Topic: Ignore | |
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Tue 08/02/16 08:27 PM
I put this in general because it isnt specifically or uniquely applied to dating
I know people have many views about ignoring others, I believe if someone is being a big Ahole in person/real time,, its sometimes best to ignore/walk away from them and not fuel their nonsense on line however, it can become more complicated as people have an expectation in some situations to get a response and not in others I know with messages, I ignore people alot, because I just dont want to spend the time or have them filling up my messages with nonsense, and I see engaging people in any way, even in response, as an invitation to them to continue , or insist upon being consoled or having explanations ,,etc,,etc,,etc,, for me, not responding, is most often an indication that for whatever reason(and its not always anything personal or bad) , I decided I didnt want to engage in an ongoing conversation with that person at that time,, I am a private person at nature and not as comfortable in the one on one conversation with a stranger sometimes, I may feel more social and look through emails again to see if I may want to take a leap of faith and engage someone ,,,a week after they initially messaged me the same in the thread, at times a poster can be so obtuse and annoying just so that they can continue arguing,, that at some point I simply learn to avoid or ignore them ,,,what are your thoughts on ignoring people,? does it have a context where it is sometimes rude and sometimes not,, or do you think it is always rude? |
I tend to agree with you..
I feel many now just ignore others if they don't like the look of them or maybe something they have said in an initial post or message... I do it myself at times. I used to get annoyed on mostly other dating sites when I had sent a message to show my interest in a particular lady and got no response. I always respond whether I'm interested or not.. some get a bit irate where others say thanks.. so you can't please everyone all the time............ Laurie |
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Tue 08/02/16 09:26 PM
I think it's everyone's prerogative to reply or not reply, it doesn't make you rude if you don't reply.
A couple of other ways to look at it: Sometimes there is just nothing to say. You've read what they have to say... and it's duly noted. Sometimes you know the person needs to feel they got the last word in, so you let them. If you respond it continues, etc. So you're doing them a favor in a way! "Ok, you win, you got the last word!" In any case, I think you have the right to decide what to reply to and you don't have to feel bad about it. |
I think it's everyone's prerogative to reply or not reply, it doesn't make you rude if you don't reply. A couple of other ways to look at it: Sometimes there is just nothing to say. You've read what they have to say... and it's duly noted. Sometimes you know the person needs to feel they got the last word in, so you let them. If you respond it continues, etc. So you're doing them a favor in away! "Ok, you win, you got the last word!" In any case, I think you have the right to decide what to reply to and you don't have to feel bad about it. I agree with Juliet. I would add sometimes you are just busy and don't have the time to properly respond for a while. So waiting for a period of time is not being rude. |
if your ignoring som1 cuz their an ahole?thats being grown about it,
if you ignore them simply basically cuz you dont like them or want to conversate with a particular person, i believe your allowed to make that decision and not be demanded to not do what you want, doesnt make you evil it just makes you that much more grown and in other cases that much of an individual yourself,...your free to do as you please,you didnt hurt no oneby doing sso anywayz....??? lol feel free to ignore ignorant ppl,nd not engage in bull... |
It seems to me the way of the internet as many have already said, no response to an email to or from a stranger is a response, meaning either sorry not interested or maybe they have just not been back on the site for weeks, that is the way I understand it to be. However having said that, I do normally reply to an email even when not interested, to say thanks for the email and why I am not interested, which is usually because they live too far away. |
Edited by
Wed 08/03/16 06:05 AM
In a friendship or relationship, walking away from confict HABITUALLY, is unacceptable in my opinion .At some point i would require myself, my friends and mate to develop the skill of at least explaining that they need some time to cool off which is a totally reasonable request.
But as it relates to cyber interactions, while it may be rude to ignore strangers online, sometimes it is better than the alternative of duking it out with a contentious or abusive stranger when there is little liklihood of resolution to be had. |
You can't ignore me...I have a way of getting under someone's a fungus.
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I put this in general because it isnt specifically or uniquely applied to dating I know people have many views about ignoring others, I believe if someone is being a big Ahole in person/real time,, its sometimes best to ignore/walk away from them and not fuel their nonsense on line however, it can become more complicated as people have an expectation in some situations to get a response and not in others I know with messages, I ignore people alot, because I just dont want to spend the time or have them filling up my messages with nonsense, and I see engaging people in any way, even in response, as an invitation to them to continue , or insist upon being consoled or having explanations ,,etc,,etc,,etc,, for me, not responding, is most often an indication that for whatever reason(and its not always anything personal or bad) , I decided I didnt want to engage in an ongoing conversation with that person at that time,, I am a private person at nature and not as comfortable in the one on one conversation with a stranger sometimes, I may feel more social and look through emails again to see if I may want to take a leap of faith and engage someone ,,,a week after they initially messaged me the same in the thread, at times a poster can be so obtuse and annoying just so that they can continue arguing,, that at some point I simply learn to avoid or ignore them ,,,what are your thoughts on ignoring people,? does it have a context where it is sometimes rude and sometimes not,, or do you think it is always rude? if it's an obnoxious message? I warn, delete, block if it is a poster in a forum you kinda get a feel for what kind of person they are there are some that are insta-gators that love to argue and there are some that love to rip you a new one belittle, insult you instead of sticking to a topic they are looking for attention and will keep on going and going like the energizer bunny cut those off quick and walk away |
the same in the thread, at times a poster can be so obtuse and annoying just so that they can continue arguing,, -------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, I've run into a few. Lol It seems that those types always have to get the last word in too... like its a game and if they don't.. somehow they lose...Have you noticed that too? Its almost as if they have absolutely nothing else to do.. I find that really strange. Oh well, its just best to discount anything they say and remember the source. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
chicks that ignore are rude and inconsiderate
chicks that ignore are rude and inconsiderate That's only because you are looking at it from a one-sided point of view. SDSCFof2 I am one of the chics that takes time to respond to almost every email and it is always a polite refusal explaining to the person that they live too far away or are incompatible and wishing them all the best . And sometimes I get very rude responses back , and I completely understand why most women ignore altogether so they wouldn't have to potentially face that abuse ![]() |
chicks that ignore are rude and inconsiderate That's only because you are looking at it from a one-sided point of view. SDSCFof2I am one of the chics that takes time to respond to almost every email and it is always a polite refusal explaining to the person that they live too far away or are incompatible and wishing them all the best . And sometimes I get very rude responses back , and I completely understand why most women ignore altogether so they wouldn't have to potentially face that abuse ![]() abusers should be reported. |
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Wed 08/03/16 09:13 AM
I did notice and even experienced those too.the tyrants,infuriating remarks,out of the context comments that obviously seeking attention like a narcissistic fool.
and at some event,it happens to my very own threads. I concur to what conrad's observation. anyway,just like any other civilised human.i opted to just IGNORE. that way,issue will delutes by it's own. and lastly,we all have different degrees of knowledge and every opinion deserves RESPECT ... |
chicks that ignore are rude and inconsiderate That's only because you are looking at it from a one-sided point of view. SDSCFof2I am one of the chics that takes time to respond to almost every email and it is always a polite refusal explaining to the person that they live too far away or are incompatible and wishing them all the best . And sometimes I get very rude responses back , and I completely understand why most women ignore altogether so they wouldn't have to potentially face that abuse ![]() abusers should be reported. Reporting an abuse is like killing a mosquito . Its still a new battle with every new mosquito that buzzes around , which is why some women ignore altogether. You are only thinking about your side alone . |
I have never reported anyone,, ignore is much simpler, there are far too many offensive things posted in one degree or another
reporting any one feels hypocritical , to me anyhow |
Think I'll just ignore this whole thread
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chicks that ignore are rude and inconsiderate That's only because you are looking at it from a one-sided point of view. SDSCFof2I am one of the chics that takes time to respond to almost every email and it is always a polite refusal explaining to the person that they live too far away or are incompatible and wishing them all the best . And sometimes I get very rude responses back , and I completely understand why most women ignore altogether so they wouldn't have to potentially face that abuse ![]() abusers should be reported. Reporting an abuse is like killing a mosquito . Its still a new battle with every new mosquito that buzzes around , which is why some women ignore altogether. You are only thinking about your side alone . what do you mean by that? are you asking me out? |
Edited by
Thu 08/04/16 09:18 PM
Is this your way of blowing me off msharmony?
I thought we were besties? ![]() ![]() |
You can ignore whom ever, when ever, where ever and for what ever reason you wish. This may make you seem like an ahole to some people but who cares, sometimes some people just deserve it. For example, I know for a fact that quite a few people on this site ignore me, does it hurt my feelings? A little on occasion, is my world going to end? NO! These people that get all but hurt about being ignored need to grow up, move out of their cave and join the real world.
"Life is pain princess, anyone that tells you otherwise is selling something" Princess Bride. |