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Topic: The world crumbles beneath us
freeonthree's photo
Wed 10/17/07 08:15 PM
Here's an update for those who are worried abot us.
We are doing wonderfully, and our feelings for each other are stronger than ever. All that ridiculas behavoir of mine has done, is bring us closer together. Maria is the most patient and understanding person I have ever known, and my love for her continues to grow every day. With her by my side, I can do anything, and we will be together very soon. Were doing great !
Thanks to all, for the kind words, and even the chewing out I had coming, Maria and I wish you all love and happiness forever ! Dennis and Maria

Julie444's photo
Sat 10/20/07 09:41 AM
What I don't understand is that if everything is going so well why did you cancel your account Dennis? You briefly enable your account just long enough to read the replies to your original post then cancel it again. I'm beginning to believe this entire thread was troll bait.

freeonthree's photo
Sat 10/20/07 10:03 AM
Gosh Julie, I thought you had more class than that. I will answer your question though. First of all, Tessa and I have been chatting all night, and I just wanted to read her farewell message, but then saw you silly post, so I reactivated to answer it.
This is a dating site, and I have found Tessa, we are soon to be married, therefore I have no reason to be here anymore.
Troll bait ? come on, you can do better than that.
Now I have answered your question, im going to deactivate again, so dont bother replying, I won't see it. Dennis

QwicherBytchin's photo
Sat 10/20/07 10:50 AM
I've been reading this for a while, and I have to say, Dennis, that Julie is right on. Yes..this is a dating site...but it's so much more about friendhsip. Friends. And there's nothing that says just because you found someone to love, that you have to leave your friends behind. The fact that you you told her not to bother replying cuz you won't see it...is not only bull****, but childish.

Julie444's photo
Sun 10/21/07 09:26 PM
Activate, deactivate, activate, WTF? I just googled "freeonthree" and found hundreds of posts all over the internet. You've been very busy and either you're a troll or just very strange. I hope you find what you're looking for and have the decency to follow through on your promises, from what I've read online so far makes me wonder.

Donnar's photo
Sun 10/21/07 09:32 PM
It was bullsht from the beginning. These fillipinas are just looking to get into this country, like the Costa Rican women who are marrying american man in the hundreds. They get here, get married and live on their hubby's salary and send every dime back to the Phillipines to their families. I know! I lived with a guy who was married to a phillipina before I met him. They just use american me to get here and use them to send money to their families back home. IMHO they are no better than the african/nigerian scammers.

freeonthree's photo
Mon 10/22/07 05:54 PM
Julie, I have been told that there were some rather unsavory responses to my posts here, so here I am again. Childish or not.
Yes, I have posts all over the internet, but no dating site posts since Maria and I have gotten together. Fact is, im not available anymore, period. Yes, im involved with several VW Trike sites, even have one of my own, and im also involved with many RC Plane sites, as well as Ham Radio sites, so yes, I have posts all over the internet.
Oh, and I still think it was rude of you to hang up on that woman when you tried to call me and dialed the wrong number by the way.
Donnar, most filipina's are very responsible, faithful, trustworthy, and hard working people, and will leave a man who likes to drink alot, or for lots of other various reasons, so think abot that for a while.
Maria works very hard in her family's internet cafe, and works from 10am until 2am every day. She also would rather I come there, so she can be near her family. She really has no desire to come to the USA. She also doesn't care that I am poor by todays standards, she loves me for my heart and honesty.
Friends ? Well, I havn't made but 2 friends here, so I don't understand what you talking about. I met a nice gal, Jennifer, who I am friends with, but we email, friends exchange email address and phone numbers and stay in touch that way. She is doing well, has a new job and boyfriend, but we are still friends, nothing else. I also met Maria (Tessa) here, and that is a different story. We are very close, and sure don't need this site to converse on, we use the phone, email, and several chat venue's thru the day as time permits between working.
So you see, since Maria and I have gotten together, we don't need to be here anymore, thats all. This is a dating site, and we found what we were looking for, so we have flown the coupe. Im sorry that you feel so compelled to bash me continually, but thats your new hobby now I suppose. Maybe if you put a smiling picture in your profile, you can attract a good man, then you wont have any reason to be here anymore either. Just a thought... Maria and I are extremely happy, and getting along wonderfully, so why not just accept it, and leave us alone. If you wish to have a battle of the minds, which im sure you will be unqualified for, then by all means, call me on the phone and speak your mind, and I will be more than happy to show you how intelligent I am, and how screwed up you are.
The fact that I was honest, and willing to let Maria go to find happiness when I thought that I couldn't afford to make our dream come true, only brought us closer together, and a fleet of bulldozers couldn't tear us apart now, so just get over it. Have another picture taken, but with a smile on your face, and go out there and find a man. I wish you luck, I really do. I have to get back out to the shop now and get back to work, and I hope I don't recieve any more phone calls about people bashing Maria and I. If I do, I will just come back, chew you up, and spit you out. I was nice this time, but I won't be so nice if it happens again. Have a nice day.... Dennis Flora

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 06:08 PM
freeonthree with your present income, do you think the immigration will allow you to bring Tessa to your country. You see you need to prove to them that you can support her and not rely on any govt benefits. And, if you are having difficulties now, what makes you think things will be different later?

Proving your love and marrying her will not determine a future there with her, you still have to prove to your govt that you will be able to provide for her blah.

You need to sort your financial situation and show the govt that your situation is not a liability to the country, blah blah and if Tessa is still there for you, you two will have a chance.

Julie444's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:15 PM
That is correct, if you are receiving welfare, SSI or any other type of government *assistance payments* you can forget about immigration allowing Maria to come to the USA. You have to prove you can financially support her otherwise she stays where she's at. And did I not read a post somewhere that that said you have a criminal record as well? If that's true then you're really going to have problems because of new laws that have gone into effect since 9-11.

And the same goes for visitors to the Phillipines, unless you got lots of money to pay off certain government officials, you'll be denied entrance into the country.

Sorry to pop your bubble honey but that's the cold, hard facts...

JerzeyKittee's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:21 PM
Anything is possible.. I am going to agree with Julie444 ... landlord can't tell you who can and can't live with you if you pay rent... don't give up... if you and she love each other, why would you rather be alone than with her...

freeonthree's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:41 PM
You are so ridiculas. Better go back and reread the immigration laws. Your even less intelligent than I thought. Im sorry I wasnt interested in you, but thats no reason to go making a fool of yourself ! You better quit while your ahead. Yep, I was busted for selling an 1/8 oz of weed to a supposed friend to keep him from getting back into meth (crank). Total entrapment, but oh well... He set maybe 6 different people up and turned casual smokers into drug dealers, just to save his own ass because he was looking at a third strike that everybody was unaware of. I guess it just don't pay to be compassionate anymore. No worries, it's all in the past, and I don't look back. I already checked into it with immigration, and they won't hold that against me at all, so once again, you are the fool. Gee, you have must have wanted me pretty bad to go thru all this trouble, now that you didn't get me. Im sorry I wasn't interested in you, but you lied on your profile, and that really bothered me, so I merely offered to teach you how to ride your motorcycle. Get over it... Better go back and change that to a few extra pounds eh ? Anyway, better luck next time, im beginning to really enjoy this. Dennis

QwicherBytchin's photo
Mon 10/22/07 09:58 PM
I fnd this man to be one of the most immature men I've ever met. Rather than facts, he feels the need to insult people. It's a shame, really..but certainly explains alot. Please Dennis...chew me up and spit me out...go ahead...give it your best shot.

Julie444's photo
Mon 10/22/07 10:24 PM
Oh Mr Troll-bait, I'm so devastated! I can't believe you won't have me, what dear god will I do? How will face myself every day knowing you have rejected me?

Please, give me a break....

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