Community > Posts By > senrik

senrik's photo
Thu 02/12/15 04:58 PM


The real answer is that since, in the vast majority of cases, both parties of the relationship are working, i.e. bringing home the bacon, that both parties should also be the ones taking care of things inside the house. As for children, there are indeed some predetermined roles, but those are determined by biology, not sociology. Childrearing should fall upon both. My understanding about parental leave is that it comes out of the desire to create certain bonds, post-natal. Most governments are not particularly enlightened about this. For example, where I live, I think the rule is that the woman can take up to a year at 2/3rd pay, and the man can take up to 2 weeks, without pay.

so, really we all do what we can, right?

Not really. You say it should be 50/50 but then you say for children there are some predetermined roles. That would be that women get pregnant, give birth, and breastfeed and the man's role here is what? Doesn't that mean that there should be some equally predetermined roles for the men? Like shouldn't the men work and not the women during the pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding years? If not then we should really have the government back us women up, because of our predetermined roles.
And after all that when women go back to work, just like men, I think men should start paying women for their share of housework that never get's done unless she does it. Again the government could tax men for this service that they don't do. It has been argued that men just can't see dirt, so again predetermined role of women? Good ideas..
Hey, you said 50/50 right?

I did. Clearly, when situations change, so do roles. If a woman is pregnant and in the other situations you note, then, yes, the man needs to step up, and shift the balance of work to be more equitable for both of them. I don't think that 50/50 and some predetermined (mostly biologic) roles are mutually incompatible.

senrik's photo
Thu 02/12/15 03:52 PM

Where do some of the best Women come from? What part of the world? And why?

Everywhere. Because they are all so different.

senrik's photo
Thu 02/12/15 03:04 PM

That after so many heartbreaks my heart will just stop letting people in.

One of the things I see in a lot of women is that they are looking for someone else to take charge of their happiness.

What that means is that in the end, if they leave, they leave with your happiness. In a way, it means they control you, because of the fear of losing them.

Find the things that make *you* happy. take control back. Your self esteem will rise when its not hinged upon guys that actively bash down your self esteem. Then when you find the next man, its not happiness, its for companionship, friendship, and, if everything goes right, love as well.

I wish you well, and hope you find happiness where it matters.... inside you.

I see many men do this as well. Luckily I am quite independent and have always had my own life outside of my relationships so this is not an issue for me. My thing is that I always want to try to work through the issues instead of just walking away when it's not working. I see this as a virtue but it's kicked me in the butt more than a few times.

Its always better to try and work it out. Of course its not always going to succeed... but when it does.... :)

Keep the faith.

senrik's photo
Thu 02/12/15 03:00 PM
I live in the CBD, but I am from the US.
Just a normal respectful guy.

senrik's photo
Thu 02/12/15 02:53 PM

The real answer is that since, in the vast majority of cases, both parties of the relationship are working, i.e. bringing home the bacon, that both parties should also be the ones taking care of things inside the house. As for children, there are indeed some predetermined roles, but those are determined by biology, not sociology. Childrearing should fall upon both. My understanding about parental leave is that it comes out of the desire to create certain bonds, post-natal. Most governments are not particularly enlightened about this. For example, where I live, I think the rule is that the woman can take up to a year at 2/3rd pay, and the man can take up to 2 weeks, without pay.

so, really we all do what we can, right?

senrik's photo
Wed 02/11/15 10:26 PM
I tend to look at profiles. After all, if all they can say is 'hi' with prompting, how will they respond to a real live person. 'Hi' usually signals a lack of imagination... And imagination is important to a partner, especially after 30... At least for me.

senrik's photo
Wed 02/11/15 10:18 PM
I personally hold to two rules: first, that its natural to flirt... For men as well as women. But the key here is communication with your partner about what it is,what it means and how you feel about it. Which brings us to...
Second, if you can't talk about it to your partner, its cheating.... Easy fast rule..

senrik's photo
Wed 02/11/15 02:48 PM
Edited by senrik on Wed 02/11/15 02:50 PM

You forgot the one about brown-nosing women with posts about how much virtue one has


Virtue is a goal, not a destination. Perfect virtue is unobtainable. People try for ourselves, not for some woman. Otherwise its just another pickup line, one that is too easy to catch.

I'm the first to admit I'm not perfect. and I am fine with saying that publicly. I don't need to seek approval from women for these things. Again, don't take yourself too seriously. :)

Edit: In the time between I wrote this and posting, the source was deleted. Oops.

senrik's photo
Wed 02/11/15 02:39 PM

That after so many heartbreaks my heart will just stop letting people in.

One of the things I see in a lot of women is that they are looking for someone else to take charge of their happiness.

What that means is that in the end, if they leave, they leave with your happiness. In a way, it means they control you, because of the fear of losing them.

Find the things that make *you* happy. take control back. Your self esteem will rise when its not hinged upon guys that actively bash down your self esteem. Then when you find the next man, its not happiness, its for companionship, friendship, and, if everything goes right, love as well.

I wish you well, and hope you find happiness where it matters.... inside you.

senrik's photo
Wed 02/11/15 02:33 PM

all depends on the female <shrug>
best wishes on your hunt

Maybe there are some women that are looking for something with no commitment. My gut though, tells me that most women aren't. I'm thinking they are actually looking for a guy who means what they say, is willing to respect them, but doesn't have a chip on their shoulder either.

If you subscribe to the notion of a better class of women, well, being a better class of man will help you to pursue that better class of women.

and even if you don't, you can still be a better man, while still being yourself. disciplined without being boring.

senrik's photo
Wed 02/11/15 01:57 PM
Being a man is about more than just scoring with women, game scores and big mans toys. It is also about responsibility. I always say to people what my philosophy in life is: Take what you do seriously, but don't take yourself seriously. But after reflection, I realize that this is really a basic traditional man's value.
Consider the implication:
Take what you do seriously.... what that means:
Make promises that you will keep.
Honor your word.
Be accountable.
Work hard, work smart. Get real things done.
Respect others.
Have virtues and values.

But don't take yourself seriously....
Be modest.
Don't assume that the world, or anyone in it, owes you anything.
Don't assume you know everything, listen without prejudice.

When you keep to these words, women tend to be more responsive... Even when you tell them these words. Its because what you've done is tell them you are committed to being a man.... What's your opinion?

senrik's photo
Tue 02/10/15 03:42 AM
I would add some more text. It will tell people more about what you are looking for and show off your personality more.

senrik's photo
Mon 02/09/15 05:38 PM
I don't know, clearly I am doing something wrong, as I seem to attract the wrong people? help ppl, please?


senrik's photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:26 PM
I think, generally speaking, its not 'nice' guys being turned away, but one of the following.

1. Anonymous men.
2. Boring men.
3. Men, who in their demeanor lack confidence.

One or all of these types might also be a nice guy too.