Topic: Dating Married Women
SilentlyScreaming's photo
Tue 11/27/07 12:10 PM
i think its terrible that anyone would want to date a married woman... and i can't just blame that guy... the woman is at fault to... she has the ability to say no... but i think both should respect the fact that she's married...

madamx7316's photo
Tue 11/27/07 12:12 PM
ive been on the other end of the stick. not cool for me. i wont date married men for multiple reasons.

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:26 PM
Edited by mrdouright on Tue 11/27/07 06:29 PM
Thank you guys for all your veiw points and the thinks that were said is just fine with me. I haven't been with a married woman lately but i'm not close to single women but at the gym married women and separted women are around me alot so i really just start talking and from good conversation then things just go from there because i love to talk and try to get to know a people's heart, not what they say with there lips but listen to there heart speak. Can anyone understand that i'm not a home wrecker nor the type of person that goes out looking for married women.

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:27 PM
Dating married women or men is just flat out wrong. noway

oldsage's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:29 PM
You reap what you sow.
Sticking your nose in anothers business, asks that it be done to you.

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:32 PM
Your are so correct i beleive you do reap what you sow if you sow to the flesh i know your reap destruction. I know about those thinkgs i guess i'm rebellious alittle

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:33 PM
Honestly you will never understand until you are the one being cheted on that way not talking a girl friend either wait till your married and it happens to you then maybe you will understand what it does to the other person.

You see you have a voice just like the next and surely you know the word no thank you. noway noway

Totage's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:34 PM

I like married women,why because they don't ask for much and they are willing to work hard at what we have and not take advantage of the situation or me.

If they're married, and seeing you how is that not taking advantage of you?

hello56's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:36 PM
Well I was one of the guys on the opposite end of this equation and believe me, if you think its cool your a fool.

RICKG1961's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:37 PM
i myself thank's it's wrong how would you like it
if you found out your wife is chaeting on you..
you wouldn't like it ...

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:42 PM
i'll be hurt and upset but i'll look at it this way I"ve hurt someone so i know one day its going to happen to me or to my daughter but what can i do about it now?that the damage has been done.

TelephoneMan's photo
Tue 11/27/07 08:06 PM

i'll be hurt and upset but i'll look at it this way I"ve hurt someone so i know one day its going to happen to me or to my daughter but what can i do about it now?that the damage has been done.

To quote the words of a very wise man...

"...arise and sin no more..."

Its just that easy.

What you can do of your own free will is to turn an about-face 180 degrees and walk in a totally different way, of your own choice.

Yes, the damage is done, but its "water under the bridge"... it is possible to change, and to make a choice to become morally and ethically responsible. No man is that much of a slave to his penis...

You must think with the brain between your ears, not with the one between your legs. This ability to reason and make choices is what sets the human race above the animals in the field. We, as humans, can choose; they as brutes, exist by instinct only. It is a conscious thing you do, and an act you pre-meditate into existence.

You seem to be knumb to the reality that (in reality) you are just asking for trouble. You may have "beat" the game thus far in life by not getting caught, but chit has a way of "what goes around comes around." As some say... "you reap what you sow."

Not just the bad seed you sow, with a crappy harvest of who knows what kind of hell... but you can sow good seed, positive things, and make decisions with the same brain that you yourself allow to make the very bad decision with when you decide to allow yourself to become involved with married women.

It's a choice, a really bad one, and if you think you're a rebel, please also remember the consequences of your actions that will one day catch up with you. There are some incurable Sexually Transmitted Diseases, for one. And its not gonna matter how often you "wrap that rascal"... those little bacteria are going to catch up with you.

Or how about if you don't wrap "it" and you get some married lady pregnant. What kind of a ball of worms is that?

You may think that you can exist in this society as a social outlaw, but just like Bonnie and Clyde, the "G-men" (husbands) are going to put a stop to your interruptions of these "G-spots" through "G-strings" and you are going to find yourself bleeding to death in the front seat of a 1934 Ford Fordor Deluxe Sedan, keeled over the steering wheel with somebody else's wife's head in your lap.

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:47 PM
I have nothing to add to that but good advice Sir.

unsure's photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:50 PM
I had no clue!! grumble

ladynluv2be's photo
Wed 11/28/07 07:25 PM

i'll be hurt and upset but i'll look at it this way I"ve hurt someone so i know one day its going to happen to me or to my daughter but what can i do about it now?that the damage has been done.

this does not bother you that it might happen to your daughter?.... Grow up and stop what you are doing and you can change your future. Be man and leave other men's women alone and learn that they are NOT for you they are taken. They said vows and not to you.

snaponcountry's photo
Wed 11/28/07 07:52 PM
Edited by snaponcountry on Wed 11/28/07 07:55 PM
i've been cheated on too, and i don't care what kind of a "moral dillemma" it seems you're having-apparently mommy didn't teach you right from wrong; all i've got to say is the guy is lucky i didn't come home early, or i would have had to use the temporary insanity plea.

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 05:42 PM

Maestra's photo
Mon 12/03/07 05:47 PM
As someone who was on the other end of that (someone was just making my husband "happy" . . . )

When two people are married, there is more than just the one person to consider. Sure - she can't ask much of you, and you get all the benefits and none of the drawbacks - it sure works out well for you. But what about the poor guy who has no clue? That person, by virtue of being married to the one you are messing with, has their life completely screwed up. That isn't going to make ANYONE happy. How can you do that to someone?? Find someone single or wait until they split up - but you don't belong in that triangle.

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 09:42 PM
oh my goodness yall all sound like your so goody goody. some one says they seeing a married woman yall all on his case. what about the married woman thats seeing him shouldnt she get some blame

theels08's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:10 PM
no way thats will not look right,dating a married women, would that be called cheating i perhaps,,, to all women about 20s i will make a list for you