Topic: Distance
yokoke's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:05 AM
I know the horrors of small towns, they are good and bad no matter the state, though some can be downright scary (dueling banjo scary)(don't drink the water - Stepford Wive scary) LOL.

Couldn't you move to a nearby small town where the stares and gossip could be less severe?

im2fun's photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:18 AM
I have been reading these on LDR, and I met someone on here that lives 5 hours and he is coming this weekend to meet. I am really nervous and yet excited because so far with all the phone conversations and emails we are so much alike and have a tremendous amount of things that we are compatable in. He has already said if it would work out he will move here but I am a little apprehensive on that because I do not want him later to regret giving up his home, even though he has nothing there, still it has been his home for many years. Guess we meet this weekend and see if the chemistry is actually there and then go from there. I almost feel like a school girl blushing

yokoke's photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:31 AM
Im2fun That is sooooooo awesome!! I think all those emotions are normal and welcomed. Okay I have questions: LOLflowerforyou

-Did you meet him on JustSayHi?
-How long have you been talking before you decided to meet?
-So do you have any plans or just be spontaneous?
-Have you let your friends and family know of this meeting?

It is scary starting over in any relationship, you are putting yourself and your heart out and it takes a huge amount of courage to do that and risk the consequences of it not working and parting as friends hopefully.

5 hours away is just a hop, skip and jump LOL Can you imagine the people here that are talking major moves, like thousands of miles and countries and big pond jumps? LOL At least you would not be dealing with immigratation, paperwork, not unless of course Iowa has came up with some new laws LOL laugh laugh

I am happy for youflowerforyou You'll have to keep us posted on how it goes.... the sweaty palms, beating heart, blushes.... ahhhhhhhhbigsmile

im2fun's photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:53 AM
Here is goes:

-Did you meet him on JustSayHi?

Yes he was one of my mutual matches and one of his answers in his profile intriqued me so I emailed him and it went from there.

-How long have you been talking before you decided to meet?

We had been emailing about twoo weeks then we exchanged phone numbers and we talk everyday at least three times. He is the first thing I hear in the morning and the last voice I hear before I go to bed.

-So do you have any plans or just be spontaneous?

I have somewhat got the weekend planned, but the majority is going to be left in spontanity, to just be us and enjoy each other.

-Have you let your friends and family know of this meeting?

Yes, two of my kids are all for this relationship and the other two are more skeptical, although I told my son today that he would get to meet him this weekend.

It is scary starting over in any relationship,

yes it is as I was married to one man for almost thirty five years when he died so this is all new to me.

you are putting yourself and your heart out there....

I have been very reserved on my emotions with him and he knows that and he is working very hard to show me how much I mean to him. This weekend will tell us if we go farther or just remain friends

exposed and it takes a huge amount of courage to do that and risk the consequences of it not working and parting as friends hopefully.

5 hours away is just a hop, skip and jump LOL Can you imagine the people here that are talking major moves, like thousands of miles and countries and big pond jumps? LOL At least you would not be dealing with immigratation, paperwork, not unless of course Iowa has came up with some new laws LOL

I am happy for you You'll have to keep us posted on how it goes.... the sweaty palms, beating heart, blushes.... ahhhhhhhh

Thank you so much for asking yokoke flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 11:17 AM
wow congrats to you!!! I hope it works out for both of you!!!flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 11:17 AM
wow congrats to you!!! I hope it works out for both of you!!!flowerforyou

yokoke's photo
Tue 10/16/07 11:18 AM
Well be sure to take lots of pictures and just enjoy the time you two have. That is great to hear you have alot in common and Im2fun that is sooooo beyond romantic on the first thing you hear in the morning and the last thing you hear at night. Gave me goosebumps when I read it...

That is awesome half your kids are positive HA. I am sure once your son sees your happiness and meets him, he'll have a change of heart. This way to meet people is very new age to many and many have narrow minded views of this modality in matters of the heart, so sometimes it just takes time for them to be swayed.

Thanks for sharing Im2fun and looking forward to next week and an update (wink) LOL


"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever." ~Noah, The Notebook

im2fun's photo
Tue 10/16/07 11:27 AM
thanks gypsy, that means alot to me flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 10/16/07 11:49 AM
I think this is great. I've done LDR's before. If you hit it off whoo hoo!!!

It's so important to meet as soon as possible, so this weekend is a great idea.

AND ... you HAVE to trust each other. In any online relationship you do, but especially if you don't get to see each other often.

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 11:53 AM
why do you think its so important to meet as soon as possible???huh

BearBait's photo
Tue 10/16/07 11:59 AM
Take it from a driver. You must have a nutual relationship. Meaning one can't give all. Before our seperation we was doing good and nothing had even triggered me to anything wrong at the house. Now if it was me I do not know. I will not lie, I did cheat on her about 7 or 8 years ago. What I thought was love was lust. Now if that had something to do with her leaving me then I don't feel all to blame for it. We supposedly sat down and worked it out. Like I said I dunno if just held that grudge for that long or not, but the point I am trying to make is this

You must trust each other equally. Even if you agree on dating other people. Let the other know if you are not interested any more.

yokoke's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:00 PM
I am with Gypsy on that question, why right away in meeting? Why not a few months down the road? or longer?

I agree BearBair that trust is numero uno! Same page....

yokoke's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:22 PM
Seen this and wanted to share it...........

flowerforyou Love From A Distanceflowerforyou

Loving from a distance is never easy,
When you are loving so far apart.
But each mile that separates two people that truly care,
Is joined together with the Love each feels in their heart.

The loneliness you feel when you are not together,
Can eat away at you deep inside.
When you miss the one you want to share your life with,
And they are not able to be by your side.

Have trust in each others feelings,
And believe they do feel the same way as you.
When you can not be with one another,
So easy it is to doubt whether their Love is really true.

Need to keep your faith that you have in each other,
And never let go of your trust.
Sometimes that is not so easy to do,
But for your peace of mind, it really is a must.

Think of one another's emotional needs,
So the other always knows that you do care.
Make the most of the time you can have together,
And open your hearts and share.

Respect one another will sometimes need some space,
But it doesn't mean they don't want you around.
We all need some time on our own at times,
Never meaning we no longer need the love we have found.

Do not let the seeds of jealousy,
Begin growing deep inside your heart.
Because if you let this happen without good cause,
Your relationship will surley be doomed to fall apart.

Be honest and open with how you are feeling,
And never lead the other one on.
It's unfair to play on another persons feelings,
And then turn around one day, and be gone.

Never give up on your Love,
And hold on to what your feeling in your heart.
For a Love that is sincere and strong,
Will be held together, no matter how far you are apart.



no photo
Sun 10/21/07 10:58 PM

Awww, yokoke, that was really nice!
Those words just struck my heart :heart:

May be one day I will be the proudest JSHer to post her success online story on here :tongue:

I always tell this to everyone,
If you found someone here whom you get to love and care for, DISTANCE is not a big issue. Just think, 3 months ago I met this guy on here and he was from Florida, I live in the Phlippines, now what??? We keep growing each day, adding eachother's trust and hoping to meet in person soon. We never give up hope, all we have is faith, and all will be possible.

Congrats and goodluck to everyone! flowerforyou

yokoke's photo
Mon 10/22/07 12:17 AM
Yeah pretty powerful.....

Here is a great link for LDR support

Keep those postive thoughts and work everyday towards your mutual goals and those actions do pay off....

PATIENCE is a VIRTUE .............long sigh.......
I know this far too well......

Again newg flowerforyou Best of Luck to you and your Gent :smile:

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 12:52 AM
Thanks yokoke happy

I'll try that site later, probably will send the link to him.
I just talked to him 3 hours ago and in 7 hours we will talk again laugh Too much talking? LOL I believe we need ithappy

I'm wishing the best to all other couples who met their loved ones on here. I'm just sooo happy to share everyone about how grateful I am now, I have someone who was from a distance loves and cares for me a lot!love

yokoke's photo
Mon 10/22/07 01:23 AM
I think touching base on a daily base is important in LDR and keeping that connection open with communication, how else are you going to learn more about this person who just knocks your socks off?? You keep building on that friendship and it strenthens that base more each day:smile:

Grateful... so very important!!

Thoughts become Things!! So keep them positive.....:wink: love

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:16 AM
distance is very hard.

yokoke's photo
Mon 10/22/07 08:18 AM
but possible :wink:

heatherrae's photo
Mon 10/22/07 08:29 AM
i hope u dont mind, i'm gonna copy and paste that poem and send it to someone special