Community > Posts By > drumguy10

drumguy10's photo
Wed 05/14/08 09:41 AM
Edited by drumguy10 on Wed 05/14/08 09:42 AM
Not to mention the fact that the small business owners that fall into this catagory will now have a much harder time staying in business..

The answer is not to increase minimum wage the answer is to educate people so they don't have to work these minimum wage jobs..Now there will always be people who have to work these jobs, since of course these businesses would close without workers.
Ok playing devils advocate here..say we increase minimum wage to say $10.00 an hour..Are you honestly gonna pay 6 -7 dollars for a quarter pounder with cheese? 10 dollars for a combo? Thats what I would take for Mcdonalds to pay that much..Or any other business like this..

Increasing minimum wage is not the will NEVER keep up with inflation, its a bandaid on a gaping wound..its quite simple if people want out of poverty bad enough they find a way out...there are many avenues to get training in this country and they are terribly under utilized.

Trust me I have been a Restaurant Manager for 26 years and I know the dollars and cents of the business

drumguy10's photo
Fri 05/09/08 06:07 AM
Yeah my kids don't have a great mom, does that count?

drumguy10's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:36 AM
Yeah and I am almost every one of those and yet it seriously seems to not matter...Its almost as if women expect to be mistreated...There was a time when I was that atypical BAD BOY and I got more respect then than I do now...Go Figure....

drumguy10's photo
Mon 05/05/08 06:16 AM
Actually with proper lighting you can get a decent pic from a webcam..just add more light and you'll be fine..just don't shine it straight in your face lol

drumguy10's photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:32 PM
Being the father of a Marine in Afghanistan I can appreciate this very much...Also have a daughter how has done 2 tours in Iraq already...but is stateside for now..

Thank you

drumguy10's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:48 AM
Voodoo I recieved this email quite some time ago and I will post it here if I can:

Oh Well apparently I deleted it..its basic premise was this

Billy Grahams daughter was asked why would an all loving God allow the suffering in this world:

We have legislated God out of our schools, our public places, our text books and pretty much everywhere else in public life...we said God No Thank You we can do it ourselves...

God loves us but he is also a gentleman and when asked to leave (even our lives) he will do so, because he is a gentleman..

George Bush is far from the antichrist...he for sure is a silly man who really has NO clue, but not the antichrist.

When there was prayer in schools and reference to God in our public places and in our textbooks and places of higher learning....these things were almost unheard of: Kids killing kids, teenage pregnancy, the term my babies mama or my babies daddy...those terms used to be my wife or my husband, drug use was rare, domestic abuse was rare, crime was a fraction of what it is can call all of this coincidence...I think not.

God has left us to our own peril because we asked him to....he is still around and watching but you must ask for his help and you MUST believe in what His Son did for us on the cross...thats the only way to make it in the end...everything else is window dressing...

Not preaching mund you, just voicing and opinion as you asked...I hope I have helped in some small way and feel free to write me directly if you wish...I would love to talk to you


drumguy10's photo
Mon 10/08/07 03:18 PM
I like the mtual match feature just maybes should tell you its a maybe and yes should say yes..I mean after all NO means NO right, why should maybe be treated the same as yes

drumguy10's photo
Mon 10/08/07 01:56 PM
Why does a woman make you a mutual match after you initiate it and then when you write her she never writes back.

Its not that I am not being written because I am, the behavior just puzzles me. If I receive a message about someone wanting to meet me and I am not interested I decline. It would be silly and wrong to lead someone on that way.

Anyway like I said it just puzzles me :)