Topic: attn dudes: thedatingwizard | |
Hey guys, check out this site;
I can only say that this guys newsletter and ebook should be COMPULSORY READING for all the dudes out there that want to be GREAT with women. If you're a bed-post-etcher; get lost, learning out to be a MAN isnt something that should be abused. If you guys have read any of that doubleyourdating stuff or David De'Angelo jazz, all I can say is that this guy BEATS THE LIVING CRAP out of EVERY other "guru" out there. Free newsletter. Probably one of the best things you can ever do. I highly recommend the CD set as well. |
May I suggest just being yourself. Hey some ladies kinda like that stuff, go figure.
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lmaooooooooooooo I like your picture!!!
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Do they have books on tape?
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and how does this guy change your life?????
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Gypsy, he really doesn't. Well, there are things one can by to become better at getting along with women. This is sort of like the Abe-Roller of pick-up themes. It looks good, but in the end........Reminds me of the joke: "Learn how to avoid rip-offs, just send twenty dollars to..........."
Wow wow wow guys, WAY TO JUDGE.
ACTUALLY this guy doesnt use ANY pick up lines at ALL. He STRESSES unlike the rest of the idiots in the dating-hep world to BE YOURSELF...*BUT* what he does is help YOU become the most attractive version of YOU possible. So in that sense Brian is right, but in your context brian you are wrong. So no, Drew this isnt some retarded ab-flex of the dating world. This is SOLID stuff. He actually, yet again unlike most, takes you as his wingman for three days and nights and coaches you personally; detoxifying all the negative CRAP that society has conditioned guys to use ie: the Nice Guy syndrome. ugh. How does this guy change your life? Well, only reading one of his newsletters should convince you of whats-what here. His materials give you the insight to female psychology, talks about HOW attraction works, and so much more; Im not gonna copy-paste all this b/c its all on his sight already. Simply amazing insight. Its a FREE newsletter guys, honestly you will all thank me later. What you all should be doing is striving to becoming Self-Actualized. That is what this guy teaches because if you are self actualized (very rare) you become resourceful enough in your own mind to do things like cold pickup (seeing a woman you fancy at lets say, a mall and going straight up to her, have a bit of a chat (NO PICKUP LINES AT ALL!!!!!!!!!) and see it everything flow from there. Honestly guys, if you think your too short, too ugly, too poor, not famous enough/ WHATEVER, this guy can PROVE to you that NONE of that stuff is ESSENTIAL (EMPHASIS ON *NONE*) for attracting women. It helps ofcourse, but is it NEEDED to get the kind of woman you want? no. 2 words: Free Newsletter. |
forgot to mention that the wingman stuff is on his bootcamp (you alone) or seminar (group of guys [I think its like 4 or 5])
Just sign up for the newsletter if your unsure, thats what I did and DAMN, am I so ****ing glad I did. |
Wouldn't confidence and personally fashion be more effective if you learn it yourself instead from someone else, it's what I did.
I've found that after changing my mind-set of things MYSELF, I have suddenly been in control of my destiny, thing don't always just happen now, I make stuff happen sometimes and I love it. ...I've also found I am a flirtatious little fox. when did I suddenly become charming?! ![]() |
congrats josh, you're on to it mate!
Confidence and I think what you were trying to say was fashion (?) are most definately key points in being successful with women. You clothing style speaks volumes. But the things that this guy touches upon are not only confidence and style, but many other things including the all important insight into female psychology that helps you work around and with that so that approaching/picking up goes smoothly for example; if you're at a bar/club/walking along the street and you see two girls; 1 very attractive woman with her not-so-attractive friend: WHAT DO YOU DO? Well in fact this situation is HARDER than one if you wanted to approach a GROUP of women that were ALL very attractive! If you go straight up to the attractive one and you try opening her up; SHE WONT BUDGE because she knows that her friend is getting pissed off that shes getting (yet again!) all the guys attention and because they are friends, she aint gonna give you the time of day. Makes sense right? So this is what this guy teaches; how to handle situations like these: NOT WITH LINES or ANY memorized BS, but rather combining insight like that with how to be the most attractive version of you possible. Another thing that is CRUCIAL in picking up women is the tests they give you STRAIGHT UP from the bat, that may SEEM that they are "cold *****es" and that they have NO interest in you. Why do women throw stumbling blocks and all sorts of crap at you that TOTALLY screw up the pickup?!? THAT is what this guy talks about. |
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LOL no Im not getting ANYTHING for this plug-in.
I introduced a stranger a while back whom was dealing if a very tough break up (GF, cheated and then left, his first GF ever) the guy was SO happy with the book that I got emails almost every day for a few days about all the epiphanys he got and how all of this was so damn simple that he wishes he had found it before. I like to help people because I had a very similar experiance once finding the book and digesting it. I know with every ounce of my being that this guys materials WILL help ANY guy REGARDLESS of their experiance with woman. I find though that the only people that take the plunge and check this stuff out are the people that have hit rock bottom. He did, and I did. People have to be ready to recieve the message, Im hoping that theres a few guys on here that are FED up with their current success but are NOT giving up. Its that refusal to just SETTLE is what it takes. Dragoness: " and he taught you to be derogatory to my bigger sisters out there to make points???? I don't think it is any good at all just from that " ? Theres nothing derogatory that this guy teaches. Make women feel AWESOME. that is what he teaches, and that is all it takes. |
Knowing how to manipulate emotions is the key to being successful with women?
Whatever happened to "smile, and the world smiles with you"? |
Man, the stuff about emotions is crazy deep.
F R E E N E W S L E T T E R What have you got to lose?! |
The newsletter's free, but it doesn't have anything that isn't more than simple common sense. I once subscribed to a free newsletter (it may have even been THIS one, I forget), and it was nothing but an advertisement for a book that you HAD to buy because it WILL get you results that the free newsletter promised. No thanks.
david writes books on how to get women its not a ripoff. we have a website where we teach guys how to get women and david writes with us. i feel that it helps it helped me when i was young now i get any woman i want
now way man, definately not his letter. The thing is, once you see what he talks about IT IS ALL COMMON SENSE. Its just that there are many things that 90% of all men out there are unaware of. Player, when I 1st started checking this stuff out I had both thedatingwizards newsletters and Davids. David got blown out of the water. In comparison to thedatingwizard. and fact is IT IS A RIP OFF!!! Why sell a CD set on BODYLANGUAGE for $200 when you can help a guy GET RID of toxic behaviours like low self esteem so that when he DOES have self esteem, all the RIGHT body language flows from a NATURAL state. Sure davids stuff will help you. but do you want to be good with women? or do you want to be ****ing fantastic? WITHOUT BS lines, or ANY memorized trash? Has david ever outlined that not EVERY chick is some party club girl? you cant you "material" that david preaches to use in clubs on a introverted girl at you local bookstore. why? Different environment/atmosphere, different girl. Common sense no? so WHY is such profound guru like david (whom frequently writes at unaware of something SO SIMPLE? Im utterly amazed and saddened by the level of doubt here. ps: player; 'when you were young?" umm, any chance that 89 at the end of your name stands for 1989 ie: you birth date ie: you're only 18? I really really douobt you have a clue on what to do in a situation where you have a group of girls, lets say 7, all out on the town, 3 are attractive and the other three not so, HOW do you go around picking up the one you're attracted? not something david has woken up to yet, :/ |