sarak983 "Looking for my texas prince :)"
40 year old woman from Livingston, Texas      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About sarak983
Hi,my name is Sara and I am 24 yrs. old. I am mature for my age and have my head on right. I know what I want in life and I go for it. I am very straight forward and honest in what I say. I am very blunt when it comes to my feelings. When I love I love with all of my heart. I don't play games and I absolutely hate people that do. I am no longer in hs and am not about dating around. When I'm getting to know someone I stick with that one person so that all my attention is on them. I have an 18 month old son who means the world to me. It is a package deal with us. When I am dating someone I do not expect them by any means to buy my son things,but I do expect them to give him attention as well; once I have been dating them awhile and they meet him. I would like someone who is goal oriented and knows what they want in life and goes for it. Also someone who is energetic and outgoing but not out at the bars and clubs all the time. I like to go out occasionally but not all the time. Oh,and if you can't handle the fact that I have a child DO NOT write me b/c you are obviously too immature for me. Also I DO NOT DO BOOTY CALLS!!!
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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