Topic: Toronto: #BLM Shuts Down Gay Pride Parade
msharmony's photo
Mon 07/11/16 09:20 PM
sorry to the mods

I would like to get back on topic,,,,,,

BLM is a large movement, in its infancy, it hasn't been able to avoid having individuals who make poor choices

its not a sovereign country but a movement so regionally , offshoots of the movement exist all over,, the negative gets a lot of press but its not a condemnation of the movement

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 07/11/16 09:51 PM

sorry to the mods

I would like to get back on topic,,,,,,

BLM is a large movement, in its infancy, it hasn't been able to avoid having individuals who make poor choices

its not a sovereign country but a movement so regionally , offshoots of the movement exist all over,, the negative gets a lot of press but its not a condemnation of the movement

...perhaps that's part of my problem..the bad apples get the spotlight..and of course my own prejudices...not meant as racist..just my own experience with law enforcement...harassment is an understatement..but why take the spotlight from other struggling people feel they are poorly treated just as blacks...but one cause shouldn't overtake is unfair to many ...but violence will only produce violence...hope one day we all get a better deal..flowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/11/16 10:02 PM

sorry to the mods

I would like to get back on topic,,,,,,

BLM is a large movement, in its infancy, it hasn't been able to avoid having individuals who make poor choices

its not a sovereign country but a movement so regionally , offshoots of the movement exist all over,, the negative gets a lot of press but its not a condemnation of the movement

...perhaps that's part of my problem..the bad apples get the spotlight..and of course my own prejudices...not meant as racist..just my own experience with law enforcement...harassment is an understatement..but why take the spotlight from other struggling people feel they are poorly treated just as blacks...but one cause shouldn't overtake is unfair to many ...but violence will only produce violence...hope one day we all get a better deal..flowerforyou

believe it or not, I get chastised in real life for being 'over' trusting and compassionate,, I rather take part in thoughtful and open conversations than namecalling or character assassinations

that being said, I try to keep in mind that what the media shows isn't everyones reality all the time,, and that causes me to not believe that any cause can really 'overtake' another , ,,

a country of our size should never be complacent with addressing any one issue, we have enough to address hundreds, if not thousands simultaneously

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 07/11/16 11:38 PM
Soros must be paying well,wonder if he still uses the Tide Foundation and AdBusters!

mightymoe's photo
Tue 07/12/16 11:18 AM

no, smart people come in all races

smart is not racial

condescending is not either

but smart people don't condescend about what another demographics concerns are in THEIR communities by telling them what they should be concerned about 'first' or instead

as i said, just keep on keeping on, since it works so well for the blacks now... :laughing:

Kindlightheart's photo
Tue 07/12/16 12:01 PM

sorry to the mods

I would like to get back on topic,,,,,,

BLM is a large movement, in its infancy, it hasn't been able to avoid having individuals who make poor choices

its not a sovereign country but a movement so regionally , offshoots of the movement exist all over,, the negative gets a lot of press but its not a condemnation of the movement

...perhaps that's part of my problem..the bad apples get the spotlight..and of course my own prejudices...not meant as racist..just my own experience with law enforcement...harassment is an understatement..but why take the spotlight from other struggling people feel they are poorly treated just as blacks...but one cause shouldn't overtake is unfair to many ...but violence will only produce violence...hope one day we all get a better deal..flowerforyou

believe it or not, I get chastised in real life for being 'over' trusting and compassionate,, I rather take part in thoughtful and open conversations than namecalling or character assassinations

that being said, I try to keep in mind that what the media shows isn't everyones reality all the time,, and that causes me to not believe that any cause can really 'overtake' another , ,,

a country of our size should never be complacent with addressing any one issue, we have enough to address hundreds, if not thousands simultaneously

.. I bet you do suffer from the nice people too..and for the sake of daughter is a lesbian and her girlfriend is as black as they get...boy do we have some wild debating..I love everyone.,..just would like to see a happy begining instead of a violent end..flowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 01:28 PM

Yea they high jacked that otherwise pleasant parade, as far as i'm concerned, they lost any credibility and their demands makes this even more of a farce, the legitimate black community should denounce this embarrassment right away and replace the leaders with quality representation but they can't attract anyone able to guide the movement properly, it was created out of hate and in that case should be dissolved.

Your absolutely correct.

And it will fade out.

Maybe some will join up with Farrakhan's.. to boost that imaginary security force he has been trying to build the last 2 or so years.

Yes, black lives do matter.. so I suggest they stem the tide of black on black crime... thus stop killing their own. Seems like a good start.. a logical start.

yes, maybe we can stop PAYING criminals to be criminals,,,

oh wait, they are CRIMINALS

please people, stop equating the say citizens should have in the behavior of their police with they say they have in criminals choices

and there is no 'start' , there are many different areas for improvement and many different people and groups to address the simultaneously

Yes, as with any problem you start with the core.. the biggest cause.

Are saying that the black on black crime is not the biggest cause of murder and violent crime within the black community?... really?

Turn on the news M.S.. any news station. Who is killing the black people.. every day...every hour.. all day across America.

It is other black people. For profit, for drugs or hate. They could care less about their ethnic group.


But by all means, continue not to take responsibility for your own. Continue to blame others for the lack of accountability within your neighborhoods.. your own families.. Continue to keep your heads in the sand.

Continue to do that.. and the problem will continue to exist and grow

You can only blame whitey for so long ya know.. then you have to face the facts.

So predictable. Lol

no, Im saying that with a demographic of millions,, there is no 'start' ,, there are ongoing and coinciding efforts on coinciding fronts

they dont have to be done ONE at a time,, but concurrently, ,and they are

so yes, black people are as concerned about crime in their communities as any other people

and they are doing just as much on that front in their communities as any other people

but there is no reason that all 30 million have to only focus on that

there is also a concern about police being held accountable for their actions in their communities,, and some of that 30 million have every right and responsibility to address that too

Sure there is a start... at birth. The " start" is how you raise your kids. How families accept responsibility for their kids. But with a 74% single parent household rate in the black community I am sure that is hard to do. It is easy to father children.. not so easy to be a Dad to them or even be around.. sure seems that way.

But hey, when some people see nothing wrong with children aged 14 having sex and becoming parents themselves.. a kid raising a kid. or kids..(which leads to school drop out, single parenthood & welfare). Why should anyone be surprised.

what does someones parents marital status play into their deserving to die?

please explain this to me,,

all these tangents are nice to paint a 'they deserved to die' picture

but in that moment before they are killed is the person with the power asking them first how many kids were in their family or if their dad was around


complete nonsense, in this discussion

point is, police are paid and trained and given resources to both serve and protect,, not to be juror and executioner

and if there is a problem with some officers choosing lethal force before deescalation, those officers need to be held accountable by the system

point blank. PERIOD

?.. you keep spinning it to police. I asked you about black on black crime.. the LEADING and MAIN cause of black homicides.

But YOU ( as usual) refuse to acknowledge this.. and continue to deflect the responsibility to any Entity outside the black community

So I will say it AGAIN MS.

The leading cause.. by a landslide is BLACKS KILLING BLACKS. every hour of every day, across America.

Are you going to deny this, MS. go ahead.. prove me it.

I know you don't like to hear that... because it goes against your agenda....

And to answer your question

74% DO NOT HAVE both parents IN THE HOME. That MS is why their kids grow up into crime and poverty. NO father figure.. He's NOT THERE. He is NOT supporting the children he fathered.

Got it I said.. it is easy to father kids... being around seems to be a different story... doesn't it. The numbers don't lie.... 3 out of 4!!!....

A breakdown in basic values.. a breakdown of accountability.. and a fractured family structure.. which spans generations..

And this starts with the mentality I mentioned.. meaning seeing it o.k. for children to have children....

That mentality is broken.....that mentality starts the chain.

I am not spinning to police, the thread is about BLM which was begun as a response to police killings where noone was held accountable

and as I said before, the statistics you keep posting have nothing to do with this

we are not protesting about police STOPPING black males or having interaction with them,, we are talking about how they interact WHEN they do

its easy to say avoid crime, until one is honest that whites and blacks both commit crime'

then one can skip all the drama about who and why people turn to crime

we are protesting that amongst CRIMINALS and ALLEGED criminals who interact with cops,, they are able to figure out how to deescalate some situations and not others and how race seems to have a disproportionate correlation

lack of a parent doesnt cause that officer to kill that 'suspect' , it has NOTHING to do with it

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 01:31 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 07/12/16 01:32 PM

sorry to the mods

I would like to get back on topic,,,,,,

BLM is a large movement, in its infancy, it hasn't been able to avoid having individuals who make poor choices

its not a sovereign country but a movement so regionally , offshoots of the movement exist all over,, the negative gets a lot of press but its not a condemnation of the movement

...perhaps that's part of my problem..the bad apples get the spotlight..and of course my own prejudices...not meant as racist..just my own experience with law enforcement...harassment is an understatement..but why take the spotlight from other struggling people feel they are poorly treated just as blacks...but one cause shouldn't overtake is unfair to many ...but violence will only produce violence...hope one day we all get a better deal..flowerforyou

believe it or not, I get chastised in real life for being 'over' trusting and compassionate,, I rather take part in thoughtful and open conversations than namecalling or character assassinations

that being said, I try to keep in mind that what the media shows isn't everyones reality all the time,, and that causes me to not believe that any cause can really 'overtake' another , ,,

a country of our size should never be complacent with addressing any one issue, we have enough to address hundreds, if not thousands simultaneously

.. I bet you do suffer from the nice people too..and for the sake of daughter is a lesbian and her girlfriend is as black as they get...boy do we have some wild debating..I love everyone.,..just would like to see a happy begining instead of a violent end..flowerforyou

as would I and my family is too diverse to even go into which is why I dont align with something merely due to demographics, there are alot of mens issues I side with when it comes to disparate treatment as well, and many people of many races protest with BLM,,,,

its about speaking up when we see something we feel is injust, whether it happens to us or to someone else flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 07/12/16 02:49 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Tue 07/12/16 02:55 PM
I would like to get back on topic,,,,,,
Sure....Frick BLM. They spawned protests for two police shootings that were ALREADY under investigation by the feds...and one of those protests ended with the ambush of five innocent police officers...and many more injured in Baton Rouge and Minnesota, with one officer with a fractured vertebrae in his neck because some animal threw a brick off a bridge on purpose and struck him in the head.

its not a sovereign country but a movement so regionally
Horse$hit...regional my of its leaders purposely flew into Louisiana, strirred up $hit, and promptly flew back to his appointed govt job in Baltimore....leaving Louisiana taxpayers to clean up his mess....AGAIN, over a shooting ALREADY under DOJ investigation and where the local DA has recused himself.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 02:56 PM
'ONE' being the significant word there,,,

the movement has millions,,,

no photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:02 PM

'ONE' being the significant word there,,,

the movement has millions,,,
Yes of its LEADERS Sherlock....but you spin to your heart's content.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:06 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 07/12/16 03:07 PM
wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,,

yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL?

ya see,, here is the problem


in my perception, and judging by the fact people of all races and occupations take part in BLM protests and vigils,, the movement is pro JUSTICE and not ANTI COP

the very reason is because it IS NOT RIGHT to paint all cops with the same brush as those who are unjustly taking lives,, any more than it would be right to paint all men with the same brush as those who abuse their wives, or all BLM protests and protestors with the same brush as those who do or say something we find offensive

so, I repeat, certainly INDIVIDUALS in the movement ( I dont know of whom you are speaking so I have no details) will do and say things that some find unacceptable,, but using that to negate and deride the WHOLE MOVEMENT is no different than those who use the actions of individual cops to label ALL POLICE

and if there is no grown up and rational response here, feel free to just label it all 'spin'

no photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:26 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Tue 07/12/16 03:30 PM
wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,,

yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL?
What leader? Hell, even the liberal Yahoo knows....

Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson....

Annnnnd if you would have read this whole thread, you would've known who I meant already.....

ya see,, here is the problem

Yes....yours is particularly bad.....well, not bad, its an agenda.

And the last word in that total post defines the remainder of the post....spin.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:40 PM

wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,,

yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL?
What leader? Hell, even the liberal Yahoo knows....

Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson....

Annnnnd if you would have read this whole thread, you would've known who I meant already.....

ya see,, here is the problem

Yes....yours is particularly bad.....well, not bad, its an agenda.

And the last word in that total post defines the remainder of the post....spin.

lol, even that article has no details to perceive, no reason for the arrest,,,


isaac_dede's photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:49 PM

wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,,

yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL?

ya see,, here is the problem


in my perception, and judging by the fact people of all races and occupations take part in BLM protests and vigils,, the movement is pro JUSTICE and not ANTI COP

the very reason is because it IS NOT RIGHT to paint all cops with the same brush as those who are unjustly taking lives,, any more than it would be right to paint all men with the same brush as those who abuse their wives, or all BLM protests and protestors with the same brush as those who do or say something we find offensive

so, I repeat, certainly INDIVIDUALS in the movement ( I dont know of whom you are speaking so I have no details) will do and say things that some find unacceptable,, but using that to negate and deride the WHOLE MOVEMENT is no different than those who use the actions of individual cops to label ALL POLICE

and if there is no grown up and rational response here, feel free to just label it all 'spin'

So by this logic, ISIS is a group, so we should absolve the group of anything that they incite and promote? And only focus on the LOW level individuals carrying out their leaders (who neverodo the dirty work themselves) ..
uh huh

no photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:51 PM

wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,,

yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL?
What leader? Hell, even the liberal Yahoo knows....

Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson....

Annnnnd if you would have read this whole thread, you would've known who I meant already.....

ya see,, here is the problem

Yes....yours is particularly bad.....well, not bad, its an agenda.

And the last word in that total post defines the remainder of the post....spin.

lol, even that article has no details to perceive, no reason for the arrest,,,

The only detail I wanted to show, showed up quite well....lemme show you again....

Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson

...I didn't make that up. But if you're saying "He's not a BLM leader *wink wink*", I get it....kinda like Charles Manson wasn't the 'leader' of the Manson Family.

Ima let you be...something tells me you will have plenty of other posters here to try to convince about BLMs " noble" seem to attract them....and I didn't mean that as a dig, only as being a bit funny to me laugh

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:55 PM

wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,,

yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL?

ya see,, here is the problem


in my perception, and judging by the fact people of all races and occupations take part in BLM protests and vigils,, the movement is pro JUSTICE and not ANTI COP

the very reason is because it IS NOT RIGHT to paint all cops with the same brush as those who are unjustly taking lives,, any more than it would be right to paint all men with the same brush as those who abuse their wives, or all BLM protests and protestors with the same brush as those who do or say something we find offensive

so, I repeat, certainly INDIVIDUALS in the movement ( I dont know of whom you are speaking so I have no details) will do and say things that some find unacceptable,, but using that to negate and deride the WHOLE MOVEMENT is no different than those who use the actions of individual cops to label ALL POLICE

and if there is no grown up and rational response here, feel free to just label it all 'spin'

So by this logic, ISIS is a group, so we should absolve the group of anything that they incite and promote? And only focus on the LOW level individuals carrying out their leaders (who neverodo the dirty work themselves) ..
uh huh

no, that is a terrible analogy , ISIS is an organized group(not a social media movement) that heavily arms itself and is trained to commit suicide and kill individuals with no power'

so yeah, THAT group with very specific ideology and motives and training shouldn't be absolved

BLM isnt training

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 03:58 PM

wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,,

yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL?
What leader? Hell, even the liberal Yahoo knows....

Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson....

Annnnnd if you would have read this whole thread, you would've known who I meant already.....

ya see,, here is the problem

Yes....yours is particularly bad.....well, not bad, its an agenda.

And the last word in that total post defines the remainder of the post....spin.

lol, even that article has no details to perceive, no reason for the arrest,,,

The only detail I wanted to show, showed up quite well....lemme show you again....

Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson

...I didn't make that up. But if you're saying "He's not a BLM leader *wink wink*", I get it....kinda like Charles Manson wasn't the 'leader' of the Manson Family.

Ima let you be...something tells me you will have plenty of other posters here to try to convince about BLMs " noble" seem to attract them....and I didn't mean that as a dig, only as being a bit funny to me laugh

the question was 'what was he arrested for?'

I already covered my concern about what made him a 'leader' and does being labeled 'leader' make him any less accountable to his individual choices

but Im sure thats not going to be addressed here,,,,the original point to deride the whole movement on this 'leaders' actions is still in play by repeating the media appointed 'leader' label as indication that he represents all of the millions participating,,,

no photo
Tue 07/12/16 04:09 PM
the question was 'what was he arrested for?'
He wouldn't get out of a public street when told to...

....kinda like Alton Sterling who didn't follow orders either and kept reaching for a gun.
Ol Deray missed a teachable moment for his followers.....

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/16 04:13 PM

yes, what a hateful movement,,,