Topic: To Christian people
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/25/07 02:03 PM
I just wonder the amount of drugs that John Lennon used in his lifetime.
No wonder why he was in that much pain.

Manami's photo
Thu 10/25/07 02:36 PM
If the earthquake is caused by God's anger, I never want to believe that he is protecting us. In Japan, There are so many earthquakes. Is it because we make him or her angry? Some of my friends died because of the Nigata Chuetsu earthquake. I believe that we human are the only ones who can control our nature.Try do something to our earth. Plant vegetable or something. Then you will see that you are the one. Not God.

Sorry if you dont understand my english.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/25/07 02:41 PM
I believe that the earth has natural methods to purge, clean, rearrange itself. some of them are catastrophic, but it's not God's hand.
If people believe that natural disasters are the result of God's anger, well these people are enclosed in the dark ages, let's say about 500 or 600 years ago.
It's just an anachronic belief.

no photo
Thu 10/25/07 02:45 PM
I think the Bible is better than anything Shakespeare wrote. I think the work is quite inspirational. The Bible was written by men however, and however inspired they may have been they also had their own thoughts and feelings to influence their words.

I'm going with a no and no on this one.

I think people can learn some good things and get some very good advice about living, and that many of us would benefit from some remedial guidance, but these are the basics. Some of the ideas of prophesy are dark, misleading and potentially dangerous in the hands of a fundamentalist.

Interpretation of many things in the Bible are vague, in some cases this can be beneficial, in some it might not be.

I like the book, its worth a read, but read the history of the Bible as well for some balance.

no photo
Thu 10/25/07 02:46 PM
I believe that God can create natural disasters, but in the Bible, almost every natural disaster created by God was preceeded by a warning and time for repentance. For the most part, earthquakes, tornados, sunami, volcanos, hurricanes, etc are just natural events and a part of our lives.

Manami's photo
Thu 10/25/07 03:09 PM
So you saying that the Bible is changing? People are changing the content of the bible? why? because there are some things that don't make sense?

We are human. All human are afraid of the end of life because there’s no way we could find out what will happen after death. The fears we have toward death make us wish: What if there’s after death? What if there is a savior who rescues us hovering between life and death? What I’m saying is that God is something that was created based on our common wishes. without God, we are hopeless.

Manami's photo
Thu 10/25/07 03:20 PM
Before, to tell the truth, I was a theist inspired by sisters in the school I used to commute. I held on to the faith, and I truly loved our God. I thanked her for every meal. One day, I wondered why there are so many earthquakes in Japan. According to Father, Earthquake is anger of God. Does it mean we are doing something extremely bad? No. It doesn’t make any sense to me. This whole religion doesn’t make sense. If she wants us to believe in her, why does she never appear in front of us? If she is our mother, why does she kill us?

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 10/25/07 03:22 PM
dcrdnk, you make it sound like a manual for astronauts.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 10/25/07 04:23 PM
Christianity glorifies sadomasochism just as well any other religion. What troubles you with it?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/25/07 06:16 PM
thinking and teaching that natural disasters are caused because God is angry it's wrong, it's logical fallacy.

no photo
Thu 10/25/07 06:37 PM
"thinking and teaching that natural disasters are caused because God is angry it's wrong, it's logical fallacy. "

That's 100% correct. Many things make God angry, but God warned when a disaster was coming. The only exception that I am aware of was Sodom and Gehmora.

Bearsman's photo
Thu 10/25/07 06:42 PM
I bet on Bibby,

The God inspired Bible written by ever fallible hand on humans.

He we are debating a simple question, is the bible the word of God. Yes, as we (meaning all the we*s throughout the history of man) understand him/her/it.

Like the famous prophet once said,

Why can't we all get along? We's human is my guess.

We are all on this site seeking love of one kind or another.
I have heard it said that "God is Love" and I believe that.

The inspirational words written in the bible attribute Jesus with the following parable

An Eye for an Eye
38“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[1]39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.41If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Love for Enemies
43“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[2] and hate your enemy.’44But I tell you: Love your enemies[3] and pray for those who persecute you,45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

I'm not a saint, I'm not perfect, but I try to follow this parable in my life. I fail, get up, fail, get up, try make some progress.

To each I say, I love you, good night and good luck.

Chazster's photo
Thu 10/25/07 07:25 PM
I believe in the bible, but I do not take everything as 100%. Remember it was the Catholic church at one point that decided what would and would not go into the bible. Things were hand written as well and translated over and over and things could be misunderstood, lost, or left out all together.

I mean if you really do the research, the bible states that the great flood was there to cleans the world from the nephilim( the offspring of fallen angels and humans). Noah's family was chosen because they were not tainted with the ancestors of Nephilim. Even goliath from the story of David and goliath was considered a nephilim. I personally don't believe there were fallen angels impregnating human women but thats just me lol.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/25/07 07:51 PM
Treemachine wrote:
“I can say for sure without a doubt that if I wasnt Christian I wouldnt give a flying **** about the next person. Why should I?”

Hmmmmmm?,... frown

I would definitely recommend that you remain a devoted Christian for the rest of eternity then. flowerforyou

Bearsman's photo
Thu 10/25/07 07:59 PM
heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... heh....
heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... heh.... !!!!!!!

Bearsman's photo
Thu 10/25/07 08:00 PM
I love you treemachine

Chazster's photo
Thu 10/25/07 08:02 PM
I also am curious.. Manami why do you keep referring to God as her? For one thing since God creates things and doesn't produce them sexually I would think God doesn't have a gender. If you want to assign a gender then I would say male since Jesus called him Father and not mother. Also it says adam was created first and in Gods image thus male. Please noone take this as sexist. As I said I would think God would be without gender. I am just curious where some people derive that God is female.

no photo
Thu 10/25/07 08:04 PM

"I mean if you really do the research, the bible states that the great flood was there to cleans the world from the nephilim( the offspring of fallen angels and humans). "

Actually, that is according to Jewish lore. According to the Bible "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Nephilim are only mentioned once in the Bible, but that became such a powerful idea to the Jews that it became a large part of their lore. I believe that Nephilim means "giants" and doesn't mean the children of angels and men. This is supported by Jesus, because he indicated that Angels don't have sexual desires.

Bearsman's photo
Thu 10/25/07 08:12 PM
The force is it.

lizardking19's photo
Thu 10/25/07 08:17 PM
anybody here ever read lovecraft? i think he was really onto some deep truths about the state of the universe