Topic: Any women want to get blind married
jdo5153's photo
Sun 12/27/15 03:46 PM
Edited by jdo5153 on Sun 12/27/15 03:47 PM
I'm wondering if there are any women out there who would be willing to get married at the drop of a dime?

Here are the conditions

Must sign a "Prenuptial" agreement.
Must sign a "No Holds Harm" contract.
Must sign a "Confidentiality" agreement.

Raise your hands if you would be willing to take a chance.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 12/27/15 04:29 PM
Somebody looking for a fiance visa and a green card?????

jdo5153's photo
Sun 12/27/15 05:58 PM
Not at all. I was merely asking is there are any ladies out there who would be willing to take a leap of faith.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 12/27/15 06:06 PM
I don't get why any gal would go for it.
And, leap of in what?

jdo5153's photo
Mon 12/28/15 02:50 PM
Women in general are always looking for Mr. Right. What if Mr. Right was right under their nose but they were just too vain?

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 12/28/15 03:51 PM
Most women know Mr. Wrong when they smell him.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 12/28/15 04:17 PM

Women in general are always looking for Mr. Right. What if Mr. Right was right under their nose but they were just too vain?

If he were Mr Right he wouldn't have a pre-nup
flag waving you in.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/28/15 04:29 PM
After what my brother just went through I can understand a prenup. If you know them and really love them.

But not signing one without meeting them other wise a loveless relationship where you do as they want and say, or they will throw you out with nothing.. Hahahah yea I would sign that in a heartbeat!noway

I have heard the Mr/Mrs Right those that profess they are one of those, are normally the ones that have the most issues..

And to sign these two things

Must sign a "No Holds Harm" contract.
Must sign a "Confidentiality" agreement.

Any woman would be nuts to agree to either of those. That would make me think they do illegal stuff and don't want me to spill the beans after. Who knows what you will see or what will happen to you if you are not allowed to talk about anything..

First of all that blows me out of the water anyway I'm always talking there is no one that will ever tell me what I can and can not say..slaphead

jdo5153's photo
Mon 12/28/15 06:03 PM
Its interesting what people say about a simple question.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 12/28/15 06:21 PM
We all just assumed it was sincere.

jdo5153's photo
Tue 12/29/15 01:32 PM
I'm still a firm believer that love does happen just like that. Maybe not for all people but I do know people who have met and were married 24 hours later and are still together.

jdo5153's photo
Tue 12/29/15 01:34 PM
You have it wrong, the prenup works both ways. For men and women. It protects both parties nit just one.

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 12/29/15 02:34 PM

I'm still a firm believer that love does happen just like that. Maybe not for all people but I do know people who have met and were married 24 hours later and are still together.

So you are a marriage broker???

jdo5153's photo
Tue 12/29/15 02:56 PM
Nope, Im just a simple guy picking the brains of the public. I have no ill will or malicious intent, nor do I have a hidden agenda. I just pose the question and let the public discuss.

Jen_2016's photo
Sun 12/04/16 05:11 PM
I would. Why not take a chance? Life's too short not to go for it, and you won't know if they are the one or not. Doesn't hurt to try ;)

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 12/04/16 09:19 PM
This thread is almost twelve months old. The guy has probably been married twelve times by now.