Topic: Gender roles in society.
senrik's photo
Thu 02/12/15 02:53 PM

The real answer is that since, in the vast majority of cases, both parties of the relationship are working, i.e. bringing home the bacon, that both parties should also be the ones taking care of things inside the house. As for children, there are indeed some predetermined roles, but those are determined by biology, not sociology. Childrearing should fall upon both. My understanding about parental leave is that it comes out of the desire to create certain bonds, post-natal. Most governments are not particularly enlightened about this. For example, where I live, I think the rule is that the woman can take up to a year at 2/3rd pay, and the man can take up to 2 weeks, without pay.

so, really we all do what we can, right?

no photo
Thu 02/12/15 03:04 PM
There is a petition people can sign here:

I wonder why the first lady talks about diets so much knowing full well mothers can't stay home and cook properly, but I guess she is out of touch with reality. Eating is not taught at a school, it's taught at home first. But that is another matter.

m3k4y's photo
Thu 02/12/15 03:39 PM

Well I was thinking about it the other day and I had an idea that mothers should be paid by the government (not welfare) for their role of raising their first 2 kids until they reach pre-school age (age 3 or 4). That could really help couples stay married, benefit the children, and give women more of the rights that they deserve..
:laughing: you are kidding. .right Estelle??slaphead

m3k4y's photo
Thu 02/12/15 03:49 PM

sorry to say in these times couples don't share parenting responsibilities. it usually only one parent takes on all the responsibilities due to divorce or one side doesn't take on enough of the roles as a parent. spock

That's right..the only thing women have gained is another job...making money. Now men have it easier while women have it harder. Women have not gained any rights in reality, they lost some.
this isn't the age of chauvinism. .its not the role or duty of anyone gender to take care the other..the world has come a long way and we all can stand in our own feet now.. be happy, be independent. .

no photo
Thu 02/12/15 03:50 PM
Edited by Estelle79 on Thu 02/12/15 04:05 PM


The real answer is that since, in the vast majority of cases, both parties of the relationship are working, i.e. bringing home the bacon, that both parties should also be the ones taking care of things inside the house. As for children, there are indeed some predetermined roles, but those are determined by biology, not sociology. Childrearing should fall upon both. My understanding about parental leave is that it comes out of the desire to create certain bonds, post-natal. Most governments are not particularly enlightened about this. For example, where I live, I think the rule is that the woman can take up to a year at 2/3rd pay, and the man can take up to 2 weeks, without pay.

so, really we all do what we can, right?

Not really. You say it should be 50/50 but then you say for children there are some predetermined roles. That would be that women get pregnant, give birth, and breastfeed and the man's role here is what? Doesn't that mean that there should be some equally predetermined roles for the men? Like shouldn't the men work and not the women during the pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding years? If not then we should really have the government back us women up, because of our predetermined roles.
And after all that when women go back to work, just like men, I think men should start paying women for their share of housework that never get's done unless she does it. Again the government could tax men for this service that they don't do. It has been argued that men just can't see dirt, so again predetermined role of women? Good ideas..
Hey, you said 50/50 right?

DavidCommaGeek's photo
Thu 02/12/15 04:20 PM
Edited by DavidCommaGeek on Thu 02/12/15 04:21 PM
I'd be okay with it if I got reimbursement and/or a tax break for staying home and cleaning my own house.

But, oh, wait, you meant only for females, didn't you? Dang.

no photo
Thu 02/12/15 04:34 PM

I'd be okay with it if I got reimbursement and/or a tax break for staying home and cleaning my own house.

But, oh, wait, you meant only for females, didn't you? Dang.

I meant it's good for families, it's good for society. If it's good for women too is that bad?

senrik's photo
Thu 02/12/15 04:58 PM


The real answer is that since, in the vast majority of cases, both parties of the relationship are working, i.e. bringing home the bacon, that both parties should also be the ones taking care of things inside the house. As for children, there are indeed some predetermined roles, but those are determined by biology, not sociology. Childrearing should fall upon both. My understanding about parental leave is that it comes out of the desire to create certain bonds, post-natal. Most governments are not particularly enlightened about this. For example, where I live, I think the rule is that the woman can take up to a year at 2/3rd pay, and the man can take up to 2 weeks, without pay.

so, really we all do what we can, right?

Not really. You say it should be 50/50 but then you say for children there are some predetermined roles. That would be that women get pregnant, give birth, and breastfeed and the man's role here is what? Doesn't that mean that there should be some equally predetermined roles for the men? Like shouldn't the men work and not the women during the pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding years? If not then we should really have the government back us women up, because of our predetermined roles.
And after all that when women go back to work, just like men, I think men should start paying women for their share of housework that never get's done unless she does it. Again the government could tax men for this service that they don't do. It has been argued that men just can't see dirt, so again predetermined role of women? Good ideas..
Hey, you said 50/50 right?

I did. Clearly, when situations change, so do roles. If a woman is pregnant and in the other situations you note, then, yes, the man needs to step up, and shift the balance of work to be more equitable for both of them. I don't think that 50/50 and some predetermined (mostly biologic) roles are mutually incompatible.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/12/15 05:40 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 02/12/15 05:40 PM

I am currious, in these current times what is the role of
the man and the woman in a relationship? I am
of the old school but want to know what others

to me, society has done its best to undefined anything and adopt an anything that makes individuals 'happy' attitude

so there are no defined roles

we can barely define a male and a woman anymore as its leaning towards how people 'feel',,,and what a doctor can make them look,,,

for my taste, I believe its best when women nurture and support and men provide and protect

just my opinion

markc48's photo
Thu 02/12/15 06:42 PM
Now I thought in your rules you had to say something nice and agree with the poster. She deactivated. You know you ran her right off.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/12/15 06:56 PM

I'd be okay with it if I got reimbursement and/or a tax break for staying home and cleaning my own house.

But, oh, wait, you meant only for females, didn't you? Dang.

ID be happy with locking up men who don't provide for their family , men would get much more serious about who they lied down with and women wouldn't be the scapegoat ,,society would be happy that they don't have to spend any precious taxes helping make sure children are provided for and men would be shamed into taking back their role as provider,,,

DavidCommaGeek's photo
Thu 02/12/15 09:49 PM
Edited by DavidCommaGeek on Thu 02/12/15 09:56 PM
I already provide for myself, as well as taking care of my property and needs. That's because I don't have another option at this point. However, when my wife enters the equation, does she not become equally responsible?

What if my job couldn't support an entire family (as it currently couldn't)? Do I still get locked up for trying, but failing? Does my wife then have to raise our child on her own, WITHOUT my modest contribution, because what little I gave wasn't enough?
That seems totally fair to all parties concerned.

Or would it make more sense to share responsibility for providing AND housekeeping, since 1) we're both capable of it, 2) we'd probably both be used to it by that point, 3) marriage is a partnership (at least so I've always believed), and that implies an equitable share of work, and 4) it means more income than what I would earn alone, thus presumably making things easier on the whole family.

Does this mean that when my wife becomes pregnant, and we have offspring, I'm going to force my wife to go to work and not take any time off, as well as keep up with her share of the housework? Hell no, and I think that's a ridiculous situation. While she's pregnant, I'll gladly pick up the slack when it comes to housekeeping (sort of like I already do), and if it turns out my job pays better, or offers better benefits, or is otherwise the more rewarding job, then I will keep it regardless of whether she goes back to work sooner or later.
I'd expect the same kind of consideration if, for example, I had to temporarily stop working because of a disability, or if we decide her job is more rewarding, and I stay home and take care of the house and children. As long as the work is divvied up fairly between one provider and one home-maker, I'm okay with that kind of "fairness". I'm just not totally sold on the idea that the former HAS to be male, and the latter HAS to be female.

no photo
Fri 02/13/15 12:02 AM

Now I thought in your rules you had to say something nice and agree with the poster. She deactivated. You know you ran her right off.

That is not true at all. No one has to agree with anyone else on here, and no one has to say nice things...and no one can run anyone off here.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 02/13/15 12:46 AM

Well I was thinking about it the other day and I had an idea that mothers should be paid by the government (not welfare) for their role of raising their first 2 kids until they reach pre-school age (age 3 or 4). That could really help couples stay married, benefit the children, and give women more of the rights that they deserve..

what "Rights"!
If you make the Choice to have Children,bear the Consequences of that Choice!mad slaphead

no photo
Fri 02/13/15 01:57 AM

Well I was thinking about it the other day and I had an idea that mothers should be paid by the government (not welfare) for their role of raising their first 2 kids until they reach pre-school age (age 3 or 4). That could really help couples stay married, benefit the children, and give women more of the rights that they deserve..

what "Rights"!
If you make the Choice to have Children,bear the Consequences of that Choice!mad slaphead

Human rights... humans have the right to bear children, without this right there would be no humans... this subject as it affects us all how we treat children, mothers, and fathers in society.

Men are not even happy with the court system and child support deal. This would take care of would just pay taxes instead of child support, of course they could stay or leave the family picture, it's up to them, but it would go towards paid leave for fathers who are present and mothers and their children.

no photo
Fri 02/13/15 12:24 PM

To me this is scary when nobody knows anymore. why even have a relationship then? Its like Love, is it real or fake? No wonder we have high percentages of divorces. sorry off topic. I am just a concerned citizen.


maybe there are no replies because no-one is sure anymore.

the subject might be too much of a hot potato..


Not a hot potato at all, it's just that the very term gender roles is pass�...Women's suffrage, the Equal Rights Amendment, birth control, financial independence and more impact the way in which couples share the responsibilities of cohabitation...Raising children, providing financial support, and homemaking are no longer his or hers, they are shared responsibilities determined by each couple's unique set of circumstances...It's called equality and it works... :-)

Gender roles may be passe in theory. Now let's talk about reality.. You said raising children, providing financial support, and homemaking are shared responsibilities there's one small problem with that, equality cannot be enforced at home. So, how does it work again?

no photo
Fri 02/13/15 01:00 PM

Well I was thinking about it the other day and I had an idea that mothers should be paid by the government (not welfare) for their role of raising their first 2 kids until they reach pre-school age (age 3 or 4). That could really help couples stay married, benefit the children, and give women more of the rights that they deserve..

what "Rights"!
If you make the Choice to have Children,bear the Consequences of that Choice!mad slaphead

Human rights... humans have the right to bear children, without this right there would be no humans... this subject as it affects us all how we treat children, mothers, and fathers in society.

Men are not even happy with the court system and child support deal. This would take care of would just pay taxes instead of child support, of course they could stay or leave the family picture, it's up to them, but it would go towards paid leave for fathers who are present and mothers and their children.

Wrong again Estelle. Having children is NOT a right it is a choice, and as a choice you deal with the consequences. No one is going to pay you to stay home and have children.

no photo
Fri 02/13/15 01:30 PM

To me this is scary when nobody knows anymore. why even have a relationship then? Its like Love, is it real or fake? No wonder we have high percentages of divorces. sorry off topic. I am just a concerned citizen.


maybe there are no replies because no-one is sure anymore.

the subject might be too much of a hot potato..


Not a hot potato at all, it's just that the very term gender roles is pass�...Women's suffrage, the Equal Rights Amendment, birth control, financial independence and more impact the way in which couples share the responsibilities of cohabitation...Raising children, providing financial support, and homemaking are no longer his or hers, they are shared responsibilities determined by each couple's unique set of circumstances...It's called equality and it works... :-)

Gender roles may be passe in theory. Now let's talk about reality.. You said raising children, providing financial support, and homemaking are shared responsibilities there's one small problem with that, equality cannot be enforced at home. So, how does it work again?

It works like this...Love cannot be forced...If you want a man to share the responsibilities of raising children, providing financial support and keeping a home, breed with someone who loves, trusts and respects you...Breed with someone you love, trust and respect...Breed with a man who has confidence in your ability to do everything you are 'demanding' of him...Breed with someone who is committed to being a husband and father...You act like giving birth is a job that requires compensation...How sad for you and your family...

DavidCommaGeek's photo
Fri 02/13/15 03:00 PM
Breed with a man who has confidence in your ability to do everything you are 'demanding' of him...

"Don't ask anyone to do something you wouldn't/couldn't do yourself."

Can't ask for anything more fair than that.

no photo
Fri 02/13/15 03:09 PM

To me this is scary when nobody knows anymore. why even have a relationship then? Its like Love, is it real or fake? No wonder we have high percentages of divorces. sorry off topic. I am just a concerned citizen.


maybe there are no replies because no-one is sure anymore.

the subject might be too much of a hot potato..


Not a hot potato at all, it's just that the very term gender roles is pass�...Women's suffrage, the Equal Rights Amendment, birth control, financial independence and more impact the way in which couples share the responsibilities of cohabitation...Raising children, providing financial support, and homemaking are no longer his or hers, they are shared responsibilities determined by each couple's unique set of circumstances...It's called equality and it works... :-)

Gender roles may be passe in theory. Now let's talk about reality.. You said raising children, providing financial support, and homemaking are shared responsibilities there's one small problem with that, equality cannot be enforced at home. So, how does it work again?

It works like this...Love cannot be forced...If you want a man to share the responsibilities of raising children, providing financial support and keeping a home, breed with someone who loves, trusts and respects you...Breed with someone you love, trust and respect...Breed with a man who has confidence in your ability to do everything you are 'demanding' of him...Breed with someone who is committed to being a husband and father...You act like giving birth is a job that requires compensation...How sad for you and your family...

Please, do tell me more about your breeding habits..