Topic: “The Circle”
TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:24 AM
“The Circle”

Sitting here I wonder how.
It came about that we are all friends now.
You see we all met here in this place.
One by one we started to embrace.
You see, even though we all knew the other.
Soon we started to call each other sister or brother.
Even though there is no blood that we share.
We have all learned to trust and care.
You see there is no doubt.
We will always work things out.
At times life gets us down.
Instead of a smile at times it’s replaced by a frown.
When one is hurting we all feel it within our heart.
It is within this complex body part.
We all have this connection
In life we each travel in a different direction.
This circle as it begin to form started with four.
It was not long before we added one more.
Now together there are five.
One by one we each did arrive.
Soon we formed a special bond.
Our love for each other stretches way beyond.
Never do we ever demand.
As we stand hand n hand.
It is as if we had been together before.
We know that no matter what is in store.
We seem to have this mission.
Love is behind this ambition.
To all we try to spread.
Our thoughts and love within each thread.
As we weave our words upon the page.
We start to set the stage.
Letting all know that it is love we all need.
And with love in our life we all will succeed.
For you must all see.
How with love in our life things can be.
You must all open your heart.
And in this life take part.
Learn and be able to give.
Show others there is a reason to live.
Don’t question when it is given.
Just accept it and start living.

The Circle, that I speak of consist of 5 people that all met here on JSH. For what ever reason between us there is a definite connection. Within this CIRCLE we talk to each other about anything and everything. That is going on in our lives we encourage one another and remind them never to give up in life and to keep our dreams alive. One day we will met as a group. Within this Circle it consist of Michael(mg1959),
Marj(BonnyMiss),Denise (LaMom), Jenni (ChubbyCherubPoet) & of course myself Kristi (TxsGal3333). And of course as each one finds there partner they will be accepted as well. But for now
It is the 5 of us. Even though we all have others here that are very special to us we all Have a special bond with each other as well. They are my life line the bobbers that keep
Me afloat when it seems I’m being pulled under. Thank you for being there for me and knowing when I need you most. I LOVE YOU ALL !!:heart: :heart: bigsmilebigsmile :heart: :heart:

jen36's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:33 AM
:heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart:

geo54's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:39 AM
nice poemflowerforyou
better circle

no photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:54 AM
No man nor woman can tear the Circle apart
There is no force in the universe that can separate us
A bond built of caring, understanding ,support and love
A bond forged over time and beyond
For within this Circle there is strength
Individuals yet connected
I do not stand alone
I am but a part of something greater
When one falls the rest gather round and picks us up
When one fails the rest gather round and encourage
When one hurts we all hurt
When one feels joy we all feel joy
Some are dreamers
Some are grounded
The grounded ones tether the dreamers to the earth
The dreamers allow the grounded ones to see beyond what is insight
Connected through time and space, we are one
Family, not of blood,but of spirit and soul
One completes the others
Thus making the Circle whole

**For me the Circle completes a spiritual connection I have searched for for all my time in this realm, in the dark of the night when I am alone with my own thoughts and the shadows creep upon me to prey upon my soul, the Circle knows, they feel, and in turn I am then not alone.We don't even have to reach out, for each other knows when the other is hurting, lost or afraid, the phone will ring ...and it will be one of us calling the one who is in need.This bond stretches across the miles here in the states and across the ocean to the UK, the miles in our eyes and mind, the ocean in our eyes and mind simply do not exist,when chattering with Michael,Marj,Denise,and Kristi I feel as if they are in the very same room with me, a great comfort to me it is. We each encourage each other in our hopes,dreams and times of trouble.All in the name of love, one for all and all for one.No matter where our paths take us the Circle will be a part of us, we will not be alone.May the Circle be unbroken. I love you all!!:heart: :heart: bigsmile bigsmile :heart: :heart:

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:14 AM
WARNING ................. Long winded !

A circle, never ending, and within that circle is the light of love that will always shine.Folks, what you do not know here on the forum is the network of friendship that goes on behind the scene, I for one look forward to Kristi's humour and boy, does she make me howl with laughter. This little Texas lady is quick with her quips and come - backs.She's an army all on her own and eager to help all.:heart: flowerforyou

Jenni, the poet is an entity in herself, her words are thought provoking, wise and full of REAL LIFE. I also do not trust her before noon as she can be grumpy if disturbed before them, she pokes you with a stick ( oh Lord, now I will get the stick for telling ) laugh :heart: flowerforyou

LaMom, a tiny little lady with very broad shouders, in a sense, she is mum to all she encounters ( where do you get the time from missus ? ) She has had struggles in her life that would have pinned strong men to the wall. Did she falter ? Not on your nelly, she picked herself up, dusted herslef down and came back stronger than ever. Have a problem in life and love? See denise.:heart: flowerforyou

Michael........... Well, he was made an honourary girl, this enabled him to join the circle.A more patient person I have never met, his understanding of life is insurmountable, vigilant,caring and above all he is steadfast. Love you my dearest. :heart: flowerforyou

Sometimes it can be a mystery of how people come together and form friendships that is lasting, in this case I did not wonder why.I just knew

Love and hugs to you all, to coin an American phrase " You guys are AWESOME " flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

oldsage's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:17 AM
Very cool folks.
We all get by with a little help from our friends.

Puffins1958's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:24 AM
Simply.....heart felt

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

frankfk's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:31 AM
FIND REASONS TO MOVE ON, GOODflowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Wed 10/10/07 07:24 AM
Circle of life oh how grand
My bothers and sisters my daughter too
Life is incredible because all of you
Blessings bestowed upon me
From all of you….

My circle of life has come full circle and in the arms of my loved ones On these pages … I have learned that life is so incredible..

((( Michael )))))

My Dreamer My Strength you are the light in my Soul that knows
My Colors and understands me,, words need not be spoken between
Us…. For its when our souls sing we know each other is okay…

(((((( Bonny )))))))

Countless hours of conversation between us you my Lovely lady
Have taught me how to Live life to the fullest… Strength and Love Overflow from your soul.

(((( Jenni ))))))

My daughter My Love ….. In your arms I find calm I find me
Our lives in many ways similar yet so different,, You took me in
Loved me for me never trying to change the who I have become to
Be,,, I love you deeply this you know and life my sweet child
For you is blooming and I am the proudest mother in the world
OUr lives are coming full circle,,, ohhhhhhhhhh the beauty of the circle,,,,

((((( Kristi )))) Me Puddin Cup

Hell girl where do I start,,,, You have lifted my soul up to the highest Mountains,,, You know my secrets my thoughts my dreams,,, You And I have blended families, lives and our love for the world,,,, You Are my Hero my Sister and most of all my Best friend,,, For this I am So blessed each and every day,,, Through all of life’s ups and downs You were there holding me tight reminding me that I can move on All will be alright….. I love to today forever and all eternity

Hugs to you my Circle of life,,, Life is incredible… Live, love
Laugh…. Breathe and believe in your dreams…

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 10/10/07 09:59 AM
This love I receive from my sisters and my brother.
Is a love that is pure and like no other.
This bond that brought us together and we all share.
Is one that cannot be compared.
The circle is a meaning of being complete.
Being whole, within there is no deceit.
No longer do we stand alone.
Hand n hand we will stand against the unknown.
We will help chase away each others fears.
And be there to wipe away the tears.
We comfort those in pain.
When one hurts they do not have to explain.
Together we will stay right or wrong.
Some are weak were others are strong.
We promise to give each other our love and affection
Be there to help guide and show them direction.
Never will we walk away.
Right beside them we will stay.
Until we know.
That’s its okay to go.
For you see.
We will always be.
Real close bye.
We will never deny.
Within this circle we now have friends.
That are true and will stay till life ends.
We knew from the start.
What we have is a work of art.
If one should fall.
We will help them stand tall.
Let it be known.
No longer are we alone.
Together is our way.
And together we will stay.


Michael, to me you are a very unique person, calm , collective, loving, giving and willing to share your world and knowledge to all. And in return all you ask is the same. Michael you are the one that keeps us grounded. Even if we all do gang up on you we love you dearly more than you will ever know.:heart: blushing :heart: Awww Michael I want to say thank you so much for last nite You opened my eyes when I had shut them and again you touched my heart and grabbed my soul. You seem to have that knack to see past the mask I put up for others to see. (damn you)laugh laugh laugh Still love ya thoughflowerforyou blushing

Marj omg you talk of me being quick witty & funny girl there are so many ways we are alike. Hummm should I say a bit bull headed lmao you cant deny this for I will admit that I am. Ohhh Michael you will have your hands full. Marj will keep you on your toes for sure. She has a mind of her own and nothing not even ROPE will stope her mind from turning for it is in motion at all times. Awww Marj ya a pretty smart cookie your self.bigsmile laugh bigsmile

Jenni my little sister you are still a ROSE IN BLOOM. And I have this feeling that soon you will blossom and shine brighter than any diamond in the sky. You no longer are afaid of the shadows taken over. At times you words upon the page tell of the shadows and the dark within. But now you are just play with them to show them you will survive and conquer all. You are much stronger than you ever gave yur self credit for. Jenni to me you have always been the lady with the words upon the page. I admire you for all you have been through and the person you are today.bigsmile flowerforyou bigsmile

Denise what can I really say that we have not said on these threads many times over. You my dear are like and Angel in flight dancing around our heads with so much love and engery. You are the one that shows us how to love with all our hearts and to give unconditionaly. You have that playful side flying around as you sprinkle Angel dust in the air from place to place. Denise WOW you have been through some awesome stuff this last year. You my dear for such a tiny thing I have NEVER in my life seen someone as strong in spirt as you are. Awww but our nights that we sat up and cried and laughed till we cried again were AWESOME and I would never trade them for anything in this world. You have made me see life in a different way. :heart: bigsmile :heart:

:heart: :heart: MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL:heart: :heart:

no_psychos_please's photo
Wed 10/10/07 11:16 AM
I stand outside this "sweet shop" looking inside at the circle of pastries so lovingly displayed for all to see. Knowing my 2 cents is never enough, I still stand and stare... I dream. In this dream, Angels always appear to offer me sample, to satiate my hunger, bless me with the flavors I see within, and I am happy.

You are always so kind, all of you! I feel the love, as you are always willing to share it

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Wed 10/10/07 11:32 AM
a lei for each...

flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou

flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou

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flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou

flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou lei flowerforyou

bigsmile smile bigsmile smile bigsmile smile bigsmile smile bigsmile smile bigsmile smile bigsmile smile bigsmile

no photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:24 PM
It's hard to explain,

I guess I would have to say it's like standing with someone else's legs for me.

strong and sturdy
sure and true
no gray skies
always blue

knowing the safety
in these caring arms
no want, no waste
no fake charms

there is no distance
there is no time
the love is real
and is not blind

to get to know
the ladies I do
you must be honest
you must be true

for they will not take you
in on a whim
you'll either sink
or learn to swim

so if you meet with my friends
be ready for love
the kind that they know
comes from above

God sometimes blesses us beyond what we ever ask for!!!!

My love,

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:28 PM
A true circle of friendship...


TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:16 PM
Awwww this circle of ours is unique, awesome just out of this world. They are the best I have ever known real honest straight forward and lots of fun. We all have had our share of heartaches in the past some worse than others. But if it has happen there is a good chance it has happen to one of us. This just goes to show that no matter what happens in life or what you may edure in your likfe time. If you find a circle of friends to confide in all your darkest deepest problems. And use it not only as a friendship but as a group therapy type encourage each other along the way. You will truly be surprised how far you can help each other get. And we have yet to meet each other . We have e-maild IM & phone calls to each other. But have always made sure when one was down there was always someone talkin to them. :heart: Much Love My Friends:heart:

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:30 AM
NPP within this circle my friend we don't have our doors shut for those that truly want to entry rules are simple TRUTH, HONESTY, RESPECT,CARING, LOVING, SPEAK KINDLY AND MOST OF ALL FRIENDSHIP.

You see why would we shut our doors then try to give what we do to each as the old saying my friend the more the merrier.

muuuhhhhhhhhh:heart: bigsmile :heart: smokin