Topic: What did you have to learn from you partners? | |
Ex-husband: Stand up for myself, don't change who I am for anyone but myself.
First Love: Take off the rose tinted glasses now and again to prevent being blind-sighted. FWB: How to have 'sex like a man'. Most recent: Don't settle for less than I deserve. I'm not going to list all my partners here, don't want the embarrassment of discovering there is a limit to the character count! |
I learned what traits & behaviors I could not tolerate while living with someone (just dating & having weekend sleepovers or going on vacation is NOT the same thing). I learned that my intolerance was completely acceptable to me & I should never again move in w/someone before an exhaustively detailed discussion of household responsibilities, financial responsibilities and long term sexual needs.
I learned gratitude is not love & contentment is not enough (at least for me it isn't.) I learned I will never again date someone I find even remotely unattractive. I learned exactly what I need to be happy the next time around (if there will ever be one)... |
What did you have to learn from you partners?
Since my ex was and is still the best that ever happened to me, I say, My ex taught me how to love. Taught me how to love someone more than myself. Taught me to love someone so much, I have to let go. My ex taught me kindness for others & for one self. My ex taught me to appreciate art than words. Because of my ex I learn that u know where the heart of a person is by where he/she spends time. |
How to deal with the stress of work better.
I learned there's far more important things in life. |
What did you have to learn from you partners? Since my ex was and is still the best that ever happened to me, I say, My ex taught me how to love. Taught me how to love someone more than myself. Taught me to love someone so much, I have to let go. My ex taught me kindness for others & for one self. My ex taught me to appreciate art than words. Because of my ex I learn that u know where the heart of a person is by where he/she spends time. That is beautiful ![]() |
From an ex... I relearned the true meaning of friendship. For that, I am eternally grateful. ![]() |
How not to be selfish and making someone else feel special and happy is better then any gift I could give myself.She was a great girl,I was to young and immature, it is one of my biggest failures in life. Can't help but think ... is that really a failure? Or a wonderful experience that taught you a valuable thing? |
I learned not to trust words, but actions.
That I can not be with someone whose morals are not the same as mine. That a beautiful heart is far better than beautiful words. |
What I learnt from my last relationship, basically all the things I didn't really learn from previous ones. I suppose that's why this relationship had such an impact on me. I didn't pick up on the lessons earlier in life, I don't think I was ready for them, so in the end it was rammed down my throat. (Abusive relationship)
It helped me find my inner strength ... It made me realize how much personal freedom I need ... A shock, I seriously never knew!! It helped my artistic side blossom ... It got me closer to what I really want to do with my life ... It also taught me the 'art' of forgiving ... All things I didn't know I had, needed or wanted. It got me so much closer to who I really am! And for that I am truly grateful. |
What did you have to learn from your partners?
In all my relationships, the best thing that I've ever learned is understanding the different ways and meaning of love. All of them have contributed to know myself better as a woman what I'm capable of and what I'm not capable. I have known true happiness in being in love and being loved, I felt the pain and how I dealt with it made me a stronger person and have become more wiser. It's good to be in love but it could blind us and sometimes our heart over rules our mind. Before in my younger years I have lived in fears and in my inhibitions where it hindered my growth and happiness, I lost my love when I chose my principles and valued my career , then I fell in love again and learned to let go of myself yet things didn't turn out the way I expected it, for life doesn't always end in happy endings. In both extremes, I have learned to love in different ways, now I know that when our heart is weak and vulnerable we could end up choosing the wrong person and when our mind rules over our heart tendency is we think too much and thus we don't give love a chance to prosper. Over all, my partners had opened my mind to reality of life. It is better to have loved than not love at all; Experience is the best teacher; Pain and suffering refines our rough edges and mold us to become a better person and prepares us for another journey in life but still gives us hope that love awaits us in the right time:) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
For me one of the big things to learn was trusting myself and my own instincts. Meaning that when I ever so vaguely felt he wasn't right for me, I should've backed out. In spite of whatever he or other people told me. Or even what I tried to make myself believe. I learned the same thing. Listen to your inner voice! |
I learnt that it's far better to not dwell on bad stuff the exes did. I'd prefer to go to my grave, safe in the knowledge that we'd made peace with each other. Bitter feelings will only stay if you let them. What good would it do me? None. You get nowhere complaining and whining about it. Do something practical or die with a very hardened heart. It's your choice.
Hmm. Well, the more general lessons I learned, include..
* that though most people don't actively LIE to you, they very often indulge in wishful thinking, speak from ignorance of themselves and others, or recite phrases they heard elsewhere by rote. This means both that you have to get to know someone fairly thoroughly before you'll really know what they believe. It also means that if you try to live as though everyone is both honest and knowledgeable, that your life will feel very similar to that of asphalt tarmac. * that it takes a tremendous amount of actual work and personal effort, to become a complete person, in and of yourself, and that a lot of people don't realize that. This again, means that people will ask for things that they find after they have them, are not fulfilling after all; that they will make promises they never wanted to fulfill, because they mistook the making of promises, to be the equivalent of buying a ticket of admission... ... and that since it IS so much work, and so often unrecognized, that becoming angry at others for mistakes that you are likely in the middle of making yourself, isn't going to help anyone. * that forgiving isn't something one can choose to do. It is instead the natural result of genuine understanding and personal growth. This is a very complicated lesson, and very few grasp it entirely. * that what would have made you extremely happy at one stage of your life, will no longer have meaning after you go through most of the more important changes we all do. So some dreams and yearnings are best discarded, when their "buy before" date runs out. And that this fact is NOT a sad one. |
something I learned from my two x that men are not all alike ... but both where not right for me ... and that's ok ... I felt the best gift was my child ... so in one since I gained ... and so good to know all men are not alike ... and still know there is one out there just right for me ...
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something I learned from my two x that men are not all alike ... but both where not right for me ... and that's ok ... I felt the best gift was my child ... so in one since I gained ... and so good to know all men are not alike ... and still know there is one out there just right for me ... ![]() Yeah, but what did you learn from them? You didn't learn that they weren't right for you. Okay, you found that out, but that's not why they came into your life ... People come into your life because you have something to learn from them. And I don't mean things like "He could teach me how to use a hammer and fix the fence", although that could be part of someone helping you to become more self-sufficient and more confident that you can solve problems yourself. You see what I'm getting at? I meant things that add to your personal growth and development. Not trying to give you a hard time, just prodding a bit ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 11/28/15 11:37 AM
something I learned from my two x that men are not all alike ... but both where not right for me ... and that's ok ... I felt the best gift was my child ... so in one since I gained ... and so good to know all men are not alike ... and still know there is one out there just right for me ... ![]() Yeah, but what did you learn from them? You didn't learn that they weren't right for you. Okay, you found that out, but that's not why they came into your life ... People come into your life because you have something to learn from them. And I don't mean things like "He could teach me how to use a hammer and fix the fence", although that could be part of someone helping you to become more self-sufficient and more confident that you can solve problems yourself. You see what I'm getting at? I meant things that add to your personal growth and development. and both of my x where from out of state then where I lived at the time which was here... Not trying to give you a hard time, just prodding a bit ![]() I really did learn that men could be different from one another ... and that they are not all a**holes ... and trying now to find what I may want in a man ... and taking with me that men are different and not to believe... they all are just one particular type of person like i am sure you have heard men are all alike ... and so not falling for the same kind of pattern ... in a new serous relationship ... ![]() |
Crystal honestly, sometimes the only thing you learned about yourself in a past relationship with an ex is akin to trying to find something positive where nothing good existed, no matter how hard you look.
Sometimes exes can be so destructive that its like looking at a mountain of bs and trying to find gold. IMPOSSIBLE. ![]() |
Crystal honestly, sometimes the only thing you learned about yourself in a past relationship with an ex is akin to trying to find something positive where nothing good existed, no matter how hard you look. Sometimes exes can be so destructive that its like looking at a mountain of bs and trying to find gold. IMPOSSIBLE. ![]() I respect you opinion, but I don't agree. ![]() |
It is a trust first...but how you can to trust if you met a woman but she ask the money on the second day.
To stop being a chump