Topic: sign or mark of the beast. | |
My friend I understand you. But nobody is free to do what they want and also believed in God. If you have knowing the Bible good the you also can shown people where to find the truth. Thanks that you have remind me, that this part is for everyone. Now I can defend my faith much better. My believing is completely from the scripture and I lives through the scripture. Now let me go to the scripture. Do you have a bible if is yes,than open it and read what Paul says. And also the lady who has here loving your words. Go to Galatians 1:1-10. You can read the rest when you have understand what Paul says. Let me go now I'm the old testament. What did God says to Moses when the people has make a golden calf? They says that they are free. But God says NO. He has given them his commandments. And still today the law stay. And it will stay till Jesus return. So if you are not a Christian just let the Christians with their believes and you keep talking about your believes. We real Christian die for our faith,the one who kill us is not the people itself,but the demons in them. We died preaching the gospel. If you are a Christian follow the words of God BIBLICALLY. I am muslim. According to my belief, Jesus did not die, he came to the heavens and will return when the time comes. and judge justice, people will be happy. //// Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, David and Adam These are the prophets, the messengers of Allah. but God is not, because people can not be God. Adam and Eve are our parents. they are all beautiful people ... they want our good ... that's all ... @ I am not a clergyman and I do not know much about religion. drinking tea, drinking coffee, loving nice meals, loving to travel is a normal muslim. but I try to use my mind well. /// I believe in God first. because I look to the right, I look to the left, I look at the events in the world and in the world, I look at the whole universe, I have to believe in God. //// but one God. a beautiful, unimaginable God without children, without a wife, invisible, justice. //// After you believe in God, you have to believe in the prophets, in the sacred books, in the angels, in the other world, in the fate. /// Jesus is not a father. Adam does not have both parents. Eve does not have both parents. but these are people, like us. eating place, drinking water, chilling in the cold. that is, all human needs exist in them. but they can not be God. because this situation is contrary to the formation of God. a God, why create another God? /// Jesus and Mary are holy people, that's true. but only holy man, good man, clean man, that's all. Jesus; He raised the dead people, opened the eyes of the blind, spoke while in the cradle, healed the paralyzed, healed all the sick. so so. they are all right. their name is miracle. because our religion says so too. /// but God gave them these qualities. to show people the power of God. God has given miracles to all the prophets, because the extraordinary situations attract people's attention. By way of example, our Prophet Muhammad, the finger of the crescent was divided into two. The Prophet Abraham did not fire. The sea was split for Moses. Yunus lived in fish for a while. AS. /// According to Islam, there are many prophets. and every nation came to the Prophet. these prophets have invited people to goodness, beauty, cleanliness. /// Some sources say that 124,000 prophets were sent, this information is not certain, but it goes through some Islamic books. I learned a new: Alexander the Great is a prophet. the person whom the Greeks and the Macedonian can not share. this is called Zulkarneyn in the Qur'an. I learned this new. and this information is for sure. /// now I believe in it; loves goodness who lived in old times, loves justice, if there is a clean creature, this may be the prophet ... /// I wrote these with google translations. I hope the message I understand is understandable. /// ![]() |
I thi k I would rather believe knowledge nuts .. he sounds like he knows what he is talking about ... Is there anyone from ancient Egypt who can validate this information about the number of the beast ![]() ![]() Blondey,lies are easy to believe. So sad many are gullible. The bible(the revealed word of God) is our final authority on all matters as followers of Jesus Christ. Satan's greatest tool is deciet. Any school of thought that denies the virgin birth,death on the cross,ressurrection,ascension of Jesus Christ is the spirit of the anti christ. Jesus The Christ is the central theme of the bible. The anti christ (the beast,false messiah) is actually a political leader that Will arise to proffer temporal solution to all world challenges-the bible call lying wonders. Magic. He will be empowered by satan(the dragon),the false prophet,a religious leader(the lamblike beast) God bless you brother Gods friend. |
Thanks Nofearinlove. Good bless you.
Thanks Nofearinlove. God bless you.
proselytizing isn't allowed in general religion. This is a discussion for all. This should be in the Christian forums
Thanks Nofearinlove. God bless you. God save all good people. protect all well-meaning people. As for the evil ones, take them out of the good things. if the evildoers are not good, treat them with justice. I hope this is everyone's common request. Mr. Godsfriend10. ![]() ![]() |
We are living in the End Times of this world history. I have to talk all day long about the Three Angels Message. Where are God true children? "We are living in the End Times of this world history" /// I fully agree with this sentence. According to Islam, we live the last time. So the apocalypse is not far away. but the Hour of Judgment is unknown. Only Allah knows it. According to Islam; doomsday is near, disasters such as wars, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions ... ![]() |
according to gospel
Revelation 7:3 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Revelation 14:1 1 Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. For these passages, It doesnt ring true that there is a literal humanly visible seal or mark, but symbolizes something visible to the spiritual realm instead. This also rings true to me about the mention of '666' It is possible that John merely intended the number to be symbolic of what the beast and his followers represent: humankind in their ultimate rebellion against God, his Lamb, and the followers of the Lamb. John explains in 13:18 that the number 666 is the number of man. The number 7 is well established as a number of completeness or perfection. The number 6, being one less than 7, may symbolize humankind, which falls short of perfection. Irenaeus notes that the image set up by Nebuchadnezzar was 60 cubits high by 6 cubits wide. The number 666 could well personify the imperfection of man, even implying in the triple number the unholy trinity of the dragon, antichrist, and the false prophet. The identity of those who follow the Lamb or the beast is self-evident to the observer, whether it is the first century or the eschatological future. The vision calls John and his audience to discern the spirit of sinful humanity that accompanies the antichrist rather than to decode his identity. |
Hmmm Sis Blondey, I like the challenge,the idea of bible research....making me let the cat out of the bag... By God's grace,I actually did study college level Theology and had served in assisting capacity as pastor between 2009 -2012,besides being born by very spiritual parents.
Not serving presently. So I had been researching(studying) the authentic Holy Bible for over 33yrs. IS THE HOLY BIBLE THE WORDS OF MEN OR THAT OF GOD? It is the word of God. Let us see this carefully 1 Peter 1 v 20-21 ''knowing this that no prophesy of the scripture is of any private interpretation V21 For the prophecy came not in the old time by the will of Man:but holy men of old spake as they were moved by The Holy Ghost. I like to classify the writings of the scriptures in dimensions namely: 1. First dimension is the realm of the letters(the logos) 2. Second dimension is the realm of revelation(the rhema),the now word of God,the living word. |
.....At the first dimension, intellectual reasoning is deployed by user in studying. It's no different from other written works. This is your level.
However,the second deeper dimension is the realm of revelation(rhema) ,here, The person of God ,The Holy Ghost,the principal author of the bible becomes the interpreter. He is the big difference! The reason for your lack of understanding of the bible is due to your lack of The person of the Holy Ghost,the third person of the trinity-the very Spirit of Jesus Christ. |
according to gospel Revelation 7:3 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Revelation 14:1 1 Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. For these passages, It doesnt ring true that there is a literal humanly visible seal or mark, but symbolizes something visible to the spiritual realm instead. This also rings true to me about the mention of '666' It is possible that John merely intended the number to be symbolic of what the beast and his followers represent: humankind in their ultimate rebellion against God, his Lamb, and the followers of the Lamb. John explains in 13:18 that the number 666 is the number of man. The number 7 is well established as a number of completeness or perfection. The number 6, being one less than 7, may symbolize humankind, which falls short of perfection. Irenaeus notes that the image set up by Nebuchadnezzar was 60 cubits high by 6 cubits wide. The number 666 could well personify the imperfection of man, even implying in the triple number the unholy trinity of the dragon, antichrist, and the false prophet. The identity of those who follow the Lamb or the beast is self-evident to the observer, whether it is the first century or the eschatological future. The vision calls John and his audience to discern the spirit of sinful humanity that accompanies the antichrist rather than to decode his identity. Interesting. Curious tho? If 6 is bad, wasn't man created on the 6th day? I've seen three other perceptions dealing with the mark of the beast in Revelations. What all of them have in common is that there isn't anything in common. Its all perceptions some people proclaim as the message. The scripture is subject to its interpreter. There is no definitive facts. It doesn't say "Add point A to point B and you always get point C". It leaves a lot to the perceived interpretation of someone else. Your sect says it means this. The sect down the street says it means that and the sect on the other side says it means something else. What it all says is "I Don't KNOW". |
.....At the first dimension, intellectual reasoning is deployed by user in studying. It's no different from other written works. This is your level. However,the second deeper dimension is the realm of revelation(rhema) ,here, The person of God ,The Holy Ghost,the principal author of the bible becomes the interpreter. He is the big difference! The reason for your lack of understanding of the bible is due to your lack of The person of the Holy Ghost,the third person of the trinity-the very Spirit of Jesus Christ. From a reply I made on a different topic: The Soul is a perception of the Self. The self-concept consists of at least two "levels": a personal identity and a social one. The Spirit is a perception of existence. The philosophy of perception is concerned with the nature of perceptual experience and the status of perceptual data, in particular how they relate to beliefs about, or knowledge of, the world. Any explicit account of perception requires a commitment to one of a variety of ontological or metaphysical views. A person can perceive their 'soul' with no understanding or knowledge of any religion. A person can perceive their 'spirit of existence' with no understanding or knowledge of religion. A pastor can perceive the passages of the Bible as they make sense to him in accordance with his own beliefs. A priest will perceive the same passages in accordance to his own beliefs. Both may have their perceptions influenced by others while they are studying the Bible. Their advisors relate their own perceptions to their study. Over time, very distinct meanings get passed along by sect. Same words but different meanings. Its all subjective to the interpreter. By contrast, some things are clear as daylight for any interpreter. Take stereo instructions. Put input plug left and right into outlet jack left and right. Anyone reading it gets the same information. Interpretation has one outcome only. |
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
This passage indicates that the Bible is NOT subject to interpretation. That it is written as intended. Then it threatens you. That means everyone that substitues their own meaning to the passages are in violation. If it talks about dragons, it means dragons. If it talks about a multiheaded beast, it means a multiheaded beast. If it talks about a lamb, it means a lamb. New Heart English Bible for plain english If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book. |
Or, did I read THAT wrong too?
So then the question has to be asked ..and you know I'm going to..Whose interpretation is the right one? ...and who knows..and then how do we know they know.. and then who knows the person who knows the person who knows the true interpretation ... you know you could keep going until you run out of people.. ![]() |
![]() So then the question has to be asked ..and you know I'm going to..Whose interpretation is the right one? ...and who knows..and then how do we know they know.. and then who knows the person who knows the person who knows the true interpretation ... you know you could keep going until you run out of people.. ![]() ![]() |
I thi k I would rather believe knowledge nuts .. he sounds like he knows what he is talking about ... Is there anyone from ancient Egypt who can validate this information about the number of the beast ![]() ![]() Blondey,lies are easy to believe. So sad many are gullible. The bible(the revealed word of God) is our final authority on all matters as followers of Jesus Christ. Satan's greatest tool is deciet. Any school of thought that denies the virgin birth,death on the cross,ressurrection,ascension of Jesus Christ is the spirit of the anti christ. Jesus The Christ is the central theme of the bible. The anti christ (the beast,false messiah) is actually a political leader that Will arise to proffer temporal solution to all world challenges-the bible call lying wonders. Magic. He will be empowered by satan(the dragon),the false prophet,a religious leader(the lamblike beast) |
according to gospel Revelation 7:3 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Revelation 14:1 1 Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. For these passages, It doesnt ring true that there is a literal humanly visible seal or mark, but symbolizes something visible to the spiritual realm instead. This also rings true to me about the mention of '666' It is possible that John merely intended the number to be symbolic of what the beast and his followers represent: humankind in their ultimate rebellion against God, his Lamb, and the followers of the Lamb. John explains in 13:18 that the number 666 is the number of man. The number 7 is well established as a number of completeness or perfection. The number 6, being one less than 7, may symbolize humankind, which falls short of perfection. Irenaeus notes that the image set up by Nebuchadnezzar was 60 cubits high by 6 cubits wide. The number 666 could well personify the imperfection of man, even implying in the triple number the unholy trinity of the dragon, antichrist, and the false prophet. The identity of those who follow the Lamb or the beast is self-evident to the observer, whether it is the first century or the eschatological future. The vision calls John and his audience to discern the spirit of sinful humanity that accompanies the antichrist rather than to decode his identity. Interesting. Curious tho? If 6 is bad, wasn't man created on the 6th day? I've seen three other perceptions dealing with the mark of the beast in Revelations. What all of them have in common is that there isn't anything in common. Its all perceptions some people proclaim as the message. The scripture is subject to its interpreter. There is no definitive facts. It doesn't say "Add point A to point B and you always get point C". It leaves a lot to the perceived interpretation of someone else. Your sect says it means this. The sect down the street says it means that and the sect on the other side says it means something else. What it all says is "I Don't KNOW". it didnt say six was 'bad', it only said 7 is 'completeness', as in God created the world in SEVEN Days, although he rested on that Seventh day, that is when the creation timeline is completed. there is fact but the facts can be interpreted differently. 10 people may guess 10 different things, it doesnt negate the possibility that one is 'guessing' correctly, but the mind has to start somewhere at drawing conclusions from somewhere. |
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. This passage indicates that the Bible is NOT subject to interpretation. That it is written as intended. Then it threatens you. That means everyone that substitues their own meaning to the passages are in violation. If it talks about dragons, it means dragons. If it talks about a multiheaded beast, it means a multiheaded beast. If it talks about a lamb, it means a lamb. New Heart English Bible for plain english If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book. that is interesting of course 'prophecy' implies predictions, and 'this book' was the book of Revelations, not all the books of the Bible take away, can be intepreted as any type of change or translation, or merely omitting some part. I can say Hello, in English and translate it to Hola in Spanish, but I have not taken anything away (the same thing is being said) I dont think 'take away' has anything to do with something being literal or not, but only regarding omitting what is there (whether what is there is literal or figurative or metaphorical) |
So then the question has to be asked ..and you know I'm going to..Whose interpretation is the right one? ...and who knows..and then how do we know they know.. and then who knows the person who knows the person who knows the true interpretation ... you know you could keep going until you run out of people.. ![]() all knowledge is faith based, we only perceive what we believe to be the integrity and honesty of those passing the knowledge down. So who is 'right' is never a question that is answered until after the event is done or unless someone is speaking about their perception of their experience. We can say who is 'factually correct' based upon the 'facts' that are accepted as truth. All this is the natural process in any knowledge we obtain. When it comes to God, we use the same process of trusting integrity and honesty AND weighing it with experience. People may be right or wrong, but most are attempting to figure out what might be right and do it, they have nothing to lose by trying to do right, even if it ends up being wrong. ... just my thoughts |