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Topic: 6 hr workday instead of 8
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 04/08/16 11:50 AM
Finally a country that is beginning to understand that pushing people to the limit, doesn't pay off.
It's always Sweden that comes up with great, innovative stuff.

It says that many ppl in the US have to work 9,5 hrs per day. Bloody 'ell.
How to get an unhappy, unhealthy population!

Anyways, here's the article:

Rock's photo
Fri 04/08/16 11:51 PM
I work long hours by choice.
Nothing unhappy about it.

elle_rose's photo
Fri 04/08/16 11:55 PM
its a choice...

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/09/16 12:50 AM
Oh joy,now they have to cram the Work of an 8 Hours into Six!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 04/09/16 03:44 AM

Oh joy,now they have to cram the Work of an 8 Hours into Six!

Nope, they're not. It's just that people are far more productive when they're feeling fit and happy than when they've been worn down by hours and hours of work.
THey waste less time on meetings (if you cut the BS chitchat from meetings, you can reduce length of meeting by 80% -that's my guestimate based on my experience).
Some organisations hire extra staff btw. Guess you haven't read the article?
People also tend to remain healthier, less sick leave, burnout and less medical cost, so all in all it's profitable.
This one company said profit went up by 25%!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 04/09/16 03:45 AM

its a choice...

Is it? Most ppl work because they need money, not because they like their work so much. They need to work 8 hrs or more to make ends meet. Doesn't sound like a choice to me ...

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 04/09/16 03:46 AM

I work long hours by choice.
Nothing unhappy about it.

Then you're a lucky man :)
Not many ppl have that luxury.

Manturkey1's photo
Sat 04/09/16 04:30 AM
Most of those long hrs go to pay health insurance .

If I made $15hr flipping burgers I couldn't complain about a 6hr day

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/09/16 05:14 AM

Oh joy,now they have to cram the Work of an 8 Hours into Six!

Nope, they're not. It's just that people are far more productive when they're feeling fit and happy than when they've been worn down by hours and hours of work.
THey waste less time on meetings (if you cut the BS chitchat from meetings, you can reduce length of meeting by 80% -that's my guestimate based on my experience).
Some organisations hire extra staff btw. Guess you haven't read the article?
People also tend to remain healthier, less sick leave, burnout and less medical cost, so all in all it's profitable.
This one company said profit went up by 25%!

BTW,it's not even Official Policy!
Yep,I have read the Article,and similar ones,but I am not convinced!
Actually it's a Lot of Bunk,like all the other Swedish Experiments in Socialism!

Manturkey1's photo
Sat 04/09/16 06:05 AM

Actually it's a Lot of Bunk,like all the other Swedish Experiments in Socialism!

That would explain ther "violence crime" rate compared to us. You fail to understand there culture.

USA..Word police indifferent

isaac_dede's photo
Sat 04/09/16 06:16 AM
People that says its bunk don't understand history. The U.S. didn't magically stsrt using an 8 hour work week. It came after the 1920s when a STANDARD workday was between 10-16 hours and powers that be established an 8 hour work week so that they weren't overworking their employees. In this case that power was Henry Ford.

This is an interesting article but I wonder if an 8/4 day work week would be more productive

isaac_dede's photo
Sat 04/09/16 06:24 AM
But I've never lived there so I can't say what living there is truly like. But there is a way to find out what the locals actually think...if you're willing to pay the international cost of the call

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/09/16 07:13 AM

Sweden is anything but the "Schlaraffenland" People make it out to be!

37ko's photo
Sat 04/09/16 07:26 AM
6 HOUR WORKDAY??!! lol what's that?? if my workday ends in under 10 hours I had a short day...most labor forces in America are short staffed as is so good luck getting a 6 hour shift here

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 04/09/16 08:31 AM
It's just another artificial way to change how much people are paid.

Everybody plays this game, unfortunately.

Here in the US, business leaders claim to have achieved greater productivity (in order to justify increasing pay to the top earners) by cutting pay and benefits to employees, and increasing their workload without making any changes to the actual jobs to be done.

That, and they redefine how much work a customer has to do before they get the service they thought they paid for.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 04/09/16 09:10 AM
In a truly free market capitalist society the PEOPLE (who ARE the market as consumers and employees) not the government would determine the length of a work day, wages, benefits, price of good and services etc.

Government interference in the economy with rules and regulations does nothing but stagnate the economy and like all rules and regulations they always take freedom from everyone. A minimum wage actually takes away MY FREEDOM to work for a wage that I DETERMINE is acceptable. If I'm willing to work for $6/hour because that is all I want or need to make I can't because that government has taken my right to do so away.

I'm not saying there should be no rules and regulation, I'm say ONLY necessary rules and regulations should exist.

Kathyzee's photo
Sat 04/09/16 09:51 AM

its a choice...

Is it? Most ppl work because they need money, not because they like their work so much. They need to work 8 hrs or more to make ends meet. Doesn't sound like a choice to me ...
100% with you . I'm guessin that by some stroke of luck if u won the lottery ur "choice" would change real fast....But in fact if it is a "choice", how privileged for one to hav such choices as to run themselves into the ground, by choice of course.....Just my thought but most would rather chose to use that extra time with loved ones. Just sayin..

Hi Crystal. Hope all is goin well for you. waving flowerforyou

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 04/09/16 10:40 AM

its a choice...

Is it? Most ppl work because they need money, not because they like their work so much. They need to work 8 hrs or more to make ends meet. Doesn't sound like a choice to me ...
100% with you . I'm guessin that by some stroke of luck if u won the lottery ur "choice" would change real fast....But in fact if it is a "choice", how privileged for one to hav such choices as to run themselves into the ground, by choice of course.....Just my thought but most would rather chose to use that extra time with loved ones. Just sayin..

Hi Crystal. Hope all is goin well for you. waving flowerforyou

Just exactly what is making "ends meet"????
Is it being able to put a roof over your head, having clothing and food on the table?


Is it being able to afford to sit in Starbucks with an $8 cup of coffee posting on Facebook on a laptop, tablet, or smart phone?
Is it having a game system and a large flat screen TV to play it on?
Is it buying or leasing a new car every couple of years?
Is it having any conveniences and what would be luxuries in many parts of the world or is it having what are the REAL necessities needed to live?

no photo
Sat 04/09/16 10:50 AM
Goddam fast food workers only work 5-6 hrs a shift now as it is....and they STILL cant get my order right laugh

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 04/09/16 10:58 AM

Goddam fast food workers only work 5-6 hrs a shift now as it is....and they STILL cant get my order right laugh

A lot of the times I've gone to a fast food place there are more employees talking than working. They might be at their place of employment for 5-6 hrs but I doubt many, if any, of them actually work that many hours.

If they made $15/hour for the time they actually work it would probably be a pay cut!!! laugh

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