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Topic: UNREAL~!!!
ShagnaC's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:52 PM
I was out and about running some errands, and I was at the middle of a
intersection going to make a left, I was heading north and the car
heading south past me by the intersection and their young about 2 year
old daughter fell out of their car. I put my car in park and ran out, I
am certified in first aide and cpr and I know not to ever move anyone,
but cars were comming and so I picked her up, cars were swerving it was
unreal, The unreal part of it all was the parents drove off and finally
stopped about 1/4 of a mile. I brought the baby back to the mom without
a scratch and the mom said OH she must of unlocked the child proof lock
and fell out! I was livid as the baby should of been in a car seat!!
I am just thankful she was unharmed and I was there to make sure another
car didnt hurt her. I would of got hit before I would of let her!

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:59 PM
that is though full of you did the women thank you cuz i would have cuz
for you to do that is showing that you care for people and you havea
big heart and also that ur a good parent that wome dosent know how to
take care of her child or this would have never happened

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:00 PM

I am glad you and the baby are ok. Unbelievable. I dont think I would
have cut her loose until the police got there just to make it a point
for her parents. People just dont care. they wont make the kids wear a
seat belt and they certainly dont care about their health when they
smoke in the car in the winter with windows close. Good parenting. I
think not.

Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:02 PM

You saved that little girl...
I think that makes you her
Guardian Angel for infinity...

You are a special person & the parents should thank their lucky stars
you came along when you did & saved their daughter life !!!

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:03 PM
I agree I should have called the police and stayed but it was all done
so fast. My main concern at that time was she didnt get hit by another

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:05 PM
Be careful those idiots dont come back trying to say she got hurt
because you moved her. I tell you I find myself pointing at peoples cars
when I see kids either hugging the dash or running around the back seat
loose. If they dont care about themselves a least care for the kids.

CrazyJ's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:07 PM
Wow!!!! Good thing that you were there!!!! I can't belive some ppl, it's
just retarded that she was not in a car seat. Wow again!!

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:08 PM
There is a law nation wide that protects inocent bystandards who give
help unless they are 100% malice against another being who was hurt. The
name of it is on the top of my tongue, Anyone in the medical field knows
what I am talking about. SHIT it is going to bug me until I remember it
now lol

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:10 PM
Ok it is called the Good Samaritan law hehe almost forgot! Look it up
as it protects us if you are providong help to someone who was hurt or
needs CPR

CrazyJ's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:10 PM
You did the right thing, dont even worrie about them coming at you with
any crap! they would lose there children in a heartbeat as soom as that
crap went to court!!!!

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:11 PM
She was thankful and not upset at me at all, I think everyone was just
scared shitless, I have no worries at all as I had 3 other people in the
car with me. It isnt even a thought in my mind.

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:14 PM

ellgee1976's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:14 PM
that is beyone FUCKED UP!!

thank god you were there Sagna, that "parent" is a sorry excuse for a

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:16 PM
Did you smacked the mother and or reported her at
some parents shouldn't be parents.

chica42ny's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:17 PM

You sure are a Guardian Angel!

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:17 PM
IN AZ we get a lot of deaths with young kids and the elder who were left
in cars in the summer. Just outside alone in AZ it gets up to 122 and
they say it is like 160-180 in a car. People piss me off sometimes, I
cant control them or their actions but I can help the people in need!

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:18 PM
"Shagna" you should get a medal for what you did for those folks...I'm
touched by your brave heart...M.

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:20 PM
I should not get a medal for anything, I would hope someone would of
also done that for me if I was in need of help. I think if everyone just
gave a little of themselves to other this life would be much better!

chismah's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:25 PM
You did the NORMAL thing anybody would do in such an incident.

Most people could hardly give a dam and not do anything in today's day
and age...good job and well done ^_^

escapedlunatic's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:25 PM
Shanga......your my hero!

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