Topic: In The Good Ol' Days.....
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Sun 02/21/16 03:01 PM
Edited by lu_rosemary on Sun 02/21/16 03:02 PM

"In The Good Old Days (When Times Were Bad)"- Dolly Parton

We'd get up before sun-up to get the work done up
We'd work in the fields till the sun had gone down
We've stood and we've cried as we have bristly watched
A hailstorm a' beatin' our crops to the ground
We've gone to bed hungry many nights in the past
In the good old days when times were bad

No amount of money could buy from me
The memories that I have of then
No amount of money could pay me
To go back and live through it again

I've seen daddy's hands break open and bleed
And I've seen him work till he's stiff as a board
An' I've seen momma layin' in suffer and sickness
In need of a doctor we couldn't afford
Anything at all was more than we had
In the good old days when times were bad

We've got up before and found ice on the floor
Where the wind would blow snow through the cracks in the wall
And I couldn't enjoy then, havin' a boyfriend
I had nothing decent to wear at all
So I long for a love that I never had
In the good old days when times were bad

No amount of money could buy from me
The memories that I have of then
No amount of money could pay me
To go back and live through it again

In the good old days when times were bad
In the good old days when times were bad

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:02 PM
people respected the country's flag....

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Sun 02/21/16 03:04 PM
God, Country & Family always came first

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:11 PM
You could walk in and out of a job...and have as many as three in one day...

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:18 PM
Oh my, this could go either way. I studied the history behind a lot of good old days, so I know how they were mostly illusions.

Back in the good old days, I actually thought that my right wing friends would have my back, and fight for freedom and justice. Because they said so.

Then there were the slightly later good old days, when I thought my left wing friends were brave, honest, and compassionate for everyone, especially including me. Because they said so.

Mostly I miss how much better I felt, before I found out that there are lying scumbags waiting to take unfair advantage no matter where you go.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:33 PM

Complete the sentence..

In the good ol' days...


Back in the day...

Back in the day.....hookers used to do 2 for 1.

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:43 PM
In the Good Old Days...
I could leave my doors unlocked when I left.
I left my car windows rolled down with my purse in the seat and it will still be there..

In the good old days,
People stopped and chatted on the street without fear.

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:47 PM
yup, you had a little money and plenty of girls to choose from...

no photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:53 PM
The shelf life of your appliances paralleled the life-span of your dog

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Sun 02/21/16 03:53 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 02/21/16 03:53 PM

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 02/21/16 03:56 PM
the sun never set on the British Empire...

no photo
Sun 02/21/16 04:07 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sun 02/21/16 04:08 PM
Nothing said..

New & improved
Family size
Super sized


adivorcedone's photo
Sun 02/21/16 04:19 PM
Moonshine was the in thing...drinks wise...

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 02/21/16 06:15 PM
In the good ole days we all took turns to hand crank the ice cream and fought to have a turn.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 02/21/16 06:46 PM
In the good ole days, you had to drive to the video store to rent a movie (or game) and you had to "gulp" socialize. laugh

TMommy's photo
Sun 02/21/16 06:48 PM
in good old days

we had 3 channels on the tv
and broadcasting did not go all night long

we drank our water from two sources
the faucet or the garden hose

most of our meals were cooked at home
and not in a microwave

most of us went outside to play every day

in the good old days
most families had one car
smaller houses
more kids

mzrosie's photo
Sun 02/21/16 06:52 PM
In the good ole days, there were no dating sites.. if you want to meet new people, you go to church bingo.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 02/21/16 06:54 PM
In the good ole days.....parachute pants ruled!

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 02/21/16 06:54 PM
No so many dangers
We hung outside until the street lights came on
Had friends from all cultures
Colour meant nothing.
Mum sewed your clothes
Mmmm not forgetting home baking.
Didn't have to worry about germs
Dirt was good
$2 meant you owned the world 50 cent got you a huge bag of lollies.

NOBootyHunter's photo
Sun 02/21/16 06:55 PM
In the good "ol days...

Music was Radio,Lp's,cassettes even 8-track
The Phone was attached to the wall
Dr's make house calls
Neighbors sat out on summer nights
We prayed in school
Musicians,Bands Played Instruments and wrote their own music
Mood rings, Pet rocks, and Parachute pants...