Topic: To Christian people
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Fri 10/26/07 08:55 PM

You asked...
"Yes, so God and Jesus is the same?

Why did Jesus was crucified if he was omniscient?"

1. A sin is a crime against God's law.
2. The punishment for a sin is death.
3. All sins must be punished.

God, in His great mercy, has decided that He will allow another to die for our sins. The sacrifice has to be perfect and since nothing in creation is perfect, no sacrifice from this universe is suitable. Jesus became a man, subjected Himself to the laws He created, so that He could take the punishment for our sins.

You asked "Why did Jesus was crucified if he was omniscient?"

Because He wanted to, so that we wouldn't have to die. Our bodys will die, but our spirits will live forever.

Bearsman's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:01 PM
Well there you have it.

Manami's photo
Mon 10/29/07 04:07 PM
Thank you for your advice. I will try!

Mr., how do you know that Jesus wanted to be crucified? Maybe, or maybe not.
I learned that people crucified him because he was a crazy man. I wasn't told he was killed because he wanted to.
I know there are some changes in the new Bible. But I don't understand why the bible can changed even now. Did someone heard the voice of Jesus saying "Change the Bible. There are some mistakes." ?
If the Bible said facts, why could someone change the contents?

I just can't believe that the Bible says the truth.
There were some followers, but there were many more people who didn't like Jesus. In that situation, how could they write so many things in such detail?
Maybe the Bible was just the best-seller book inspired by Jesus's death.

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 04:46 PM

Jesus didn't want to be crucified, but He also wanted to do His father's will. God's will was for Jesus to die to pay for our sins, so Jesus went to the cross. He could have healed Himself or killed his enemies, but His self control was so great that He suffered that pain and torment when He could have ended it with a single prayer.

Think about this: All of the apostles denied knowing Jesus and allowed Jesus to go to His death. Fourty days later, they were preaching that Jesus was God, knowing that they would be killed for doing so. All of them, but John the apostle, were murdered for their beliefs. All of them were beaten, mocked and tortured. What would cause someone to go through all of that, when all they had to do was deny Jesus to be allowed to go free?

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 04:46 PM

Jesus didn't want to be crucified, but He also wanted to do His father's will. God's will was for Jesus to die to pay for our sins, so Jesus went to the cross. He could have healed Himself or killed his enemies, but His self control was so great that He suffered that pain and torment when He could have ended it with a single prayer.

Think about this: All of the apostles denied knowing Jesus and allowed Jesus to go to His death. Fourty days later, they were preaching that Jesus was God, knowing that they would be killed for doing so. All of them, but John the apostle, were murdered for their beliefs. All of them were beaten, mocked and tortured. What would cause someone to go through all of that, when all they had to do was deny Jesus to be allowed to go free?

Manami's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:12 PM
Okay, Jesus went to be sucrificed because God tells him to. But I still don't understand why he had to die. I thought God would forgive you no matter what you did. Why did God want Jesus die?

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:21 PM

The first post on page 6 is my answer to that question. If you have specific questions pertaining to my answer, please post them and I will do my best to answer them completely.

Manami's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:38 PM
Oh thank you! Jesus's death was definitely not in vain.- even today a immature japanese teenage (i dont wanna admit, but i just became 20brokenheart ) girl like me is eager to know about him.

Hmm.. I am so lost what to write on my paper.

Well, what I think is, why do you want to believe in God?
I mean, has God ever answered to your faith? Did you speak to her? Did she leave any physical evidence?

If you think hard, you might realize that there's no God.

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:43 PM
I'm a believer. simple as that.

hey abra.. i grew up right down the road from you.. in good 'ol DuBois! haha small world.

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 10:07 PM

I think the first thing that is required is know God is a desire to know God. If you allow your pride or what you think you know to get in the way, you will never find God. Faith in God isn't from within us, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit that is given to those who seek God. It all starts with desire, that is the seed.

"why do you want to believe in God?"

It's not that I want to believe in God, it's the fact that I want to know the truth. A good question to ask yourself is this: "If God exists, do I want to know Him?" If the answer is "Yes", then you have a desire to know the truth, which is a desire to know God.

"has God ever answered to your faith"

Absolutely! Any Christian can tell you about the many times that their prayers were answered. Just recently, God acted in my life in an amazing and personal way. Also, I can feel myself being molded by Jesus. I am a better man every morning than I was the night before. I am a rough stone that is slowly being smoothed.

"If you think hard, you might realize that there's no God. "

You are right. The soul thinks, but the spirit knows. While every spirit knows that God exists, but the spirit is quiet and weak, while the soul is strong. The soul speaks loudly and if we listen to it, we will believe that there is no God or make us believe in God, but doubt in the God of the Bible. That is why prayer and reading the Bible are so important. Prayer is our way of communicating with God and reading the Bible is food for our spirits. By feeding our spirits the word of God, we grow stronger in our desire to know God, our faith in God and our connection to God grows stronger.

God bless

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 10/30/07 02:38 AM
Gwen wrote:
"hey abra.. i grew up right down the road from you.. in good 'ol DuBois! haha small world."

I grew up in the Burgh. :wink:

Go Steelers! Go Penguins!

I taught college in DuBois for a while! drinker

I also had a girlfrind in State College, but that's a whole other story. bigsmile

Bearsman's photo
Tue 10/30/07 08:26 AM
God is within the mind.

Manami's photo
Tue 10/30/07 02:05 PM
I of course have a desire to know what you call God because it's very interesting to me.

What I think I know bothers me, that's why I'm asking you many questions. I know what Christians believe in. But I just don't understand why they are so faithful to something that I think doesn't exist. Of course, if you accepted everything in the Bible, you would come to believe in God and you might sometimes think like "God is always protecting me" when something you wished happened. But if you thought hard and tried not to accept everything christians says, you would come up with some doubts. Imagine if you were a poor man in Africa who believes in God. What if you didn't see any hopes or lights when you prayed so hard. Do you still think God is always watching you to protect you?
This is the truth. Everyone isn't happy believing in God.

Please realize it. God is not the one who is making your everyday better. It's yourself. You work and the money buys what you need. You wish something and achieve it. That's a good thing. Believe in you. Not God.

no photo
Tue 10/30/07 02:37 PM

God made a promise, which I believe in unique in all religions. God promised that if you seek Him, you will find Him. I have absolute proof that God exists. It's personal, I can't show it to you, but I have it. I don't live by blind faith, my faith is guided by the Holy Spirit. If you would really like to know the truth, all you have to do is humble yourself and ask God to prove to you that He exists. You won't get a burning bush or a parting of the red sea, but you will know the truth.

Manami's photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:00 PM
God made a promise that you will find him if you seek, that's what the Bible says. You might say you found God. but did he talk to you? did you see him? "Because my faith is guided by the holy spirit." This is not the perfect reason because you just feel like it. you think like your faith is. you just feel like someone answers to your faith because you wish there were God.
You think you do, but there's no proof that God exists. Holy spirit is not a proof. How can you say that the holy spirit exists? Because the Bible says so? Listen to your heart. I think you are believing in yourself rather than God.

-If you would really like to know the truth, all you have to do is humble yourself and ask God to prove to you that He exists.-

And has anyone ever heard his voice? The Bible says Jesus could. But who knows it's true? Who can prove that he really heard God? No because noone can proof if the Bible tells the truth or not.

no photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:04 PM

The proof of God's existance is personal for a good reason: Faith. If all I had to do is call God on the phone and let you talk to Him, you wouldn't need faith, you would know. God is testing us, to see if we want to know and serve Him. If you have enough desire to know God to seek God out, then you are rewarded with faith and assurance of God's existance. I know all this probably sounds like complete nonsense, but when you are saved, you will say "Oh, I remember SpiderCMB telling me about this".

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:05 PM
Greetings Everyone...

Manami..:heart: happy flowerforyou

drinker it is nice to see an inquisitive mind & heartdrinker

flowerforyou Good Luck in your search for the ultimate truthsflowerforyou

Just saw my splendid, distinquished friend Spider online
& wanted to stop by, curtsy, say hi, & wish everyone well.

Love to you all drinker

& may God richly bless & annoint us all with
love, compassion, divine knowledge & wisdom :heart:

no photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:14 PM

Nice to see you again. You are so charming and sweet, you always put a smile on my face and color in my cheeks.

God bless

Bearsman's photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:22 PM

I couldn't have said it better myself.

God is love.


Manami's photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:22 PM
I know if there were a show called "Jesus and Pals", people don't need faith.

God is testing us to see if we really have faith in him?

Is that true or just what you think?

If you have enough desire to know God to seek God out, then you are rewarded with faith and assurance of God's existance ?

What you think is not always the truth.

If someone saved me somehow, I will thank them, not God. If I had hard time writing my research paper but somehow achieved 12 pages, I would thank myself, not God. God is not the reason why I am saved. If you think so, that's just what you think.

You might not notice, but I think you are only believing in yourself.
Because you have too much faith in yourself, you gave some faith to the main character of your favorite book.
You are thanking yourself. God is not needed.