Topic: All hell is breaking loose in Paris | |
Winston Churchill addressed this strategy when he said “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
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which observation? that I wasnt SURE who was responsible until someone claimed responsibility? or that now that isis has taken responsibility we should approach it at different angles besides just 'might',, like intelligence and surveillance of internet and media(which is how recruiting and promoting take hold, as well as how the motivation of notoriety and martyrdom are accomplished)? yeah, Im sure those families are interested in peoples opinions right now,,, unless one was muslim, and then perhaps I could tell them the observation of how it was the fault of them and their religion and how Im sorry but I have to just throw them in with the rest of the spoiled fruit as potential threats themselves? ...nah, Im not into the posturing , a time and place for everything and all all Id want to say to ANYONE losing family is to pass on my condolences ,,, Shouts of Allahu Akbar,AK47s and the general Jihadi-Style of the Attack wasn't convincing for some I guess! How about you stop splitting Hair that isn't there? ![]() I was not there, I did not hear any shouts and nothing in the OP mentioned that either,,,,,as I stated before and what is 'jihadi style'? being organized and using guns? and even more troubling ,,,why is the most TROUBLING thing for people in this thread the fact I didnt jump to some assumption about who the terrorists were? But if you feel like you have to lean over backward for those murderous Brutes,be my guest! No skin off my nose! I love how all the news agencies have ignored the fact that ISIS made a public threat to Europe, Russia and the USA the day before the attack. besides,they yelled "Allahu Akbar",not Allahu Snackbar! ![]() |
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Sun 11/15/15 04:09 AM
There is always the chance that the next attack will knock the scales from our eyes. Always the chance that we will realize the enemy is at war with us, even as we foolishly believe we can end the war by not fighting it, by surrendering. As this is written, the death count in Paris is 158. That number will grow higher, and very many more will be counted among the wounded and terrorized. “Allahu Akbar!” cried the jihadists as they killed innocent after French innocent. The commentators told us it means “God is great.” But it doesn’t. It means “Allah is greater!” It is a comparative, a cry of combative aggression: “Our God is mightier than yours.” It is central to a construction of Islam, mainstream in the Middle East, that sees itself at war with the West. It is what animates our enemies. Barack Obama tells us — harangues us — that he is the president who came to end wars. Is that noble? Reflective of an America that honors “our values”? No, it is juvenile. In the real world, the world of aggression — not “micro-aggression” — you don’t get to end wars by pronouncing them over, or mistaken, or contrary to “our values.” You end them by winning them . . . or losing them. If you demonstrate that you are willing to lose, then you lose. If you sympathize with the enemy’s critique of the West on the lunatic theory that this will appease the enemy, you invite more attacks, more mass murder. France is hoping the night’s bloodshed is done as it counts its dead. And perhaps it is for now. But the atrocities are not over, not even close. In Paris, it has been but the blink of an eye since the Charlie Hebdo massacre, after which Western nations joined together in supposed solidarity, supporting the fundamental right to free expression. That lasted about five minutes. Intelligentsia on both sides of the Atlantic rationalized that, while we of course (ahem) champion free expression — “Je suis Charlie!” and all that — columnists and cartoonists who dare lampoon a totalitarian ideology are bringing the jihad on themselves. It was a familiar story. In 2012, jihadists attacked an American compound in Benghazi, killing our ambassador and three other officials. The president responded by . . . condemning an anti-Muslim video that had nothing to do with the attack, and by proclaiming that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Islamic supremacism killed Americans, and America’s president validated Islamic supremacism. How did the French and the rest of the West react when jihadists attacked Charlie Hebdo in Paris? After a fleeting pro-Western pose, they condemned . . . themselves. What happened when American commentators who had spent years studying Islamic-supremacist ideology warned that mainstream Muslim doctrine was fueling jihad against the West? The Obama administration — the president and his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton — reacted by targeting the messengers, not the aggressors. Jihadist terror would be obfuscated by euphemisms like “violent extremism” and “workplace violence.” The critics of jihadist terror would be smeared as racist “Islamophobes.” Mrs. Clinton led the administration’s effort to portray examination of Islamic doctrine as hate speech, to brand commentary about radical Islam as illegal incitement. More Paris ‘Not Welcome’ Dylan Ratigan: ISIS Struck Paris Because America Finances Saudi Arabia A Serious War Calls for a Serious Strategy Wouldn’t that be a betrayal of First Amendment free expression? If so, Mrs. Clinton declared, the government had other ways to suppress it. The administration, she said, would resort to extra-legal extortion: “old fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming.” American government intimidation, not against the jihad but against opponents of the jihad. Could we tell the enemy any more clearly that we don’t think we are worth defending? Could we tell the enemy any more clearly that we are ripe for the taking? Hard experience has taught us that when jihadists have safe haven, they attack the United States and our Western allies. But as ISIS and al Qaeda expand their safe haven in Syria and Iraq, we tell the world it is everyone else’s problem — the Kurds have to do the fighting, or the Yazidis, the Iraqis, the “rebels,” anyone but us. As hundreds of thousands of refugees flee the region — many of them young, fighting-fit men whose potential terrorist ties cannot possibly be vetted — we encourage Europe to open its arms and borders to them, promising to open our own as well. After all, to do otherwise would be to concede that the war is against us — and Obama is the president who “ends” war. The enemy is not impressed. What Obama calls “ending” war the enemy sees as surrender, as the lack of a will to fight, much less to prevail. So, as night follows day, the enemy attacked Paris tonight, yet again. Jihadists brazenly proclaimed that they were from Syria, spreading their jihad to France. Obama responded by soft-peddling the atrocity as a “tragedy,” the acts of war as a “crime.” A “crime” that tonight killed 158 people (and counting). A “crime” by “criminals” who vow more jihadist acts of war against Paris, Rome, London, Tel Aviv, and New York. We did not ask for a war with jihadists. Years ago, they commenced a war of aggression against us. Pace Obama, you can’t end such a war by withdrawing, or by pretending it is just a crime. You end it by winning it or losing it. The enemy senses that we are willing to lose it. Tonight, they pressed their advantage. It won’t be the last time. |
Now may I go back to clinging to my Bible and my guns? "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." <greatest generation so)ho. Definitely mightier than any psychotic despots.
everything pointed to terrorists as a given,, but
Let's fix that statement...
that was all,, "Everything pointed to MUSLIM terrorists" least to anyone who keeps up with what's going on in the world. |
everything pointed to terrorists as a given,, but
Let's fix that statement...
that was all,, "Everything pointed to MUSLIM terrorists" least to anyone who keeps up with what's going on in the world. ![]() 'keeping up' via western media, is not really keeping up with whats going on in 'the world' its just on the brink of keeping up with whats going on in the western world,,, |
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Sun 11/15/15 08:39 AM
everything pointed to terrorists as a given,, but
Let's fix that statement...
that was all,, "Everything pointed to MUSLIM terrorists" least to anyone who keeps up with what's going on in the world. ![]() 'keeping up' via western media, is not really keeping up with whats going on in 'the world' its just on the brink of keeping up with whats going on in the western world,,, |
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Sun 11/15/15 08:45 AM
there isnt a way to KNOW till ya know
I could believe a man , as opposed to a woman, did a crime, I have a fifty percent chance of being right,, but I still couldnt say I KNOW, without the FACTS to substantiate before that its only belief,, and yes, beliefs can turn out to be right I didnt KNOW who did the attack (other than terrorists) It gives me pause that people are having THIS MUCH DIFFICULTY with the concept, and scares me that so many people are actually ANGERED by it,,,, ![]() |
there isnt a way to KNOW till ya know I could believe a man , as opposed to a woman, did a crime, I have a fifty percent chance of being right,, but I still couldnt say I KNOW, without the FACTS to substantiate before that its only belief,, and yes, beliefs can turn out to be right I didnt KNOW who did the attack (other than terrorists) It gives me pause that people are having THIS MUCH DIFFICULTY with the concept, and scares me that so many people are actually ANGERED by it,,,, ![]() |
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Sun 11/15/15 08:59 AM
Edit, double post
there isnt a way to KNOW till ya know I could believe a man , as opposed to a woman, did a crime, I have a fifty percent chance of being right,, but I still couldnt say I KNOW, without the FACTS to substantiate before that its only belief,, and yes, beliefs can turn out to be right I didnt KNOW who did the attack (other than terrorists) It gives me pause that people are having THIS MUCH DIFFICULTY with the concept, and scares me that so many people are actually ANGERED by it,,,, ![]() the slurs and choice of words,, tells me otherwise,,,, |
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Sun 11/15/15 09:12 AM
Deepest sympathies to all affected by this senseless tragedy. Be strong, Paris!
I read somewhere they think this type of attack, very organized and coordinated, may be a prelude for things to come in the West. My first thought comes to upcoming bowl/championship games. But, I do think our government is doing something right since we haven't had any attacks like that since 9/11. I feel safer now. I hope that doesn't change. |
there isnt a way to KNOW till ya know I could believe a man , as opposed to a woman, did a crime, I have a fifty percent chance of being right,, but I still couldnt say I KNOW, without the FACTS to substantiate before that its only belief,, and yes, beliefs can turn out to be right I didnt KNOW who did the attack (other than terrorists) It gives me pause that people are having THIS MUCH DIFFICULTY with the concept, and scares me that so many people are actually ANGERED by it,,,, ![]() the slurs and choice of words,, tells me otherwise,,,, |
Deepest sympathies to all affected by this senseless tragedy. Be strong, Paris! I read somewhere they think this type of attack, very organized and coordinated, may be a prelude for things to come in the West. My first thought comes to upcoming bowl/championship games. But, I do think our government is doing something right since we haven't had any attacks like that since 9/11. I feel safer now. I hope that doesn't change. I have thought about that too. Cant imagine how terrifying the experience must be and that people all over the world experience these types of things on a nearly regular basis I believe we stop alot more attacks than we endure but the terrorists are getting wiser in their recruitment. Most recently I read they ma have used GAMING systems like Xbox that allow gamer interaction without government surveillance for recruiting,, and , most of those using those gaming systems, are pretty juvenile minded and easily impressed upon The more advanced our 'technology' gets, the more I worry for safety, and the more 'transparent' everything becomes < I also fear as all that information we demand on having can sometimes be used by terrorists to plot against us all that said, I believe this is one of the safest places to live(as it relates to international terrorism anyhow) I remember everyone believing 9/11 was the beginning of world war III I dont insist it CANT happen, but I dont believe its LIKELY to be happening soon,,, its just that western cultures arent used to it (Thank goodness) so it seems very much like it may be the end of the entire world when it happens to us ..condolences to those suffering loss and prayers for those living in fear,,, ![]() |
there isnt a way to KNOW till ya know I could believe a man , as opposed to a woman, did a crime, I have a fifty percent chance of being right,, but I still couldnt say I KNOW, without the FACTS to substantiate before that its only belief,, and yes, beliefs can turn out to be right I didnt KNOW who did the attack (other than terrorists) It gives me pause that people are having THIS MUCH DIFFICULTY with the concept, and scares me that so many people are actually ANGERED by it,,,, ![]() there isn't a way to KNOW till ya know ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeh, and the world immediately knew who did it and they said so.. and they were right. The MUSLIMS did it. sorry... they did.. and they did it in the name of their God. Was the world wrong , MS. or are we all delusional. point blank MS... DID MUSLIMS CARRY OUT THIS BARBARIC ATTACK OR NOT. |
there isnt a way to KNOW till ya know I could believe a man , as opposed to a woman, did a crime, I have a fifty percent chance of being right,, but I still couldnt say I KNOW, without the FACTS to substantiate before that its only belief,, and yes, beliefs can turn out to be right I didnt KNOW who did the attack (other than terrorists) It gives me pause that people are having THIS MUCH DIFFICULTY with the concept, and scares me that so many people are actually ANGERED by it,,,, ![]() there isn't a way to KNOW till ya know ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeh, and the world immediately knew who did it and they said so.. and they were right. The MUSLIMS did it. sorry... they did.. and they did it in the name of their God. Was the world wrong , MS. or are we all delusional. point blank MS... DID MUSLIMS CARRY OUT THIS BARBARIC ATTACK OR NOT. I never said they DIDNT, try to move on,,,, |
Deepest sympathies to all affected by this senseless tragedy. Be strong, Paris! I read somewhere they think this type of attack, very organized and coordinated, may be a prelude for things to come in the West. My first thought comes to upcoming bowl/championship games. But, I do think our government is doing something right since we haven't had any attacks like that since 9/11. I feel safer now. I hope that doesn't change. I have thought about that too. Cant imagine how terrifying the experience must be and that people all over the world experience these types of things on a nearly regular basis I believe we stop alot more attacks than we endure but the terrorists are getting wiser in their recruitment. Most recently I read they ma have used GAMING systems like Xbox that allow gamer interaction without government surveillance for recruiting,, and , most of those using those gaming systems, are pretty juvenile minded and easily impressed upon The more advanced our 'technology' gets, the more I worry for safety, and the more 'transparent' everything becomes < I also fear as all that information we demand on having can sometimes be used by terrorists to plot against us all that said, I believe this is one of the safest places to live(as it relates to international terrorism anyhow) I remember everyone believing 9/11 was the beginning of world war III I dont insist it CANT happen, but I dont believe its LIKELY to be happening soon,,, its just that western cultures arent used to it (Thank goodness) so it seems very much like it may be the end of the entire world when it happens to us ..condolences to those suffering loss and prayers for those living in fear,,, ![]() Yes, these things reactivate fear for me, at some level; not paranoid but it leaves an uncomfortable feeling for sure. I didn't know that about the gaming systems but it makes sense they would do that. I'll definitely be mentioning this to my older son. I also read somewhere that what happened in France is being considered an act of war. I hope that doesn't mean an act of war like the start of WWIII act of war. That would be double scary for me. Especially, since my son is considering joining the military. I completely support my son if he decides to do this and would be very proud of him. He hasn't made up his mind yet. Again, sending thoughts of strength to Paris! You are not alone; we are all here for you. |
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