Topic: The world crumbles beneath us | |
I was just told by my landlady that Tessa and I cannot live here together, we would have to find another place to live, but I cannot afford to move to another place. I live on $800.00 a month. We are not going to be able to pull this off, and I feel terrible. I don't even know what to say now, other than I am very sorry for the trouble I have caused Teassa, and I give up now. Life is not fair to poor people. Dennis
does she not have an income also?
Im sure there are other places to live......are you in a bach pad or something now?
![]() Don't give up hope.. if it is meant to be it will be.. something good will come out of this & it will work out.. |
was she staying there before, maybe a couple of nights? then ur land lady doesn;t need to know. just let her keep thinking that she;s justt here for a couple of nights or whaever...**** the's none of her business...
so true jamie
what was the reason, and contact legal aid and see what they say about it, as it doesnt make sense, i know someone that was on housing and they were told they couldnt live together unless they got married and they did....
I rent the master bedroom and bath from a friend. I have my own entrance and driveway, but it is a private home. I pay $300.00 a month rent here, and cannot afford to pay anymore on my income ($800.00 per month). Average rent around here is twice that, so were just screwed. It was bad enough that this arrangment would have taken about 18 months to go thru the channels, and about $3000.00 to save over the next year to pay for it all because Tessa lives in the Phillipines. I just give up, and I simply will not make an attemp at another relationship again. I feel like a real piece of crap now for what I have put her thru mentally. I have created this dream for her that cannot happen. Im not chasing any more dreams of happiness, I give up. I just hope the she can find someone with money who loves and adores her 1/2 as much as I do. She deserves to be happy and loved.
Where there is a will there is a way...
Find another place to live dude!!! ![]() Prayers for you... |
Im going to be leaving the site now. I have no reason to be here anymore. Tessa (Maria) and I were going to stay for the forums, and im sure that she will stay, at least I hope she does. Before I leave though, I want to put out a plea for her. Maria is one of the most wonderful women I have ever met in my life, and has treated me the way I have always dreamed of, and I want you all to know what kind of lady she is before I go. She is completely and totally honest, she doesn't even know how to lie I dont think, and is a very compassionate and loving person, who would make any man the most wonderful wife possible. She is as loyal as they come, she would never even think of cheating on her partner. She works very hard, and loves every minute of it. She actually loves cooking and doing housework too, and I have never even heard a woman say that before until now. I guess what im trying to say is this. If you are an honest, loyal, compassionate, and loving man, with a decent income, who would love to have an extremely beautiful, honest, loyal and loving wife, please, do yourself a favor, and get to know this lady. She's a little shy in the beginning, but as sweet as they come, and given time will open up her heart if you treat her with respect and honesty. I gaurantee that you will never find a more honest, loving, faithful, trustworthy, compassionate woman on the entire planet. This lady is 100% solid gold in both personality and appearance, and she doesn't have a greedy bone in her body. She only desires love, complete honesty, respect, and faithfulness from her man. Thru the course of our short journey together, she treated me like no other woman ever has before. I fell madly in love with her almost instantly, and I will never get over the collapse of my dream of being her life partner. She is hands down, one of the most awsome ladies on earth, and I will never forgive myself for not being able to financially carry out our dream. I so desparetely want someone worthy of her love to make her the happiest woman on earth. Maybe this message I sent to her a while ago will give you an idea of how wonderful she really is, and how she is capable of making her man feel.
I just posted the message on JSH, general discussion, the world crumbles beneath us. I made sure that every knows that this was all my fault, and only my fault. I feel just awful for creating this dream for you, and then not being able to make it happen. I don't think I will ever get over this, and I will always love you. I will not be attenpting another relationship with anyone, ever. You are the only woman that I could ever love this way, so I am just giving up, and will live the rest of my life out in lonliness. I dont even like mysef anymore after putting you thru all this. I wish there was a way I could make this up to you, but I cannot think of one. All I can do is tell you how terribly sorry I am for getting your hopes up, and then not being able to make it happen. I will always love you Maria, that will never change. I will be thinking about you every day for the rest of my life. I am so sorry my love. I will never be with anyone else because you are the only woman who makes feel the way you do, and I will never settle for less. I love you with all my heart and soul. I just hope that you can forgive me someday. I love you, and I always will. Dennis |
Dennis, I tried to reply to your email but you have deactivated your account so I can't. Sorry your problems are so out of control. Personally I think you are being selfish and vain allowing your landlady? to set the ground rules. What are you thinking? Do you think you are the only person who has faced simular life blocks? If you can't resolve this then you really are worthless. I'm sorry but I don't have any sympathy for you. Many people have faced and overcome much bigger problems then yours. Get over it and get on with your life, your landlady needs to accept reality.
Hi Julie, Im back temporarily. What I did was just let things go too far. I fell in love and bit off more than I could chew for my present income. I should have just been her friend, but I was so taken by her, I forgot the reality of my situation. I really hope that she will forgive me and remain friends with me.
I feel so terrible for my last of restraint, and what I have done to her that I have dedicated my myspace page to her an appology, and I came back here to post the link to it, and thats why I showed back up. Im still out of the dating pool, so I will leave again after I post this link. Hope all is well. |
Dennis, It appears the reality of the situation is that your landlady (or whatever she is) controls your strings. You are in serious need of a *****slap because you have a beautiful lady at your beckoning who truly loves you. Are you going to just let her just walk away? Don't be a spineless gerbil and work it out. If you don't I'll learn to ride my Uncle's Harley and personally give you an attitude adjustment! -Julie
Well, I don't want to be with anyone else now, and she does love me with a vengence, she has proven that to me. Ya know what ? your right ! I can do this ! I can't let a little money problem get in the way... This dude is coming out of retirement and opening the toolbox again full time ! Julie, you rock girl ! Im going to make this dream come true ! She already said there was no pressure on time. OMG ! Thank you so much ! Maria, Im gunna make this happen love... that is if you still want me hon. I await you answer patiently. Dennis
I sent her a couple of emails so far, but my angel has the flu and may not be near a computer. I begged her to give me the opportunity to prove my love to her by chasing our dream. I know her very well, and I feel confident that she will forgive me for my childish behavior. Julie, I owe you bigtime ! Now thats what I call a friend ! Thank you so much for chewing me out and waking me up like that. What was I thinking ?
does she have a degree of any kind?if so,here's what you can do.look for her a job here and find her one that will sponsor her.once she's here working,wait a little while and then rightfully then you should have enough saved up to go from a work visa to a fiance visa
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She is so understanding... She has agreed to let me prove my love to her, and make our dream a reality. I should have never given up the way I did. All I have to do is work hard, and we can have everything we need to be one. Im so glad the Julie gave me the business for wimping out, and grateful that my sweet angel, Tessa, loves me so. Im not going to lie. This is the 2nd time that Tessa has save out marriage. Im in training, and she is teaching me how to stand up and fight for the things I desire in life, and she has showed me how powerful love can be. She has been extremely patient with me, and I think I have a better understanding of faith now. I now believe that I can do anything if I want it bad enough. Were back on track now, and I will let nothing stand in our way. I would do anything to make our dream a reality, and im damm lucky to have her on my side. This mess was all my fault, and I learned a huge lesson thru it all. I will never allow any obsticle slow our progress down now, and we ar full steam ahead to a beautilul journey. Dennis
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Yes, but I have been working only part time, so now I will start taking on more jobs. No problem.