Topic: do dead bet baby daddy's deserve to have to pay chidsupport,
ROCKY_F4X2's photo
Mon 08/28/06 12:55 PM
a dead beet dad should have nothing to do with the child.obviously it is
called a dead beet because he is dead.i am a father,and my daughter is
my life.i hate living in daytona,but i will not leave my drives
me crazy to hear srories on dead beet fathers.i do not like to compare
them to child malesters,but they are only hurting there children in away
were it could damage them when there older.a dead beet father should pay
child support and also not alowed to be around the child.then they
obviously would be forced to see them and that can hurt the child.god
intended that child for two people.two people should be there for the
love god gave all the dead beet are all useless and
a soory excuse of a human being

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:47 AM
Alright......... I just tuned into this topic and it really pisses me
off to no end about how any male ,or boy for that matter, could make a
child suffer in any way, shape, form or fashion!! I am a father myself
and yeah, it's hard to raise him on a tight budget. Whatever I have on
me, moneywise and there's something he needs, he gets it, no questions
asked!! No matter how bad things get between me and his mom, which I'm
still with, I'll ALWAYS be around for him. Even if we live in 2
different places and I can't be there right then and there, then all
he'll have to do is pick up the phone and call me!! Whether it be about
a certain girl he likes or just to see how I'm doing, I will take the
time out of my busy schedule to chat with him.
My son is my life and if anything ever happened to him, I really
wouldn't know if I could go on living!! That's a fact!!
A dead beat father is a statistic-father and I, honestly, hate 'em with
a passion! I put them in the same catergory as a chester( child
molester, in other words), child abuser, anything having to do with
hurting kids, I despise so much that i wish i could just beat the holy
fuck out of the people who do that sort of thing!! It makes me sick to
my stomach that these pitiful, unjust, cock-sucking, limp-dick,
cock-eyed fucks have the nerve to say that they're sorry when they get
caught and expect people like me to sympathize with them!! How could a
guy have sex with a woman, unprotected, and then, don't want to accept
the consequences of his stupidity? Hell, he's setting the female up for
a life-changing heartbreak that he CANNOT take back!! And don't get me
wrong, but the female that got pregnant by this asshole was stupid
enough not to care if she got pregnant by him or not!
My point is is that if you ain't man enough to take on
this responsibility from the get-go, like a man, then don't even worry
about tryin' to come back into the picture after they're grown and have
done something good, or really great because you have, absolutely, no
business tryin' to torture that young'un again just by " tryin' to make
up for loss time"! If you were proclaimed dead when your seed was
little, then stay right where you are because that child doesn't need
the pain anymore. They've suffered eneough!! And I hope I've pissed ALL
the dead beats off because they need to know what kind of trouble that
child will get into emotionally and EVERYTHING I've said is true!! To
those who are thinkin' about walkin' out of your child's life, you
better think about it long and hard because if you do, then you will
miss out on having a great relationship with your kid and more
devastating than that, your seed will miss out on having his/her father
around to talk to! So, dead beats.........BEWARE!! If I see you, I'm
gonna get you!! Take that one to heart!!

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:49 AM
Oh, and by the way, I hope every piece of money you get your hands on
will be taken from you through child support!!

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:51 AM

Jimi366's photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:56 AM
My dad abandoned me and my brother. He took us to our grandparents one
weekend and then I didn't see him again
for over 10 years! That really fucks with my name to this day.
I forgive him and we did have some kind of relationship before
he died but damn! Michael Jackson, as fucked up as he is
once wrote in a song "if you can't feed a baby then don't
have a baby." Good wisdom from a musical genius but a
real fucked up dude!

sweetlilmamita22's photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:38 PM
If the guy is anything like my halfsisters father then I think he should
be forced to pay. He doesnt need to be shown any mercy!

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:59 PM
they should be required to pay child support. it ain't right that you
have a kid with someone and then just take off. i don't think most women
care if they don't want to be a part of the kids life because they don't
want them to be but they should still help support the baby, now the
amount of child support is a whole different matter because you can't
expect a guy to give up more than he has to give.

SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:06 PM
By law, support orders can be up to 65% of an employee's disposable

I don't think they should leave a parent with not enough to live on
themselves because that's usually when the quit there jobs and go
elsewhere until another order catches up with them.

But DAMN STRAIGHT!! They need to help support the life they created.
Having a child is more than just biology. Surprisingly in my line of
work I see more and more women giving full custody to fathers and they
themselves paying the it works both ways.


chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:35 PM
They have dead beat dads picture on the internets. So if u girls date
single guy, go online and see if he a dead beat dad. He could be hiding
from not paying child support.

SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:35 PM
sorry folks, I feel the need to get on a soap box and rant a little
further about this topic.

I get so sick of people pissing and moaning about "paying childsupport"
or just the overall cost of raising children period. At times in the
past I was guilty of the latter myself; however, not at the expense that
I would let it sour me or let my kids do without because I felt I should
have. Children DO NOT ask to be brought into this world and they need
constant care and care equals money! Things were very skinny for us
when the kids were first coming up and sure there were times we
complained but the kids and their needs came first. It's all about
sacrifice. There's doctor and denist bills. School and
activities...there's food and clothing and the list goes on and on.
Mine are out of the house, but that doesn't make them fully self
sufficient and they still need care which equals money...

If you have a child and do not have total custody and are paying a
support allotment, you are lucky that's all you are paying because the
parent who does have custody is making the ultimate sacrifices,
emotionally, physically and FINANCIALLY! Most support payments now adays
won't even buy a weeks worth of groceries.


SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:37 PM
Chica is that you! You look great!! Love the pics!


chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:39 PM
Well said Jane!

SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:40 PM
Honey those pics out land you a live one!!


chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:40 PM
Thank you i was to pisst on the other. It needed alittle something like
a smile.


netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 07:07 PM
Yes. But it takes two people to make a child, and each has thier
duties that need to be performed. What people need to do is think about
the repercussions of thier actions before they do it. The dad is wrong
not to help, but it is just as much the fault of the mom. Of course
there are exceptions like rape, but I mean, who really decides when the
sex is on? The woman. I am not sexest, But truth is truth. And for the
record, I have no kids that need my support.

unsure's photo
Fri 09/29/06 08:16 PM
What do you mean think about it? You get married, you have children!
When that happens, you think that your marriage is going to last
forever...but sometimes things happen that is totally out of your hands
and it just doesn't work out. So, what are we suppose to do, umm can't
give back the kids! So, as a loving mother, you do the best that you can
and hope that their dad helps every single way he cans.
I guess I have been lucky on this, he pays weekly and if the boys need
anything, he is always there. We are better friends now that we are
apart..we just couldn't be together. I guess that happens
sometimes...but the important ones in our lives are the boys, they are
our main focus!
I also have to say this, I do know a lot of single fathers out there
that do have it is just not dead beat dads....there are a
lot of dead beat moms out there also. So for the ones that do take pride
in their kids and pay their support and do go see their kids, keep up
the good work :) Don't forget, one day, our kids will be running our

Loves2Please's photo
Fri 09/29/06 08:26 PM
Like I wrote befor,,Hell I wish I could have my daughter full time,,and
show her mom whos the one that needs to be there,,,her mother has a
problem with having me around her on my time,,and thats bull,,if a
father wants to stand up for his child,,in giving all the love in the
world then let his ass be there and do what he can,,but if hes a daed
bet,,then fuck his ass up in court,,and give him a run for his
pockets,,see im trying to get back on board but her mother wants to keep
bring my ass into court when she gets pissed,,ladys,,if you get pissed
over that us men,,are moving on after you put our asses out,,then move
on as well,,let us be there for our kids as you want us to be,,im sorry
for the ones that are taking this to blunt,,but its how its going to be
put,,trust me,,some of yall read the one topic of my ass and how some of
the ways she acted,,but to end this,,get the ass male or female,,dead
bets mother or father which ever one,,cause there are some women thats
ran as well,,and stuck the man in the ass to raise the child on his
own,,so it goes both ways,,im sorry,,now im kinda upset over this,,just
making me think of my past,,But ILL STILL SHOW LOVE TO ALL<<<<

SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 08:41 PM
Mr Netus, are you educated sir? "who decideds the sex is on?" That is
the most ignorant statement I have heard to date. It takes two people
to make that choice not one...and perhaps you should go back and reread
prior posts!! some men, like yourself think you can point your thing at
anything that moves and not be responsible for your actions. Women
equivicate sex and love to be the same thing, so if we are with you to
begin with chances are we think we feel something deeply moving towards in general, not all mind you, but in general for the most part
could care less about the emotion we women invest as long as we give up
the nookie.

I'm guessing Mr Netus, the reason you don't have kids is because you
have not married, nor have you had serious relationship that would allow
that opportunity to present itself. In either case, it matters not. I
simply find it difficult to believe there are still people in this world
that live in the dark ages, such as yourself.

Please feel free to give me all the verbal spanking you wish as someone
with your mentality means nothing to me. That way of thinking is


SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 08:45 PM
Yes Loves2

It goes both ways...most definately, Thanks god your kids have a
respectable, upright man with characater and a kind heart to look up

Your children are lucky...


Loves2Please's photo
Fri 09/29/06 08:50 PM
Well thank you much,,but Boo,,I have one,,Daughter,,dont make me feel
like im paying for 2 ,,lol,,,ouch you trying to put me under the
table,,thats like a bad card game of SPADES,,2 possible 3,,hell can you
go board,,hells no ,,lol,,,,,