Topic: The United States tortures prisoners | |
All is good Tina....just tyring to deal with the ppl who just don't get appeasement will not work.
but they've done it for so many decades's become like a comfy old pair of tattered bvd's
is there hope? |
not from fascists like u there isnt
it's too bad. there was almost an entire conversation without any name calling. grow up son.
Its not name calling its calling u as i c u
Ur arguing about y its ok 2 torture enemys, id say that warrants name calling And hey i dont wanna grow up if it means thinking hurting people (however misguided they r) is ok |
I sure hope there is or this country is doomed.
you can already see it happening in France and Spain and a bit in England. They are slowly taking over those countries and are beginning to do so here a bit. Little attacks on Christmas on certain symbols. Wanting prayer rooms in school. Try and get that if you're christian. 5 break periods at work so they can pray. Again try getting one break to pray if your christian. But no, we wouldn't want to make the muslims mad they might behead a few of us if we did that. Forget they want to do that anyway. So let's just give them whatever they want and screw America being America anymore. Let's all convert, but chose your sect wisely......cause that may get you killed too. |
German POWs in America during WWII!
For the most part, the majority of the soldiers were treated properly under the provisions of the Geneva Convention. The men would work either outside the camp or doing maintenance inside the camp during the day and then were heavily guarded at night. They worked for a small hourly wage – usually about eight cents. They used this money to buy supplies like cigarettes. Some camps had their own newspapers, sports teams and theatre productions. As the war was about to end, the Germans were shown newsreels about the devastation in their homeland and about the true state of the German losses. Many men felt that they had been treated so well by their captors that they either did not go back home or if they did, they would return to visit. |
by ur logic it would b ok for me to hurt/kill the christian fundamentalists in this country bcause some of em' spout rhetoric about a jewish conspiracy and their beliefs/actions r harmful 2 me (hope i didnt open a can o' worms about THAT bs by mentioning it)
that post was 4 tina n pals not fanta
hangedman, truer words were never spoken. it's bs the direction we're heading in. pacification is a cop-out for those who don't want to take a stand for anything.
and don't know enough about me to call me a cab. don't's called an open forum. if it gets you that mad maybe you should step away for a moment... God be with you. |
the only thing that makes me mad is American citizens who believe it ok to hurt people who want to hurt them
There is a fine line between patriotism and nationalistic cruelty |
Interrogating using torture is old news.
It's done in every war. It only comes to light because of the zealous Media. At one time the media was not allowed in sensitive areas, as the enemy monitored radio, telegraph and now television broadcasts. Leave the military to do the jobs they were trained for. Did you also know there is killing going on during wartime also? |
It's Johnny!
rambill HIGH FIVE!! thats RIGHT!! QUIT CODDLING THEM. We are at WAR. I am just WONDERING how good the FACILITIES really ARE in Iraq for OUR soldiers? think its anywhere CLOSE to the CUSHY facility called GUANTANAMO?? They even get DENTAL care. You cant beat that! God bless America!!!
rambill HIGH FIVE!! thats RIGHT!! QUIT CODDLING THEM. We are at WAR. I am just WONDERING how good the FACILITIES really ARE in Iraq for OUR soldiers? think its anywhere CLOSE to the CUSHY facility called GUANTANAMO?? They even get DENTAL care. You cant beat that! God bless America!!!
I don't recall the new name of the site but the old one will get you in. You can view the filmed beheading of 2 or 3 US civilian abductees in Iraq. For the kid here, you might consider going over to Iraq and get a first hand view.
the site is Just search beheadings. |
And again I say, how does someone else doing something horribly immoral make it right for you to do the same?
Of course, the beheadings are horrific and yes, other countrys torture people. God Bless the USA because it USED to be better than that... we USED to say "Let's be the leaders in human rights and show others how it's done" that's why we abdicated fromEngland in the first place... for personal freedom and human rights. If we give up our most basic foundations we are indeed just like "them". Why would you give up your civil liberties? Why would you try to justify actions you KNOW are WRONG? For "safety"? How sad. And doesn't even work... it doesn't even make us ANY safer... |
Hi Anoasis
It actually makes them worse than "them". They at least had an idea. Not that it matters. Hand fed BS. I guess it's better than grazing in the fields. Isn't it? |
If Im confronted by a crazed animal who wants to attack...Im affraid there is no negotiating to be done, I will do what I have to defend my self...Its called survival and is very primative...the next time you see a grizzly wanting a punch up please let me know if a bunch of flowers and a shoulder to cry on calms him down!
Have you ever seen a grizzly? I have! They're not that bad to deal with.