Topic: ‘Sex Jihad’ Fatwa Permits Incest in Syria
Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 03/13/16 12:23 PM

and preachers here in the 'christian' faith are condoning homosexuality as well

many 'christians' are surprised by this , but in no way proves what all Christians believe in or condone

...even non- Christians don't understand why these guys are so perverse...both Muslims and Christians have major issues with their ideas on how to climb the stairway to heaven ...geez...I do hope that God is more like I least my God only concerns "it's self" with who loves..and who knows violence against others and no free pass on my dead brother...just judged according to your least with the way I believe ..."good" Muslims and Christians will still be loved by God...flowerforyou

You forgot to include Jews, Hindu Buddhists .,Atheists, New Age & Wiccans... . in your disclaimer/ deflection for Muslims. spock

The others you mentioned don't seem to get involved...They don't grandstand, judge, and condemn everyone else...I just think that both Christians and Muslims are both designed and rewritten from time to time to make money for their governments ...using God as a fear factor...I don't think God is as big of a jerk as Christians make him out to be...nor do I think God finds enjoyment with the Muslims need for sexual gratification ..but until God makes an appearance ...humans will say and do whatever it takes to bury themselves in the only thing they love more than God..$$$$$flowerforyou

what The others you mentioned don't seem to get involved....

You may want to Google Gaza strip & look up the definition of ' Infidel ' according to Muslims.

How are Jews not involved?
They were here first .. laugh
All 3 are from ' God of Abraham ' slaphead

You are anti Juedo- Christian I know.
And okay * shrugs *

But. . Welcome to the list of being an infidel. Love & tolerance will not save your as@ or your head.
Look at Africa & Europe.

...ok..the Jews have government ruled faith as well...and I really am not "anti" Christian...or any belief for that matter...I just think that all the hate amongst us as humans is largely stimulated by how one perceives God...I was raised Christian but as time went on I found myself wondering about all of those that don't follow the John 3:16 rule...then I noticed how many Christians judge everyone..thought thou shalt not Judge was one of the big rules...I don't know if I am right...but if an Almighty God is real...he/she can't possibly be impressed by any of these "beliefs"....I do hope there is a better place when we die...but I won't ever believe that you have to be a member of any religion...I mean what's the difference of a Christian damning a young girl to hell for aborting a child because she was raped...or a Muslim having sex with young sister...both of these acts seem wrong to me ...the girl who got the abortion may have been wrong..but the person who condemned her did more damage..jmo...flowerforyou

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 03/13/16 01:29 PM
The precept: “Judge not, that ye be not judged” . . . is an abdication of moral responsibility: it is a moral blank check one gives to others in exchange for a moral blank check one expects for oneself.

There is no escape from the fact that men have to make choices; so long as men have to make choices, there is no escape from moral values; so long as moral values are at stake, no moral neutrality is possible. To abstain from condemning a torturer, is to become an accessory to the torture and murder of his victims.

The moral principle to adopt in this issue, is: “Judge, and be prepared to be judged.”

The opposite of moral neutrality is not a blind, arbitrary, self-righteous condemnation of any idea, action or person that does not fit one’s mood, one’s memorized slogans or one’s snap judgment of the moment. Indiscriminate tolerance and indiscriminate condemnation are not two opposites: they are two variants of the same evasion. To declare that “everybody is white” or “everybody is black” or “everybody is neither white nor black, but gray,” is not a moral judgment, but an escape from the responsibility of moral judgment.

To judge means: to evaluate a given concrete by reference to an abstract principle or standard. It is not an easy task; it is not a task that can be performed automatically by one’s feelings, “instincts” or hunches. It is a task that requires the most precise, the most exacting, the most ruthlessly objective and rational process of thought. It is fairly easy to grasp abstract moral principles; it can be very difficult to apply them to a given situation, particularly when it involves the moral character of another person. When one pronounces moral judgment, whether in praise or in blame, one must be prepared to answer “Why?” and to prove one’s case—to oneself and to any rational inquirer.

no photo
Sun 03/13/16 03:15 PM

and preachers here in the 'christian' faith are condoning homosexuality as well

many 'christians' are surprised by this , but in no way proves what all Christians believe in or condone

...even non- Christians don't understand why these guys are so perverse...both Muslims and Christians have major issues with their ideas on how to climb the stairway to heaven ...geez...I do hope that God is more like I least my God only concerns "it's self" with who loves..and who knows violence against others and no free pass on my dead brother...just judged according to your least with the way I believe ..."good" Muslims and Christians will still be loved by God...flowerforyou

You forgot to include Jews, Hindu Buddhists .,Atheists, New Age & Wiccans... . in your disclaimer/ deflection for Muslims. spock

The others you mentioned don't seem to get involved...They don't grandstand, judge, and condemn everyone else...I just think that both Christians and Muslims are both designed and rewritten from time to time to make money for their governments ...using God as a fear factor...I don't think God is as big of a jerk as Christians make him out to be...nor do I think God finds enjoyment with the Muslims need for sexual gratification ..but until God makes an appearance ...humans will say and do whatever it takes to bury themselves in the only thing they love more than God..$$$$$flowerforyou

what The others you mentioned don't seem to get involved....

You may want to Google Gaza strip & look up the definition of ' Infidel ' according to Muslims.

How are Jews not involved?
They were here first .. laugh
All 3 are from ' God of Abraham ' slaphead

You are anti Juedo- Christian I know.
And okay * shrugs *

But. . Welcome to the list of being an infidel. Love & tolerance will not save your as@ or your head.
Look at Africa & Europe.

...ok..the Jews have government ruled faith as well...and I really am not "anti" Christian...or any belief for that matter...I just think that all the hate amongst us as humans is largely stimulated by how one perceives God...I was raised Christian but as time went on I found myself wondering about all of those that don't follow the John 3:16 rule...then I noticed how many Christians judge everyone..thought thou shalt not Judge was one of the big rules...I don't know if I am right...but if an Almighty God is real...he/she can't possibly be impressed by any of these "beliefs"....I do hope there is a better place when we die...but I won't ever believe that you have to be a member of any religion...I mean what's the difference of a Christian damning a young girl to hell for aborting a child because she was raped...or a Muslim having sex with young sister...both of these acts seem wrong to me ...the girl who got the abortion may have been wrong..but the person who condemned her did more damage..jmo...flowerforyou

Oh my. I am so glad you told me this. I have a much better understanding now. flowers

."but I won't ever believe that you have to be a member of any religion...I mean what's the difference of a Christian damning a young girl to hell for aborting a child because she was raped "

I agree ^^^^ it sounds like you meet some 'poisoners'. They distort the truth/ scripture with opinion & create 'doctrine', for each individual church/ building!!! Aacchh!!
No one can damn anyone to hell. No true Christian would pass judgement on a rape victim. The Holy Bible is very clear as to it's views on rape & virgins, child abuse etc.
If a virgin is raped, she is still a virgin. Rape victims are blameless, children are blameless. Child abusers are to be executed.

...the girl who got the abortion may have been wrong..but the person who condemned her did more damage..jmo

I think God knows what each person can cope with & what we can't. And what good & evil is in our hearts . And yes, the reaction (other) people have to a crime or tragedy, is mega. Lawyers have a saying ' a woman is raped in real life then raped again on the stand '. (Which is why most cases never make it to court or charges are brought much later. And why more & more states are extending the statute of limitations).

If you want.. Nudge me & I will get those lying sexist as@holes! smokin ..hhhaaa.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/13/16 03:30 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/13/16 03:31 PM
what verse in the bible says that if a woman is raped, she is still a virgin?

how does that account for rape victims who choose to keep the child,,, are they 'virgin births"?

as for no one condemning anyone to hell , in terms of emotional harm, it probably is equal to physical harm

but when in our society have we valued the harm of emotions equally as the harm of the physical body?

I agree, only God will condemn to hell

but anyone reading his WORD and believing can give biblically based guidance on right and wrong

and as a survivor of rape and attempted rape,, being questioned on the stand is nowhere near the equivalent of the rape

no photo
Sun 03/13/16 03:57 PM
sick people, sick ideas
no more comment

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 03/13/16 04:11 PM

Saudi cleric Nasser al-Umar issued a fatwa permitting mujahidin [jihadis] in Syria to have sex-jihad with their sisters [muharamhum] if no one else is available.
The cleric issued his fatwa on (one of the channels associated with the radical jihadi movements).
According to a documentary video (The new jihad allows brothers and sisters in Syria belonging to the [al-Qaeda linked] al-Nusra Front to marry each other under the name of jihad because of the lack of girls among fighters of that organization.)

...ok..this is about the dumbest question I have heard today...a friend of mine asked why they just don't ..."just use Kleenex" ...seems to work for the average guy... I don't know much about the faith...perhaps one day...but is it wrong to touch themselves...?...I know...dumb question...lolwhat...slapheadflowerforyou

metalwing's photo
Sun 03/13/16 08:04 PM

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 03/14/16 09:28 AM
Wahhabi Islam – the Real Enemy of the West
During the last decade, Saudi Arabia has financed all of the Wahhabi movements either directly or indirectly through non-governmental organizations.
This means that al Qaeda, 9/11, and all the other terrorist acts against the United States and other nations received their funding from the House of Saud.

no photo
Mon 03/14/16 10:04 AM
Edited by butribu on Mon 03/14/16 10:05 AM

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 03/14/16 11:17 AM


Even if what you just posted is true.
(Didn't check yet & I may not try that site).

In most of the Islamic world, the Wahhabis control basic schooling. Between the ages of 7 and 15, students are taught fundamentals of strict Islam and religious obligations. Initial introduction to basic education (reading, writing, and arithmetic) is entirely absent, except as an adjunct to the teaching of strict, literal Islam. Between 15 and 25, young men are taught to fight – are prepared for jihad.
Wahhabism flourishes in every Muslim country. Lebanon has about 4,000 Wahhabis. In Egypt , Saudi Arabia , and Pakistan it is far larger. Wahhabism goes by many names – Ikhwan, Wahhabi, Salifiyya, Mowahabin, and the Taliban. What all of them have in common is a strident, militant view of Sunni Islam, and financial support at the highest levels of the Saudi government. They also share a hatred of anything not strictly Wahhabi.
Osama bin Laden has capitalized on this widespread Wahhabism to unite Muslims across the Islamic world. The movement grows by indoctrinating youngsters in its hatred while ostensibly educating them. It is fueled by massive infusions of Saudi money. And it is legitimized by Fatwas issued almost daily by Islamic clerics throughout the Islamic world.

no photo
Mon 03/21/16 12:46 AM

Why would any Non Muslim be surprised?
There is more in the Qu'ran about having sex with slaves than there is about prayer. slaphead

Not surprised here. In fact, this is to be expected wherever you have cults, Muslim or otherwise. The cult types crave attention and want a place to belong, a place to fit in in this world. We all crave something. But most of us don't really want (or like) to kill or harm others. Most sane human beings would generally agree that sex slavery is bad. Most would agree that raping women and children is morally deficient and highly destructive to everyone involved, most especially the victims of such acts and atrocities.

One thing I'd like to know is what makes the difference. What is it that causes these people to perpetuate this mindset and have these cults when there are better, less destructive ways to go about trying to "fit in". Religion plays a big role, but decades of ruthless tyrannical leadership and forced conscription also contributes, I think. I surmise that it all boils down to the kind of people, the nature of their character, placed in positions of power that typically leads to this. Poverty and strife alone can't be entirely to blame for this situation, though it seems to greatly exacerbate it.

I sometimes have to hearken back to the Heaven's Gate cult to get a basic comparison to today's ISIS, with a few crucial differences of course.

no photo
Mon 03/21/16 08:41 AM
Edited by SCB27769 on Mon 03/21/16 08:42 AM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Thanks, metalwing! That's tellin' it like it is!! Soooo telling!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 03/22/16 05:34 AM
Edited by LUNG1954 on Tue 03/22/16 05:37 AM

"good" Muslims and Christians will still be loved by God..

You forgot to include Jews, Hindu Buddhists .,Atheists, New Age & Wiccans... . in your disclaimer/ deflection for Muslims. spock

You may want to Google Gaza strip & look up the definition of ' Infidel ' according to Muslims.
How are Jews not involved?
All 3 are from ' God of Abraham

The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], ''We make no distinction between any of His messengers.'' And they say, ''We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination.'' Quran 2;285

tring123's photo
Fri 09/29/17 02:07 PM
hey hold up guys hahaha being a muslim, my religion does not allow that. No incest, No killing. Guys u cant be a muslim if you dont belive in jesus (p.b.u.h)... we muslims also believe in his secound coming, we take the bible (old testament) 100% to be the words of god. Thnak you guys

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/29/17 03:15 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 09/29/17 03:18 PM
I wonder how many people commenting actually read the quran, or know and love anyone of the muslim faith ...

all republicans dont denounce insanity that some republicans participate in

all whites/blacks do not denounce insanity that some whites/blacks participate in

all americans dont denounce the insanity that some americans participate in

,, so I guess that kind of explains those that perpetuate negative stereotypes about them as well?

which group will we found that 'denounces' unilaterally the actions of their most insane or harmful members?

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/29/17 03:23 PM

The precept: “Judge not, that ye be not judged” . . . is an abdication of moral responsibility: it is a moral blank check one gives to others in exchange for a moral blank check one expects for oneself.

There is no escape from the fact that men have to make choices; so long as men have to make choices, there is no escape from moral values; so long as moral values are at stake, no moral neutrality is possible. To abstain from condemning a torturer, is to become an accessory to the torture and murder of his victims.

The moral principle to adopt in this issue, is: “Judge, and be prepared to be judged.”

The opposite of moral neutrality is not a blind, arbitrary, self-righteous condemnation of any idea, action or person that does not fit one’s mood, one’s memorized slogans or one’s snap judgment of the moment. Indiscriminate tolerance and indiscriminate condemnation are not two opposites: they are two variants of the same evasion. To declare that “everybody is white” or “everybody is black” or “everybody is neither white nor black, but gray,” is not a moral judgment, but an escape from the responsibility of moral judgment.

To judge means: to evaluate a given concrete by reference to an abstract principle or standard. It is not an easy task; it is not a task that can be performed automatically by one’s feelings, “instincts” or hunches. It is a task that requires the most precise, the most exacting, the most ruthlessly objective and rational process of thought. It is fairly easy to grasp abstract moral principles; it can be very difficult to apply them to a given situation, particularly when it involves the moral character of another person. When one pronounces moral judgment, whether in praise or in blame, one must be prepared to answer “Why?” and to prove one’s case—to oneself and to any rational inquirer.

the not judge text is the most overused in the modern world.

It is widely and purposefully taken out of context.

There are TWO groups who judge in our courts, THE JURY which decides guilt or innocence and the JUDGE who determines sentencing

In the context of the 'do not judge' text. Christ was referring to the latter. He was telling them they should not determine/carry out sentencing(stoning) for a sin, if they did not wish themselves to be stoned for their own sins.

He never told them not to recognize or call out the sin of adultery. and in fact, told the women being saved from sentencing to 'sin no more."

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/30/17 06:18 AM
we should probably also distinguish between incest of children and incest between 'consenting adults'

no photo
Mon 12/18/17 08:14 PM
kya hota h jihad

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/19/17 11:42 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 12/19/17 11:42 AM
As Devils Advocate,

Here's a few western concepts:

1. People cant help who they love.
2. If you don't like incest, don't sleep with your relative.(sound familiar?)
3. If two people are consenting adults, their business is noone elses.

I don't have to like it anymore than other 'alternative' types of relationships, but by western standards, I think it is next on the horizon, so long as the parties are both grown. Technology and science will handle the concern for defects in children, if they can handle reassigment of gender, I dont think that would be too big a stretch if enough people organized politically and started making demands and shaming people for their 'judgment'.

But ONLY consenting adults.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 12/19/17 01:14 PM
Personally, I think you're all insane.

There is no after-life.
No Heaven of gold and white fluffy angels.
72 Virgins are only virgins until you touch them?

When you DIE...You DIE, Done deal.
What you think of as a Soul is merely in your mind.
A mind created and maintained by a biological process.
Once that biological process ceases, no more soul (mind).

Religions, all religions, try to convince you that there is something more than what reality is.
That is because people need to have comfort in a reality that doesn't care.
They tell you what to believe and people fall for it hook, line and sinker so they can feel better about their mortality.

ANYONE that tells you they had a near-death experience was not DEAD. Just think about it for a minute. If they are alive to tell you what they think they experienced, they are not dead. Yes, their bodies might have shut down and been revived in time to preserve the mind (soul) but they didn't die completely.
I know, Been There / Done That.

Personally, you can "Believe" whatever you want.
Go ahead and kill yourselves, but when you do, you won't get any answers because .... You will no longer be alive to think about anything.
Dead is Dead