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Topic: Illegal Immigration, Big Bucks in it!
reba0201's photo
Fri 10/26/07 11:10 PM
spur, re: my last post so on the same note,if you too were physically or otherwise confronted...what would you do,honestly until the very moment of such proposed situation,you would'nt know...you would'nt!so don't pretend that your views and opinions on anyone or anything mean squat,because its unpredictable until that very instance.

Spur277's photo
Sat 10/27/07 04:54 AM
I had to go to bed. I was tired. I think we lost Miguel as well. He's gotta' be about 2 hours ahead. Forgot to tell ya'll goodnight

reba0201's photo
Sat 10/27/07 06:55 AM
goodnight spur

Fanta46's photo
Sat 10/27/07 07:54 AM
Opps I posted this in the wrong thread!

Sat 10/27/07 07:39 AM
You shouldn't think without the facts! Mexicans in Mexico are no poorer than the poor here. There are just less rich in Mexico.

I know Americans who still do not have indoor plumbing, their children miss meals and go to school hungry, and they still heat their homes with wood stoves.

These Americans work hard all day too, everyday, but they love America, fight for things to improve and stay in "America." . Your bleeding heart undermines their efforts, and makes their lives harder!!

In a few years at the rate we are bringing in this cheap labor and wages decline in a few more job categories, you can feel bad for the Americans who take matters in their own hands, so that they can feed their families! (cause Americans will fight for their rights, and wont migrate!)

Its called complacency and a bleeding heart. You sit around feeling sorry for people that always take the easy way. They wont stay and fight for a better life in their own country so they come here and take advantage of what we have built. They expect when they come that we are a country of complacent bleeding hearts, and when they find out we aren't they cry foul.

The laws, Miquel, the federal laws that you say preempt State laws are already pretty much the same. They aren't new, but they are effective when enforced in accordance with the majorities wishes.

What causes the States to make laws that they haven't had on the books since Ellis Island was built is the Feds Arent enforcing the law, which puts them in violation of the constitution and at conflict with the people.

Before Ellis Island, however, States did control immigration into their perspective territory.

The reason immigration was switched from the state to the Feds had to do with enacting a SOP (standard operating procedure) for dealing with immigration. Their were too many different laws, with the States each having their own, and the "States" asked for a Fed law governing all states for better more consistent enforcement of immigration.

Therfore the preemptive kinda falls apart, or at least becomes a little fuzzy.

dean6121's photo
Sat 10/27/07 03:12 PM
yo tabien no tonto i have children that were born and live in mexico,and because the government had a blind eye on illegal migration it has been hard for me to support my children and i do agree it would be better to prosecute the employers instead of the the illegals,but i have lived in mexico many times over the past 14 yrs and it is hard for me to understand why they stay here, the way of life there is better then here a more relaxed enviorment i wish i could afford to go live there.

Spur277's photo
Sat 10/27/07 04:36 PM
Reba, is Miguel around anywhere?

Spur277's photo
Sat 10/27/07 04:55 PM
This is a public forum.
I have some questions to ask and would rather not have the whole world in on the conversation.
I would like to speak with you and Reba in a private room somewhere.
If you and she are ok with that then email me and let me know where.

reba0201's photo
Sat 10/27/07 07:10 PM
spur, sorry i did not get back to you i had important family stuff..miguel will be off line for a few days i would not plan to see him before tues....sorry

Spur277's photo
Sat 10/27/07 08:03 PM
No problem. I put in a long day and I think I'm gonna' give it up early tonight.
You have a good night and we'll see you soon.

reba0201's photo
Sat 10/27/07 09:23 PM
again goodnight

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 10/28/07 01:09 PM
I got a BIG PROBLEM with ILLEGAL MEXICAN KIDS or ILLEGAL KIDS PERIOD. Go home, do the right thing with YOUR KIDS and then by all means come to AMERICA. BUT DONT STEAL FROM THE LEGAL KIDS HERE...LIKE MINE. Just being HONEST.flowerforyou

reba0201's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:33 AM
walker we miss you

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:38 AM
^^^^^^flowerforyou flowerforyou
BTW, the children of the illegals are not stealing more than what the government are stealing to the North American in order to support the war, so if we are going to cry, let's cry for the right reasons.

reba0201's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:46 AM
amen to that!

Spur277's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:46 AM
Good morning, Miguel.
I'm in for just a minute and would like sometime to ask you and Reba to join me in a private room somewhere.
I wish to share some private things with the both of you and also have questions about the part of South America you come from.
I don't feel it would be fair to try and put anyone on the spot in a worldwide forum.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:49 AM
I'm also here for a couple of minutes.
I'm at school drafting a law memorandum for my school
we will need to do that whenever i get internet access in my house which i don't know exactly when it will be.

Spur277's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:14 AM
Sounds good. You have a great day, now

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 10/29/07 10:20 AM
My families are on both sides of that Native American illegal immigrant coin.
I see both sides of the perils of this.
And....better take a look at the AMERICAN herE now that are breaking those LAWS that are here made by us for us. WE are the ones taking advantage of those same laws and breaking them. Taxes, welfare, so forth. WE AS AMERICANS ARE JUST AS GUILTY. QUE SERA SERA. Friggin stingy americans. I am ashamed. Sorely ashamed. God says "help thy neighbor". This land belonged to no one. It is a human right to live anywhere on earth.

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 10/29/07 10:29 AM
What is it anyway? Fear? Afraid that if we welcome those into our world as did the American Indian, that they will do to us as we did to them? They welcomed our parentage into the world, fed us, showed us how to live off the land, to be killed, gathered up and given inadequate housing. We ruined it for them. They loved the land and all its life. We mutilate the earth, we kill for no good reason, people and animals alike. For sport and anger.
Where do we get off thinking we are so almighty?

Spur277's photo
Mon 10/29/07 11:42 AM
Her are the numbers. You say the US is being stingy?
These are the numbers for 2006. People coming in from all over the world. Ref.DHS.gov, statistics
Admitted Legal residents 1,266,264
Naturalized 702,000
Refugees 70,000
Seasonal Workers 180,000

Those people came in the Lawful way. The Legal Seasonal workers are readmitted and come over to the same jobs year after year.

It's the Illegal who are straining our resources.

Ms scattrbrain,
How many of the Illegal Immigrants have you offered your home to and given the resources to, that your family needs to survive?

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