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Topic: plus size
TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/23/17 11:28 AM
Hummm I'm full figured and feisty does that count? laugh laugh laugh Ohhh and I'm short toobigsmile

This Granny still has it tho hehehe

winniebrenda's photo
Wed 08/23/17 12:49 PM
am plus size

no photo
Wed 08/23/17 01:13 PM
I don't think I am PLUS size, YET, but I would like to lose just 10 or 15 poundswhoa If only I could give up all the good junk food I love to eat...cake, cookies, anything CHOCOLATE, PIZZA, etc. drool but I do not see that happening! ohwell So I am just glad I am healthy, and have a good :heart: so people need to accept me (us) as I am, or NOT AT ALL! biggrin

no photo
Sun 08/27/17 07:05 AM
Hiya. I am plus size and I have stopped announcing it ! size 22. certain guys can't see beyond it and you don't want those guys anyway. At least with weight, you can lose it but finding a guy with serious hang ups is a life long problem. So I think guys should get a reality check. Good luck and all the best. Rachel from Winchester.

maybwecan's photo
Sun 08/27/17 05:00 PM
How would someone answer such a question anyhow about this site?...M2 has members from all over the world...how does one define plus size for every country and culture?...I have seen nothing on M2 regarding statistics about the sizes of women...so putting on a blindfold and tossing a dart is as accurate an answer as any...

romeo1975's photo
Sun 08/27/17 05:17 PM
nothing wrong with this whatsoever

Chubbyjhen's photo
Sun 08/27/17 07:18 PM
Plus size and im proud... :heart: :heart: :heart:

Pirategrandma's photo
Sun 08/27/17 07:54 PM
Yup, plus size

no photo
Tue 08/29/17 10:01 AM
Forget all these diets Ladies, you're all gorgeous just as you aresmitten

soufiehere's photo
Tue 08/29/17 10:05 AM

Forget all these diets Ladies, you're all gorgeous just as you aresmitten

Uh huh.
You'd be screaming like a girl in co-ed touch football :-)

no photo
Tue 08/29/17 10:10 AM

Forget all these diets Ladies, you're all gorgeous just as you aresmitten

Uh huh.
You'd be screaming like a girl in co-ed touch football :-)

Well I'm old now, but back in the day ohwell

no photo
Tue 08/29/17 11:02 AM

Forget all these diets Ladies, you're all gorgeous just as you aresmitten

Uh huh.
You'd be screaming like a girl in co-ed touch football :-)

laugh laugh laugh

maddieann's photo
Fri 09/01/17 07:04 AM
Am a full figure woman/ plus size and full of fun,good energy, good spirits, looking for a good man! Never judge a book by its cover!!

faythfully's photo
Fri 09/01/17 01:00 PM
I am a full figured/plus sized woman. Where are all of the men who love plus sized women?

NeonMidnight's photo
Sun 09/03/17 01:09 PM
i am skinny

gtabasco87's photo
Sat 09/09/17 04:56 PM
What constitutes plus size these days? I believe I'm a healthy size!

In Asia, I'm a plus size. In America, I'm about average. In my mind, I'm a spunky spitfire that loves what I love!

bbman5960's photo
Mon 09/11/17 06:33 PM
Mmm ur hot

no photo
Tue 09/12/17 08:11 PM
yep me

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