Topic: Who likes tattoos??
ladydiva_222001's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:03 AM
It's an addiction that Im proud to say I have!

egoodrich's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:13 AM
i've got 4 myself, and am getting another 3 or 4 when i go home next month! (love that my little bro has his own gun!)

they're sexy as hell on women too, piercings too! thats something that really gets to me with a gal:wink:

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:16 AM
Not a fan of tattoos. I could never get one. I cannot think of anything so awesome that I would want it permanently inked onto my body. But to each his/her own.

sherry4382's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:17 AM
i have 3 tattoos and i have my nose pierced...use to have my nipples pierced...but agter u catch em on ur bra a few times...i took em out:smile:

Clancybee's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:17 AM
I agree with goofy. Not onto tattoos..

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:18 AM
i have 2
think they are nice if not too big and in the right place

grannithands's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:07 AM
hello everyonedrinker

nothingserious's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:57 AM
I have four tatts and my nose and tounge pierced. I'm looking to get some more ink just not sure what I want yet.

Dragonl0ve's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:01 PM
I have three tattoos. Love them

Bry395's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:25 PM
I have 2 small strategically placed tattoos and want another one. I am trying to decide if I want it on my ankle, or the back of my neck.

I think tatoos on men are sexy, but I am not into the full body ink.

Chazster's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:28 PM
Are we allowed to say we don't like them? Yeah, not a big fan. As for piercings, ears and belly button thats it. Some girls can pull off the nose thing but lip, eye brow, tongue, no thanks.

Greyhound's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:32 PM
My daughter was suppose to be going to get one sleeve finished on Friday evening. I haven't talked to her this weekend yet. My granddaughter just turned 9 last Sunday and I'm wondering if she's gonna follow in her mom's footsteps with tatoos when she get's older.huh

grannithands's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:43 PM
whatz up everyonedrinker

Greyhound's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:46 PM
Not a heck of a lot. Boring Sundaydrinker

grannithands's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:48 PM
we just got done with my daughters b-day that was fungrumble 40 kids sad

kai67's photo
Sun 10/28/07 06:56 PM
I have 12 Tatts. Most of 'em are on my legs. Im a tattoo artist. I did it for 8 years. and loved it! :heart:
I started with piercings 12 years ago. I had many body parts pierced but now all I have is my tongue (speed bump) :tongue:

If you want to learn how to do them go to a local shop and aprentice. It will take awhile. But believe me it is worth it!

OrangeCat's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:45 AM
going today to finish up my the last for me

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:15 AM
When I was younger, it was mostly the rough crowd that had tatts. Now, everyone gets then. I really agree with the guy whose Mom said not to get one that would embarass him or her. Smart Mom. My son and his wife have several. My son had a couple removed when he went back to school since they didn't look good in his profession. I'm even thinking about getting one myself.

ladydiva_222001's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:31 AM
Happy tatt talk peps...just wanted to stop by and see how everyone is getting along flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:17 AM
please record one vote no for women with tattoos. Why paint a beautiful flower?