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Topic: Dictatorships
msharmony's photo
Sun 08/20/17 03:04 AM
When a country has citizens being oppressed and abused and killed by a dictator government, how can other countries help?

To impose sanctions, stopping money or food, also takes resources from those just trying to survive the dicators rule

To drop bombs or start wars in their countries, also ends up with casualties of those that need the help.

I have been watching some of the terrible things happening to north koreans and I just wonder if there is any way for the rest of the world to help them.

hackerHeart's photo
Sun 08/20/17 03:05 AM
nice post dear

no photo
Sun 08/20/17 03:16 AM
Good point msharmony, I've always believed that many of these countries ruled by dictators can't operate without them. If we try imposing our system or way of life on them it inevitably goes wrong. they are not like us, we don't want many of these dictators as it doesn't go with the way we want to have a rule over the world. And those people although surpressed can't function in a democracy. Everyone has witnessed this with Iraq, Syria Libya and so on. We have used many of these countries for our own gain either against other countries we don't like or for material purposes. If north Korea was to fall apart the whole region would become unstable in my opinion. It was ok for saddam to gas and torture his own when we were encouraging him against Iran same with the taliban when they were fighting the Russians.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/20/17 03:20 AM

Good point msharmony, I've always believed that many of these countries ruled by dictators can't operate without them. If we try imposing our system or way of life on them it inevitably goes wrong. they are not like us, we don't want many of these dictators as it doesn't go with the way we want to have a rule over the world. And those people although surpressed can't function in a democracy. Everyone has witnessed this with Iraq, Syria Libya and so on. We have used many of these countries for our own gain either against other countries we don't like or for material purposes. If north Korea was to fall apart the whole region would become unstable in my opinion. It was ok for saddam to gas and torture his own when we were encouraging him against Iran same with the taliban when they were fighting the Russians.

its a tough call, I do not think people would fall apart or not know how to function without their dictators though

of course , some of the older and more indoctrinated citizens may not make the adjustment, but the younger ones absolutely can adapt and learn and grow with education and immersion in a new environment,,,,

no photo
Sun 08/20/17 03:36 AM
Maybe. but these young people are not like our young people. They are indoctrinated from a very early age. especially north Korea, they have always been taught that you are going to invade them any day! This is not new, they have thought this for years!
As for the other countries. They have very little value of life, this even applies to some eastern Europeans countries. The women have no rights and they have no values.
If they had an election. The losers just start killing the others!

Rooster35's photo
Sun 08/20/17 03:56 AM
The other countries can help by keeping their nose out of those people's business.

A people cannot be free unless it wants to be free. You can lead the horse to water but you cannot make him drink. When North Koreans finally decide to depose their dictator they won't need or want the help.

Most countries would take advantage of the people they're "freeing", if not by corrupting its government then by corrupting it's financial system and the counties that wouldn't do that aren't even in the position to free themselves from foreign globalists ruling their country from abroad.

Since the end of WWll the West has stuck its nose in places where it was not welcome and a great many injustices were done under the cover of social and regime change and, now, 70 years of failed foreign policies are biting us in the rear in the ugly form of terrorism.

I think it's time to try a new strategy, that of non-intervention.
If these people want freedom, let them pay for it like many other nations have before them.
The appreciation of freedom is comensurate with the amount of blood spilled in its pursuit.

no photo
Sun 08/20/17 04:01 AM

The other countries can help by keeping their nose out of those people's business.

A people cannot be free unless it wants to be free. You can lead the horse to water but you cannot make him drink. When North Koreans finally decide to depose their dictator they won't need or want the help.

Most countries would take advantage of the people they're "freeing", if not by corrupting its government then by corrupting it's financial system and the counties that wouldn't do that aren't even in the position to free themselves from foreign globalists ruling their country from abroad.

Since the end of WWll the West has stuck its nose in places where it was not welcome and a great many injustices were done under the cover of social and regime change and, now, 70 years of failed foreign policies are biting us in the rear in the ugly form of terrorism.

I think it's time to try a new strategy, that of non-intervention.
If these people want freedom, let them pay for it like many other nations have before them.
The appreciation of freedom is comensurate with the amount of blood spilled in its pursuit.

Slightly different but a documentary a while ago about some lost tribe in some jungle, the men went hunting and the women done all the other work. Some stupid white feminist went there and told the women it shouldn't be like that. who the hell was she to say they were wrong.

Rooster35's photo
Sun 08/20/17 04:12 AM

The other countries can help by keeping their nose out of those people's business.

A people cannot be free unless it wants to be free. You can lead the horse to water but you cannot make him drink. When North Koreans finally decide to depose their dictator they won't need or want the help.

Most countries would take advantage of the people they're "freeing", if not by corrupting its government then by corrupting it's financial system and the counties that wouldn't do that aren't even in the position to free themselves from foreign globalists ruling their country from abroad.

Since the end of WWll the West has stuck its nose in places where it was not welcome and a great many injustices were done under the cover of social and regime change and, now, 70 years of failed foreign policies are biting us in the rear in the ugly form of terrorism.

I think it's time to try a new strategy, that of non-intervention.
If these people want freedom, let them pay for it like many other nations have before them.
The appreciation of freedom is comensurate with the amount of blood spilled in its pursuit.

Slightly different but a documentary a while ago about some lost tribe in some jungle, the men went hunting and the women done all the other work. Some stupid white feminist went there and told the women it shouldn't be like that. who the hell was she to say they were wrong.

That feminist knew exactly what she was doing. In her man-hating obsession, she took advantage of those people's backward ways to turn them one against the other, a strategy they've successfully used in many western countries to despoil men of their rights.

Good example, thank you.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 08/20/17 06:40 AM
Edited by IgorFrankensteen on Sun 08/20/17 06:42 AM

When a country has citizens being oppressed and abused and killed by a dictator government, how can other countries help?

To impose sanctions, stopping money or food, also takes resources from those just trying to survive the dicators rule

To drop bombs or start wars in their countries, also ends up with casualties of those that need the help.

I have been watching some of the terrible things happening to north koreans and I just wonder if there is any way for the rest of the world to help them.

This is a very old concern, which has almost never been correctly analyzed and discussed.

The most common statements are the kind we can see here already. The conflicting motivations of moral outrage or sympathy, in opposition to a dedication to letting other people set their own course in life.

In application, things are much more complex, and often duplicitous. In most situations where outsiders collect together to work up a way to "save" oppressed and abused people elsewhere, the motivating forces within such a group, are never primarily idealistic. There are always strong component groups with selfish goals which they hide behind altruistic words, and which only become clear as the ensuing actions are taken.

Here in the US, for example, we've never had a true altruistic and morality based intervention into another nation. Most of the time, there are far more people who say they want to act, who do so in order to gain political advantage for themselves HERE. They often ally themselves to groups in pursuit of trade profits, or simple war profiteers. It's easy to tell that that's what's going on, by how they go about "helping" the abused peoples.

North Korea has become one of the most special cases of all. It has always been too small to pretend that it directly threatens the rest of the world ( until they got nukes and missiles), but it has also always been defended by larger nations who DID threaten the entire world, should NK be attacked. It still is. Hence the only way we CAN try to effect anything, is by negotiation.

But of course, negotiation has been turned into a political propaganda trick here now, where opponents of one American administration have so completely undermined all efforts, that it has made the idea of negotiation a complete joke, and no country we try to negotiate with now, CAN afford to take us seriously.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/20/17 07:00 AM

When a country has citizens being oppressed and abused and killed by a dictator government, how can other countries help?

To impose sanctions, stopping money or food, also takes resources from those just trying to survive the dicators rule

To drop bombs or start wars in their countries, also ends up with casualties of those that need the help.

I have been watching some of the terrible things happening to north koreans and I just wonder if there is any way for the rest of the world to help them.
how about a propaganda war, we could find a way to get information via cell phones, computers, etc. anything to bypass that evil dictator and let these folks know they can have a better life, the only way to do that and not create a world war is for the North Koreans to revolt and overthrow this maniac and his regime, although I think once it has started he wouldn't have many folks trying to protect him or his regime,

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sun 08/20/17 07:01 AM

Good point msharmony, I've always believed that many of these countries ruled by dictators can't operate without them. If we try imposing our system or way of life on them it inevitably goes wrong. they are not like us, we don't want many of these dictators as it doesn't go with the way we want to have a rule over the world. And those people although surpressed can't function in a democracy. Everyone has witnessed this with Iraq, Syria Libya and so on. We have used many of these countries for our own gain either against other countries we don't like or for material purposes. If north Korea was to fall apart the whole region would become unstable in my opinion. It was ok for saddam to gas and torture his own when we were encouraging him against Iran same with the taliban when they were fighting the Russians.

its a tough call, I do not think people would fall apart or not know how to function without their dictators though

of course , some of the older and more indoctrinated citizens may not make the adjustment, but the younger ones absolutely can adapt and learn and grow with education and immersion in a new environment,,,,

exactly, almost all of the countries that are run now by dictators used to function properly before the dictatorship-era, but decades of the dictatorship rule affected the social/political/economic life badly and resulted in the creation of whole generations that can't accept the "other opinion".... the absence of real opposition created fertile soil for the presence of the radical movements that took the place of the opposition and was the only way for many to get rid of dictatorships.
As for your question, raging wars to get rid of dictatorships by force proved to create greater problems and instability especially in certain parts of the world where this foreign interfere might look like as an invasion by "hostile" nations, and I'm referring here to countries that have experienced the occupation or the mandate of the old imperialist
powers, the examples are many, especially in the Middle East.
Sanctions, on the other hand, are even worse, it only affects the poorest people in these countries, and doesn't affect the rulers at all, on the contrary, it increases their wealth rapidly, as they have the ability to control the economy and are able as a result to benefit from any embargo on goods, that is something I witnessed and suffered from personally!
Thea real solution is something I mentioned before in another post, which is helping and aiding those who are able to make some sort of a social/intellectual change and not by supporting any armed group that is willing to fight regardless of their intentions and orientations!

no photo
Sun 08/20/17 07:05 AM

Good point msharmony, I've always believed that many of these countries ruled by dictators can't operate without them. If we try imposing our system or way of life on them it inevitably goes wrong. they are not like us, we don't want many of these dictators as it doesn't go with the way we want to have a rule over the world. And those people although surpressed can't function in a democracy. Everyone has witnessed this with Iraq, Syria Libya and so on. We have used many of these countries for our own gain either against other countries we don't like or for material purposes. If north Korea was to fall apart the whole region would become unstable in my opinion. It was ok for saddam to gas and torture his own when we were encouraging him against Iran same with the taliban when they were fighting the Russians.

its a tough call, I do not think people would fall apart or not know how to function without their dictators though

of course , some of the older and more indoctrinated citizens may not make the adjustment, but the younger ones absolutely can adapt and learn and grow with education and immersion in a new environment,,,,

exactly, almost all of the countries that are run now by dictators used to function properly before the dictatorship-era, but decades of the dictatorship rule affected the social/political/economic life badly and resulted in the creation of whole generations that can't accept the "other opinion".... the absence of real opposition created fertile soil for the presence of the radical movements that took the place of the opposition and was the only way for many to get rid of dictatorships.
As for your question, raging wars to get rid of dictatorships by force proved to create greater problems and instability especially in certain parts of the world where this foreign interfere might look like as an invasion by "hostile" nations, and I'm referring here to countries that have experienced the occupation or the mandate of the old imperialist
powers, the examples are many, especially in the Middle East.
Sanctions, on the other hand, are even worse, it only affects the poorest people in these countries, and doesn't affect the rulers at all, on the contrary, it increases their wealth rapidly, as they have the ability to control the economy and are able as a result to benefit from any embargo on goods, that is something I witnessed and suffered from personally!
Thea real solution is something I mentioned before in another post, which is helping and aiding those who are able to make some sort of a social/intellectual change and not by supporting any armed group that is willing to fight regardless of their intentions and orientations!


Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 08/20/17 08:10 AM

Seth118's photo
Sun 08/20/17 09:04 AM
I will be honest, countries that can't provide for their people often haven't been able to, or dont know how to make that progressive change. Some dictators have still followed the status quo of oppressive laws while still offering great programs of social security and healthcare to their people.

I think the biggest reason for corruption, is the(perfectly sane) desire to.not wanting your family to suffer under the same burden as the majority of the populace. If I had to choose between being fair to the masses, or enabling my family the opportunity to live above everyone else, I would look after my own.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/20/17 09:11 AM

The other countries can help by keeping their nose out of those people's business.

A people cannot be free unless it wants to be free. You can lead the horse to water but you cannot make him drink. When North Koreans finally decide to depose their dictator they won't need or want the help.

Most countries would take advantage of the people they're "freeing", if not by corrupting its government then by corrupting it's financial system and the counties that wouldn't do that aren't even in the position to free themselves from foreign globalists ruling their country from abroad.

Since the end of WWll the West has stuck its nose in places where it was not welcome and a great many injustices were done under the cover of social and regime change and, now, 70 years of failed foreign policies are biting us in the rear in the ugly form of terrorism.

I think it's time to try a new strategy, that of non-intervention.
If these people want freedom, let them pay for it like many other nations have before them.
The appreciation of freedom is comensurate with the amount of blood spilled in its pursuit.

how does an unarmed nation 'pay' for freedom against a totalitarian and armed dictatorship?

when we see a woman being raped and do nothing, are we not told that we are compliant in their rape, do we get to say 'if she doesnt want to be raped she needs to fight her attacker off like many other women have done?'

There are heart wrenching stories about YOUNG WOMEN being sold and people being killed for the smallest of things , it is a complete imprisonment of the soul for them,,, where would they find resources or escape fear enough to 'pay' for freedom?

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/20/17 09:16 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 08/20/17 09:17 AM

When a country has citizens being oppressed and abused and killed by a dictator government, how can other countries help?

To impose sanctions, stopping money or food, also takes resources from those just trying to survive the dicators rule

To drop bombs or start wars in their countries, also ends up with casualties of those that need the help.

I have been watching some of the terrible things happening to north koreans and I just wonder if there is any way for the rest of the world to help them.

This is a very old concern, which has almost never been correctly analyzed and discussed.

The most common statements are the kind we can see here already. The conflicting motivations of moral outrage or sympathy, in opposition to a dedication to letting other people set their own course in life.

In application, things are much more complex, and often duplicitous. In most situations where outsiders collect together to work up a way to "save" oppressed and abused people elsewhere, the motivating forces within such a group, are never primarily idealistic. There are always strong component groups with selfish goals which they hide behind altruistic words, and which only become clear as the ensuing actions are taken.

Here in the US, for example, we've never had a true altruistic and morality based intervention into another nation. Most of the time, there are far more people who say they want to act, who do so in order to gain political advantage for themselves HERE. They often ally themselves to groups in pursuit of trade profits, or simple war profiteers. It's easy to tell that that's what's going on, by how they go about "helping" the abused peoples.

North Korea has become one of the most special cases of all. It has always been too small to pretend that it directly threatens the rest of the world ( until they got nukes and missiles), but it has also always been defended by larger nations who DID threaten the entire world, should NK be attacked. It still is. Hence the only way we CAN try to effect anything, is by negotiation.

But of course, negotiation has been turned into a political propaganda trick here now, where opponents of one American administration have so completely undermined all efforts, that it has made the idea of negotiation a complete joke, and no country we try to negotiate with now, CAN afford to take us seriously.

ty for another well thought contribution, flowerforyou

I know no person or nation can save everyone, I also know that there is usually something that can be done to ASSIST others in saving themselves at the very least

I just listened to a 'young citizen' video with a young n korean woman and all I ever hear about is the dictator himself and his 'threats' to us,,,they go through hell over there (citizens) and it really is a heartbreaking situation which I hope will see some intervention someday

I hope there does not have to be an all out genocide like with the jewish people before someone does something to help,,,,,can we not learn from the past how bad things can get?

even then, like you said, outside intervention is not always so helpful as the palestinians might agree,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/20/17 09:19 AM

When a country has citizens being oppressed and abused and killed by a dictator government, how can other countries help?

To impose sanctions, stopping money or food, also takes resources from those just trying to survive the dicators rule

To drop bombs or start wars in their countries, also ends up with casualties of those that need the help.

I have been watching some of the terrible things happening to north koreans and I just wonder if there is any way for the rest of the world to help them.
how about a propaganda war, we could find a way to get information via cell phones, computers, etc. anything to bypass that evil dictator and let these folks know they can have a better life, the only way to do that and not create a world war is for the North Koreans to revolt and overthrow this maniac and his regime, although I think once it has started he wouldn't have many folks trying to protect him or his regime,

they do not have weapons, the citizens , and the dictatorship controls all communications, from the internet to their phone calls,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/20/17 09:21 AM

Good point msharmony, I've always believed that many of these countries ruled by dictators can't operate without them. If we try imposing our system or way of life on them it inevitably goes wrong. they are not like us, we don't want many of these dictators as it doesn't go with the way we want to have a rule over the world. And those people although surpressed can't function in a democracy. Everyone has witnessed this with Iraq, Syria Libya and so on. We have used many of these countries for our own gain either against other countries we don't like or for material purposes. If north Korea was to fall apart the whole region would become unstable in my opinion. It was ok for saddam to gas and torture his own when we were encouraging him against Iran same with the taliban when they were fighting the Russians.

its a tough call, I do not think people would fall apart or not know how to function without their dictators though

of course , some of the older and more indoctrinated citizens may not make the adjustment, but the younger ones absolutely can adapt and learn and grow with education and immersion in a new environment,,,,

exactly, almost all of the countries that are run now by dictators used to function properly before the dictatorship-era, but decades of the dictatorship rule affected the social/political/economic life badly and resulted in the creation of whole generations that can't accept the "other opinion".... the absence of real opposition created fertile soil for the presence of the radical movements that took the place of the opposition and was the only way for many to get rid of dictatorships.
As for your question, raging wars to get rid of dictatorships by force proved to create greater problems and instability especially in certain parts of the world where this foreign interfere might look like as an invasion by "hostile" nations, and I'm referring here to countries that have experienced the occupation or the mandate of the old imperialist
powers, the examples are many, especially in the Middle East.
Sanctions, on the other hand, are even worse, it only affects the poorest people in these countries, and doesn't affect the rulers at all, on the contrary, it increases their wealth rapidly, as they have the ability to control the economy and are able as a result to benefit from any embargo on goods, that is something I witnessed and suffered from personally!
Thea real solution is something I mentioned before in another post, which is helping and aiding those who are able to make some sort of a social/intellectual change and not by supporting any armed group that is willing to fight regardless of their intentions and orientations!

another logical contribution, this makes sense, its just so difficult to get aid into a country ruled by dictatorship,,,

Rooster35's photo
Sun 08/20/17 09:24 AM
Edited by Rooster35 on Sun 08/20/17 09:28 AM

The other countries can help by keeping their nose out of those people's business.

A people cannot be free unless it wants to be free. You can lead the horse to water but you cannot make him drink. When North Koreans finally decide to depose their dictator they won't need or want the help.

Most countries would take advantage of the people they're "freeing", if not by corrupting its government then by corrupting it's financial system and the counties that wouldn't do that aren't even in the position to free themselves from foreign globalists ruling their country from abroad.

Since the end of WWll the West has stuck its nose in places where it was not welcome and a great many injustices were done under the cover of social and regime change and, now, 70 years of failed foreign policies are biting us in the rear in the ugly form of terrorism.

I think it's time to try a new strategy, that of non-intervention.
If these people want freedom, let them pay for it like many other nations have before them.
The appreciation of freedom is comensurate with the amount of blood spilled in its pursuit.

how does an unarmed nation 'pay' for freedom against a totalitarian and armed dictatorship?

when we see a woman being raped and do nothing, are we not told that we are compliant in their rape, do we get to say 'if she doesnt want to be raped she needs to fight her attacker off like many other women have done?'

There are heart wrenching stories about YOUNG WOMEN being sold and people being killed for the smallest of things , it is a complete imprisonment of the soul for them,,, where would they find resources or escape fear enough to 'pay' for freedom?

How did the other countries achieve a semblance of Democracy? Was it always handed down to them by other nations? No. They fought for it.
How did India gained it's independence?
How did Algeria do it?
How did Ireland do it?
South Africa?

That's the problem with you democrats. You think people are always waiting for you to save them.
You wanna save a country? Save your own, it's going to hell as I write this.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/20/17 09:37 AM
None of those places had the same situation as N Korea.

I don't think people are waiting for us to save them. I have listened to people telling how their life was there asking people to 'help' them. There is a big difference between the two.

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