Topic: Illegal Immigrants Fleeing to Canada | |
ummmmmmmmm the mexicans cant handle our cold.......they would surely die in the frozen tundra!!!! Im not too worried!!!
Ole'!!! |
According to Canadian Law, Refugees are to be taken in, provided housing, medical, and other necessities to sustain life. When and Illegal Immigrant reaches your border, their status changes to refugee. Every day, they risk life passing the sweltering heat of the desert. A lot die out there. Are you saying , you would stand by and allow someone to freeze or starve to death? Also, are speaking for just yourself or the attitude of your whole country? |
Dude thats awesome. Ever since we started having the immigrant problem here I wondered if we could put some propaganda saying how great Canada was and see if they immigrants would just keep going north.
Spur, I hope you don't take everything so literally? Humour! Have you ever heard of it?
Our winters could be one of the reasons that our population is so small. With 10 1/2 months of it how many are willing to leave warmth and sunshine to live here? It's a great country and I love it but not a fan of the cold and snow. The notion that illegal immigrants automatically get refugee status is false. I'm not sure where you read that but you might want to check your source. |
Spur, I hope you don't take everything so literally? Humour! Have you ever heard of it? Our winters could be one of the reasons that our population is so small. With 10 1/2 months of it how many are willing to leave warmth and sunshine to live here? It's a great country and I love it but not a fan of the cold and snow. The notion that illegal immigrants automatically get refugee status is false. I'm not sure where you read that but you might want to check your source. Mr kidatheart, I've been kept up to date by reading the news all across Canada and reading your Immigration Laws. Reference in the archives of the Toronto Star. Search, refugees. Also, look at when this was first posted. Another thing. Do you think a border crossing or getting permission will stop the traffic? Once they are in, they either find work under the table, apply for amnesty, get caught and deported or turn themselves in and be deported. |
hey okie she's one that made the effort and is legal..
Spur,,we do not take anyone that crosses the border into refugee status!!! Come on!!! Get real!?!
If someone comes to our country, illegally, they do get sent back unless they would receive retribution going back to their home country! |
by the way, where in my post does it say I would let someone starve in the desert?
I merely stated that the mexicans most likely wouldnt like the cold...... |
by the way.....I know of an american who was living in canada illegally and was sent over the border last year...and he was white!
okay now when they start pickin on the illegal white people ...
hahaha and he was an ex US soldier!!! go figure!!
Im all for getting rid of legal and illegal immigration....the earth is the earth......government bs is all it is... |
ummmmmmmmmmm SAVE THE WHALES TOO!!!
well unfortunately laws are to keep honest people honest.Criminals disregard them.
I must have a criminal mind then!!
Quoted by Gypsy;
Spur,,we do not take anyone that crosses the border into refugee status!!! Come on!!! Get real!?! If someone comes to our country, illegally, they do get sent back unless they would receive retribution going back to their home country! Again, i will reference you to The Toronto Star archives, dated just before I made the original thread, search Refugees, and you will see how many Canada accepted at that particular time. Windsor's official response was to prepare for more. |
| clear that up...I really did get floh here. plane ticket and all. and lived with her for almost 10 years. sure she is legal...but she did it by taking advantage of a US Soldier. Now, she is on welfare.
spur, what you are basically saying is that anyone can come here and say, hmmmmmmm, I want to immigrate!!! No rules!!! Hmmmmmmmm refugee...I remember the boat people being refugees.....not some idiot who decides he wants to come to Canada!!!
Quit reading your paper!!! Its bogus!!! |
Provincial Nominee Program
Provincial Nominee Program gives provinces discretion to pre-select investors, entrepreneurs and skilled workers with job offers for fast-track processing, dramatically cutting the wait to immigrate from as long as five years to just a few months. It's not clear how many "nominees" may actually have succeeded in getting to Canada fraudulently, but more than 95 per cent of last year's crop were approved by federal immigration officials. Marriages with Canadians and permanent residents are openly advertised as a means of gaining entry to Canada. The program allows construction workers, truck drivers and labourers to come in as well as, agriculture, construction and manufacturing, and shortages of meat-cutters and truck drivers. |
okay okie and thanks for your service to our country..