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Topic: friendship
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Fri 10/27/06 11:44 PM
friendship is very valuable...I think too many people in this world take
advantage of others...not eveyone is that way,but if people would have
respect,then that's what one will recieve back.

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:28 AM
I agree, being friends is very important. Also what you get is what you
have given

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:48 AM

hey Nate,whats up buddy?

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:21 AM
yes, friendships are very good for th folks who put into it,
and it is a two way street,but because some friends,are only
fair-weather friends,and others are all-weather friends,,,sometimes it
gets hard to tell th diff.
so th moral here is to be a good friend to all yer friends,
no matter what th weather looks like....M.

Morena350's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:33 AM

That is a word that can not be use lightly
not just anyone can be a true friend.
and when we have one true friend we are blessed

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:47 AM
blessed be th friend in me,for now you walk with God...
this needs be in quotes?,,,just makin' a point.....M.

chismah's photo
Sat 10/28/06 02:53 AM
Friends are GOLD...

"Will this be one of the things you will be greatful for this up &
coming thanksgiving?"

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 04:02 AM
I am very thankful for all of th things life offers me...from
th air I breath,to th asses we have to be around at work
to th flowers in th park or gardens,even thorns of th rose,teach us to
be thankful for GOD's many gifts.....M.

CrazyJ's photo
Sat 10/28/06 04:06 AM
Friends help in too many ways without them think about how stressed you
would get, a friend is somone to vent to, somone to chill with and,
party with!

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 04:24 AM
NOW you see why I search for my mate here on these pages,and

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/28/06 06:19 AM
Friendship is a reward from God, It is somthing that should be valued.
Never tossed aside as if an old rag. For it is our friends that pull us
up and out of the hard times that life thows our ways. And makes like
worth living. It is the little things they do for us that will stick in
our minds for the rest of our lives. At times they appear out of nowhere
and disappear just as fast don't question the reason why just be happy
that you were able to know them even if for a short time. Life is full
of wonders and Friends are one of those wonders. Just be glad you were
blessed to know them for the time you did. For all they ask from you is
just a smile and a thank you for there kindness. Those things to a
friend are worth there weight in Gold!

So to all those here I say to you THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND!

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 06:31 AM
the word friend is undervalued it seems anymore. maybe it's just the
people i know but i don't call someone a friend just because i know them
and i know way too many people who are fair weather friends who will
stab you in the back in a second if it means they can make themselves
look better, it's disgusting. if you have a true friend it can be a
blessing but i don't meet too many like that.

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 06:44 AM
"Ms.Txs",,,you speak my heart more than you know,and I have but one
question for you at this time,,,

have you seen into my eyes,,,my soul???..........M.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/28/06 06:58 AM
No Michael, I speak from my heart and soul

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 07:09 AM
well ,,,I, for one,,,am glad that you do,and wish everybody did
too...for there are some who talk,just to hear th head rattle,,,
and have lil' substance,or true meaning,or TRUTH in th words spewing
from th foolish mouths........M.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/28/06 07:27 AM
Well Michael, sometimes there are those that speak and we seem not to
hear what they are saying for we chose not too. And if we take the time
to listen, we find out that they do have something to say after all.
Therefore we can't judge that there words are meaningless before we
judge our own ramblings. Sometimes it is just harder for others to put
into words what they mean. But they do have a mind and very good points
also. Sometimes you must learn to read between the lines. Never judge
one for the way the say or write what they feel treat them as you would
like to be treated and you will see them take that much more time to
express what they believe in.

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 07:50 AM
Yes Mamm, Ms. Txs,,,I do treat folks th way I wish to be treated
and do not judge their heart if they speak TRUTH,I do NOT read
between th lines,as sometimes there is more there,than one can keep up
with,so I speak my mind and heart,say what I mean,
as best I can, and try to keep th artistic license in my poems.

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:47 PM
I am "real" and "honest". My reason for coming to JSH was to make
"friends", not aquaintances; I can stand in line at Wal-Mart and do
that. Most people just want someone to listen and not judge. To give
their honest opinion no matter if it hurts or if it is praise. To
encourage and not put down. Friends lift one another up when nobody else
is around. I have morals, beliefs and I stand up for what I believe in
and stand up for my friends when they cannot find the words or courage
thenselves... I also understand that we all make mistakes (especially
me) and need to be forgiven and not have the past thrown back in our
I am a straight forward person, and if you ask, I will answer, but I
will never "get into your business" without you asking for my input...
All that being said, I think I have answered the basic question...this
is what friendship is to me...
Perhaps I was a little longwinded, but sometimes there is no simple
answer...Friendship is a mixture of the whole package and accepting it
as is...and not always trying to change or fix it. Those taht have jsut
met me and those that I have long term friendships with, know that what
I say is genuine and true...

and thats my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:53 PM
You have my vote from friendship. :-)

How are you and how are the kids,2 dogs and bird doing?

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:58 PM
Ahhh, Friends, I don't have any? But im looking? You all sound cool
and right? OHHHH, I do have on this sight some chick that needed more
public attention so she used me for her PIC, She asked to be on my
friend's list? With/out thought?
I said ok. Then I found out her profile takes you to where SHE wants
you, Now is it me or is THAT f--ked-up. So she's NOW my only friend on

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