Topic: Illegal Immigrants Fleeing to Canada | |
Thank you bibby!! |
I tried to tell you that we were taking over Fanta. You didn't believe me. Now bibby went and spilled the date though. Oh well.
From the news I've read and people I've talked to, Canada is begging for good, strong hard workers and I hear they pay more for under the table than in the US.
I feel bad for those that are here to feed their families in Mexico. It is sooo poor over there.
Our new state law comes into effect Nov. 1st. It also states that anyone caught hiring, harbouring, or transporting illegals will be charged with felony counts. Tjousands are running. I hate that idea of those that are living here, not causing trouble and joining a workforce that needs them are leaving. We will indeed feel the pain of this decision. As for these hispanics not taking off their jackets....they do here. Maybe they keep them handy for in case they have to run. I speak to many of these illegals on a daily basis. Friendly and very hard workers. They will work outside even in the freezing cold when many of us will not. Our state has a few churches that are suing and trying to put a halt to the actions of our state. It says these illegals have a right of safe keeping and the church has a right to help them by giving them sanctuary. I hope things come to a conclusing that we all can live with. Kat |
i say if they wanna head to Canada,let'em go!
I SAY... SLAM THE FRIGGEN DOORS!! CANADA IS CLOSED!!!!!!!!! OMG.. we need to enjoy OUR rights as Canucks.. and STOP paying all OUR hard earned $$'s on everyone ELSES PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!
not to mention... I'm TIRED OF SAYING "SEASONS GREETINGS" it's MERRY CHRISTMAS.. don't like it????? LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!! but that's just MY opinion |
zero thats how i feel about the US.why should we pay for an illegal persons family?I don't care where you are from...if you can't get a visa then too bad.
yes but.. getting a visa would allow them to work in your country AND live.. thus yes.. paying their way BUT.. untill they are able to do that for themSELVES.. YOU still have to foot the bill...
what sucks is your education and healthcare systems cud use the money MORE wouldn't you say? |
i propose we welcome them across and sooner or later Mexico will clear out,when it does,we run in and claim it as part of the US then we put them all on life rafts and ship them to Cuba
Your right zero.Healthcare costs are staggering even if you get it thru work as are hospital bills.I pray I don't get a serious illness.Meanwhile the immigrants get free healthcare on Uncle Sam while millions of citizens young and old alike go without.
As for education we should be paying quality teachers more and making sure the schools have up to date textbooks and computers. I had to buy some of my sons school supplies this year and I know the teachers spend out of pocket money also.Yet we spend money to teach people english and assimilate illegal peeps into our schools its crap. Homeland security is apparently not living up to it's name if these people keep coming in day after day. |
You shouldn't think without the facts! Mexicans in Mexico are no poorer than the poor here. I know Americans who still do not have indoor plumbing, their children miss meals and go to school hungry, and they still heat their homes with wood stoves.
These Americans work hard all day, everyday too. They just love America, fight for things to improve and stay in "America." There are just less rich in Mexico. Your bleeding heart undermines their efforts!! In a few years at the rate we are bringing in this cheap labor and wages decline in a few more job categories, you can feel bad for the Americans who take matters in their own hands, so that they can feed their families! (cause Americans will fight for their rights, and wont migrate!) Its called complacency and a bleeding heart. You sit around feeling sorry for people that always take the easy way. They wont stay and fight for a better life in their own country so they come here and take advantage of what we have built. They expect when they come that we are a country of complacent bleeding hearts, and when they find out we aren't they cry foul. The laws, Miquel, the federal laws that you say preempt State laws are already pretty much the same. They aren't new, but they are effective when enforced, and in accordance with the majorities wishes. The Fed isn't enforcing the law, which puts them in violation of the constitution and at conflict with the people. This is what causes the States to make laws that they haven't had on the books since Ellis Island was built. Before Ellis Island, however, States did control immigration into their perspective territory. The reason immigration was switched from the state to the Feds had to do with a SOP (standard operating procedure) for dealing with immigration. Their were too many different laws with the States each having their own, and the "States" asked for a Fed law governing all states for better enforcement of immigration. So the preemptive kinda falls apart, or at least becomes a little fuzzy. |
just phone ahead to our canadian border guards that yur on yur way , and yur packin a gun and they will all run, and leave there post.!!!! lmao
I will get back to this later. I have to go to work.
Some points are just wrong here. Besides....this country was built on immigration. Illegal and legal. This country was stolen from the original occpants anyway. How convenient to forget that most of us are here because our ancesters before us were thieves and murderers. Kat |
You mean English????
Very interesting thread. I didn't know economics was considered in refugee status.
Also, I would like to make the comment that an emergency room is not a walk-in clinic. There are urgent care facilities that can address non-emergent issues and free up the ER to deal with true life threatening cases. Urgent care facilities are far more economical but if you choose to go to the ER for minor care issues, expect to pay emergent care prices. |
At this point I really am not too worried about the illegal immigrants. I have lived here for almost ten years, and am legal.
Afterall, would be a little hard to swim across the ocean from europe and climb onto shore in NC. LOL I will have to pay $600 for my son and me together, just to get a fingerprint on an ID card. Makes me wonder what we have done wrong. For as long as we live here INS will be able to milk us for more and more money. Even though I work, pay taxes and do everything I'm supposed to do. |
floh, I don't understand your statement "Makes me wonder what we have done wrong." Is that in reference to the $600? This card, is it in addition to everything you did to get legal status here? Or is it part of the requirements?
B.Y.O.P. -- bring your own parka ...