Topic: to men please
no photo
Wed 04/19/17 07:24 AM
I will like to add two more examples I found in the web,
They sleep around

If they are sleeping around when they are meant to be with you run away now. If this is making you want them more - leave now or forever hold your peace.

They have a boyfriend or girlfriend
It never works out for the other women/man - never - unless you are Angelina Jolie. If you look like Angelina Jolie go for it I suppose.

no photo
Wed 04/19/17 07:53 AM
My final thought, in a simple form, being lead on means not being honest.

no photo
Wed 04/19/17 09:14 AM
please give examples of when to say that a person is just stringing you along

Sometimes it's not clear and only a suspicion of being "led on."
It depends on the context of the situation and how strong of a suspicion of being strung along it is.
Not to mention highly dependent upon the relationship and what I want out of it.

I mean "friends" can "string you along" regarding doing something, like going on a vacation.
Coworkers can "string you along" on going for that drink and maybe you want that opportunity to gauge whether there is potential for romantic interest.
Internet strangers can "string you along" regarding a first meet.
Someone you're dating can "string you along" when you start to feel like it's just a booty call and you're looking for some assurance that you're actually dating, and not just meeting to have dinner and then sex.

what do you do about it

Depends on the situation and how strong of a suspicion and what I think it's based on, but I have:
- Moved on without addressing the situation, relegated the relationship to something professional or civil.
- addressed it directly.
- addressed it indirectly, asked questions or started conversations that indirectly answered deeper questions.
- passive aggressively addressed it through a joking or teasing manner.
- ghosted them, just stopped talking to them, maintain no future relationship.
- dismissed my suspicions and just saw where things went, enjoyed what I could, while opening up my options and taking time to look elsewhere, or make plans without them.
- reevaluated my expectations; is it a "my problem" or a "their problem."
- proffered ultimatums either for myself or to them.

And probably other things I can't immediately think of.

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 04/19/17 10:53 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Wed 04/19/17 11:08 AM
Guarantee you if
(A) He wants a singular mate
(B) It's You
(C) It's "now"
Then it is pretty much a forward only course. Man who really wants you will have you down the aisle in a year or less.

Now it is an (A)issue you need to write it off. Once a player always a player. You might curb him short-term if you are young, georgious, have serious play toys but your shelf life is limited.

I have seen a lot of times that (B)is not a given. Here is where you have to figure out if you are a substitute or have you made yourself a place marker until the "you" comes along with booty calls or other perks ( daycare, help financially or socially, making someone else jealous).

The other (B) issue when you pull a "drama mamma" stunt. Often that backs them up without completely scareingvthem off but they ate going to be nervous and could leave you holding the bag. You want yo be darn sure of is NOT a diaper bag. Another typical one is parading them around like a prize puppy or launching the wedding ship Titantic. Have to decide do you want a man or the trappings. And you want to avoid making them wonder if whatever you are is not more than he can handle. They see you wrapping Daddy around your finger like a spoiled Princess they don't want to be the Pauper to the King.

(C) These issues usually come up when you get the cart before the horse. If they are not clearly at "Now" then keep your knickers up, your options open, and the tears and stars out of your eyes. Sometimes seeing you move toward the exit will get them back in pursuit but when you stall or so will they.

You want a serious relationship then stop looking at the fun stiffs and see if they have their duckies in a row to actually be husband and Daddy material. Things like a real job, a home, transportation, legit friends not just party pals, and yea maybe a decent track record as a dad. If they are fudgeing on the budget to charm yo then you are getting a frog.

no photo
Wed 04/19/17 01:29 PM
Stringing people along is part of the "internet dating site culture."

If you are a man or a woman worthy of generating interest, initially most will act like a fat child in a candy store. Once someone is more experienced they will likely be a bit more selective but still unwilling to abandon all the internet options** they lack in their real life.

If someone has options, necessity dictates you put your options in some sort of order. Obviously, the less desirable options need to be strung along in order to keep them "viable."

I suppose there are a few that have been through the grind and really only engage one person at time and those that are new but understanding of the ephemeral nature of internet friendships. However, most that are desirable are talking to you and 5 other people.

What I'm saying is, unless you're the number one option or the only object of interest you're likely being strung along.

**These are usually not true options just part fantasy and part desire.

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 04/19/17 04:49 PM
A long time Mingleland poster I get a lot of mail but I think as a decent human being it is only fair to strait up tell someone early in that online dateing is going to be a far behind option to the real world date.

I have had a variety of responses to that information.

Some get hostile like they believe if you are on line that makes you locked into their demands for attention. Lol Whenever they get around to it; usually when they are three sheets to the wind. (Drunk)

Some could care less. If they think they meet my criteria and can compete they make their play.

If they are local, or can commute and want to stepping out of Mingleland males the cyber status moot.

My experience is most Men on Mingle are not that motivated to chase an online thing and it is just a pass time. Or a confidence builder that they carry over to the real world. You make some friends but the distance thing is too difficult and local dateing is easier.

no photo
Wed 04/19/17 04:51 PM

how i see it is when men chat with women and women reply they already assume shes interested therefore in the long run when things arent good they can say they have been lead on right? think

This answer could explain your username. Your reap what you sew right.

no photo
Thu 04/20/17 01:47 AM

how i see it is when men chat with women and women reply they already assume shes interested therefore in the long run when things arent good they can say they have been lead on right? think

This answer could explain your username. Your reap what you sew right.

yes a work in progress :thumbsup:

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Fri 04/21/17 01:54 PM
The main point I was trying to get to about this, is that there are two basic elements to the "stringing someone along" concept:

That is,

* there are cases where someone is ACTUALLY "stringing someone along;"

* and there are the MUCH more common cases where something else happened, and one person COMPLAINS that someone was "stringing them along.

If you don't start by recognizing that, the discussion will get mixed up very quickly.

Assumptions. Yes. A very big part of this. What I find extra interesting, is that very few people agree on WHAT we all should and should not be ABLE to assume. Great battles are fought in these forums every day, which ultimately are based on one person making an assumption, and then everyone else taking sides as to whether or not they ought to have done.

I already see above, instances where some people are adamant that anyone who is dating another person regularly for more than some undetermined amount of time, should be declared to have officially "strung them along," should they not propose marriage or some other permanent arrangement after a "long" (again undetermined) amount of time.

I only take issue with that thinking, because relationships are a lot more dicey than that stance allows for. People who push for decisiveness one way or the other, are very likely to cause the creation of entirely artificial arrangements with everyone around them. Demand rapid marriage, for example, and they are likely to get exactly that, but have it followed by relatively rapid divorce, or at least a very unpleasant married life. Take things the other way, and only commit to what you are absolutely sure of, and you get the very long dating with no commitment scenarios.

But back to the whole "string along" thing...why are we trying to define it? In a very practical sense, what good does it do? You're unsatisfied with them, and you want to move on, so just do that. It's not like you'll be rewarded in "dating heaven" for having slapped "strung me along" bumper stickers on someone's dating "vehicle."

norsrocker's photo
Fri 04/21/17 04:10 PM
Certainly. Hey handsome whats your text # is the first clue. Lol

Funzy65's photo
Fri 04/21/17 04:26 PM
Edited by Funzy65 on Fri 04/21/17 04:36 PM

please give examples of when to say that a person is just stringing you along and what do you do about it. thanks


Personally I DON'T MAKE PROMISES I can't,
or not sure if I can fulfill them. :tongue:
Specially, I don't tie anyone to a tree. :wink:

But when or if I DO MAKE PROMISES, means trouble/s laugh

When it comes to " stringing ", I prefer
friendship/s WITH NO STRING/S ATTACHED first
thing first..That gives me time to DECIDE.

Here are some examples you asked 4 :wink:

no photo
Fri 04/21/17 05:01 PM

please give examples of when to say that a person is just stringing you along and what do you do about it. thanks


Personally I DON'T MAKE PROMISES I can't,
or not sure if I can fulfill them. :tongue:
Specially, I don't tie anyone to a tree. :wink:

But when or if I DO MAKE PROMISES, means trouble/s laugh

When it comes to " stringing ", I prefer
friendship/s WITH NO STRING/S ATTACHED first
thing first..That gives me time to DECIDE.

Here are some examples you asked 4 :wink:

thanks :thumbsup:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 04/21/17 05:26 PM
Can't really top some of the comments because they are spot on.

I think the most important thing to do is understand yourself and enjoy the moment. Don't put all your eggs in one basket and make sure the other knows this. Tell them to shid(t) or get off the pot.

As a man, I have been faced with this question a few times. See, I need time to see the woman in her own reality. Dates are a front. Before I can commit to a loving relationship I need to know the whole person. If she demands that I make a decision, I will forego the relationship based on my prior experiences.

A string-along is a series of 'formal dates' with no real life interactions in between. Usually inhibited by excuses.

no photo
Fri 04/21/17 05:28 PM

Can't really top some of the comments because they are spot on.

I think the most important thing to do is understand yourself and enjoy the moment. Don't put all your eggs in one basket and make sure the other knows this. Tell them to shid(t) or get off the pot.

As a man, I have been faced with this question a few times. See, I need time to see the woman in her own reality. Dates are a front. Before I can commit to a loving relationship I need to know the whole person. If she demands that I make a decision, I will forego the relationship based on my prior experiences.

A string-along is a series of 'formal dates' with no real life interactions in between. Usually inhibited by excuses.

thanks Tom smile2

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 04/21/17 10:16 PM
To "string somebody along" is to promise something you never really have plans to deliver.

If you have an agenda for relationships, like proposal in six months, marriage with-in one year, children with-in two, best make sure he has the same agenda. If he doesn't, dump him and move on. If he says he does and doesn't meet your time quotas, dump him and move on. It's as easy as that.

no photo
Fri 04/21/17 10:23 PM

To "string somebody along" is to promise something you never really have plans to deliver.

If you have an agenda for relationships, like proposal in six months, marriage with-in one year, children with-in two, best make sure he has the same agenda. If he doesn't, dump him and move on. If he says he does and doesn't meet your time quotas, dump him and move on. It's as easy as that.

makes perfect sense shades

drg201's photo
Sat 04/22/17 08:05 AM

how i see it is when men chat with women and women reply they already assume shes interested therefore in the long run when things arent good they can say they have been lead on right? think

I think it can work both ways. And isn't there an assumption with both as far as being interested. They wouldn't write if they weren't interested and you wouldn't respond if you weren't interested. I think where the problem lies is in communication. You could be interested in only friendship and they could want more, or vise versa, and it's not being made clear. So in that situation, the one who wants more could feel "lead on".

If it is being made clear, and they still feel like you are leading them on due to their assuming no means yes, just because you are still writing to them, then you may need to stop writing. And it could just be a guilt statement they are making in order to get you to continue to write.

I for one can't imagine why someone would string someone else along if they were not interested. If a person isn't getting what they need or want from the relationship, then they should start looking for a better match

I agree with communicating. If I have some issues or feel pressed too hard, I will ask them to slow down or bow out as gracefully as I can

RustyKitty's photo
Sat 04/22/17 06:35 PM
an example would be.. if you are giving that 'someone' the impression that you want to get married.. yet you really don't want to at all, ... you would be stringing THEM along.. OR.. 'yes baby, I want to get married, and have your babies', but really you just want to get out of your Country.. and/or vice/versa - YOU think he really wants to get married, bring you to his Country, when in reality he is just saying that to keep you in conversation and a distant relationship..he would be stringing YOU along.
Best to cut the string either way..

drg201's photo
Sat 04/22/17 10:50 PM

an example would be.. if you are giving that 'someone' the impression that you want to get married.. yet you really don't want to at all, ... you would be stringing THEM along.. OR.. 'yes baby, I want to get married, and have your babies', but really you just want to get out of your Country.. and/or vice/versa - YOU think he really wants to get married, bring you to his Country, when in reality he is just saying that to keep you in conversation and a distant relationship..he would be stringing YOU along.
Best to cut the string either way..

I would agree. No one wins from those types of games. I understand that some people do that, but I really don't know why. It seems pointless to me

Mike6615's photo
Wed 04/26/17 08:50 PM
(My Stratocaster sometimes strings me along...)