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Topic: If You Had 3 Min?
arcadefan's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:23 AM
due to the wildfires in CA..

if you was there what would you take in 3 min?

i would take bithceritifcate, photos, & my son

bgeorge's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:27 AM
kids, animals and photos

lelee's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:27 AM
important documents..priceless photos..and my cats..dogs..kid...:wink:

BriarMoss's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:29 AM
My little brothers, and assuming that that did not take 3 minutes in and of itself, I would save my computer, and sleeping bag.

Amalie's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:59 AM
3 mins.sad .grumble .noway .sick . well i'd panic so that would leave me 1 min

my daughter, my dog and my cell phone....that would be all i could find...

this post has made me decide to leave my purse and car keys in the same spot everytime i come in so i can find them..
you never know when something is going to happen any emergency.


no photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:09 AM
I would take 3 minutes to help everyone I came upon......ohhhhh
I guess I aint gettin out!!!!!!!

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:19 AM
outside of family members...

nothing...."things" aren't worth it to me...birth certificates can be well as most "important" documents...
holding any kind of attachment to ANY material items aren't worth it to me....aahhh...non-attachment...drinker

Mystynga's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:21 AM
My family as well as pets aslo photos that can not be replaced of family an friends that have passedflowerforyou

An my jewelsbigsmile

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:22 AM
Deffinatley...MY Jewels!!!!!!

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:24 AM
my discs of poetry anything else I could give a sh*it if it burned..all I gots is my words

LAMom's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:25 AM
My family :heart: :heart:

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:26 AM
ensure the safety of all around me!

unsure's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:26 AM
My children, my kitty, my purse because of all of my important stuff in there...and all of my diamonds :wink:
Can't forget the pictures...the rest of it I have insurance!!

arcadefan's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:33 AM
thank you all for your replies :smile:

Noden's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:42 AM
My pets, water, my man

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:46 AM
Since I have been compleatly wiped out before (and I think I have pretty much put copies of most of what I need in safe places away from my home region) I would just get out as fast and as far as I could.
Living through the chaos of a disaster never leaves you so I would want to minimize what I had to endure. People sometimes are heroic but more often they are scared and angry and sometimes hurt you. Sometimes people you would least expect. Seeing the raw force of nature can really rock your world.
I have a sturdy backpack that I keep ready. It has three small bottles of water, a multi-tool, a small trowel, roll of grey tape, a zippo, a sharpie marker, heavy gloves, a neon stocking cap, a journal and pencil, a small heavy plastic tarp, fifty feet of nylon rope, some trailmix,a bar of soap, a small towel, a brush, a small mess kit, a small flute, a change of underpants, and my photo identification card as well as an old Identification card of my designated help person, and an address book with stamps. In the address book is a small map of the area I live. I also carry a photo bank card and a small amount of cash: quarters. And a spare pair of glasses. Most of this stuff is in water proof smaller bags. Thanks to the ability of computers you can put a lot on very little disc space (pics, documents, addresses, medical records.)but at least at first you don't have a lot of access. Under stress; especially fatigued, it is hard to remember numbers so I have a lot of numbers written down.
I am not a person that likes being corraled and letting other people be in charge of me but I make a point of knowing where emergency help is and when it arrives to do exactly what they say. There is a reason most of these systems are in place and it is because they have worked before. That said I don't just sit around waiting. I start assessing the situation, position myself in the safest place I can, and do whatever I can to help myself. Often that is to conserve energy. Most of the time it is to work at least a little every day toward being the person I know I am.
As hard as looseing things are the people are what you miss the most. I may feel like betrayal to move on and develope new relationships but it is the only way you can survive with any quality of life.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 10/26/07 12:55 PM
Humm well with only 3 minuntes my kids and whatever pics we passed by on the way out for even the pics are not worth losing a life. Yeah they cant be relaced but A LIFE IS PRICELESS NEVER TO BE REPLACED.bigsmile

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 01:10 PM
My child and a picture of my mom, the only one I have.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 05:20 PM
my ice cream, my lock box,and more ice cream.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 05:22 PM
uh--laptop---dog--and--jack daniels--bigsmile drinker

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