Topic: my rants
longhairbiker's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:12 PM
And my pervometer says.......

oldsage's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:12 PM
Don't lump us all together, just like women, we men are all different.

passionart's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:14 PM
Relax baby.....

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:15 PM
I don't beleive she is old. Howya been?? happy

valerie71ok's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:15 PM
ok, let me rephrase - in my experience, with the guys I've met, that's how it's been. I know there are exceptions to the rule, but in general, that's what I've been running in to. The purpose of me commenting on this was to vent a little. I haven't met anyone yet that I'm mutually attracted to that doesn't lie about the things I mentioned.

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:15 PM

I don't beleive she is. Oldsage, how ya doin?? laugh

oldsage's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:17 PM
Just cking the forums before the sack.
Tomorrow another day.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:25 PM

Aaaaaaagh can't take it - I CAN'T take it!!!!

1. guys that only want to talk Sunday through Wednesday. Thursday through Saturday night is reserved for going out with the guys and picking up new women

(yah but we talk on Sun. through Wed.!!! (whining) we need to relax by Thursday....)

2. guys that give me their numbers, with no intention of answering their phones - what's that about? Is it an ego boost for the guy to get a lot of calls from women or what? I'm still old school - I like the guy to call me, at least until we get to know each other

(we're busy - that, and we need to know that we are NEEDED, LOVED...)

3. guys that say they want a long term relationship or are looking for one, only to get what they want, then magically, after they've had their "fun" they change their minds - "I'm not ready for a one-woman relationship"

(sure, but it's not like we didn't work hard for it! (animated) we had to say "the 3 words", they make us SAY it!)

4. guys that don't read my profile - just look at my pic. I put divorced, kids, yes they live with me for a reason - it's TRUE :) I'm a mom, and yes, oh my god, my kids live with me

(pffft. reading - who has the time. we can tell instantly by looking at at pic if we can force ourselves to say what needs to be said!!!)

5. guys that want me to drive 3 hours one way and pay all the gas, and the guy doesn't pay for anything. if I ask for gas money, I'm the asshole, and if I get gas money, it's 15.00.

(omg - you want us to PAY???)

6. the middle of the night text messages - ex: "hey, I just found your number again, what are you up to?"

(but we miss you. and we are "spontaneous"!)

7. the guy that wouldn't respond when you said you liked his profile and wanted to get to know him better, but now, on Thursday afternoon, he wants your number to go out Friday - when you give it to him, he says, "thanks for the digits," then never calls you

(it's Thursday! time to relax.... Relax!! we call all the girls on our list on Thursday but we can't go out with every one....sheesh)

8. guys that immediately launch into so, what positions do you like? have you even done a threesome before? bit you look great naked, etc. I like to flirt, but not in the first email

(if you won't even tell us what your position is on crucial issues like this then how in the WORLD are we gonna know if we are compatible to date?! hmm?)

9. guys that say "I can't wait to see you," but every time you suggest a meeting, there are a thousand reasons they can't do it that weekend

(stuff comes up ALL THE TIME and we have to take care of it IMMEDIATELY and by then well sometimes going out just doesn't seem so urgent compared to FoxSports)

10. guys that say they love kids but don't have any and don't know how to act around your kids; don't take an interest in them

(we like kids. they're great. we want you to have some! we don't know what to do with kids. how the heck you gonna make out in front of kids?!)

11. when a guy tells you he's going to do something and then doesn't; like an idiot, you forgive him, and think ok, I'll give him this one - then he tells you he's going to do something else, and he doesn't.

(oh c'mon - sometimes we say we're going to watch the Three Stooges Marathon - where are you then?!)

12. A guy that says "looks aren't that important," but then all he talks about is how you look, or wants to see more pics of you before he tells you much more about himself, even though you've posted 6 pics on your profile

(you have PICs ? r they hot ? we will need to study this in depth from many angles before we can decide if we have any chance whatsoever)

13. Guys that are MARRIED that go to a club or bar, wearing their wedding rings and have the balls to hit on you, and even worse, their friends encourage it

(this is a fable. i've never seen it happen. i think it is probably fictitious. but if it happens i'm SURE it is just joking around!! unless they are polyamorous, and friends just want to see other friends having a good time!)

14. Guys that say they're separated, but no one has filed for divorce, and then the wife starts digging through the email and starts emailing you, wanting to know everything the two of you talked about

(they are probably separated spiritually. doesn't mean they aren't still having sex!! see - if they weren't spiritually separated she would never need to email!)

15. and probably one of the worst things - ignoring the fact that there are red flags about a guy, or overlooking things that bother you, letting down your guard, starting to like a guy, and then he acts like the ass you knew he was in the beginning.

(well if you are going to limit us to those who are not ass-looking-like then we are just back to lesbianism - and there are a lot of ass-looking-lesbians too!)

that's it for right now, but I have more.

any thoughts ladies, or gentlemen?

(WHEW - no more please - have mercy!)


longhairbiker's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:25 PM
And the grand total tells it all in this question pondered. I acted as my beautiful x girlfreind and I got 8 hits in 5 minutes. 4 propositions. One picture of a mans manparts which I copied and sent to mike. And one freind request! Am I an instigator or what! I'm the man! And I proved vals point very clearly. Oh and one really mad guy who is severely angry when he found out I am a man. Sorry dude.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:30 PM
Can I pick on womans shallow sexual traits again? I mean now?

s1owhand's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:33 PM
No - untie the top please. Do it now! This is important to me.

PurpleCottonCandy's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:35 PM
i COMPLETELY feel well..other than the kids part, but ive seen people go thru that. but im glad to see most females go thru this :P lol i dont think my redheaded friend was tryin to say ALL guys are like this...she's sayin she hasnt found the guy to prove her WRONG yet :)

valerie71ok's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:35 PM
go right ahead longhairbiker lol :)

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:36 PM
LHB, you are an absolute nut!!!!laugh

I know that's not funny to the ladies!

valerie71ok's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:37 PM
s1owhand - thanks :) I laughed my ass off. The funny thing is, I think you were serious on most of it. I'm not surprised by some of it, but what I still don't get is the whole phone number thing. when you first meet a guy, and you kinda hit it off, why does he offer his number first? and if that happens, why does he act like he's surprised you called, and then he's busy?

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:38 PM
I have that picture but no can do. Not even for a flash.

valerie71ok's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:39 PM
amen PCC :) I think you and I are on the same wavelength. I would LOVE to find the man that will prove me wrong - or at least won't act like the other guys I've dated, and for the record, if I had met someone that I'm mutually attracted to, that didn't do those things, I probably wouldn't be on here and about 2 or 3 other sites lol :)

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:39 PM
If they didn't want you to call, they shouldn't have given you their number. I would say lose the number real quick!!


valerie71ok's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:40 PM
that's usually what I do. I don't have a lot of patience, so I'm frequently deleting numbers, and when the guy calls back a month later, and says "hey, what's up," I'm thinking "who the hell is this?"

valerie71ok's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:40 PM
that's usually what I do. I don't have a lot of patience, so I'm frequently deleting numbers, and when the guy calls back a month later, and says "hey, what's up," I'm thinking "who the hell is this?"