Topic: Age difference
no photo
Thu 06/30/16 10:23 PM
how are you these days??

kevke1's photo
Thu 06/30/16 10:40 PM

Duttoneer's photo
Fri 07/01/16 01:09 AM

I keep getting told 'age is just a number' constantly... one of my friends tried to set me up with a 30 year old (I'm 19 going on 20) I refused because of the age... Is that wrong? I would love to hear opinions on age differences

If you feel uncomfortable dating someone 10 years older than you are, then better for you to stay dating within the age group you are comfortable with. Someone else your age may be quite happy to date an older person, in my opinion it is a personal choice, I would not say it is wrong.

BreakingGood's photo
Fri 07/01/16 05:07 PM
I have typically dated older women. This stopped when I got to my mid-thirties. There's that whole hitting the wall thing.

I dated someone several years younger then I was. Physically it was wonderful. happy happy happy happy

But... emotionally it felt like I was dating someone 20 years my junior. We were in two totally difference phases of our lives.

Physical age is a very real number. Physical compatibility is important.

However, emotional & intellectual compatibility is probably the most important thing.

babykris6c's photo
Fri 07/01/16 05:10 PM
Like to know what men think of their younger partner

justgoodolme's photo
Sun 07/03/16 03:05 AM

kmptjkl's photo
Sun 07/03/16 03:28 AM

markc48's photo
Sun 07/03/16 04:36 PM
Pretty much any lady I pick is going to be younger than me. As long as we can get along.

msharmony's photo
Sun 07/03/16 04:41 PM

age is experiences.
age is ideals.
age is having an established lifestyle or trying to build a future.
age is finding out (the hard way) that you're not as young as you used to be.
age is being comfortable with yourself versus trying to impress the world.

age makes a big difference in how yyou see the world.
stick with your dreams and don't let other people tell you who you should date. pay attention to what is right for you

this is especially true in our younger years

it gets less true in later years,,,,its more about stage of life, and ID say after 30 people have life stages that are less and less easy to predict by the years of their lives

msharmony's photo
Sun 07/03/16 04:41 PM

age is experiences.
age is ideals.
age is having an established lifestyle or trying to build a future.
age is finding out (the hard way) that you're not as young as you used to be.
age is being comfortable with yourself versus trying to impress the world.

age makes a big difference in how yyou see the world.
stick with your dreams and don't let other people tell you who you should date. pay attention to what is right for you

this is especially true in our younger years

it gets less true in later years,,,,its more about stage of life, and ID say after 30 people have life stages that are less and less easy to predict by the years of their lives

no photo
Sun 07/03/16 04:45 PM
For the most part, men my age don't want to date me.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 07/03/16 04:57 PM

For the most part, men my age don't want to date me.

I might if we lived close to each other. glasses

RustyKitty's photo
Sun 07/03/16 05:42 PM
There is an 8 year age difference between me and my hubby and we've been together 35 years...
I don't think we've had any problems because of the 8 year gap..
Something to keep in mind however, is, as we age.. you could become a 'caregiver' instead of a 'wife'..
so, the nearer the age gap, perhaps, the better..

no photo
Sun 07/03/16 05:49 PM

There are very few wide age gap relationships that last beyond 2-5 years because longterm success requires two people who maintain compatible priorities , lifestyles and values as both parties age , which is a very rare occurence in wide age gap relationships.

You are very smart Lovethelake20. You are listening to your instinct which is guiding you. You are still exploring who you are and what you want to be, and you need someone who can support you in that journey as you do the same for them.

The reality is that someone older may expect more intensity of focus on them than you are able to give at this phase of self exploration and development in your life.

Keep following your instinct and pursuing your goals and you should be okay. Good luck hun !flowerforyou

BreakingGood's photo
Sun 07/03/16 05:50 PM

we've been together 35 years...

Wow! That's impressive. You guys must have really put in some hard work. I applaud you for that. Hopefully you can stick it out till the end. I'll admit that I'm jealous of you for that. :smile:

no photo
Sun 07/03/16 06:27 PM
In one sense of the word, I agree. Age is just a number. But on the other hand, it isn't. Me personally, I don't see how a 20 yr old woman would want to date a 19 to 25-year-old "boy" Yes, I said, "boy." Because for the most part, that's what most of them are. It's a well-known fact that men grow slower mentally than women do. A 20-year-old woman is a fairly good match for a 30-year-old man. Depending on where he is in his maturity.

But, On the other hand, If you don't feel comfortable dating someone 10 yrs older than you, Don't do it. I can almost guarantee you will not always feel that way. As you grow in maturity, you will start wanting a "man." Immature "boys" will get on your nerves. No matter what age they are.

RustyKitty's photo
Sun 07/03/16 06:59 PM
Edited by RustyKitty on Sun 07/03/16 07:03 PM
perhaps the older we get, the closer in age, the gap should be..
As in the analogy of above, a 20 year old female, dating a 30 year old man..
as she gets to be 60, she won't want to date a 70 year old.. and would tend to stay with someone her own least, I would not
there's probably a graph for that somewhere..

BreakingGood's photo
Sun 07/03/16 07:20 PM

Depending on where he is in his maturity.

I like that analogy. In my case I should date someone between 20 - 25. Thanks for the advice. :wink:

Okay, youngsters here I come.

S2885's photo
Tue 07/05/16 04:57 AM

Age is NOT just a number, regardless of how many ppl say so. It is b*||cr@p.

It is NEVER wrong to refuse. If something doesn't feel right, it is the best thing to do. Other ppl don't know what's best for you, only you do.

Ppl of different ages are at different phases in life. For some that can work out in a relationship, but it can be quite the challenge.
Typically what you want in life differs in those phases and could make two ppl totally incompatible.
Like someone 30 may be ready to settle down, start a family, buy a house, build up his career etc. while you at 19 going 20 feel like having fun still, going out a lot, traveling maybe. But nowhere near having a family.
That sort of thing can cause friction. If you'd wanna wait some 8-10 yrs with a family and 'slowing down', he'll be 40. He may not want to wait with a family and settling down till he's 40.

Not saying this is how it is for you and that guy, just an example of how it can cause friction and incompatibility.

Then there's the question if you want a partner who's that much older...

S2885's photo
Tue 07/05/16 04:58 AM

I have know more then a few couples that had age gaps of 15 years or more.. How many are still together?... not a one.

Because time doesn't stop, and at some point the older of the couple is really old in the eyes of the younger and they lose interest.

How many people do you know who are around 50-55 and have a husband or wife around 65-70? and have been together for a long time.

And for what its worth, I have a friend who divorced then took on a girlfriend in her mid 20's, he was in his late 40's.. The girlfriend was as old as his kids.

How did his kids accept it?.. they didn't, they were embarrassed.. and told me(and others) so. The relationship didn't last.. not because of what the kids thought but because she lost interest after the novelty wore off. The kids lost a lot of respect for their father too.

Is the short burst of "happiness" worth it?.. not in my eyes. I'll stick to my age group.

But to each his own

Iprobably almost everyone I know is divorced except for my parents generation which BTW usually the men were.much older than their wives.

Some families are very close minded