. Knowing all the answers leaves nothing to question.

Philosophy should always remain an interesting intellectual pursuit and never become a desperate attempt to give meaning to one’s life.

Rather than trying to figure out what is true, I’ve decided to take the opposite approach of trying to figure out what isn’t likely to be true. Based on this approach I can quickly rule out certain religious pictures of a God. Some of these ideas simply make no sense at all.

For example, imagine an all-powerful God that creates angels in a ‘perfect’ heaven. These angels have wings and can fly, so I’m guessing that there must be air in heaven, otherwise, why bother with wings?

As the story goes some of the angles were happy in this ‘perfect’ heaven. We already have a contradiction here because this ‘perfect’ heaven obviously wasn’t ‘perfect’ from everyone’s point of view. So the ‘perfect’ heaven becomes a place of imperfection and some of these angels fall from ‘grace’ whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean.

Ok fine, let’s pretend for a minute that this scenario is actually true. How do humans fit into this picture?

Well, it seems that this God who has already had one experiment go wrong decides now to create a physical world and mortal man (humans). Well, already we have a God who is moving backwards. He started out with a perfect heaven and winged flying angels and now he’s going to try a second experiment with mortal men who can’t fly. So he creates a universe with billions upon billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars and potentially billions of planets. All that just to create a place for his human pets. Either this God has so much power he just doesn’t know what to do with it all, or he just enjoys being extravagant.

So, ok, now God has created this second experiment which is a much lesser one than the first experiment, but it too goes awry. So much so that he has to dump water on the planet and drown out all but a few handful of humans and kill every animal on the planet as well, save for one pair of each species.

Well, doesn’t this sound a bit strange????

With his huge universe of billions upon billions of stars and planets he could have just taken the few good people and transported them to a new planet, leaving the bad people deserted on earth to their own fate. Whoever wrote this story simply wasn’t aware of the planets God has in his stockroom. laugh

The picture just doesn’t fly. Whoever made this story up must have really been desperate to give meaning to their lives. It’s just an offshoot of mankind’s desperate need to give meaning to a world that he doesn’t understand. Many people just accept this crazy story without really thinking about the implications. Such a “God” would really have to be pretty lame to behave in the manner that this story depicts.

From my point of view it’s purely a philosophical notion of man. We call it a ‘religion’ but in truth it’s just another philosophy and anyone who realizes that it’s philosophy would surely reject it in a heartbeat.

Of course philosophy is a wonderful thing. People should always want to learn abut the what's, why's, where's, and who's. That is what life is all about. Now you completely lost me at pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and not being able to
reach the ultimate goal.....I find rubbish at least for me.

God is my foundation yes.....but trust me I am not some weak lil imp who can't do for myself. And I think the basic thing that you miss abra is that I choose to live my life with God at the helm. It doesn't mean that I can't, it just means I choose to turn it over to him......which also doesn't mean that he is going to do whatever I think I want....nope....its his way, in his perfect time, and for his perfect reasons. But that also doesn't mean that I am not living MY life.......trying to understand what is "Life" all about....when you stop wondering that when I think it's sad.

You of course you can think heaven is anyway you wish....but for me heaven is the ultimate perfect place.....But, yes even in God's perfect place he had a few wild angels who thought that satan was the "dude" he was not and they all had to pay for their stupidity. Now when God created man it had nothing at all to do with the angels or heaven. This so to speak was a whole new ball of wax.

The transporting people to other planets just made me laugh too. So we wont go anywhere with that one....Giggle.

And the most beautiful part about the whole thing is that we are allowed to believe whatever we want....I want to believe in a divine power that put meaning to my life, my choices, my very being......where you don't.....which is fine and dandy.

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:35 PM

There are countless threads about YOU and your beliefs on this forum.

Would you be kind enough to write to the topic of this thread, and refrain from highjacking the topic toward your person.

We love you feral, but your demand for attention is getting to be dsitracting, and borders on ANNOYING!!!

Please, write to topic.

Thank you.

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:48 PM
I did and I will continue to do as such until this great land of ours is under dictatorship and I know longer have the right to speak as I choose. And my suggestion to you would be to not come in if it bothers you so.

God Bless you Voil and always remember

I :heart: U

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:50 PM
.....But, yes even in God's perfect place he had a few wild angels who thought that satan was the "dude" he was not and they all had to pay for their stupidity.

If a person is stupid it’s because they weren’t gifted with a good brain. Hardly their fault. So the idea of angels paying for stupidity is itself a rather lame idea.

If God wants people to think perfectly you’d think he’d give them perfect brains. Anything less would be his own failure.

The whole idea of imperfection coming into God’s perfect creations without God introducing it simply doesn’t fly. It's just more of the “want your cake and eat it too” syndrome.

The transporting people to other planets just made me laugh too. So we wont go anywhere with that one....Giggle.

Asking Noah and his sons to build a huge cargo ship so he can pour water on all the rest of creation makes more sense? Yeah right. I think I’ll have to giggle at that one myself. laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:50 PM
No what was stupid is satan thinking he could go against that's stupid...And the others that followed thinking that satan was God....that was stupid.

And hmmmmmmm

yes I would have to say God Flooding the world because man could not behave.....was right on.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 12/01/07 06:09 PM
yes I would have to say God Flooding the world because man could not behave.....was right on.

You’re one sick puppy. ohwell

If life is all about a poker game between God and Satan with human souls being the playing chips, then why wasn’t the game over when God had to surrender all his human souls to the devil in the great flood?

Looks like Satan is winning all the chips!

Doesn’t this imply that Satan is beating God at his own game?

Looks like he's winning all the souls!

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 12/01/07 06:16 PM
H E L L O Yes

I would not call a poker game.....but yes I would say the final battle and people better wake up to that.....and the people would not listen...were warned as God does that alot with us...they chose to NOT the price they pay...

For lack of better words....Hell no satan is not Revelation 20: 7-10

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:09 PM
Dear posters,

Pease forgive the 'churchlady' for this momentary technical distraction.

We are truly sorry for the confusion this may have caused.

And now, let's return to our regular programming:

"... Existentialism - care to take a stab..."

wouldee's photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:55 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

OK. laugh laugh so, feral is standing with the Lord at judgement, having coffee and braidng his hair, while you two clowns are soiling yourselves and hoping he doesn't remember your escapades as the "the meeenie boys".laugh laugh laugh

So, feral says, "pppppuppuuuuuuurrrrrr,meow, meow" and the two of your are her aides and messengers for eternity.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned.

I keep tellin ya.......He's got a sense of humor.:heart: bigsmile

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 08:07 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

OK. laugh laugh so, feral is standing with the Lord at judgement, having coffee and braidng his hair, while you two clowns are soiling yourselves and hoping he doesn't remember your escapades as the "the meeenie boys".laugh laugh laugh

So, feral says, "pppppuppuuuuuuurrrrrr,meow, meow" and the two of your are her aides and messengers for eternity.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned.

I keep tellin ya.......He's got a sense of humor.:heart: bigsmile


You know I like you, and so don't go taking this personnally, but, given the picture you just painted, I feel really blessed that I don't have any connection to the god you and Feral belong to.

The 'churchlady' forever purring within hearing distance, now that would only be 'hell', and she promised us she wasn't going there, so I think we're safe Abra.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sat 12/01/07 08:11 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

OK. laugh laugh so, feral is standing with the Lord at judgement, having coffee and braidng his hair, while you two clowns are soiling yourselves and hoping he doesn't remember your escapades as the "the meeenie boys".laugh laugh laugh

So, feral says, "pppppuppuuuuuuurrrrrr,meow, meow" and the two of your are her aides and messengers for eternity.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned.

I keep tellin ya.......He's got a sense of humor.:heart: bigsmile


You know I like you, and so don't go taking this personnally, but, given the picture you just painted, I feel really blessed that I don't have any connection to the god you and Feral belong to.

The 'churchlady' forever purring within hearing distance, now that would only be 'hell', and she promised us she wasn't going there, so I think we're safe Abra.

I dont quite understand why you have avoided the topic religion and choose to act as though you run the discussion board, when in all reality you are foreign to this type of discussion

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 08:49 PM

I dont quite understand why you have avoided the topic religion and choose to act as though you run the discussion board, when in all reality you are foreign to this type of discussion

Hey 'zooGuy',

It get the feeling you'd like to be my buddy?

Don't want to hurt your feelings, but I really encourage you to focus on girls!


KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sat 12/01/07 09:07 PM

I dont quite understand why you have avoided the topic religion and choose to act as though you run the discussion board, when in all reality you are foreign to this type of discussion

Hey 'zooGuy',

It get the feeling you'd like to be my buddy?

Don't want to hurt your feelings, but I really encourage you to focus on girls!


Maybe someday =), not likely however

im just not sure what your intentions are on here

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 09:33 PM

im just not sure what your intentions are on here

That's very ironic, because that is the very question I have about you.

My intentions on here, are very simple 'Guy'.

The topic of this thread is 'Existentialism', and I am participating in the exchanges based on that topic.

As long as the thread doesn't get derailed, I look forward to an interesting and insightful discussion with other debaters whom share an interest in the topic of existentialism.

How about you 'Guy', what are your intentions regarding 'existentialism'?

Care to share your thoughts onthe topic?

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 12/01/07 09:35 PM

Im not laughing at you Kalamazoo But voil that was hilarious. We probably all should be focusing on girls. However our very need to have a woman has made it impossible for us to try and get a woman because we spend our free time discussing topics of real import. Hows that for existentialism?