Topic: What do you believe?? | |
Look I am not gonna knock down those who live by the bible but I am allowed to put my say in the whole thing.I think that the worst thing in the world is the world.We give people dirty looks,we talk about people as if they are nothing and we stab people in the back for personal gain.It is not done by us non religous people only it is done even more by the religous people!I think if the world is going to end as predicted by the late nostrodomous than we WE the people are gonna end it!Screw the wars going on the world is gonna end because the people in it will end it.We hate like we breed.We kill like we sleep,we stab people in the back for personal gain.I do not go to church because GOD has everything he doesn't need money to survive but we do!I don't go to church because I am not going to sit in a room full of fake people who act one way and an hour later are just like the SINNERS.I will believe in a hire power but I will not give my hard earned money for someone to read me something I can read myself.I will not chant to someone and thank them for a stroke of luck,A MIRACLE it's said.God or who ever is just where ever waiting for us to kill us.The president started a war and is killing our brothers,husbands,sons,cousins,boyfriends,friends for his own place in the history book!He is the anti-christ he has no soul and when he goes to bed at night he goes with a clear head,no tears he hasn't lost anyone he loves.What kind of God would let us fall apart so badly?Look at everything bad in this world then look at the good!Wow we are a horrible planet.When and if there is a judgement day I wanna know how he could judge us when we had to figure out how to survive.You know whats worse than a republican? A christian...THATS MY OPINION>>>>
thank you!
What do you believe???Do not hate the one who tells you what you are to blind to see,or to deaf to hear or to brainwashed to care!!I love everyone,I cannot give you food for your families,money to pay your debts,stop the pain of life but worship me and you will be rewarded believe in me pray to me,I will promise you an eternity of peace.I haven't done anything to prove I will you just have to trust in the fact that I mean trueth.You do not know me nor will you ever see me but I do exist.........COME ON FOLLOW THE VOODOOISM religion..
"God's will." It's a catch-all, a pass-the-buck, a junk drawer, an excuse, an abdication of responsibility. "I didn't mean to blow up that office building, God made me this way, and I'm just doing his will."
Still, I was willing to be proven wrong. I said, "Show me, Lord, show me something. Show me something definitive. Show me a sign. Show me that you're there, that you're listening, that you're who everybody likes to say you are." No response. People tell me: Go outside. Take a walk. Look at the grass, the trees, the birds, the clouds, the kids in the playground, the houses, the cars, the stars, the families, the friends, the pets, the beach, the oceans -- the beauty, the balance, the life.... And, yes, there is beauty there, and hope, and love, and symmetry, and goodness. But: If God did all of that.... Then he also did the bombs and the guns and the shattered bodies and shattered minds and the wars and the diseases and the corruptions and the betrayals and infidelities and lies and torture and deprivations and cruelties and death. Or -- at the very least -- he allowed all of that to happen. Where's the Godliness in that....? |
You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm with you, sister! My last boyfriend's father is a Methodist minister and one of the biggest hypocrites/liars around along with his wife. The ex was aware of the fact that his father bald-faced LIED to me and wasn't happy about it. Did he do anything about it? Nope. All the ex told me was "If you don't want to have anything to do with my parents, I understand." What's even worse, the ex flat out told me that his father doesn't even BELIEVE anything that he preaches about...being a minister is just a JOB. Can you believe it? Being exposed to people like that in the last 9 years has made me more LEARY about people who say they're good Christians because they go to church and I'm going straight to hell. I don't understand why these people think this way - sin all week, go to church, get absolved of all sin they committed all week, then do it all over again. It's okay because God forgave them the last time. This does not compute...this does not compute...totally illogical...
You have very loving, caring, calm thoughts Voodoo.
Now if you could just learn to use the Enter Key once in a while the world would be a better place. ![]() |
I believe that people have been given the wrong message and have been duped by so called christian's and have been made to believe that all God wants is vengeance and condemnation. That is not the God I know and love. I am not going to preach because it is not my place or calling. But I do know that the God I love and serve is a loving, caring, and very jealous God. It is unfortunate that the wrong message has been sent out and practically beaten into the worlds heads. And it is even more unfortunate that the church is the biggest culprit of all. There are good honest christians out there. I am sorry that so many have been hurt by the church whether directly or indirectly. May He forgive us all.
I think that this world is like the Truman show that movie had more trueth in it's story than even the writers knew.It's as if our whole life has been watched by a person or persons in a room
for nothing more than entertainment. |
What the hell did you mean by press enter?
The Enter Key is man’s creation
to put a space between his words but all the masses ramble on like spaceless spaced-out nerds Give a man a keyboard teach him how to type he’ll soon be writing sentences without spaces for the light Monographic paragraphs to blind the readers eyes! No time to take a breath of air for thoughts between the sighs Paragraph your thoughts paraphrase you mind paralleled profanity to help us all unwind ![]() |
guess the devil has did his job wit all of u
Voodoo I recieved this email quite some time ago and I will post it here if I can:
Oh Well apparently I deleted it..its basic premise was this Billy Grahams daughter was asked why would an all loving God allow the suffering in this world: We have legislated God out of our schools, our public places, our text books and pretty much everywhere else in public life...we said God No Thank You we can do it ourselves... God loves us but he is also a gentleman and when asked to leave (even our lives) he will do so, because he is a gentleman.. George Bush is far from the antichrist...he for sure is a silly man who really has NO clue, but not the antichrist. When there was prayer in schools and reference to God in our public places and in our textbooks and places of higher learning....these things were almost unheard of: Kids killing kids, teenage pregnancy, the term my babies mama or my babies daddy...those terms used to be my wife or my husband, drug use was rare, domestic abuse was rare, crime was a fraction of what it is can call all of this coincidence...I think not. God has left us to our own peril because we asked him to....he is still around and watching but you must ask for his help and you MUST believe in what His Son did for us on the cross...thats the only way to make it in the end...everything else is window dressing... Not preaching mund you, just voicing and opinion as you asked...I hope I have helped in some small way and feel free to write me directly if you wish...I would love to talk to you Kevin |
I am proud of you for defending what you believe and for not throwing religious teachings at us.I respect your opinion and I was catholic growing up sadly I feel that is the freakiest religion I know of that is a very big in the area religion.To the CREATOR may he forgive our hostile ways..WHO EVER HE MAY BE. |
============================================================= Look I am not gonna knock down those who live by the bible but ============================================================= Great, because I'm tired of getting insulted. ============================================================= You know whats worse than a republican? A christian...THATS MY OPINION>>>> ============================================================= Wait a second! You just said you weren't going to beat up on us and then you try to insult us? We have done theodicy to death. You say over and over that MEN are the problem in the world and then you blame God? How is it God's fault that we can control ourselves? It's amazing to me that you correctly blame mankind at first and then twist it around and try to blame God. We have free will, we make our own mistakes and we are judged and punished for those mistakes. I can't see how you can fault God in the least for behavior, which you admit is our own. |
THE DEVIL HAS GOTTEN US??? LADY,we live in hell and the devil is this worlds hold.....But did you meet god can you tell him to call me cause I lost him and can not find him,he must have moved about the time the world fell apart..We were a lost cause.
your right I apologize for my words to a point.I think man kind does destroy it's self but guess what I also think that we get punished by our mistakes. WE live in HELL what is God doing here?When the end is here and God or jesus or whoever shows up if any who is he or she to judge us for what we have suffered for?Who is he/she to finally make a decision as to where we spend eternity?????????? How do you know that I blame man kind or that God is a man? Oh right a book said so..I am not going to argue with you about this cause I could go on and on...
I believe that MAN being of Human, can not accept the fact the MAN did not create the world as we know and is trying to go around the truth(God is the creator). Scientist find clues every day of Bible time artifacts and try to explain away the truth. Even someone who was raised "Christian" turns away from his/her beliefs because they have a week soul. The Bible says a week soul is easily decieved. And we all know that Satan is the ultimate deciever. Yes there are alot of great points and everyone has their own belief, but what greater point is that of the Master's own words. Now some may not believe that the bible is God's words. True it was written by a men; but it is these men that saw Jesus and witnessed the miracles, power, mercy and judgement of God. Job lived a life of scourn because Satan couldn't accept the fact that Job was a man of God. Everything that happened to Job was not the work of God but that of Satan, God only allowed it to happen. When something bad happens to us, what do we say? O' God why are you doing this to me? Instead we should say, 'Satan I will not allow you to come between me and my God.' If we acknowledge God he will protect us. Instead of cursing God for everything bad that happens to us, we should thank him that it is not as bad as it could've been. It is my opinion that we stop trying to explain why things are the way they are because God has already done that. We need to start accepting the way things are and when we do God will do major works in our lives. I have to go for now but if you want to hear more let me know and I will be back. Remember this is all my opinion no fact except what you read in your bible. Belief or not. Its in there.
============================================================== How do you know that I blame man kind or that God is a man? ============================================================== Are you serious? voodoo25 wrote ============================================================== We give people dirty looks,we talk about people as if they are nothing and we stab people in the back for personal gain...I think if the world is going to end as predicted by the late nostrodomous than we WE the people are gonna end it!...We kill like we sleep,we stab people in the back for personal gain. ============================================================== YOU SAID IT. I didn't mention Jesus or God in my post. I didn't quote the Bible. YOU BLAMED MANKIND. Why do you people not even admit to writing what you wrote? Why do you have introduce words into my mouth? You talk about Jesus, God and the Bible and PRETEND that I mentioned them first. How can you even do that? How can you think of yourself as being intellecutually honest when you throw up strawmen like that? |
VOODOO, I am a firm believer in God and in His Son. He has done so much for me and my family. I however am not religious. I do not claim to be perfect in any way shape or form. I know that I as a human am imperfect. I also believe that the TRUE message of God has gotten lost in todays world.
Kevin, I agree with what you wrote. God has given us a free will , that means We choose what we do with our lives. And what we have chosen has cost us more than we could possibly imagine. Instead of love, peace, happiness, and joy we have hate, anger, and bitterness in their place. There is still good in this world, we just have to look for it. And it is up to us to find it and then spread it to the rest of the world. |
Do not judge others as God is the only one who has the right of that.But I bet you see a gay couple and say jesus that is sick.
you see a person with alot of face piercings and you give them a dirty look as to say your better. I bet when you see a fat person and you are skinny and they are wearing provacative clothes you say look at that chic she is so nasty. Every little thought mean or judgemental to another places you in the hipocrit catagory. How can you say a word about **** when you are just the same as the ones you insult.I insult at times I do it cause it is my own thought but I feel bad for it up until someone sees me with all my tattoos and piercings and they give me the you don't belong in the room look.This way of life isn't God it is life it is us being human..... |