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Topic: Transgender #Planet Fitness
no photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:03 AM
someone educate me on "transgender" please. how does this condition (if it is a condition) come about and can someone decide to eliminate one sexual organ and keep the other one, or even decide to keep both if they are all active?
Should people choose or be made to choose one organ than keeping both sexes to avoid incidents like what happened at Planet Fitness? What is your take?
Source of the story: CNN
This follows a case in which a Michigan woman lost her gym membership over the said, "inappropriate manner" in which she complained about a transgender woman in the locker room.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:09 AM
here is some interesting information about sexual deformities

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:12 AM
If people have 'both' organs(Hermaphrodite),, I feel it should be treated like any other physical deformity and have an option for surgery to remove whichever sexual parts don't work

I feel we have sadly come upon a time when we will be forced to stop using sexual labels like male and female

perhaps penis holders and vagina holderS?,,if you have a penis you should pee with others that have one,, and if you have a vagina the same should be true

or there should be a 'cosex' bathroom for people who have one anatomy but 'feel' like they should have the other?

MadDog1974's photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:26 AM

or there should be a 'cosex' bathroom for people who have one anatomy but 'feel' like they should have the other?

This is the part where you lose me. How do we determine if someone legitimately feels like the gender they physically are not or if that person is just some pervert? Would you be comfortable if I walked into the same bathroom as you because I claim to "feel" like a woman? This is dangerous territory. Up until this suggestion I was with you.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:36 AM
good point, but when it comes to 'feelings' how do we know?

say you have a penis but feel like a woman, so you only want to go to the womans bathroom....,,,how does that woman know if you are 'transgender' or just some perv,,,?

bathrooms should be anatomy, not feelings based

so , maybe just the first idea is doable?

penis in one room, vagina in another

for the sake of consistency also,,,, if all men have to be together in the military and disregard sexual preference,,,why shouldn't all men be together in the bathroom and disregard sexual 'feelings'?

no photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:37 AM
They start em early in California.....

Proud parents from San Diego have shared
their story of having a transgender son
who became a boy aged just 5-years-old.
Jeff and Hillary Whittington presented a
touching video showing little Ryland's
female-to-male transition as they were
honored at the 6th annual Harvey Milk
Diversity Breakfast last Thursday.
The stirring footage revealed how Ryland
suffered severe hearing problems when she
was just 12-months-old and was fitted
with cochlear implants.
"I am a boy," the long blonde haired
toddler reportedly declared to her parents
after the operation and learning to speak
Despite her room being painted pink and
being dressed in girly outfits, her parents
said she preferred masculine toys and
Confused as to what to do, the
Whittingtons believed it was a phase that
would soon pass. But, on turning five,
Ryland started concretely rejecting all
things feminine.
"When the family dies, I will cut my hair so
I could be a boy," Ryland reportedly told
her parents, later adding: "Why did God
make me like this?"
Jeff Whittington, a former firefighter-
turned-real estate agent, and wife Hillary
began researching the issue - and soon
decided the answer was that their girl was
Terrified to learn about the high suicide
rate associated with transgender people
who feel socially unaccepted, they decided
to properly embrace Ryland's identity.
"Ryland's gender identity was not caused
by our parenting style, family structure or
environmental factors," the couple stated
in the 7-minute montage.
They cut off their infant's long hair, bought
new clothes and started referring to Ryland
as a male. His room was also redecorated.
The footage then showed Ryland playing
soccer and baseball, wearing ties and
dancing with a flower girl at a wedding
"Relative to the horrific things people have
to endure with their children all over the
world, this is nothing," his parents added.
The video was played before the couple
accepted the event's Inspiration Award,
reports LGBT Weekly.
A short-haired Ryland, dressed in a smart
suit, also took to the stage to say: "My
name is Ryland Michael Whittington. I am
a transgender kid."

That kid is starting life behind the eight ball

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:39 AM
so scary,, and sad

MadDog1974's photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:49 AM

good point, but when it comes to 'feelings' how do we know?

say you have a penis but feel like a woman, so you only want to go to the womans bathroom....,,,how does that woman know if you are 'transgender' or just some perv,,,?

bathrooms should be anatomy, not feelings based

so , maybe just the first idea is doable?

penis in one room, vagina in another

for the sake of consistency also,,,, if all men have to be together in the military and disregard sexual preference,,,why shouldn't all men be together in the bathroom and disregard sexual 'feelings'?

I think we're on the same page.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 03/08/15 11:05 AM
Shame for using the word 'deformity' when
referring to transgenders.

Their preferences simply do not match
their physiognomy. So they try to get it

No different than the gay community.
Choices, people.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 11:09 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/08/15 11:13 AM
deformity: a condition in which part of the body does not have the normal or expected shape

if you 'feel' as if you should be a woman, and women are expected by biology to have a vagina,, but you have a penis

I consider that fitting the definition,,,,

deformed isn't better or worse, just different, and it is (to me) clearly different,,,

I feel its different from gay

I consider it deformity when there is something incorrect with the anatomy,,as in having anatomy that doesn't 'match' the feelings,,

gay is not about anatomy but just about attraction, )

so though all groups can be discriminated against, I don't see them as the same at all

no photo
Sun 03/08/15 11:17 AM

Shame for using the word 'deformity' when
referring to transgenders.

Their preferences simply do not match
their physiognomy. So they try to get it

No different than the gay community.
Choices, people.

Oh ok.....

......but I thought they were born that way. I better update my current PC logbook.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 11:18 AM
oh jeesh, lets not go there,,,,smh

none of that is proven, the nature vs nurture debate has no definitive or clearly 'correct' answer,,,,,though the more pc theory is born that way,,,

no photo
Sun 03/08/15 11:33 AM
I feel when one is born that way, their "sex" shouldn't be decided by their parents as the case of that "boy." rather, they should grow up to a certain age when they can decide whether to be male of female. The issue of letting one person have both sexes will bring confusion as it has already.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 12:03 PM
I agree, children at certain ages will experiment and go through one phase after another,, they should have the chance to grow to 'adulthood' and have the chance at a more full emotional/intellectual development,,, so they can decide themself

no photo
Sun 03/08/15 12:07 PM
...and deciding to be both should be illegal.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 12:14 PM
Im not sure if its a matter for legislation.

Its rare enough (having both sets of organs) that it almost seems oppressive to force a choice upon them. I do feel the simplest solution is for it to be an automatic thing,,,,by the working anatomy,,,

and not 'self defined'

no photo
Sun 03/08/15 12:26 PM
I feel of the two organs, there is one which is more effective than the other. for example, if Drs see that the more dormant one is Female and the person can even have children from their womb, why not terminate the other?
year no law because am sure all these bi things are likely to be caused by Illuminati NWO. They control the foods and drinks we and every aspect of our life. the route against nature has already been designed by "them."

justme659's photo
Sun 03/08/15 01:18 PM
I know there is a deeper discussion going on here that I do not wish to comment on.

What I do wish to say is this, I understand that men's restrooms a lot of time have urinals. Now I really do not wish to see every one's private parts. And that is how I picture it in my mind. The family went to a football game once and my youngest son came back from the men's room so excited that they had a wall of water and a trough at the bottom, and you just pee on the wall. Yuck. But he loved it. Little boys. LOL

NOW, having said that, if the restrooms all have stalls, I do not give a crap (pun intended) who is in there going to the bathroom. What is the big whoop? I really do not care what parts you have or not have. As long as you are behind a door, what business is it of mine? Transgendered, Gay, Lesbian, Straight or other, we are all humans. Going to the bathroom is a normal function for all people.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/08/15 01:23 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/08/15 01:24 PM
I have actually thought of the thing with the stalls before too, but the issue with that for me is this

I have children,, if my little girl goes into the bathroom, I don't want her worrying that some man will come out of the stall next to hers, let alone the extra worry its gonna place on me as a parent when I see a man follow my girl into a bathroom, even one dressed as a woman.

I believe the system we have had functions well enough, bogy parts with body parts, and perhaps make it all stalls. that way if one feels they are a woman,, and another man steps out, it doesn't matter as they haven't seen anything.

no photo
Sun 03/08/15 02:05 PM
Ms Harmony, if you were the owner of the Gym what would you have done without making the lady loose her membership and not making the other person feel offended or "abused?"

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