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Topic: need some tenant advise
goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:25 AM
i'm a tenant in an apartment in Il. one day as i was taking a shower i kept hearing my buzzer and someone at my door. well seeing as tho im 23 live alone and wasn't expecting anyone i didnt answer. plus, i was just getting out of the shower and dressing. all of a sudden i hear keys near my front door and the landlord actually trying to enter!!! I grabbed the handle and relocked it and asked him what he was doing? and that i was getting dressed! and that he was scaring me! it scared me too death. when I asked him what he was doing he said he had to clean the 9 in the morn???? all he had to do was call first. is what he did legal??? I was just wondering what u guys thought.

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:26 AM
Different states have different renter right laws. In Idaho that definately is not legal!! You should be able to google renter's rights in your state to find out for sure!

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:28 AM
Its also not legal in Nebr.Inless its an emergency a landlord has to give at least 24 hrs notice before entering, id check yur states tenant- landlord act and go from there!

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:29 AM
yeah i even asked the police and they said's his property now i'm just worried he's gonna try to get in when i'm not there

oldsage's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:29 AM
Have to ck the tenants rights in your area, but here EXCEPT for emergency; landlords must advise tenants of a need to enter 24hrs ahead of time. Why enter your apt to clean gutters, going out your windows or what? I would ask for explanation, very gently & document the incident. Know your rights & be safe.

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:30 AM
Id change the locks and if he asks why, tell him u dont like him coming in without any warning

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:31 AM
thank you that is what i said ...that is what makes it extra creepy

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:31 AM
he said i cant change the locks there is a clause in my lease

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:32 AM
I would find a new place and move out.

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:33 AM
it's called a lease u can't brake them

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:34 AM
Hmmm...I don't know then.

oldsage's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:35 AM
What did the cops tell you again. Anytime speaking to law enforcement, get a badge # & name. Proof of who said what.
Think they just passed you off. ALL TENANTS have LEGAL RIGHTS, owning property does not remove your rights.

oldsage's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:36 AM
Leaqse should state some of your rights, READ IT.

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:38 AM
they told me that because it was his prop that he could basically do what he wanted ...then what the hell am i paying rent for??!!!thanks for ur advise it makes me feel better bout a scary situation. i think he knows what he did was wrong cause he even apologized but i'm still scared. so i put up some chain locks

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:39 AM
good idea

kojack's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:40 AM
go here it s a free call hun

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:41 AM
awe thanx kojak i'll check it out

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:42 AM
If I was you, I would look around for somewhere else to live. The apartment couldn't be that big that he didn't hear the shower running. Chain locks sound like a good idea to me.

kojack's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:44 AM
glad to help anyway i can

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:45 AM
Definatly chain Locks, he cant complain about that!!!

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