Topic: In The Good Ol' Days.....
Dodo_David's photo
Sun 02/21/16 07:02 PM
In the good ol' days, politicians campaigned by promising a cat in every pot.

(Hey, the OP didn't say that this thread pertained exclusively to planet Earth.)

mzrosie's photo
Sun 02/21/16 07:03 PM
Edited by mzrosie on Sun 02/21/16 07:05 PM
In the good ole days, we smoke grass, not weed. Young women was flower children, guys never showered, and everyone were high.

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 02/21/16 07:06 PM
Mum would dress her 5 girls in pretty girly dresses she made.
Puffed sleeves full skirts. Ankle white socks and buckle black shinny shoes.
Ribbons wrapped around our pig tails which were ringlets.

Lol got the picture?

We would put our rolled up jeans or shorts underneath. Lol.

Yes climbing trees and playing war games were the thing or riding on skate boards lol.

sorry mum

czery's photo
Sun 02/21/16 07:12 PM
simple living and plenty of fresh vegetables...clean air to breath and water to drink

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 02/21/16 07:16 PM
we were so poor, for Christmas I got a phoneless chord......and appreciated it.

no1phD's photo
Sun 02/21/16 09:05 PM
In the good old days.. the milkman brought the milk to me...
In the good old days... someone else pumped. . the gas into my car

NOBootyHunter's photo
Sun 02/21/16 11:10 PM

In the good old days.. the milkman brought the milk to me...
In the good old days... someone else pumped. . the gas into my car

My Father was a Milk Man... He use to deliver milk with a horse drawn wagon... he would tell us how "The Horse" knew the route... he didn't have to control it to a degree.. The horse knew where it was going...

Later I always used the Joke .. My Mother ran away with the Milk Man and left the Mail Man holding the bag.. "It was True"

" I miss the old man"
whoa :cry:

no photo
Mon 02/22/16 03:54 AM

In the good old days.. the milkman brought the milk to me...
In the good old days... someone else pumped. . the gas into my car

My Father was a Milk Man... He use to deliver milk with a horse drawn wagon... he would tell us how "The Horse" knew the route... he didn't have to control it to a degree.. The horse knew where it was going...

Later I always used the Joke .. My Mother ran away with the Milk Man and left the Mail Man holding the bag.. "It was True"

" I miss the old man"
whoa :cry:

I remember the horse drawn trucks.
Our milkman use to ride me from my house to down the street. And my mom walked along side to walk me back. biggrin It was a big event.

I remember 'the huskters ' too.
I think their horse & wagons lasted a lot.. longer than the milkman trucks & horses because they were privately owned by farmers.
And the dairy was corporate.

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 02/22/16 06:11 AM
Five kids would share one soda, and all used the same straw..

Kids actually went next door to get ,his friends to come, to play.

We played outside , till the street lights came on, and one yell from Mom, signalled it was supper time...

no photo
Mon 02/22/16 06:15 AM
Professions like teaching, police work, and medical care used to be considered a calling instead of a job

NOBootyHunter's photo
Mon 02/22/16 07:57 AM

I remember the horse drawn trucks.
Our milkman use to ride me from my house to down the street. And my mom walked along side to walk me back. biggrin It was a big event.

I remember 'the huskters ' too.
I think their horse & wagons lasted a lot.. longer than the milkman trucks & horses because they were privately owned by farmers.
And the dairy was corporate.

Yes, the huckster.. they would bring around fresh vegetables from the farm to the more Urban areas..with the loudspeakers shouting. "Jersey Tomatoes here" "Corn and Watermelon here".. Thanks for that memory drinker

no1phD's photo
Mon 02/22/16 08:36 AM
Edited by no1phD on Mon 02/22/16 08:41 AM
In the good old days... a $100 would buy you ,two shopping carts full !..of groceries... and they had what was called a bag boy, who would bag up your groceries.. and then follow you out to your car with your groceries and put them in your car for you.. it was something called

no photo
Mon 02/22/16 11:41 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Mon 02/22/16 11:54 AM

Five kids would share one soda, and all used the same straw..

Kids actually went next door to get ,his friends to come, to play.

We played outside , till the street lights came on, and one yell from Mom, signalled it was supper time...

Do you remember 'ice cream parlors'? The REAL ones. (Not the movie/ TV show..1950's crap grumble )
But with the glass, the chrome & steel & marble & real tile & giant fans & giant glass jars/ vases w/ a fancy lid that had cherries & pineapple.

Heaven :angel:

no photo
Thu 02/25/16 06:32 AM
Communication was way better, because people weren't attached to their mobile phones.

luvmeforlife's photo
Thu 02/25/16 07:04 AM
I could get soft serve ice cream at the am/pm for 25 cents on my way home from school :)

luvmeforlife's photo
Thu 02/25/16 07:07 AM
before cell phones....when you told your bf that when he calls and your mom picks up to hang up cause everyone could listen in on your conversation.

sybariticguy's photo
Thu 02/25/16 03:05 PM
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.....

no photo
Sat 02/27/16 09:40 AM
Milk, juice.. Everything was purchased & served in glass.

Beer & milk in a box!... I mean really!? Who thinks this stuff up ? slaphead

greencynicole's photo
Sun 02/28/16 07:58 AM

Goofball73's photo
Sun 02/28/16 10:49 AM
In the good ole days.....when a kid wanted a toy, his parents made sure they "earned" it. Yup...I had chores. laugh