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Topic: my one year old who bites and slaps
MelissaJO519's photo
Tue 11/27/07 11:15 PM

i would just feel horrible doing that back to my son.... i feel bad when i love tap his little hand..... my sons father wants to know why i dont "smack" his hand you know to get the point accross i lightly touch him... i'm to soft but i was an abused child and i guess i'm afraid to show that kind toughness to my son.... i know if i keep it up when he gets older i might end up getting walked over.... i dont know.... i'm so lost..

...but you dont feel bad for going for "his boys"???

littlepreggers's photo
Tue 11/27/07 11:22 PM
wow you are taking my words way to serousely...... girl you need to read between the lines...... i'm 4 foot 11 inches and my babies daddy is 6 foot 6 inches.. i wouldnt be able to reach his face to slap him if i could.... I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT MY SON....... what i was trying to say was to that one guy about the whole slapping thing was i dont raise my hand to any body so i dont know where my son is picking it up.... DO YOU HAVE ANY CHILDREN? if you do you might know what i'm talking about... but if you dont then your kinda in the dark.... please stop thinking you know what your talking about or know what i'm trying to say..... your reading it all wrong..

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 03:54 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/28/07 03:55 AM
Your son is jealous/angry that daddy has returned into HIS world. You son had all of your (most of) attention..now he feel he is in competition with daddy.

Have a 'special' day with him one on one on a weekly basis. Make a nightly ritual of you reading to him before bed.. SOMETHING that will make him not feel rejected & pushed aside.

Jtevans's photo
Wed 11/28/07 04:20 AM
bite and slap back!.that's what my mom would have done to me if i did that when i was a kid.

FallinAngel82's photo
Wed 11/28/07 05:04 AM
girl i feel terrible when i had to do it to my kids (biting and slappin back ) but it worked much better than anything else i tried, i didnt do it hard enough to really hurt them just enough to let them know that it hurts.. i can understand being scared cause u used to be abused when younger but think of it this way , you can try it and see if it works, or not try it , hope he stops on his own or he could end up growing up to be one of those abusers ur afraid of.. scary thought yes?

s1owhand's photo
Wed 11/28/07 07:12 AM
we have found that time out is very effective if you don't believe in corporal punishment. really. also counting 1, 2, 3....before assessing time outs. that gives them a brief time to reform. but if you threaten a punishment you have to follow through every time or they will understand that consequences may not happen.

if it is really bad we give them time out with their face to the corner. there are some good books on discipline available in the library.

i can recommend books by Dinkmeyer and McKay such as "Parenting Young Children" call and ask your local library

flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:58 AM
Get him a little naughty chair. Find a little corner and make him sit in the naughty chair facing the corner! For one minute (since he is 1yr old). His time doesn't start until he sits there quietly! The first few times he may try to refuse just put him back and tell him he was naughty and has to stay there. This worked REALLY well with my youngest daughter!

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:59 AM
Don't get me wrong my children get their little hinneys spanked when they need it!!

iceprincess's photo
Wed 11/28/07 09:20 AM
My daughter is two and is going through the hitting stage i ignore here she gets no attention what so ever. it worked with my son. i don't believe in spanking and you'll never get a toddler to sit in a timeout chair without holding them there and my kids ped told me it's for attention and negative attention is still attention. so we ignore until she's all done it's taken about two weeks but she is already pretty much stopped she realizes she isn't going to get what she wants that way

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 09:22 AM
Well my children both sat in time out chairs. So each to their own!

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 09:23 AM
I definately would not ignore my child if they were biting and hitting people but that's just me....flowerforyou

iceprincess's photo
Wed 11/28/07 10:08 AM
so sorry to have stepped on your toes fresh...........LOL I nver said you were wrong i just said a toddler will not set in a timeout chair on their own you have to force them. to me it just proves your bigger and you can make them bend to your will hence negative attention. but if it worked for you more power darling. I just don't do it. As for ignoring you ignore the behavior not the child. when their down with the tantrum you go on with your business as if it never happens as for biting i never mentioned it in my post i've no experience withthis i on;y mentioned hitting.

My mother told us she bit us back and we on;y ever tried it once. I'd go for it or something similiar thats a little less traumatic.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 11/28/07 10:15 AM
ok this is what worked for me with both my kids. It might sound a lil mean but hey there is no manual so whatever works. Two stories. When my littles was just a baby and still breast feeding she would look me in the eye and then bite my boob and hard....I looked her right back in the eye and said do that again and no more....she did and right then and there she was cut off.

No both my kids when they were two had a biting thing...this is what I did.....The last time that they bit me, I bit them right back. the look on their face as priceless and I said when I did it, "See not very nice, you didn't like it huh." they both said no and that was that.

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 11:57 AM
Your son is jealous. He's used to having you to himself. His attitude will improve over time, you just have to be consistant. I think you should always do the punishment. If the punishment is putting him into his crib, you should always do it. If the punishment is simply saying "No", then you should always do it. You have to make your son realize that you and your boyfriend are allowed to spend time together and that the boyfriend is not an interloper. Another thing is for boyfriend and son to bond. And also, it's important that you reassure your son, because his behavior is caused by his jealousy and fear that you will abandon him.

lostannotfound's photo
Wed 11/28/07 04:50 PM
one of my nephews is going through this stage right now with the hitting and biting. We got him his own time out chair and it has worked wonders within the last few weeks. He is 2 so we make him sit there for 2 mins. When he tries to get up we just put him back and make him sit there a little longer. Thats when he hits or does something else wrong. My brother bit him back the last time and he hasnt bitten anyone since. He just did it lightly and my nephew didnt like it at all...worked wonders!!

iluv2dance's photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:58 PM
Yes I would have to agree with all of this. Your son is yearning for your attention. You have to be sure to ignore bad behavior, but embelish the good. Be sure to reward his "no biting episodes" and not dwell on the bad behavior so much. I would first try ignoring it then if that isn't effective then try showing him you mean business (in a calm, easy manner):wink: Remember, he is the child and you are the parent. It sounds as if he is ruling you in a sense; don't allow that at all or it will enable him to take control. He's one so if you nip it in the bud now all should relax before the new bambino. :smile:

sarak983's photo
Thu 12/20/07 01:03 PM
well my son is going on one and has done the same thing! I did it back to him and he never did it again.

littlepreggers's photo
Fri 12/21/07 03:24 PM
ok heres the thing... his daddy left us again.... its not like we where living together but he was around every day.. now hes been gone for 4 days no call and my son is having daddy withdrawls how do i stop his anger outburst... just like his daddy... and every time i'm on the phone he yells dad-dad.. i let him talk to the person i'm on the phone with but once he relises its not his daddy he throws the phone....

i'm at my wits end.... and due any day now... his daddy cant even call to see if me and the babies are ok? but he can call his mama for money.. same old same old

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